Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 14: Zephyr’s Swiftness

Chapter 14: Zephyr's Swiftness

Once everyone in Odin's party gathered, they continued their advance from the safety of Aldric Valens Camp which was heavily protected by the Soldiers and Knights of Fullbaz Marquisate, toward the village farmlands. 

The once serene and fertile stretches of land captured at the start of the game launch were now lying in ruins, stirring various feelings for the newbies who weren't used to the dark touches of Satisfy World. 

"You would think that the Map Zones would remain unchanged even if monsters would attack towns and villages after a couple of days. Man… this feels like shit." commented Purphoros, who was indeed a new player in Satisfy.

Malfurion could only sigh deeply, his druid class reaching closer to nature. Thus, he was overwhelmed by the new sensations coursing his body. Nonetheless, he continued the march, following behind Odin and Eve, leading them to what he could assume was their hunting ground.

Yet, in this desolate land, he noticed some withering sunflowers where most got trampled, barely a mark of what was once a lush green field. He could feel the land's sorrow, the agony of the soil desecrated and torn apart by the dark forces that had swept through.

He knelt beside the patch of withering sunflowers, his fingers brushing gently against the brittle stalks. The once tall and proud flowers were now a shadow of their former selves. Malfurion could feel the faint pulse of life still within them, a fragile spark that hadn't yet been extinguished.

The rest of the party, noticing his pause, slowed their pace but continued moving forward, understanding that Malfurion needed a moment to commune with the land. 

"Come on, Malf, don't cry over some plant. This is just an episode in the game." remarked Purphoros, holding onto his large shield.

"Can you shut up, meathead. This might be fake, but it's still so damn real. You should instead focus your attention on the villagers that need rescued." retorted sharply one of the girls in the group who got weak in their knees seeing the man display such a side of him.

"Meathead? Haha, that's new. Call me asshole all you want, but I think is stupid wasting your time over the decorum of the map. Once we take care of the Monsters, I'm sure everything will recover instantly."

Eve glanced back while Odin, who overheard the conversation between newbies, didn't display any feelings. He gave a slight nod, signaling for the others to continue, but he, too, kept an eye on Malfurion, sensing that this guy, maybe because of his class, touched upon a hidden Class Quest.

⤷ Eve: Dear, do you know about any Nature Gods in the Satisfy World?

⤷ Odin: Not that I am aware of. Rebecca is the Goddess of Creation and Light, so maybe Nature is also under her jurisdiction.

⤷ Eve: What if there's a specific Nature God? 

Malfurion closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath. He focused on the natural energy around him, the remnants of life that still lingered in the land despite its devastation. He reached out with his senses, feeling the ebb and flow of the earth's energy beneath the scorched soil. It was weak, almost invisible, but it was there, a tiny thread of vitality waiting to be nurtured.

"Nature Bending," he whispered, his voice soft and reverent.

As he invoked the spell, a gentle green light emanated from his hands, spreading outwards and seeping into the ground around the sunflowers. The light was warm and soothing, starkly contrasting to the desolation surrounding them.

Once drooping and lifeless, the withered sunflowers began to respond to the druid's magic. 

Slowly, their stalks straightened, regaining some of their former strength. The brittle petals, once dull and colorless, started to brighten, their yellow hue returning as if kissed by the sun itself. The leaves, withered into brown husks, unfurled and became green again, soaking in the life-giving energy Malfurion poured into them.

⤷ Eve: I mean, I've been into a Fantasy Novel recently, and the Nature God in this story is, in fact, the Elven World Tree. 

⤷ Odin: Interesting theory, Mi-Jung. However, such a God should be in the pantheon of Gods, so why isn't they popular like other Gods? Aldro, for example, is the God of Abundance, so you might imagine that farming and nature should be under his authority.

⤷ Eve: This is just a random thought I had watching this nature guy you brought along. Maybe the spot is vacant and is something that the future 'Chosen One' would fill by becoming God.

⤷ Odin: Whoa, this is too far into the future for my pay cut. However, you do bring up a point about this Nature God, and the World Tree. From my lore research, I know that there is one World Tree; it was known as the Deity Protector of the Primeval Elves. However, it got killed by the Dragons and other Evil Gods enemies with the Elves. This was the catalyst that led to the downfall of the Elves.

Unaware of the entertainment both Eve and Odin were having talking about strange theories, Malfurion opened his eyes, watching as the sunflowers now stood tall and proud once more, their golden faces turned toward the sky as if seeking the sun that had long since been obscured by clouds of smoke. 

He smiled softly, satisfied with his work, but then a notification appeared in red from the system.

[ Hidden Quest Triggered: Nature's Resurgence (S)]
[Nature's Resurgence (S)]
Type: Chain Quest
Difficulty: S
Class Requirement: Druid

The spirits of nature have taken notice of your efforts and have bestowed upon you a sacred mission. To heal the wounded lands of Fullbaz and beyond. Travel across the world and purge the dark influence from the earth, allowing nature to thrive once more.

[Quest Objectives: 1. Cleanse the Fullbaz Farmlands (0/100%)]

Use your druidic powers to heal the corrupted soil and restore plant life across the farmlands.

[Quest Objectives: 2. Purify the Tainted Water Source (0/1)]

Locate the source of corruption in the Fullbaz River and cleanse it to restore the water's purity.

[Quest Rewards: 2,000 Reputation Points, Reputation with Nature Spirits Greatly Increased, Title: Nature's Champion]

[Failure Penalty: Reputation with Nature Spirits: Greatly Decreased; Permanent Debuff: Weakened Connection to Nature (-15% effectiveness of nature-based abilities)]


Malfurion's breath caught in his throat as he absorbed the details of the quest. The magnitude of this was too high for him at only level 21 to handle by himself and to make sure that he wouldn't fail this quest, he first approached Odin by asking his opinion if he should accept this Hidden Quest or decline it as being too risky.

'My god, this is a Hidden Quest. I've read Odin's post about the opportunities arising from Hidden Quests. But the objective and information is too lacking to make a decision, and I fear I would get penalized hard in case of my failure.'

'Man… is this finally a moment where I can feel like the protagonist in Satisfy?'

'Still, this quest is troublesome. I can bet all my life that it has some traps, especially with the River Purification part. There would be some Demonic creature messing around with this Event. I'm sure of it. And thinking about it, this mess makes sense if we're accounting a Demonic influence in the shadows.'

He felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety welling up inside him. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, but the stakes were incredibly high. If he failed, the repercussions could be severe, not just in terms of lost rewards but also the potential permanent debuff that would cripple his effectiveness as a druid, rendering him useless compared to other druids.

The weight of the decision pressed down on him, and he knew he couldn't make this choice alone. He needed guidance, someone with more experience who could help him navigate this situation.

Taking a deep breath, Malfurion turned to Odin, leading the group with his usual calm and composed demeanor. Odin, despite his often aloof nature, had proven time and time again that he could be reliable and approachable even by the nobodies in the guild who hadn't contributed with a single thing so far. 

For this, Malfurion respected him as an individual and leader. Besides, most players in Leviathan saw Odin as a godly figure, forming small sects and churches, but it was mainly 2-4 Hardcore fans who would even sell their kidneys.

He quickened his pace, catching up to Odin, who noticed his approach and glanced over. Still engrossed in their earlier conversation, Eve raised an eyebrow as Malfurion stepped beside them.

"Malfurion?" Odin asked, sensing the seriousness in his expression. "Something on your mind?"

Malfurion hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Then he spoke, his voice low but steady. "Odin, I need your advice. I've just triggered a hidden quest… an S-rank chain quest."

Odin's eyes widened slightly at that. Hidden quests were rare, and an S-rank one and above was even more so. He stopped in his tracks, causing the rest of the group to halt as well. Eve turned her attention to Malfurion now, knowing that this was something important for him as a player, a crossroads that would spell his future in this Fantasy World.

"What kind of quest?" Odin asked, his tone serious.

Malfurion opened his interface, displaying the quest details for Odin and Eve. They both leaned in, reading through the objectives and rewards. As they took in the information, their expressions shifted to curiosity.

"This is…a big one? Close to my Saharan Successor, but unlike me, you have time to prepare and strategize." Odin said after a moment, his voice thoughtful. "You might have to defeat a Hidden Boss mob. So, you want me to give you a hand?"

Malfurion bit his lip, the anxiety he had been suppressing now bubbling to the surface. "You're right, Boss. That's what I'm worried about, that I can't handle this alone, and I'm certain I'm not up to this challenge. The rewards are incredible, but the risks are just as high. I don't want to fail, but I also don't want to pass up on this opportunity. I… I was hoping I could get your help. If things get dangerous, would you be willing to assist me?"

Odin didn't respond immediately. He was carefully weighing the situation, his mind already considering the possibilities and potential challenges. Eve, too, seemed deep in thought.

'I mean, if his quest is related to this region… I wouldn't mind handling one more quest. Mi-Jung is also here in case some high-level Hidden Boss shows. Why not? I wouldn't mind having a future Legendary Druid by my side if his Hidden Quest Chain takes him in this direction.'

Finally, Odin spoke, his voice steady and reassuring. "Malf, this is a golden opportunity for you, I'm not going to let you fail this. However, if you're striking gold with this quest, you must invest a lot more of your time inside Satisfy."

"If you're committed to seeing this quest through, then I'll back you up. We'll handle it together."

Malfurion felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had expected Odin to be pragmatic, maybe even dismissive, as he heard from Eve's story about how she first met him, but the reassurance and support from both him and Eve lifted a great weight off his shoulders. 

He wasn't alone in this mess.

"Thank you," Malfurion said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'll do my best to make sure we succeed."

Odin clapped him on the shoulder. "That's the spirit. We'll approach this slowly, one step at a time. For now, let's focus on leveling up."


The once lush green fields were trampled and torn apart, scorched earth mingling with the blood and remnants of the slain. The sky was overcast, a thick blanket of smoke and ash rising from the smoldering remains of cottages and barns, their structures reduced to charred skeletons. 

The acrid stench of burning wood and flesh filled the air, a backdrop to the devastation of the Mutated Wild Beast hordes.

Resuming their travel, their attention returned to the scorched earth mingling with the blood and remnants of the slain. 

The noise of clashing weapons, the guttural roars of beasts, and the desperate cries of NPC Soldiers struggling to hold the line against the onslaught echoed through the desolate landscape.

Scattered across the battlefield were makeshift barricades hastily constructed from broken carts, logs, and debris. Behind these defenses, groups of 'Chosen Ones' had taken up positions. 

They fought fiercely, their eyes gleaming at the juicy EXP they could earn from those mobs while also getting free assistance from the NPCs who didn't know better. Unlike their own kind, they didn't count as EXP and Ninja Looters. As such, they fought without even caring about their death and opening a weak point in the soldier's defense.

These players, mostly in the level 30-45 range, were taking advantage of the wooden ramparts set up by the Resistance. 

The NPC soldiers, heavily outnumbered and exhausted, were taxed and tensed by their requirement of covering for the foolish 'Chosen Ones', who had no discipline or cohesion as a united front. They acted like hyenas, worse than the greedy adventurers chasing glory, honor, booty, and gold.

But despite the combined efforts, the beasts pressed on relentlessly. 

The Mutated Wild Beasts were unlike the normal creatures that roamed the forests and plains. Far from it, there was clear man's intervention in their creation. These were grotesque abominations twisted by some dark magic or curse. 

Their bodies were unnaturally large, their muscles bulging beneath mangy fur, and their eyes glowed with a feral, almost demonic, light. 

They tore through the fields with savage fury, claws and fangs shredding anything in their path. 

The defenses set by the NPCs barely hold against this onslaught of the maddened beasts.

⤷ Man, this Episode is gruesome. Boss, shouldn't we jump in and take care of the monsters?

⤷ Yeah, let's team up with some of those loose teams of players and clear up this region.

⤷ Do you want to team up with those idiots? Just look at how they are fighting. I'm not like you guys, so I'd rather not be dragged down by a bunch of pigs. Just look at them snickering at the frustrated NPC Soldier.

⤷ Eve: We're not adding extra players to our group. We're not doing a free-for-all bus ride, and just ignore them if they ask for invites.

⤷ Odin: Follow along. I'm not interested in this zone filled with players. Too much competition for mobs is a pain when Episodes are ongoing. I'm looking into cooperating with the NPCs than those hyenas. Besides gaining all the loot, I'll also farm my favourability points with them.

⤷ Alysha: See this, you newbies. This is what a pro player looks like. Try to emulate the Great One.

⤷ Noah: Emulate, sure, but we can't get the same specs as Odin. It's a doomed task from the start.

Further ahead, away from the relative safety of the barricades, a squad of eight NPC soldiers was engaged in a tenacious battle. The soldiers, clad in dented and blood-stained armor, fought with grim determination. There was a lot at stake for the NPCs in this battle. 

Their faces were lined with fatigue, sweat mixing with the dirt and grime on their skin, but their resolve never wavered. Each step they took was a hard-fought victory, every swing of their swords and thrust of their spears a struggle to keep the beasts at bay. 

They were the last line of defense before the village, and they knew it. If they failed, the beasts would overrun the already overwhelmed defenses of the Resistance, assuring the destruction of the evacuated villages who sought refuge in the City or the refuge camps set by the Marquis's men. 

⤷ Welp, those NPCs sure are giving them all to defeat those mobs, but their damage isn't that great. Tsk, tsk, those poor suckers, silver-named NPCs are just background characters without much role in the game.

⤷ Hey, isn't your assessment too cruel for those men fighting for their homeland? What are you? Some sociopath with no empathy? We should get ready and begin our charge to rescue the NPCs.

The party was split between the girls and boys, one side sympathizing with the hurdle of the Soldiers while others had a default view of this Fantasy World. Nevertheless, the choice wasn't with them but with their leader, who began advancing toward the weakened group of soldiers.

Odin and his eleven players moved purposefully, ignoring the frantic battles around them. They were a formidable sight, their gear gleaming with the enhancements and effects of high-level equipment. Odin, in particular, drew the attention of the other players with his gleaming sword displaying its (+9) enhancement effect, along with his Epic-rated Accessories and his uncommon equipment.

Unlike the lower-level players, Eve donned a lower-level mage set to avoid drawing attention to her group. She was out-leveling this zone, and if it were up to her, she would engulf this whole hunting ground in an inferno, but where would the far be?

She was mainly on this journey to spend time with her lover since she was stagnating in her Questlines. 

As they approached the squad of NPC soldiers, Odin's crimson eyes out of nowhere began flashing up with an intense red light, making the outlookers who were staring at him mesmerized by the effects.

'Finally, I have a chance to check how this passive works in combat.'

'Sovereign Insight'

[You have consumed (5) Red Energy]

[You have penetrated the essence of things!]

Before his eyes, which were studying the monster's figure along with the soldier, a new system window opened, revealing their information. The wording of the skill abilities might have been abstract, but seeing firsthand, it was straightforward. 

He was privy to the alignment of the target his Insight clashed with, the base stats, skills, and talents, and he read the monster's potential to evolve along with its star alignment sign.

The large flow of information made his eyebrows furrow, but as an engineer, he could assimilate this much. 

'This skill is wondrous. Actually… It's broken. I can scheme and form counterplay based on the target's skills and habits.'

'For the Mutated Beast in my sight, it has an Enrage Passive that triggers while its HP drops below 40%. Also, should be aware of the Fear Skill that it has under its belt.'

Odin's keen insight spotted a weak link in their defense. 

A group of Elite mobs was pressing hard against the soldiers, threatening to break through and wreak further havoc. 

The soldiers barely held them off, their weapons clashing against the beasts' tough hides and thick muscles.

"Alright, get ready. I will act solo, Eve will watch our backs, and you rest will coordinate yourself under Malfurion's command." Odin's voice cut through the din, steady and calm. 

His party members responded immediately, adjusting their positions and preparing for the assault. Odin's hand moved to his back, gripping the hilt of his two-handed sword. As he drew the blade, it gleamed with an intense, blazing light, the enhancement effects causing the sword to glow like a fragment of the sun itself.

Light on his feet, he activated a movement speed skill to boost his agile frame, 'Blade Dash' which escaped from the dooming skill reset that cleared him of all the Knight Skill Tree. 

[User has consumed 500 MP]
[User's Movement Speed has been increased by 30% for 5 minutes. Cooldown: 30 minutes]

The speed was noticeable by the players, and in synchrony with Odin, the Bard of the Team took out his violin, and moments later, the strings seemed to hum, resonating with the Bard's intent. 

Noah closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath, centering himself amidst the chaos.

The melody that followed was hauntingly beautiful, familiar to any who had ventured through the gothic landscapes of Yharnam in the old game Bloodborne, and Odin was quick to appreciate this type of music.

[You have been buffed by the 'Song of Motivation' gaining the following enhancements: 10% attack speed increase, 10% hit-chance increase, 5% attack damage increase.]

⤷ Lady Maria, that's more like it, Noah. Let me pull it out in my BGM.

⤷ Hehe, don't embarrass me, dude. Let me focus on the play, or the buff will fail.

While charging at the monsters, while also pulling some BGM from his playlist to keep his adrenaline blazing, 

The beast sensed the imminent threat and turned its glowing red eyes toward the new threat approaching them. Its snarls and growls grew louder as it switched targets away from the Soldiers struggling to keep their ground.

They recognized that this newcomer was a larger threat than the soldiers, and instead of keeping the aggro on those who had attacked them previously, they chose to attack Odin. 

But it was too late. Odin under the Blade Dush was already upon them, his two-handed sword arcing through the air with a speed and strength that seemed almost inhuman. The first beast barely had time to react before the blade cleaved through its thick hide, cutting deep into its flesh, before his sword flowed, seemingly cutting in quick succession four times. 

'Rapid Assault'

The beast roared in pain and fury, but Odin was already moving on to the next monster as he pushed on his momentum by activating another supporting skill. 

'Its time I put to great use the Red Energy Blessings and get accustomed to the new playstyle.'

'Blessing of Wind'
[You have consumed 25 RE. The user has received the 'Zephyr's Swiftness' Buff.]
[The user experiences enhanced agility and speed for the next 5 minutes. Movement speed is increased by 100%, attack speed is increased by 50%, critical hit chance is increased by 25% and there's a 20% chance to evade incoming attacks. Ranged attacks deal 50% more damage during this period.]

Once the blessing was activated, the landscape of the desolate farmlands filled with wild beasts and monsters rapidly facing both players and guards shifted subtly. It felt like the world around him slowed down, and his perspective changed into omniscience. 

The first time he activated Inferno's Embrace, he felt as if a volcano was about to explode and engulf him, his body overwhelmed by a sensation of hotness that settled down seconds after the activation.

Now, with a new blessing, it felt like an out-of-body experience. 

The ambient sounds of the hunting ground seemed to hush for a moment, replaced by the distant whisper of a swift breeze that gushed past his sensible ears. It felt like he was in Mother Nature's embrace as she whispered sweet lullabies to him. 

The winds, unseen to the naked eye, responded to the invocation of the Sovereign of Red Energy, converging around Odin.

A sensation of weightlessness enveloped him, and what was once a quick movement speed evolved into the agility of a transcendent being as he appeared before the guard struggling against the wild beast that was a level 50 monster.

He felt a ghost appear before him, maybe another enemy that set out to destroy Fullbaz.

"Who is this?"

"An Enemy?"

But to his surprise, this ghost didn't attack him, but instead the Mutated Wild Beast, with a thrust that pierced its rib cage, and as he side-stepped the counterattack of a sweeping claw, flesh and blood spilled the ground, with greed-demonic blood oozing to the ground. 

The damage meter was way higher than the newbies could think his attacks could get, with only this 'Precision Thrust' taking a big chunk from its HP.


[You have dealt 4,238 DMG to the target]

[Mutated Wild Beast - LV.50 (Elite)](6,212/10,450 HP)

The tall, imposing man wearing leather armor akin to a rich condottiere didn't remain long in their peripheral sight as he vanished again like a phantom, appearing before another wild beast that had the advantage. 

As if brought deeper into a nightmare, the soldiers saw how chunks of flesh, along with the green blood, started splashing whenever the blazing sword touched. He didn't relent and chose to finish this monster soaking the entire rewards for himself.

As Odin continued his relentless assault, the battlefield seemed to slow down in response to his supernatural speed and agility. 

The soldiers could barely keep up with his form as he appeared and disappeared like a phantom, striking down the Mutated Wild Beasts with eerie efficiency.

With a final flourish of his blade, Odin was already in motion for his 'power' skills, no longer holding back to conserve his MP since after reaching level 10, and with his usage of the Accessories that boosted considerably his MP along with Mana Regeneration, there wasn't a point in being conservative on this front.

His two-handed sword arced through the air, the blade glowing with the intense light of his enhancement effects. He could feel the impact of the Zephyr's Swiftness coursing through his veins, making every movement feel effortless, as though the very air was propelling him forward.

'Mighty Strike,' he muttered, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.

The skill activated, and the (+9) [Soulrend Blade] descended with the force of a thunderclap. The sword sliced through the beast's thick hide, cutting through muscle and bone as though it were nothing more than air. 

The impact was so powerful that the ground beneath the creature cracked, shocking the outlookers because this type of sword skill was only accessible to Swordmasters or Grand Knights. There was no way in Hell that a condottiere could wield such advanced sword techniques or be such a capable combatant.


His new attack was a critical hit, as he got used to constantly doing crits to his targets because of the high crit chance granted by his enhanced stats from the various tools, passives, and titles under his disposal. 

[You have dealt 7,845 DMG to the target]

The Mutated Wild Beast let out a final, agonized roar as the life drained from its eyes. Green-dark and thick blood sprayed across the battlefield as the beast crumpled to the ground, defeated. 

[You have slain the 'Mutated Wild Beast (Elite)', gaining the following rewards: 18,000 EXP, Beast's Fang (2x), Mutated Beast Hide (Rare), Corrupted Beast Blood (3x), 21 Silver Coins]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


Instantly, his level started rising from killing a level 50 Elite to just a level 10 'Chosen One' but the level disparity didn't even make a difference in the fight, far from it, the newbies understood why 'Whales' were so powerful in the early game, it was all thanks to powerful gear.

This was the playthrough of an Overgeared individual.

Dismissing the notifications, Odin checked the Quest Tab and confirmed that those mobs were required for the A-tier Quest from the Adventuring Guild.

[Quest in progress (Mutated Wild Beasts(A): 1/50)]

He stood over the fallen creature, taking a silent look over the desolate farmlands with the destroyed village in the background, and thanks to the Zephyrs Blessing, he could pick on the chaos of the entire zone, both 'Chosen Ones' along with the NPCs striving to defeat the monsters.

'Let's get this quest done, quickly before other players show up here to contest the Elite mobs.'

Tightening his grip over the Soulrend Blade, he gazed coldly at a beast charging at him with red eyes from killing one of its own. 

The blade, which had previously been glowing with the light of his enhancement effects, began to darken. Shadows seemed to swirl around it, coalescing into an ominous energy that contrasted sharply with the bright landscape.

"Soul Slash." he intoned, his voice low and steady.

This slash was another skill of his, having a chilling visual effect. 

As he swings the sword, the energy coalesces into a crescent-shaped arc of shadowy light, trailing behind the blade in a streak of dark brilliance. The arc expands outward, shimmering with deep purples and blacks, as if the blade is slicing through the very fabric of existence.

The attack hit the monster with a sharp sound as if the steel had met flesh, followed by an echoing whisper that chilled the air. 

The impact created a shockwave, pushing the beast back while the dark energy lingered on the wound, seeping into it and inflicting a lingering Bleeding effect. The monster staggers, a thin line of crimson appearing where the sword connected, and dark tendrils of energy coil around the wound, slowly draining the life from the enemy as the Bleed takes effect.

[You have dealt 3,532 DMG to the target.]

[Bleed Effect Applied: Target loses 250 HP per second for 20 seconds.]

The Mutated Wild Beast took a few unsteady steps, its once ferocious movements now sluggish and weak. The dark energy continued to gnaw at the wound, the Bleed effect sapping its remaining strength until, with one final, pitiful groan, the creature collapsed to the ground, vanishing into gray ash particles.

[You have slain the 'Mutated Wild Beast (Elite)', gaining the following rewards: 18,500 EXP, Beast's Claw (1x), Mutated Beast Hide (Rare), Corrupted Beast Blood (2x), 18 Silver Coins]

[You have leveled up!]

The battlefield grew quiet momentarily as the other beasts hesitated, sensing their kin's death and their foe's overwhelming power. 

The soldiers and players stared in awe at Odin, momentarily forgetting their fear and exhaustion as they witnessed the chilling sight.

The next chapter I want to touch upon the System Window, Odin's Gear, Skills, and especially the Red Energy Mechanics | Blessing Function, along with his Willpower Stat.

It will be akin to an addition to this chapter, or a side that wasn't put on display. This one has already 5k WC so I'm already past upper limits and it would get boring for most of the readers.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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