Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 849 Intimidating Luoyang

Spiritual fire bombs fell from the sky one after another, splashing out streaks of fire on the city wall,
A large number of Han soldiers screamed and turned into coke in the flames.

There were also many soldiers who were blown away by the aftermath of the spirit fire bomb explosion, and the defenders on the city wall were like leaves blown by a strong wind, and a large area was swept away in a blink of an eye.

In mid-air, after a short shock of vitality, a blood-stained figure fell down.

"The general is dead..."

After seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Han army who still had some will to fight could no longer bear it and collapsed.

Wearing armor and holding a long lance, Yang Su calmly looked at the city that had no ability to resist.

Not far from him, there were hundreds of flying boats in the air, and there were only a part of the soldiers on the flying boats. They manipulated the flying boats and dropped spirit fire bombs in the air just now, showing huge lethality.

The spirit fire bomb that was originally used on the catapult was ordered by Yang Su to be used alone with the flying boat, and it became a bomb for bombing in the air.

The other soldiers followed the normal plan and launched a strong attack on the city wall from the ground.

After breaking through the city.

Some of Xia's soldiers were divided to rob the grain depots and arsenals, and all the usable supplies were taken away, and all the grains that could not be taken away were given to the people in the city. As for the weapons and Jiazhang, they were burned.

This city is between Luoyang and Hulao Pass. Yang Su and Xie Xuan led hundreds of flying boats to attack these cities continuously. Attacks on the city of Eastern Han have repeatedly succeeded.

After half an hour.

A burly man in armor came to the side of Yang Su in the flying boat and said, "Father, the military equipment in the city has been burned, and the food and grass have been scattered among the people in the city."

Yang Su was not alone. After he joined Daxia, a branch of the Hongnong Yang family he belonged to also became a wealthy family of Daxia.

After he became the leading general, his son Yang Xuangan naturally followed him into the army.

In history, Yang Xuangan charged forward with a long lance in his hand, and claimed to have the courage of a king. These days, he has made a lot of contributions with Yang Su, and his military rank is rapidly promoted.

Now commanding thousands of elites, he is already a miscellaneous general.

When he reported, he didn't have any resistance to burning ordnance, but when he said that the food and grass were distributed to the people, his tone was a little unnatural.Apparently he didn't care about that,

Knowing a son is like a father, Yang Su glanced at him and knew what he was thinking.

Distributing food to the people can enhance the people's impression and favor of the Great Xia Dynasty. In this case, it will have many benefits for defeating the governance of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the future.

A large amount of food and grass has been hoarded in Hulao Pass. Even if the food and grass are burned, Liu Xiu will not be short of food for a while, so he just generously spread the food and grass that originally belonged to the Han army...

This was the military order issued by Xie Xuan, and Yang Su instantly understood the calculation behind the military order.

But Yang Xuangan doesn't seem to have inherited Yang Su's scheming, except for his good personal strength, other abilities are mediocre.

"Yes, order to withdraw troops!"

Yang Su didn't plan to give advice to his son, he had already taught what should be taught, wisdom and scheming are not so easy to increase, simply the Great Xia Dynasty is flourishing, and the Yang family also has support in Great Xia.

As long as Yang Xuangan doesn't have such big ambitions, it is still possible to inherit the family business and become a qualified patriarch in the future.

The flying boat fell slowly.

The elite Xia army, who searched the city for many cultivation resources and treasures, returned with a large harvest.

Yang Su was about to give the order to leave when the guards who were in charge of the sound transmission altar hurried over, bringing with them the latest military order from Han Xin, the head of the East Road camp.

"Let us drive the flying boat to attack Luoyang..."

Yang Su was startled at first, but then came back to his senses when he saw the back. It turned out that he was just threatening Luoyang, not really attacking Luoyang.

"Xuangan, for my father, I allocated three flying boats for you to bring the seized materials back to the camp, and then speed up and come back to meet up..."

Yang Su ordered immediately.

He will definitely not give up the cultivation resources and various treasures obtained by looting a city. Some of these things need to be handed over, but [-] to [-]% of them belong to their army.

After going back to the distribution, the ordinary soldiers of the Xia army can get enough resources to support several years of cultivation, and the Yang family who has just arrived in Daxia not long ago can also get additional resources...

Yang Xuangan took the order immediately.

After a while, Yang Su led hundreds of flying boats and flew towards the northwest. He wanted to meet Xie Xuan and Zhang Xutuo first.

a day later.

More than a thousand flying boats gathered.

When the mighty flying boat approached a pass in the distance ahead, Xie Xuan and Yang Su on the flying boat suddenly sensed that something was wrong ahead.

"The defenders of Taigu Pass seem to have been prepared for a long time!"

Xie Xuan noticed the heavily guarded Han soldiers on the pass wall in the distance.His expression changed slightly.

Taigu Pass is usually heavily guarded, but the preparations under normal conditions are definitely different from the preparations for fighting. The soldiers on the wall in the distance are pulling each other, like bows and crossbows ready to go.

"We came quickly after receiving the military order, and no news was leaked in the middle. How can the Han army prepare in advance?"

Xie Xuan murmured.

This problem seems to be a trivial matter, but in the eyes of top famous players, they can keenly detect something is wrong.

Yang Su's eyes flickered, and he kept scanning the front. His tyrannical spirit was like a net, not letting go of any strange places.

After a while, Xie Xuan and Yang Su's eyes changed at the same time.

They looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"The Han army is relying on the nearby mountains and rivers to set up a large formation, which can sweep across the void with the wind... The Han army used this formation to discover the flying boat in advance!"

Xie Xuan couldn't help frowning, but at the same time there was a lot of shock in his heart.

It only took so long for the Great Xia Dynasty to build the flying boat, and the opponent actually had the means to counter it.It seems that even the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was suppressed and beaten by their Daxia soldiers, should not be underestimated in the slightest.

"General, do you want to capture Taigu Pass?"

Yang Su asked suddenly.

Xie Xuan pondered for a while, and said: "Since we want to intimidate the Han army, our army must show its strength and certain determination, first capture Taigu Pass, and when the news reaches Luoyang, our army will approach again. Luoyang has been shaken one after another. It has a greater impact than simply using a flying boat to approach the city!"

Moreover, Xie Xuan also wanted to capture the general of the Han army at Taigu Pass, and wanted to know what was going on with the magic circle.

After Xie Xuan made a decision, Yang Su acted as the vanguard and directed the flying boat to approach, and began to drop spiritual fire bombs...

Although Taigu Pass is one of the eight passes in Luoyang, its importance is slightly less than other passes. There is Yique Pass behind Taigu Pass, which is not the last line of defense in Luoyang.

Of course, the strength of the generals stationed at the city gate is also quite good.

But in front of Xie Xuan and Yang Su, two powerful men in the heavenly realm, he just managed to send out an alarm signal to the rear through special means, and then he was beheaded by Yang Su.


Located in the middle of the world, based on this place, be able to attack Bingzhou, west can attack Hanzhong, south can take Nanyang Xiangfan into his arms, and east can overlook the Kanto.

If it is Taiping, Luoyang is the best choice for the capital of one dynasty.But in troubled times when fighting for hegemony, extending in all directions means that there are enemies on all sides.

Since ancient times, the only dynasties that can rely on the land of the Central Plains to succeed are Cao Wei and Hou Liang.In addition to the troubled times, the princes occupying Luoyang often quickly become the prey of other forces.

In the world of China, the Eastern Han Dynasty built Luoyang City as the capital in the Luoyang Basin. This majestic giant city is more majestic than recorded in the history books.

The city wall is continuous, and the city gate is as high as a mountain peak.A large number of carriages and people flow in and out from the city gate.

If you ignore the battles at Hulao Pass and Xiangyang and only look at Luoyang City, you might think that the Eastern Han Dynasty was in a flourishing age.

The Suzaku Avenue leading to the palace is extremely spacious.

At this time, a fast horse with a small flag planted on its back was galloping towards the Sangong Mansion, which was in charge of soldiers and horses.

Many people in the streets of the city, as well as some scholars and businessmen, immediately dodged to both sides of the road when they saw the fast horse galloping wildly.

"It's Kuai Ma Jun Bao again... Is there another bad situation on the front line?"

"It seems that another meteor appeared in the sky just now, maybe another general died in battle!"

The people in Luoyang City have become used to the galloping horses carrying emergency military reports from time to time. Every time they see the fast horses appearing, they know that the Han army must be in a bad situation.

The reason is very simple. If the Han army had won a big victory, Lubu would have reported the victory long ago. It is impossible to be so low-key.

Also, with the passage of time, the meaning represented by the sky, the sun and the stars, has also been continuously passed on from the middle and upper levels of the major dynasties to the people and businessmen at the bottom.

"Hey, how can the world change so quickly? It seems that two or three years ago, our army was fighting everywhere, and there were frequent success stories!"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, since Xia Jun went north, the situation of our big man has been a little bit bad... Could it be that Lord Xia is really that powerful?"

Someone secretly sighed.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The family of the Han army suffered repeated setbacks, and soldiers and generals continued to die in battle. Although the upper echelon of the Han Dynasty deliberately blocked the news, this kind of news related to the changes in the world's current situation could not be blocked.

Some businessmen who travel around can easily find out trivial information, and piece together the information to know the hidden intelligence behind it.

The common people and scholars in Luoyang City have a strong tendency towards the Eastern Han Dynasty, especially Liu Xiu.The morale of the people can be maintained at a certain level, and when they hear bad news, they will empathize with the big man and feel disgusted with Xia Jun.

But such feelings are vain.

Since ancient times, rulers need to win the hearts of the people in order to stabilize the world, but sometimes, they cannot pay too much attention to the hearts of the people.

People's hearts are like water, and it is easy to change.In other words, whoever wins they help whom.

If the Eastern Han Dynasty was attacked by the enemy to the capital, there would not be many people willing to follow the dynasty to die among the millions of people in the city.

Sangong government office.

At this time, Kou Xun, a famous official of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Fu Jun, among the famous generals of Yuntai, and Lu Zhi and Liu Yu, famous scholars in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, were acting as the acting military and government affairs.

Among them, Kou Xun has the highest status, handling government affairs instead when Deng Yu is no longer there, similar to a deputy prime minister.Liu Yu was Kou Xun's deputy.Fu Jun is one of the top ten generals in Yuntai.

His ability is slightly inferior to that of Wu Han, Geng Yan, and Ma Yuan, but in terms of the ability to command troops, he is still higher than those like Gai Yan and Zhu You.Fu Jun won the trust of Liu Xiu, so he stayed in Luoyang to sit in charge.Lu Zhi assisted him in military affairs.

In the absence of Liu Xiu, Deng Yu, Wu Han and others, they are responsible for the safety of Luoyang.

At this time, several people frowned, and Kou Xun looked at the urgently sent military information, and his brows were even more frowning.

"Xia Jun's flying boats have repeatedly harassed our city. I didn't expect that even Taigu Pass could not stop their raids... Now that Taigu Pass has fallen, do you have any countermeasures?"

Although Kou Xun is also known as the famous general of Yuntai, he is not the leading general, but more similar to Xiao He.Deng Yu was able to lead troops through Guanzhong, but he didn't have much talent for leading troops.

The military exploits recorded in the history books are also temporarily serving as the emperor's envoy to control a troop and force the enemy to surrender.

Only Fu Jun and Lu Zhi are able to provide strategies on the scene.

Lu Zhi was very famous at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It doesn't need to be introduced too much. His ability to lead the army is almost as different as that of Huangfu Song.

He, a loyal courtier of the Eastern Han Dynasty, brought his family thousands of miles from Hebei after Liu Xiu appeared, and was reused by Liu Xiu.

"Xia Jun's flying boat has repeatedly harassed the city behind Hulao before, and now it is suddenly attacking Taigu. In my opinion, the opponent is coming in a menacing manner, and it is very likely to threaten Luoyang..."

Lu Zhi frowned slightly. When he heard the military situation, his spiritual sense flashed in his heart, and he couldn't help saying.

"Threatening Luoyang?"

Kou Xun and Liu Yu's expressions changed, they looked at Fu Jun, and saw that Fu Jun was also pensive, as if thinking that Lu Zhi's conjecture was likely to happen.

"It is indeed possible!"

"If Xia Jun's flying boat appears near Luoyang, it will have a great blow to the morale of our court!"

Thoughts kept flashing in Kou Xun's mind, and he said after a while.

Lu Zhi said: "For the current plan, we should immediately mobilize the Northern Army to station at Yique Pass. No matter what Xia Jun's flying boat army plans, as long as our army can keep the opponent out of Yique Pass, Luoyang will not be greatly affected. !"

Kou Xun and Fu Jun looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"I was entrusted by His Majesty to sit in Luoyang and wait until I can't leave..."

Fu Jun said.

Kou Xun pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "Then we can only invite General Yang Hu to go to Yique!"

Famous generals in the late Wei and early Jin Dynasties included Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Wang Jun, etc., but Du Yu and Yang Hu were the only ones with the most outstanding abilities.

Du Yu is the only famous official in history who entered the Temple of Confucianism and Temple of Martial Arts at the same time.

Yang Hu is good at managing the military and government. He was in Jingzhou in history, but in just a few years, he has managed Jingzhou, which has suffered from wars and countless bandits and armies, in an orderly manner.He also trained soldiers and horses, rectified soldiers and confronted Lu Kang.

Putting Du Yu aside, he did not belong to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It has been a long time since Yang Hu defected to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu used him as an internal affairs talent who governed the local area and handled civil affairs when he had no shortage of generals under his command.

At this time, most of the famous generals in the Eastern Han Dynasty were on the front line, and Yang Hu was about to switch from internal affairs to leading generals.

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