Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 861 Internal affairs

Chapter 861 Internal affairs
On December [-]th, Jinling, where there was a light rain, looked a bit cold, and the leaves of the big trees on both sides of the avenue in the city had already withered. out.

Let the originally somewhat shady city become very noisy.

On both sides of the spacious street, teams of elite soldiers slammed into walls, and behind the walls were many ordinary people. They got the news.Your Majesty has pacified the Central Plains and won a complete victory. Today, he returned to the court from the Central Plains.

Among the more than two million elite soldiers who followed Wang Jing's Northern Expedition, many of them were from Jinling. As the capital of Great Xia, a large number of elite soldiers would join the army in the capital every time the army was recruited.

Their families and relatives are all over Jinling. Whenever the victory of the army comes out, many people in Jinling cheer for it, because the victory of the army means that their family members in the army can guarantee the safety to the greatest extent.

At the wharf outside the city, Shen Yi, Bu Zhi, and Xie An led the Daxia officials, with a guard of honor, to welcome Yuzhou here.

Woo woo woo.

Accompanied by three trumpets, ships appeared on the river in the distance.

Wang Jing is wearing a golden armor, with extraordinary dignity, Gao Yan, Yu Yunwen, Yang Kan and others are on the left and right.

When his figure appeared, the people in the distance suddenly uttered a thunderous mountain cry, shouting long live.In an instant, the entire Jinling was immersed in the cheers that soared to the sky.

Seeing this, Yu Xu, Di Qing and the others who got off the boat in the distance moved their eyes slightly, taking the situation into their eyes, but they were not too shocked.

Because after the Eastern Han Dynasty sent troops to sweep the Quartet, the people of Luoyang also welcomed the Han army in this way.

"Your Majesty welcomes you back to Beijing!"

Shen Yi only stepped forward to salute when the cheers weakened slightly.

Wang Jing waved his hand casually, without making the courtiers more polite, gestured to the people whose voices had not stopped in the distance, and said with a smile: "When I'm not in Jinling, all my loves are so troublesome."

Outside the city is not the place to talk.

Wang Jing exchanged a few words with the others, and then boarded the imperial gate.

The tall canopy banners were erected to protect the left and right of the imperial guards, and the personal guards opened the way in front. Wang Jing didn't bother to hold any ceremony outside the city, so he called many civil and military personnel to return directly to the city.

After returning to the city, Wang Jing did not immediately summon his courtiers to discuss government affairs, but took Zhen Mi back to the harem...

In the harem.

Da Qiao had been waiting for a long time with the eldest son of the emperor.

I haven't seen him for about a year, but Da Qiao is as beautiful and charming as before. His son Wang Zhen looks like he is five or six years old, serious, like a young adult.

When Wang Jing disembarked, Da Qiao knew that when the emperor returned, there was a woman by his side, and this woman was also a peerless beauty of her own generation, known as Zhen Mi, the God of Luo.

Da Qiao didn't have many negative emotions. As a queen, she had the eldest son by her side, so her position in the palace was unshakable.

Not to mention Zhen Mi, even if Diao Chan, known as one of the four beauties in history, entered the palace, Da Qiao would not be afraid.


In Jinling City, some soldiers who returned with Wang Jing disbanded and returned home.The originally lively situation in the city became more and more noisy.

The Great Xia's Northern Expedition was very successful, and they fought all the way, with more victories and fewer losses, or the number of defeats can be counted on the fingers.

Many people are very interested in the process of the Northern Expedition. They want to know the detailed achievements of the Xia army along the way, and how the Xia army defeated the powerful enemy.

Many of the rich and powerful children who followed the army to Yang's expedition also returned home at this time, bragging about their achievements to their families.

Except for a small number of families whose husbands and sons died in battle, Jinling fell into a sea of ​​joy.

It wasn't until the third day that the noise subsided slowly.

During these three days, Wang Jing stayed in the Kunning Palace, rubbing shoulders with Queen Qiao, enjoying the Queen's service, and fell into a gentle village.

It wasn't until the latest military information sent by Gao Yan and Yu Yunwen that he walked out of the harem and returned to the Palace of Qinzheng.

The latest military situation is almost the same as the ones sent a few days ago, especially in Guanzhong, where it is like before the storm, it looks extremely dull, both sides are silently accumulating strength,

They will not rush to war until they have gathered enough strength.

But in Hebei, the Tang army marched all the way north, and finally attacked the vicinity of Youzhou. Li Mulian and the others were not weak, but they were hard to beat with two fists. The Tang army had Li Jing, Li Ji, Su Dingfang, Li Cunxiao, Li Xiaogong and other famous generals.

Coupled with the disastrous defeat of the Ming army, the lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses could not recover in a short period of time, so on the battlefield, Li Mulian was retreating steadily.

In order to fight against the Tang army, Zhu Di even recalled Zhao She, who was resisting the Kingdom of Jin in the east, and gathered all the elites in Youzhou to defend Youzhou.

The cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin, taking advantage of the time when the two tigers were fighting, dispatched cavalry to sweep the eastern part of Youzhou.

"Without foreign aid, if you defend the city, you will lose if you defend for a long time!"

Seeing this, Wang Jing couldn't help but feel pity for Zhu Di. He is one of the most wise emperors in history, but it's a pity that he rose too late and didn't have many talents under his command.

With the current situation, Zhu Di probably persisted for two months at most.Two months later, the Youzhou Ming Army will become a historical term.

"Li Tang pacified Hebei and captured Youzhou. If he can digest both places, his strength will catch up with our dynasty and become our dynasty's biggest opponent for the hegemony of the world."

"Next, our court wants to stabilize Qingqi in the Central Plains, and Li Tang wants Yang to consolidate Youzhou in Hebei. Whichever of us can take the lead in digesting the territory will be able to seize the upper hand."

Gao Yan said in a low voice.

In the Hall of Qinzheng, apart from Wang Jing and Gao Yan, there were only a few important officials from the three provinces, including Shen Yibuzhi and Xie An, and the generals in the army did not participate in these meetings.

"That's right, but the one who seizes the upper hand must be our court. Li Tang himself is two months behind us, and there are Jin cavalry in the east of Youzhou. It is not so easy to stabilize Youzhou!"

Bu Zhi said with a smile.

Everyone was discussing the situation in the world, Wang Jing listened to it, and flipped through the information in his hand.

Generally speaking, among the several major dynasties in the Shenzhou world, the Daxia Dynasty was the first to end the war and began to enter the stage of recuperation. It is the best situation among the several dynasties.

The other dynasties have their own problems, and they are still caught in the war and cannot extricate themselves.

The worse the opponent's situation is, the better it will set off Daxia.

"By the way, I ordered the Ministry of Industry to refine the flying boat... how many flying boats have been refined now?"

Wang Jing asked suddenly.

The Privy Council governs the military manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry, so Bu Zhi stood up as a representative and replied: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry has refined more than [-] airships. Since the materials accumulated before have been exhausted, the Ministry of Industry has temporarily stopped refining. system."

There are more than 8000 flying boats, each of which can carry hundreds of soldiers.

So many flying boats are enough to carry all the current soldiers, guards and even inspectors of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The materials used to refine the flying boat, among which the keel needs to be the bones of monsters above the seventh rank as the main material, and a flying boat represents a monster above the seventh rank...

Over the years, the Zhenyaosi has been strangling monsters and beasts in various places, and most of the materials they have accumulated are used on the flying boat.

If you want to increase the number of flying boats, you need to continue to work hard to hunt and kill monsters in the next time.

The price Da Xia paid was worth it.

"More than 8000 flying boats will allow our army to quickly deploy troops to the border towns with Jinling as the center...and be able to directly deploy elite soldiers, food and grass...With these flying boats, Daxia's control over the region can increase exponentially!"

Wang Jing showed a smile on his face, very satisfied with Bu Zhi's answer.

Before the Great Xia Dynasty captured the Central Plains, the territory was already very broad. It was thousands of miles away from Yiling in the west to Jinling, and from the border in the south to Jinling.

Once there is a problem in the border town, if you want to deploy troops to support, you will not be able to arrive within a month or two.

The larger the territory of a dynasty, the greater the cost of governance.

Many dynasties in history, even the most powerful Han and Tang Dynasties, were unable to rule for a long time after expanding westward and controlling the Western Regions. After decades of rule, they lost these territories due to the decline of national power.

It's not that the later monarchs were willing to lose their territory, and they really couldn't bear the cost of ruling. There was something in the Western Regions, and they wanted to transfer troops from the Central Plains, transport food and grass, and the cost in the middle was astronomical.

If those dynasties in history possessed flying boats that could fly in the air, then things like deploying troops and transporting food would no longer be a problem.

"Now that the flying boats have been refined, let's think about it and select a place in the Sifang Town of Daxia as a station for the flying boat army. These flying boats can also carry goods in normal times, increase income for the treasury, and put them in during wartime. Soldiers and horses, food and grass, reduce consumption!"

Wang Jing ordered casually.

Gao Yan, Bu Zhi and the others responded immediately.

Wang Jing regards the flying boat as the plane of the descendants of the original world.

Well, in fact, the functions of the two are similar.Airplanes are used for both military and civilian purposes, while Daxia's flying boats can be used for both.

"Your Majesty, I received a military report from Hanzhong. According to the information, Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, created a magic circle, which can detect the movement of the flying boat through the breeze between the sky and the earth..."

"I think that our dynasty should also create similar means, just in case."

Gao Yan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and hurriedly reported it.

"Well, this matter is handed over to the Privy Council. You send people to the Ministry of Industry and the Dao Zhengsi, and let the Taoist priests of the Dao Zhengsi find a way to study it."

Wang Jing said immediately.

After saying a few things in the Hall of Qinzheng, Wang Jing did not continue to discuss government affairs with everyone, but kept looking through the records of Jinling officials handling military and political affairs over the past year.

All the major events were reported to Wang Jing by the officials of Jinling who did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

But there are still many small and big matters that Jinling Chaotang handles by itself.

Wang Jing can delegate power to his subordinates to deal with these matters, but he can't be ignorant, he is really deaf and blind.

Sometimes, some small things are not handled properly, and they will slowly become big things.


December [-]th.

During the Great Xia’s Northern Expedition, part of the soldiers began to gradually return, and the five major camps in Xiangyang and other places in the Central Plains Qingqi were formally established. In addition to Yue Fei as the general manager of the Henan camp, Qi Jiguang temporarily served as the general manager of the Jinan camp.

Now that Li Tang's main force is fighting in Youzhou, there will be no pressure on Qingqi in a short time.

Therefore, Qi Jiguang's main task in Jinan is not to guard the frontier, but to train soldiers!It specializes in training young and strong recruits from Liangdao of Qingqi and Bianliang in the Central Plains, as well as soldiers drawn from captive soldiers of Cao Wei and Eastern Han.

Great Xia's elite soldiers can only guard the Central Plains for a while, and the important task of defending the northern border still requires northern soldiers and horses as the main force.

Han Xin, Yang Su, Han Qinhu, Murong Shaozong...

Except for a few people who temporarily stayed in the north, most of these generals returned to Jinling with their troops and horses.

The Northern Expedition was a complete victory, and the imperial court has not rewarded it for meritorious service.

The rewards for the low-level soldiers, Wang Jing specifically instructed, were distributed as early as the first time, and each soldier got a sum of money, and those who made meritorious deeds could also be rewarded with advanced cultivation methods.

With military merits in the body, there is a channel to the upper echelon.As long as an ordinary soldier has enough talent and enough luck, it is not difficult to become a guerrilla general with thousands of households by exchanging military achievements for practice methods and resources.

Even a miscellaneous general has some hope...

The soldiers who received the reward took the money home as soon as possible, preparing to have a good year.The compensation and posthumous title of the dead soldiers were also completed afterwards.

The ninth-rank generals who died in Xia's army during the Northern Expedition were posthumously conferred titles from third-rank to first-rank uncle.

It can be regarded as living up to the feats they have made for Daxia.

The generals headed by Han Xin and Yue Fei have not yet received their rewards.Although Yue Fei's chief manager of the Henan camp has the meaning of raising merit, it is not a real reward.

For example, Han Xin and Yue Fei were the two leading generals of the Northern Expedition. Han Xin made great contributions to destroying the country and could be directly named county prince and ranked among the dukes.Yue Fei can bestow the first-class title...

For the rest, generals who perform well can get titles.

Jinling City, inside the mansion of Murong Shaozong.

Murong Chong, who followed the West Route Army to participate in the Northern Expedition, came to visit immediately after returning to Jinling.

After seeing Murong Chong again, Murong Shaozong's eyes moved slightly.

At the beginning, Murong Chong, who was very handsome but slightly feminine, seemed to have changed a lot. His aura became much deeper, more like a general on the battlefield, with a bit more chill between his brows and eyes.

These murderous auras dispelled all the previous femininity.

"I heard that you have been the first to ascend the battle many times, and you have made a lot of contributions. Your performance is very good! This time, you can at least get the title of first-class general!"

After Murong Shaozong asked his servants to serve tea, his eyes showed appreciation.

"A first-class general... Can't I even get a third-class general for my achievements?"

Murong Chong was slightly dissatisfied.

In his heart, he is also a relative after all, and his sister entered the palace and became His Majesty's concubine... With such a relationship, he did not receive extra preferential treatment.

If I had known this before, I wouldn't have sent my sister into the palace at the beginning, let my sister marry other powerful generals in Daxia, and let the other party take care of me...

Of course, Murong Chong was just complaining.

If he really went back to the past, he would still send his sister to the palace, and his sister Murong Zhi into the palace, so that their siblings could gain a firm foothold in the Great Xia Dynasty and would not be oppressed by other dignitaries and heroes.

He understands the truth, it's just that people don't have enough hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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