Heavenly Soul [BL]

Extra 27: The Three Couples

A week after Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s wedding in the heavenly realm, they had a smaller wedding in the Heavenly Peak Sect.

But unlike before, the arrangements for the wedding this time were shared between Qinghe’s friends and acquaintances across the various sects, even including people from the mortal world like Yan Lin and his family, the famed merchant Master Kai, or the emperor of the Xing Long Empire Ping Nian. After all, a lot of people looked up to, felt favorably towards, or owed Qinghe, and they were all eager to show him their regard and do their part for him. On top of that, there were just as many people pitching in for Wei Xiang’s sake, consisting of both the ones he saved in the line of duty and his fellow officers from the Order of Sentinels.

As a result of everyone’s combined efforts, the wedding in the sect was just as grand an affair as it had been in the Heavenly Palace’s throne room. The twins, along with Chen Xiande, Jing Shui, Wu Xiao, and Hei NingYu, looked after the small things in the background to let the couple have fun.

Meanwhile, Zhen YiLan was so happy to see his beloved second disciple finally marrying that he kept crying throughout the ceremony, with Fu Cangyun, the sect master of the Lightning Sky Sect, constantly yet gently chiding him for shedding tears during such a joyous occasion.

After the wedding, Qinghe and Wei Xiang were forcibly given a month of freedom from work by their friends, masters, and even the heavenly court, and sent out to celebrate their honeymoon. The couple happily used this to travel both the mortal and heavenly realms together, seeing new sights, tasting new food, meeting new people, and experiencing new things. They even boarded a ship captained by the legendary Queen of the Seas Hai Liang and traveled through the various islands, each with its own unique culture, scattered in the oceans surrounding the main continent.

Sometimes, they took small breaks from their adventurous travels to retire to the peaceful and intimate confines of the cave Qinghe had prepared for Wei Xiang. They would romp around passionately in the plushy padded nest and soak in the small waterfall-fed pool at the side, spending their time in leisure and comfort.

One time, after realizing that Qinghe still kept blushing shyly whenever he was called ‘husband’ despite having been married for weeks already, Wei Xiang took it into his own hands to accustom his beloved to it. And so, Wei Xiang pressed Qinghe down and did one shameless thing after another to him, all the while calling him husband again and again in various tones and volumes. It got to the point where Qinghe didn’t know if he was blushing due to his beloved’s sensual torments or his husky voice addressing him in such a way.

Needless to say that by the end of it, Qinghe became fully used to being called ‘husband’. But Wei Xiang pulling such an ‘educational’ stunt on him made Qinghe enthusiastically exact his own retribution from his beloved on the bed, something which Wei Xiang ended up immensely enjoying.

On the last day of their honeymoon, Qinghe and Wei Xiang left their cave and headed back to the mortal realm to meet up with Jing Shui, Wu Xiao, Chen Xiande, and Hei NingYu to make up for time spent apart.

Along with that, this excursion was also meant to be their group’s way of belatedly celebrating Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s wedding, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao getting married by the laws of the Baolin Tribe, and Chen Xiande being formally instated as Zhen YiLan’s head disciple and the future sect master of the Heavenly Peak Sect. Feeling left out, Hei NingYu added that it was also celebration for him gaining Feng Chunyi and Xie Xingye, those like-minded comrades, as his friends. But thinking of how troublesome that trio of old demonic cultivators had ended up becoming, the others kept their faces blank and made no comment.

After a bit more chatter, they had decided to meet up again on the last day of Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s honeymoon. Jing Shui would then lead them to a certain pocket dimension that technically belonged to the Silver Moon Sect, but was maintained and lent out to paying customers to use as a romantic retreat by the Golden Sun Sect, with a share of the profits being given to the Silver Moon Sect. Jing Shui and Wu Xiao had assured them that they would reserve the entire pocket dimension for the purpose of their visit on that day.

Now, on the last day of their honeymoon, Qinghe and Wei Xiang walked side by side through a narrow warren of streets. Though there were many routes to the meeting place, the couple chose to use the shortest path, which also happened to lead through a small street packed on either side with lushly bedecked brothels.

The moment the pair entered the red-light district, they were accosted by numerous beauties trying to drag them back to their respective brothels. Some of the prostitutes were subtle in their invitations, but others were exceedingly shameless in their attempts at seduction.

The young man currently heading towards the couple was one such shameless person.

Swinging his slim hips, he sashayed out of his establishment after spotting the handsome pair. His assessing gaze moved between Qinghe and Wei Xiang before locking onto the latter. Having chosen his target, he fluttered his thick eyelashes at Wei Xiang while a sultry smile spread on his shiny red lips. As he began leisurely making his way towards them, his clothing swung in a practiced rhythm. His robes were obviously made of luxurious material, but they were thin in a way that accentuated every provocative curve on his body, something that the young man used to full effect as he walked towards his mark.

Seeing his approach and how his gaze was fixed on his husband, Qinghe sighed. “Not another one… Xiang, why do you attract so many of them? The number of people who've approached you till now is definitely more than the ones who approached me.”

Wei Xiang showed a wry smile. “It can’t be helped, love. Of us both, you seem more aloof and untouchable. I’m sure that they have decided that in comparison, I am likely to be an easier target.”

Qinghe chuckled. That indeed seemed plausible. But no matter how many people swarmed over his beloved, Qinghe was sure that his Xiang would only ever look at him, so there was no point in being sullen or jealous. He actually felt a little amused at how Wei Xiang had to struggle each time to successfully push them away while retaining his ability to be polite.

By now, the young man had already reached them. Without any preamble, he directly pressed himself to Wei Xiang’s side and proclaimed with dewy eyes, “Young Master, won’t you come in. This one wishes to service you tonight.” His fingers drew little shapes where they rested delicately on Wei Xiang’s chest, his dewy eyes fixed intently on Wei Xiang’s face.

Wei Xiang suppressed a sigh. Since he knew that rather than actually pursuing him, this young man was only doing his job of inviting customers to his brothel, he decided not to be harsh and said simply, “I will have to decline.”

The young man blinked coquettishly. Pressing closer, he whispered in a saccharine sweet voice full of enticement, “Please, won’t you reconsider? My hole clenches in delight at the thought of holding you inside~” His dainty hand slipped down provocatively to Wei Xiang’s lower belly, but he thankfully knew not to go too far.

Wei Xiang’s lips twitched in disbelief while Qinghe heroically tried to tamp down on his laughter. This young man was really too bold!

Realizing that he had to be firmer, Wei Xiang pulled away that groping hand and gently pushed the young man away. “I’m really not interested.” He would’ve added that he was happily married, but Wei Xiang knew that even if he wasn’t, he would not have accepted this young man’s invitation.

The young man pouted at the clear rejection, but didn’t push any further. Giving Wei Xiang one last regretful look, he swayed his hips and strode away while muttering under his breath, “Strange, that line works for me almost every time. He must already be together with that icy-faced beauty then. Tch, what a pity.”

Though his voice was very low, Qinghe and Wei Xiang still heard him. Wei Xiang shook his head amusedly and pulled Qinghe along to start walking again. Qinghe, however, pondered seriously. That young man had said that such words usually worked on people. But seeing how unmoved Wei Xiang had been, Qinghe didn’t understand what was different. Was it because Wei Xiang already had him? Or did his beloved have some mystical, natural barrier against that kind of raunchy talk? Qinghe wanted to sigh. He realized that this was one of things that was supposed to be common sense, but try as he might, he couldn’t comprehend it.

Seeing Qinghe’s expression as if he was wrestling with some big conundrum, Wei Xiang smiled and asked, “What is it, love?”

Qinghe blinked at Wei Xiang and spilled his thoughts, “Xiang, do the kinds of words that young man used not work on you at all?”

Wei Xiang chuckled. “When it comes to things like that, it all depends on who is speaking them and who it is spoken to. If it’s said to me by someone I’m not interested in, I naturally won’t have any specific reaction. But on the other hand, if someone I love romantically whispers that sort of dirty talk… Well, I’m sure things are bound to get passionate after that.”

Qinghe’s eyes narrowed as a sly smile slowly spread over his lips.

As a clueless Wei Xiang kept walking, he suddenly felt Qinghe’s warm body pressing against his side, a familiar arm pulling him close by the waist while his beloved’s palm cupped his cheek. Wei Xiang’s steps slowed with surprise.

Qinghe rose up on his toes and leaned into Wei Xiang, his voice breathy as he whispered into his husband’s ear, “Xiang… my hole clenches in delight at the thought of holding you inside. So won’t you fill me up?”

Wei Xiang almost tripped, his eyes flashing gold with surprise. Lust surged inside him, brought on by those crude words whispered in his little husband’s refined voice gone low and husky while warm breath filled with the scent of mint brushed over his ear and cheek.

Clenching his hands into fists to prevent them from grabbing his mischievous little lover, Wei Xiang fought for control. He took in several deep breaths and finally felt his desire abate somewhat. Opening his clenched jaws, Wei Xiang finally managed to get out, “Qinghe, you little imp.”

Qinghe laughed delightedly, his face lit up with playful mirth. In a smug tone, he observed, “So it only works on you when I say it!”

As he looked at his happily chortling husband, Wei Xiang felt his self-control giving way to need. He turned to wrap an arm around Qinghe’s shoulder, the other hand cupping the back of his beloved’s head to pull his face closer. Seeing Wei Xiang’s lips bearing down for a kiss, Qinghe instinctively opened his mouth as well. As their lips met, Qinghe let out a breathless laugh full of satisfaction. His seduction had succeeded!

Wei Xiang eagerly swallowed his husband’s laughter and his warm breaths. His tongue pushed into Qinghe’s hot mouth, plunging in deep to savor every moist nook and cranny of the soft tissue. Meanwhile, Qinghe reveled in his beloved’s hunger while exploring and enjoying his husband’s mouth to his heart’s content. Their figures pressed together, lost in wild desire that so abruptly sparked into bright flame.

Suddenly, shrill whistles and enthusiastic shouts of encouragement sounded from either side of the street, breaking through the bubble of intense passion around the couple. Qinghe and Wei Xiang slowly leaned back from the kiss and look around. The prostitutes from the brothels had all come out, intently watching the show put on by the pair while cheering them on loudly.

One of the women sitting outside her shop munched carefreely on her bowl of peanuts and clapped. “Two beautiful men giving us such a wonderful show, this sister is satisfied!”

Laughter sounded as the surrounding prostitutes teased her, “Sister Hong is as shameless as always!”

Someone else jumped in, “But she’s right. They really are two fine male specimens ah!”

“Yes, yes, truly a sight to admire! Brother Jian, move over and let me also watch.”

“How many times a day do we put up shows for others,” Brother Jian said with a grin. “It’s refreshing to be entertained by such beautiful scenery for once! Sister Hong, give me some of those peanuts too!”

Hearing their exuberant chatter, Qinghe’s already flushed face turned redder. But his lips still curved upward in a shy arc. Wei Xiang brushed a fingertip over those flushed cheeks and laughed. “Is the naughty little imp finally feeling embarrassed?”

Qinghe narrowed his eyes, immediately forgetting about the audience. He quickly hooked an arm around his smirking husband’s neck and pulling him back down to resume their kiss. Wei Xiang happily cooperated, and their tongues soon entangled again.

A sudden wave of loud hoots and sharp whistling drowned the couple from either side as they pressed closer. Their lips and tongues moved together heatedly in an evocative dance expressing their intense passion. Their hands roved over each other’s clothed bodies, conveying their deep and desperate hunger for each other. The prostitutes who had just been trying to seduce them all watched the sight with wide smiles while cheering for them to show them more.

Backlit by the bright light of day, Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s silhouettes swayed together, seeming as if they'd merged into one.


The meeting spot where the three couples were to gather at was a spacious terrace of white marble thrusting out of the side of a white stone mountain. The air here was fresh and cold with a mild bite. A nearby mountain face blocked most of the whistling wind and allowed the space to remain tranquil. An intricate railing carved out of white marble guarded the edge of the semicircular terrace. The marble flooring left square-shaped gaps in evenly-spaced rows to allow large emerald-leafed trees to grow out of the ground below.

Perched high above on the mountain face, the wide terrace overlooked a magnificent view of snow-covered mountain ranges rising like waves, spreading all the way to the horizon. As the late afternoon sun slowly slid down the sky, the sides of the mountain ranges facing it glowed a light gold, while the sides facing away were shrouded in shadows and took on a blue tint. Soft mist flowed between the mountains, looking like gently shimmering streams of silver from above, the fading sunlight sprinkling gold sparkles here and there.

Having arrived earlier, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu stood near one of the trees growing out of the white terrace, with Hei NingYu bonelessly leaning against the tree trunk while Chen Xiande stood nearby. His posture was straight and his entire countenance emitted impatience as he tapped a foot in a quick rhythm. Just as Chen Xiande was muttering about how his junior brother was keeping him waiting yet again, Qinghe and Wei Xiang stepped off the mountain path and strode over to the terrace.

“I’m sorry for the delay, Senior Brother,” Qinghe apologized to Chen Xiande with an amused smile once he neared them, then turned to greet Hei NingYu. “I hope you’re well, Sect Leader Hei.”

Wei Xiang simply gave them both a nod and spoke, “It seems we’re only missing one more pair before we can set off.”

Frowning, Chen Xiande looked at Qinghe’s reddened lips and flushed face with faint worry before asking, “Junior Brother, did you just eat something very spicy? Have you taken enough water yet?”

Qinghe blinked at him confusedly. “…No, I didn’t eat anything. Senior Brother, why do you ask that?”

Chen Xiande tilted his head. “Your face seems red and your mouth looks swollen.”

Realizing what he meant, Qinghe coughed, the color in his face deepening. Wei Xiang and Hei NingYu chuckled. It seemed that despite he himself having a lover for so long, when Chen Xiande saw this appearance of Qinghe’s, his mind automatically refused to consider the more obvious explanation. Did his junior brother really look that innocent and inexperienced in his mind?

“Little Sheep, why don’t you come here and let me show you how your junior brother came to look like that~” Hei NingYu enticed with gleaming eyes.

Chen Xiande looked puzzled even as he trustingly stepped towards Hei NingYu. Encircling his waist with an arm, Hei NingYu pulled him close and dipped his head to capture Chen Xiande’s lips. After the initial moment of surprise, Chen Xiande pushed his questions to the back of his mind and wholeheartedly threw himself into the kiss. He used his body to press Hei NingYu more firmly against the tree, inserting a leg between his lover’s knees while his hands roved over Hei NingYu’s sides and hips. Hei NingYu obediently widened his legs with a happy smile and let his little sheep have his wicked way with him. Their tongues delved even deeper into each other’s mouths and the couple quickly lost themselves in the kiss.

Watching the passionately smooching pair, Qinghe raised an eyebrow.

Wei Xiang smirked and looked at his husband. “Love, do you want to follow your senior brother’s example?”

Qinghe’s eyes darkened, his lips pulling up in a smile. “Yes, we should faithfully learn from our elders, after all.”

And so, another couple joined their lips, merrily sucking, caressing, and licking each other with their mouths. Uncaring of the view they presented, the two pairs made out with gusto.

This was the scene Jing Shui and Wu Xiao were greeted with when they arrived a few minutes later.

Spotting them, Qinghe disengaged from Wei Xiang and licked his lips. Turning to Jing Shui and Wu Xiao, he smiled and greeted, “Brother Jing, Sect Master Wu, we were waiting for you. Thank you for arranging this excursion.”

Wu Xiao waved it away. “There’s no need for thanks. It’s not like the both of us won’t enjoy this outing as well. It’s also for us to celebrate our marriage, after all.”

Qinghe’s smile widened as he admitted, “Yes, that’s true.” His gaze flicked to the long teardrop-shaped bluish-purple crystal hanging from Wu Xiao’s ear. Wu Xiao had even pinned back his long silver locks at that side to show off the earring better. Seeing this, Qinghe’s gaze warmed.

Meanwhile, Jing Shui had averted his face from all the canoodling going on with a mixture of both annoyance and embarrassment and muttered, “Kissing so openly in broad daylight…so shameless!”

By the tree, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu had finally parted and were panting lightly to recover their breaths. Chen Xiande wiped his lips with the back of a hand and turned towards a blushing Jing Shui to advise kindly, “Brother Jing, this won’t do. You should work on thickening your skin a little or you might pass by many pleasures in life.”

Before Jing Shui could reply, Wu Xiao burst out, “I heartily object! If my Ah-Shui grew a thicker skin, then I won’t get to have fun by embarrassing him and watch him blush cutely!”

Jing Shui’s cheeks puffed up. He was just about to scold his beloved when Qinghe cut in. “But Sect Master Wu, you have to consider the benefits too. If Brother Jing were to grow a thicker skin, you would be able to partake in public displays of affection more frequently with full cooperation from your beloved. Isn’t that so?”

Wu Xiao held his chin and seriously contemplated. “Hmm, that’s also true. Both options are too tempting. I feel that more consideration is needed.”

Having had enough, Jing Shui finally exploded, his cheeks blazing red flusteredly. “Enough, you all! Stop having such weird discussions about me!”

Qinghe and Chen Xiande suppressed their laughter, wondering if they’d teased their friend too much. Wu Xiao pouted and pressed closer to his Ah-Shui and tried to get him to help him choose between the options of Jing Shui thickening or not thickening his skin.

And so, as the couples held hands, showered each other with small signs of affections, and bickered energetically among themselves, they left the platform and set out towards their destination.


The path that had led the couples to the terrace was one that continued on to wrap around the entire mountain of white stone in a spiral. This path would end only at the very top of the mountain where the entrance to the pocket dimension was situated. But from partway onward, the space surrounding the mountaintop would be fractured by spatial fissures and cutting spiritual winds. To traverse it, there was a stable of specialized spiritual beasts installed just before the boundary of the volatile space. Jing Shui explained all this as the group slowly trekked their way up the mountain along the path.

The mountain of white stone was bare for the most part. Some places, however, seemed to have accumulated layers of dirt over the millennia, the soil having accrued enough to support the gradual formation of small forests, flowing streams, and flat plains of earth. The group was currently heading through one such forest.

The air here was filled with the scent of clean water and moist soil, underscored by a sharp, electric tang. Thick spiritual energy suffused the space, gathering into the small pockets on the ground, tree trunks, and branches to form strange clumps of clear crystals. Large loops of thick ropes that consisted of more gem-like crystals hung from the tree branches like crystalline garlands, tinkling pleasantly when the wind knocked them together. Low-leveled spiritual animals gathered around the crystals while small spiritual herbs grew around the ones on the ground as if drawn towards its presence unconsciously.

Near one such group of spiritual crystals, small butterflies one-third the size of a finger fluttered around energetically, their wings transparent with ragged edges and colored in mild shades of pink, yellow, green, and white. Clustered around the crystals were also tall herbs with greenish-blue stems and leaves, growing flowers that were hip-high and shaped like elongated, inverted cups. Each of the flowers’ petals consisted of a strange, silvery-white, glowing substance that flowed upwards like thick and languid smoke, dissolving into the air. Along with them, there were also tall and thin tube-like plants that sprouted straight up from the ground, their color a pinkish-purple. They did not have any leaves, but instead bore thin stems hung with small and round pearl-like fruits.

 The group looked around with interest at the unique flora and sparse fauna as they walked. With practiced effort, Jing Shui controlled himself from taking any of the spiritual beasts he saw to keep for his own. Every time he came this way for inspections before, he’d had to tuck his hands into his sleeves to curb his temptation. But this time, he held Wu Xiao’s hand tightly, tethering himself to his beloved even as his eyes shone with a longing gleam whenever he spotted a particularly fascinating spiritual beast. Wu Xiao suppressed his amusement at this and silently held his Ah-Shui’s hand tighter, talking and teasing him to divert his attention.

As they strolled along the path, they gradually started hearing the sound of flowing water, growing clearer as they continued forward. Qinghe’s expression immediately brightened when he realized what it could mean. He quickly rushed off to see if the sound led to any water body he could dip into. Sure enough, a small, shallow stream of clean water ran nearby.

Suffused with massive amounts of spiritual energy, the waters of the stream looked like liquefied diamonds, exceedingly pure and clear as they sparkled brightly under the mild light. The edges of the stream were littered with clear stones the size of a fist and made of condensed spiritual energy. Light filtered through these crystals to cast silvery glimmers on the ground, waters, and vegetation around them. Adorning the bank while glinting like uncut yet polished gems, the stones added to the dazzle of the lustrous water ribbon that was the stream.

Eyes shining with anticipation and wonder at this sight, Qinghe happily went back and declared, “I found a stream suffused with spiritual energy. Let's all rest there a moment and take a bath to wash off the dust!”

The others amusedly agreed and they all headed to the stream bank together.

The stream was barely a dozen meters across. A scattering of little fishes swam in it like thin, finger-sized strips of silver. Cradled by a line of tall trees on either, the stream let out a cheerful, high-pitched burble as it flowed along.

After studying it, Qinghe nodded with satisfaction and immediately began undoing his belt, his gaze greedily fixed on the clean waters.

Hei NingYu and Wu Xiao simply shrugged and began disrobing as well. Chen Xiande blinked, hesitant, while Jing Shui clutched the lapels of his outer robe with wide eyes as if afraid someone would forcibly undress him.

Qinghe quickly finished shedding his clothes and freed his hair before wriggling his fingers in Wei Xiang’s direction with a grin. “Xiang~ Do you want me to help you take it all off?”

Wei Xiang simply smiled and pulled his naked lover close. “Yes. Who else would I give that privilege to?” Though Wei Xiang wasn’t all too used to baring his body to anyone other than his fellow officers, family, or his beloved, he was familiar enough with this group to put aside his reservations.

Having gained his husband’s permission, Qinghe merrily set about removing Wei Xiang’s clothes with familiarity.

In the meantime, as his slender white fingers slowly undid one layer after another, Wu Xiao casually smirked and turned towards his own lover while singsonging, “Ah-Shui~ Do you really have no objections to all these people seeing my delectable bare body?”

But rather than being entertained with his beloved’s flushed face while he hurled stuttered admonishments at him as he’d expected, what instead greeted Wu Xiao was Jing Shui’s uneasy and reluctant expression. Realizing that Chen Xiande had also not spoken anything for a while, Hei NingYu looked over as well and saw his lover's nervous look.

Wu Xiao and Hei NingYu just then realized that their respective beloveds were still standing fully-clothed.

“Ah-Shui?” Wu Xiao called confusedly.

Jing Shui’s cheeks gained a pink tint as he stuttered, “A-Are we all…bathing together?” He’d never before shown his naked body to anyone other than Wu Xiao before! Even when he went on tasks with other disciples like that time when he and Qinghe had led a few juniors in the hidden realm, Jing Shui always set up dividers for privacy or simply took his bath alone at a later time. Suddenly faced with the prospect of baring his skin here, he felt too unprepared!

Chen Xiande had much the same problem. In his case, he had often been excluded from group assignments, and even when he wasn’t, he never felt comfortable enough under the other’s hostile or disparaging gazes to stay and bathe with them for too long. The concept of being naked and comfortable among a group of people was completely foreign to him.

Wu Xiao only had to take one look at their faces to understand that the unwillingness they felt was due to inexperience. Softening his voice, he said, “Well, if you both don’t want to take a bath with us, that’s fine as well. But since we’ve only reserved the pocket dimension till the end of tonight, and because it’s already evening, it’s better if we don’t stay here for too long. Everyone bathing together is the fastest option if we want to have a relaxed splash in the waters.”

Jing Shui frowned while Chen Xiande had a contemplative expression. His cheeks slowly heating with both embarrassment and nervousness, Chen Xiande haltingly began to undo his robes. Hei NingYu walked up to him with a smile and said, “Here, let me help you.” With gentle hands, Hei NingYu helped his lover remove his clothes.

But even though Chen Xiande had silently assented, he still felt too self-conscious as his robes were being taken off. Sensing it, Hei NingYu struck up a conversation with Jing Shui to reassure his little sheep and make him feel less attention focused on him. “Disciple Jing, I understand that you might feel shy or averse to the thought of showing skin with us for the first time. But I want you to think carefully if there’s any rational basis for you to miss out on this opportunity to feel closer to your friends. None of us will stare at you or make you uncomfortable. None of us will comment on your body or make indecent remarks. If even I with my scars can show my skin so freely, why shouldn’t you? But if you truly don’t feel comfortable, then of course, none of us will force you to disrobe.”

Jing Shui blinked and turned to focus his gaze on Hei NingYu. He’d been embarrassedly trying to avert his eyes from the others’ bodies, so he hadn’t noticed the scars before. Seeing them now, Jing Shui’s knowledge related to spiritual beasts kicked in and he pondered aloud, “Those scars look like they were caused by the claws and toxins of the terrestrial salamandrid beast. By the color intensity, spread of the scarring, and its permanence, it must have been left untreated for quite a while. More than a day at least, I’d wager. By the variety of the scar tissue pattern and coloration, it must have also been a direct injection of the toxin into the skin in very concentrated amounts by at least two different types of the beast. Considering how little known its cure is, Sect Leader Hei, it’s a miracle you were able to find its antidote quick enough to save your life.”

Chen Xiande’s eyes widened. “Brother Jing, how do you know so much about these beasts?”

Jing Shui coughed at the open admiration in his voice and supplied, “I’ve read a lot on spiritual beasts, and I’m also a qualified beast trainer.”

Chen Xiande blinked and digested this new information, his mind completely distracted from the fact that he was currently being unclothed.

Meanwhile, realizing how despite Hei NingYu having a reason to cover his body to hide the painful memories of getting those scars, he still carefreely exposed himself like this, Jing Shui sank deep into thought. After a few minutes, Jing Shui lowered his head and began to fiddle with the lapels of his robe. In a faint voice, he suddenly explained, “I-In the palace where I was raised…a prince showing skin to anyone was forbidden.”

Hei NingYu smiled at the hesitant confession. “Well, you aren’t in the palace anymore, are you, Disciple Jing?”

“He’s right,” Wu Xiao joined in with a nod. He cupped his beloved’s cheek and bent to press a tender kiss to the top of his head. “And Ah-Shui, having a healthy respect and appreciation for your body is nothing to be ashamed of. You can flaunt it or hide it away. In the end, what you do with it is your choice, and you shouldn't feel that you're somehow less because of it.”

Jing Shui hesitated for a moment more before nodding. He lifted his head and saw that Qinghe and Wei Xiang were already happily frolicking in the waters carefreely. The Brother Feng he’d grown to admire appeared completely at ease with being naked, enjoying his time with his beloved cheerfully.

Seeming to sense his gaze, Qinghe turned to look at him and grinned. “Brother Jing, are you not going to join us? If you take too much time, you won’t be able to play in the water anymore!”

After a moment, Jing Shui smiled back at him. “I…I’ll be there in a moment.”

Qinghe nodded and said, “Hurry up then!” Turning back to his husband, he continued playing in the water, splashing it onto Wei Xiang with vigor and laughingly trying to escape when he was retaliated against.

Letting out a breath, Jing Shui steeled himself and began taking off his belt and robes with quick fingers. Wu Xiao grinned happily at how his beloved had successfully passed another hurdle. He knew that his Ah-Shui might still have more hurdles in front of him that had remained unknotted till now, but Wu Xiao also knew that as they continued to live their lives the way they were doing now, Jing Shui would eventually surmount it all, becoming completely free from his past and coming out stronger for it.

At the side, Hei NingYu led an anxious and naked Chen Xiande into the water. Qinghe happily roped them into his game of splashing water and quickly had Hei NingYu chasing him along with Wei Xiang. Chen Xiande soon forgot his nudity and joined in the chase as well. But despite the three people after him, Qinghe still managed to slipperily evade them all.

Sometimes Qinghe dived into the water and swam far away like a fish. Sometimes he jumped up to grab a tree trunk, hoisted himself onto it, then used it as a launching pad to leap further away into the stream. He seemed to especially like jumping into the waters like this, using that method at every opportunity with a bright grin. Of course, the other three always tried to follow close behind him. But as someone who had specifically trained himself in speed and agility the most, Qinghe managed to give them the slip at the last moment every time.

Seeing all this, even the reluctant Jing Shui was tempted to quickly discard his clothes and join in.

Soon, the three couples were laughing and splashing in the stream. The cool and clear waters sloshed over their bare skin, making them feel refreshed and more invigorated. They chased and threw water over each other, held contests to see who could last longest under the water surface while holding their breaths, competed over who could make the biggest splash while diving down from the nearby tree branches, and had Jing Shui use his ability to make things like rings of water to jump through or horizontal bars to leap over.

In the end, with their long hair completely plastered to their bodies and soaking wet, the group finally waded back to rest by the stream bank. Their chests heaved as they caught their breaths while wide smiles still remained on their faces.

Straightening from where he was slumped on Hei NingYu, Chen Xiande turned to the Qinghe and Wei Xiang pair to ask curiously, “Junior Brother, Sentinel Wei, what are those things you’re wearing? Do they have any special meaning?” Chen Xiande gestured towards the golden band around Qinghe’s ankle and the transparent armband around Wei Xiang’s upper arm. Since they were usually hidden under clothes, today was the first time the others saw it. They were all curious to know about it as well.

Before Qinghe could reply, Jing Shui showed an expression of realization and spoke, “If I remember right, wasn’t there a spiritual beast tradition where exchanging tokens consisting of each other’s body parts was considered officializing their mating? Is this related to that? Ah, but…” Jing Shui leaned forward to peer at Wei Xiang’s armband, since it was nearer to him. “Hmm, this doesn’t look like a part of a body. Brother Feng, what is it made of?”

Qinghe chuckled and revealed, “The transparent part of the armband consists of my spiritual force, taken directly from my cultivation core long ago and compressed to solid form. The line of little silver designs encased inside is made of my life force, while the red ones are drawn with my blood. Xiang’s token to me, this anklet, is formed by his golden strings that were distilled out of his scales, fangs, talons, blood, and fragments of his eggshell, all of it refined together using his whitefire.”

Chen Xiande’s gaze swung between the anklet and armband with fascination. “If you don’t mind me asking, Junior Brother, when did you both exchange these? Was it before or after your wedding?”

Qinghe smiled proudly. “It was long before that. We did it on the night leading up to the Battle at the Castle of Echoes.”

Wei Xiang held Qinghe close and added, “We were eager to bind ourselves to each other even back then.”

Qinghe nodded. “Yes. If it wouldn’t have felt incomplete without Mother, we might have had our wedding ceremony at that time itself.” Turning to Jing Shui and Wu Xiao, he said, “Putting that aside, I’m curious. When did Brother Jing and Sect Master Wu have the opportunity to get married? And why choose the traditions of a remote tribe for that?”

Jing Shui smiled softly and began explaining the series of events starting from way back when the Baolin Tribe had first visited the imperial palace when he was little.

In this way, the six people discussed peacefully, talking about their lives and reminiscing about important moments that they hadn’t been able to talk about with the others before. If what they were discussing was something happy, they all rejoiced together; if it was a sad memory, they all consoled the one remembering; and if it was something puzzling, they put their heads together to try and figure it out.

After playing to their heart’s content and sharing their experiences, the three couples gradually immersed themselves in doing their own thing with their beloved.

Qinghe had happily settled on the bank to wash Wei Xiang’s hair, his eyes shining with wonder and admiration at his husband’s thick tresses. Wei Xiang sat in the shallow end of the stream bed with his back facing Qinghe. He leaned back on the edge of the bank, letting out hums of pleasure every now and then with a blissful expression at the feel of his husband's fingers working on his hair.

Once he was done washing his beloved’s hair, Qinghe remembered something and spoke, “Xiang, Mother gave me something that she claimed would make hair smell very nice when applied to it. Do you want to try it?”

Wei Xiang lazily opened his eyes and tilted his head up to look at his husband. In a playful voice, he teased, “Why? Do you not like how it smells now?”

Qinghe bent down and buried his nose into Wei Xiang’s wet hair and took a long sniff. Straightening, he smiled and said, “It smells really good as usual. I love your scent. But don’t you want to try something new occasionally? It might be fun.”

Chuffing out a laugh, Wei Xiang said, “Or it might end up with me going bald and sprouting flowers on my head. After all, it’s something Mother-in-law gave.”

Qinghe chuckled. “I feared that as well, which is why I consulted Father first. You know how Mother always admits the truth with him, don’t you? So I had Father ask her, and Father assured me that there would be no strange side-effects this time.”

Hearing that his master had vetted it, Wei Xiang relaxed. “Alright then, let’s try it out.”

Qinghe grinned and took out a small round box from his storage space. He opened the lid and carefully scooped out some of the brownish goop with his fingers before applying it to Wei Xiang’s scalp and rubbed it into the hair. Strangely, the goop by itself was odorless.

Seeing Wei Xiang gradually begin to frown, Qinghe asked, “What is it? Does it feel uncomfortable?”

Wei Xiang shook his head. “No. Actually, it feels pleasantly warm. It feels like hot water spreading on my scalp.”

Qinghe smiled and applied more of the goop to his beloved’s hair with increased confidence. Slowly, it began emitting a deep and mellow scent with an undercurrent of musk. It gave off a warm, mature, and masculine feeling. Qinghe and Wei Xiang took in deep breaths, trying to inhale more of the pleasant smell.

“It smells so nice…” Qinghe sighed.

Wei Xiang nodded. “Yes, it does. Since you like it, after you’re done putting it on me, let me apply it to you too.”

Qinghe’s eyes gleamed as he said, “Yes. Then we’ll both smell the same!”

Wei Xiang chuckled. That wasn’t what he’d been after, but he definitely liked the sound of it.

Meanwhile, things had gotten heated between the Hei NingYu and Chen Xiande pair. They had been swimming together at first before deciding to bath each other. But then their warm hands wandered over sensitive areas, making a small bud perk up here or a stretch of muscle tighten there. The unconscious acts of stimulation gradually grew more and more deliberate until Jing Shui felt the need to cut in embarrassedly. After receiving his veiled pleas for mercy, the couple sunk into the water and continued.

Now, their faces were pressed together as they kissed above the stream’s surface while below the water, their hands and bodies touched and caressed each other in unmentionable places. The others kept their gazes away from the pair, intentionally not looking through the clear water surface.

A little distance away, Jing Shui stood together with Wu Xiao in the water. Jing Shui very seriously slicked water over himself to bathe, his body purposefully turned away from the overly-passionate pair of Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu. Because of this, he failed to notice how Wu Xiao was staring at him with open adoration and interest, drinking in his every movement with a thirsty gaze.

His eyes suddenly glinting with a mischievous idea, Wu Xiao called out, “Ah-Shui, I hope you’re being careful about letting fishes climb up into your cute little ass~”

Jing Shui froze and turned to him with a half-confused, half-horrified expression. “W-What?!”

Assuming a solemn expression, Wu Xiao expounded, “I’ve heard of how certain people ended up with tiny fishes swimming into their butts while bathing in water bodies like this without them realizing, which is why I cautioned you.”

Jing Shui woodenly bent his head and saw small and thin fishes barely the size of a finger swimming here and there. Noticing one heading towards him, Jing Shui yelped and jumped up onto Wu Xiao, escaping from the water and wrapping both his arms and legs around his beloved to clutch him desperately. With a terrified expression, he said frantically, “I-I don’t want anything like that ending up in my butt!”

Wu Xiao smiled at him with helpless amusement and patted his bottom. “Yes, yes, I know. I won’t let anything except me get into you, Ah-Shui.”

Jing Shui was too occupied with glaring at any fishes that swam his way to care about Wu Xiao’s shamelessness.

Suppressing his smile, Qinghe reminded his friend from the side, “Brother Jing, isn’t your ability water-based? Wouldn’t it be an easy matter for you to sense if something approached your bottom that closely?”

Jing Shui blinked. Realizing that Qinghe was right, he blushed a bright red. He had been so busy panicking that he seemed to have forgotten that!

Reluctantly releasing his hold on a regretful-looking Wu Xiao, Jing Shui got down and stood in the water again. Peering at the sparse fishes swimming in the stream doubtfully, he stuck close to his beloved. After a moment of pondering, Jing Shui gingerly lifted one of Wu Xiao’s hands, making the palm cup his bottom. Looking up through his lashes hesitantly, his cheeks blazing with embarrassment, Jing Shui beseeched softly, “W-Wu Xiao, you’ll make sure that nothing goes in, won’t you?”

Wu Xiao’s heart melted at how adorable his beloved was. “Yes, of course I’ll protect my Ah-Shui’s lovely little butt!” His palm surreptitiously gave a small squeeze to said butt as if underscoring his statement. With his husband placing his cute ass in his hand of his own accord and letting him hold on to it freely, how could Wu Xiao refuse?

Jing Shui pressed his lips together and bowed his head in bashfulness, but nodded. It made Wu Xiao smile wider. Reassured that his backside was in good hands, Jing Shui began bathing again, his body still half-pressed against Wu Xiao. Wu Xiao’s expression was that of absolute bliss. One glance at him was enough to tell anyone that his mind must be overflowing with pink bubbles and dirty images.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang looked at this intimate scene borne of ridiculousness with a wry smile, then turned to look at another, even more intimate scene of Hei NingYu burying his head into Chen Xiande’s shoulder and moaning as his lover’s spirited ministrations under the surface made the water between them splash. Then looking at each other, Qinghe and Wei Xiang decided to join in this romantic atmosphere and hugged each other close, their mouths once again joining together.

In this way, the three couples spent their time at the stream happily.


The sky had already begun to darken when the six people reached the stables holding the specialized spiritual beasts.

There was only one more stretch of the mountain left for them to traverse, but that part of their journey was fraught with spatial destabilizations and gales of piercing spiritual winds. Anyone trying to walk or fly through this space would be shredded to pieces. Even using the shadow realm couldn’t guarantee their safety.

The only way to pass through this space was to use a certain type of spiritual beasts called the phantom-winged steeds. These beasts looked like slender horses with a delicate build and translucent bodies that made them appear like ethereal ghosts. A pair of large wings protruded from their sides, seeming to have no solid form. The wings extending from them instead shimmered like an invisible mirage, appearing completely transparent while distorting the space containing them. Adding to their otherworldliness, the beasts made no sound at all even when they moved, and their wide grey iris-less eyes were strangely blank like those of an exquisitely carved sculpture. Each beast had five opalescent white horns extending from its head.

Three of the phantom-winged steeds were set aside for the three couples, each pair meant to ride one to pass through the unstable area and reach the top of the mountain from where they could access the pocket dimension.

However, one look at them and Qinghe shook his head repeatedly. “No, there’s no way I am going to get on any of these beasts and let them take me up into the air. No, it’s not happening.”

Wei Xiang and the others could only look at Qinghe’s slightly freaked out expression with bafflement.

Wei Xiang sighed. “Love, what’s the problem? I remember you behaving the same way when we had to get on those beasts from the Silver-scaled Cervid Clan for our wedding procession as well. Is there a reason you don’t want to ride spiritual beasts other than me?”

Qinghe looked at the placidly standing phantom-winged steeds and struggled to put his thoughts into words. “It’s just that…I can’t read their faces. I can’t read any of their expressions. I don’t know if these beasts are hostile or feel favorably towards me. I don’t know how they think, I don’t know how to communicate with them like I would with people, and I don’t understand them! I-I can’t trust them like this! How can I let them take me up so high into the sky and risk them dropping me from up here?

“If it’s Xiang, I naturally don’t mind since I can more or less make out your expression even when you’re a wyvern, not to mention that I trust you implicitly. Even with the beasts before in our wedding procession, I could communicate with them using words since they were of a high enough level. And since I knew that we would only be walking along a path on the ground, I ended up agreeing to ride them. B-But with other spiritual beasts and even animals, I don’t know how to read them. I…I can’t…how can I trust something I can’t read…? It’s illogical!”

Qinghe looked flustered, his hands restlessly fiddling with the edge of his sleeves in agitation.

The others looked at one another helplessly. How could they even address such an unexpected and strange issue?

Jing Shui finally cleared his throat and tried convincing his friend, “Brother Feng, these beasts are well-trained, docile, and non-threatening. They aren’t dangerous and they aren’t capable of plotting about things like throwing us down after flying us up high. Won’t you at least give them a chance?”

Qinghe vehemently shook his head, his lips pressing together. “But how can you be sure? What if the one I’m riding decides it doesn’t like me and throws me off mid-air? I won’t even be able to use my wind due to the spatial disturbance here! I-I can’t…I don’t know how to trust these beasts when I don’t have any solid proof that they will absolutely not harm me.”

Seeing Qinghe’s anxious appearance, Wei Xiang sighed and held his beloved close. Qinghe quickly burrowed into his embrace, seeking comfort. Patting his back, Wei Xiang reflected that though Qinghe seemed to have gotten much better at looking past what happened to him before, he still hadn’t completely been able to shake off its influence. It was in times like these that Qinghe’s need to control everything to assure his own safety gave away just how deep his issues were etched.

But each time, Wei Xiang was nevertheless determined to tirelessly coax his beloved mate from being steeped in his issues and progress a bit more towards his complete healing.

Gently stroking his husband’s hair, Wei Xiang spoke, “Love, you might not have any direct evidence telling you to trust those beasts, but will you trust me?”

Qinghe slightly lifted his head and peeked up. His tone sounded like that of an uncertain child as he repeated, “Trust you?”

Wei Xiang nodded with a soft smile. “Yes. I know that we will be safe and that there will be no mishaps like the ones you’re worrying about. Even if something happens, I am here. I won’t let anything happen to you. Can you trust in my words? Will you believe in me?”

Qinghe slowly blinked at him, his eyes filled with unfathomable thoughts. Then he nodded and said quietly, “Okay.” Since it was his Xiang, he would force himself to believe.

The others all let out silent breaths in relief.

Smirking, Hei NingYu said, “Even if your Sentinel Wei fails you, there’s still us to take care of you. So you can rest assured, Xiao Feng.”

Wei Xiang only chuckled and said easily, “Then I will count on Sect Leader Hei and the others too then.”

Chen Xiande nodded. “Yes, we’ll also help protect Junior Brother.”

Qinghe’s face turned pink as a shyly pleased smile bloomed on his lips. He bowed deeply towards them and expressed, “Thank you.”

When he straightened, he was greeted by affectionate smiles and words waving away his gratitude. Qinghe’s heart felt warm and full.

Now that it was settled, the three couples chose a beast each and got on. Jing Shui and Wu Xiao selected the one that was tinted a mild purplish-blue to ride. Qinghe and Wei Xiang sat atop a beast colored in a light bluish-green. Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu perched upon one that was a faded greenish-yellow. After everyone had climbed atop a beast, they set off.

The phantom-winged steeds were a breed of beasts that had once lived in a hidden dimension with volatile space. As a result, they had evolved to develop inherent defenses against being torn apart due to spatial disturbances or cutting blades of spiritual energy. Thus, when they flew through the volatile space near the mountaintop now, the beasts naturally set up a barrier around them to protect themselves and the space around them. It incidentally also protected the people riding them. The barrier was spherical, its walls invisible to the naked eye and its diameter the size of the beasts’ wingspan. When their wings stretched to their full length, the tips lightly brushed the inside of this barrier.

Since Jing Shui was more familiar with riding all kinds of spiritual beasts including this one, he sat at the front of his and Wu Xiao’s mount and led the whole group forward. Wu Xiao wrapped his arms around his husband and delighted in sneakily eating tofu and making his beloved Ah-Shui blush. On the other hand, since Chen Xiande had never before ridden anything except a paper mount, he let Hei NingYu sit at the front and encircled his lover’s waist, leaning into him with a content smile.

Due to his distrust of the beast and the fear of being suddenly thrown off, Qinghe obviously couldn’t sit at the front and steer the beast. He instead rode behind Wei Xiang, his arms clamped tightly around his beloved and his face buried in his sturdy back. All the while, Wei Xiang's steady voice spoke soothing words and calm reassurances, his fingers patting his beloved's hands where they were fisted on his abdomen to help relax Qinghe's galloping heart.

With his eyes closed, Qinghe’s other senses became sharper. He could feel the cool body of the beast under him, muscles shifting as it beat its illusory-looking wings. He could hear the soft sounds the phantom-winged steeds let out occasionally that was less like the neighs of a horse and more like a mixture between crystalline tinkling and eerie whistling. As they flew, constant shrill shrieks surrounded them due to the sharp lashes of spiritual currents ripping through the air, stirred up due to the instability of the volatile space. But over all of it, what Qinghe sensed with the most clarity was the warm and stable presence of his husband in front of him and the wash of his steadying voice as Wei Xiang comforted him. Despite Qinghe’s initial misgivings, staying like this felt strangely peaceful to him now.

In this way, the three couples flew through the fracturing space and safely made it to near the peak.

They alighted from the beasts just under the mountaintop, inside the boundary of the area that was free from spatial disturbances. A long staircase of white stone stretched in front of them, leading to the mountain peak above. Beside the foot of the staircase was a small and neat stable with empty stalls.

Jing Shui stabled the phantom-winged steeds there and arranged some water and feed for them so that they wouldn’t want for anything for the next few hours. When the group returned from the pocket dimension later, they would need the beasts to get back through the volatile space.

Once that was taken care of, the six people climbed the staircase and finally stepped foot onto the mountaintop.

The ground here was flat and consisted entirely of clean, snow-white stone. No boulders or vegetation littered the place, leaving the area barren of everything but one―a large crystal tree standing at the center, its trunk transparent and its clear and spindly branches bare of foliage. Small silvery lights glowed from the branches, scattered all over evenly. These lights pulsed in slow and irregular intervals, like the lazy twinkling of stars bound to the crystalline branches of the tree.

When the entirety of this colorless landscape was contrasted against the sky saturated with a deep and even violet in the onset of night, it was almost too piercing. The ambiance here was fresh and pure, the air still and feeling neither cold nor warm. Hushed solemnity and silent tranquility filled this ancient place, eliciting the sort of reverence one would have at a place of worship.

In a quiet voice suiting the atmosphere, Jing Shui explained, “As everyone knows, this mountain is made entirely of cloud jade, a mineral that is known for gathering spiritual energy around it in an invisible cloud and allowing it to condense upon its surface in small patches. Here at the top of the mountain is where most of the spiritual energy usually accumulates, causing the area surrounding the mountain’s peak to develop unstable space due to the sheer concentration of power. That spiritual energy constantly suffuses this ancient tree, which is the only vegetation able to survive and grow on this power-saturated mountaintop. After absorbing so much spiritual energy over the course of several millennia, the tree turned to look like this. It is still alive, but in a different way than the usual mortal trees.

“The small pinpoints of glowing and flickering lights on the tree’s branches are spell nodes arranged by an Elder from the Silver Moon Sect. Unlike Wu Xiao who uses lines, that Elder specialized in using these little glowing lights to define his formations. The nodes are set in the pattern of an array. The array will allow those with a key to pass through here and into the pocket dimension that naturally formed here long ago. The pocket dimension is called the ‘Luminous Forest’ and it is our destination.”

Everyone nodded to show that they listened and understood.

Jing Shui extended a hand and a small piece of white-colored jade with an intricately carved latticework appeared in his palm. Walking towards the crystal tree, Jing Shui touched the jade key in his hand to its trunk and spoke, “With permission, we seek entrance.”

The leisurely pulsing points on the tree branches suddenly flashed as one. A bright white light exploded out of the tree, blowing back their hair and forcing them to raise their arms and close their eyes.

A moment later, the silence of the mountaintop gave way to the rustle of leaves and the lick of cool breeze on their faces. Understanding that they’d successfully entered the pocket dimension, the group of six lowered their arms and opened their eyes to take in their surroundings.

The Luminous Forest was stuck in perpetual night, with dense glimmers of stars packing the velvety black sky above. Translucent clouds of purple, pink, and orange hovered under the sky, lending it more color.

Below the starry sky, the pocket dimension was filled with giant, sturdy trees. Narrow and well-kept paths snaked between them, perfect for couples to stroll along on. The barks of the trees between the paths were smooth and black, while the lush palm-sized leaves were a deep, dark green.

In contrast to all the dark colors in the dimension, the long stems hanging from the trees’ branches bore round, luminous fruits. The fist-sized globes dangled in conical bunches. Each bunch of fruits glowed in soft creamy yellow, peach, orange, dark pink, or purple, looking like fantastical festive ornaments. The ripest and fullest of these fruits hung at the top of the bunch, the fruits growing progressively smaller until the one dangling from the very tip of the stem was nothing but a small and thin luminescent protrusion.

The earth here was soft and black, with patches of long-bladed grass visible here and there in the distance. A mild breeze threaded through the grass and the leaves, making them shift and rustle gently. Other than that, there was only peace and silence here, as if the world was drowsing relaxedly. No animals or insects seemed to be in this dimension, leaving only the visiting group and the vegetation here. The air was saturated with spiritual energy, acting as the source of nutrition to the plant life in the dimension.

As they began walking down the path they were on, the six people took in this scene of a glittering sky, transparent clouds of colors, serene atmosphere, dark trees, and fruits glowing brightly in various hues. Qinghe, in particular, was enamored with the trees hung with those softly luminescing fruits lit up so brightly in this sea of dark colors.

Qinghe sighed wistfully and said, “I wish it were possible to plant a few of these trees back at the Feng residence.”

Wei Xiang smiled. “Since these trees seem specific to this dimension, I don’t think we can. But seeing how these fruits don’t smell toxic or look like some plant monsters, I doubt Mother-in-law would be interested in looking after them in her garden anyway.”

Qinghe chuckled. “There’s that. But I actually meant putting it in the little black room. It could use the illumination, don’t you think?” Not sensing the horror beginning to creep into a few of his companions’ faces, Qinghe sighed sadly and went on, “I feel distressed whenever I think about having to be curled up in that small and tight space with nothing but darkness for company, unable to move or see or breathe… Putting trees in a room might be difficult to do, but having something nice like this might make things more bearable.”

Knowing what his beloved meant, Wei Xiang placidly nodded in agreement while Jing Shui, Wu Xiao, and Hei NingYu looked at the pair incredulously. Faced with their reaction, the oblivious Qinghe only felt puzzled while Wei Xiang kept on smiling, a strange twinkle in his eyes.

Chen Xiande pondered for a moment before turning to Qinghe and asking confusedly, “What little black room do you mean, Junior Brother? It sounds awfully uncomfortable.”

Before Qinghe could answer, Jing Shui burst out while looking at Wei Xiang with bulging eyes, “Sentinel Wei! Y-you! This―! H-How could you…!?”

Hei NingYu raised a single eyebrow and asked more coherently, “Sentinel Wei, just what all have you been doing to our poor, innocent Xiao Feng?”

Wu Xiao frowned almost fiercely, his gaze fixed on Wei Xiang as if demanding answers as well.

The humor in Wei Xiang’s eyes grew. “Let Qinghe answer that for himself.” Turning to his husband who was looking at the others with confusion, he prodded, “Go on, love. Tell them about our little black room.”

The attention of everyone focused on him.

Qinghe tilted his head confusedly. Why were they all getting so bent out of shape over this? Shrugging inwardly, he answered in a light and pleasant voice, “The little black room is what we call the egg chamber. Since we painted the entire room black on the inside to retain heat in the chamber and incubate the eggs better, Mother suggested we start calling it the little black room.” Qinghe paused, suddenly recalling Feng Chunyi’s smirking, sly countenance as she’d told that to him and the exasperated reactions of his father and Wei Xiang as if wanting to say something in reply but unable to. Could it be that calling it like that was something strange?

Meanwhile, Jing Shui, Wu Xiao, and Hei NingYu looked at him with startled and conflicted gazes. So that’s what he’d meant?!

Wu Xiao blinked and prompted in a strangled voice, “But what about… Why did you say it’d be dark and cramped with you being unable to move or breathe?”

Qinghe looked at him with surprise. “Huh? When did I say that I was the one who would be in that situation?! I meant the eggs, Sect Master Wu. The unborn wyverns must all feel so lonely, having to be stuck so long in the lightless and tight confines of their eggs. They won’t have any room to move or be able to breathe properly until they hatch. I only wanted to make their egg chamber a bit more cheerful and bright because of that, even if the unhatched wyverns might not be able to see it.”

Wu Xiao’s and Hei NingYu’s lips twitched while Jing Shui heaved a breath in relief.

Chen Xiande frowned at their reactions before turning to Hei NingYu. “I think that make sense. But what were you all thinking it was about before to show such weird expressions? Is there some other way what Junior Brother said could be interpreted in?”

Wu Xiao coughed while Jing Shui just looked awkward. Qinghe looked at Hei NingYu, interested in his reply, while Wei Xiang looked vaguely amused.

Hei NingYu nodded in answer to his lover’s question and explained, “It’s a concept used long ago when the world was less moralistic than now. The ‘black room’ was a kind of sensory deprivation chamber used to cut its occupants off from stimuli like sight, sound, and the touch of others. It was a psychological torture method used when the torturers did not wish the victims to show any obvious signs of physical abuse or leave any evidence. Depending on the time for which they were locked in there, the victims could suffer from mental health problems ranging from mild to severe, and sometimes even develop hallucinations. There were also unconfirmed talks of these black rooms being used as a way of punishing prisoners or forcefully ‘reforming’ those who went against the strictly traditional way of thinking at that time.

“Later on, there were rumors of ‘little black rooms’ modeled after those black rooms being used by a certain unhealthily obsessive and unpleasant person in a high rank to confine the men and women he fancied, but who expressed their unwillingness to lie with him. These men and women would be kidnapped, isolated, and restrained in a windowless room with black walls, ceiling, and floors, only being allowed to interact with their captor and no one else. It was considered their ‘punishment’ for not agreeing to be his. Their captor would then take advantage of their helpless state to physically or sexually abuse and degrade them however he wished. It was a way for him to revel in the control and power he had over the people he claimed to like; to trap them, exercise his possessiveness on them to the maximum, and basically have his victims all to himself.

“When rumors of this spread, a few other like-minded people also tried to follow his practice of using these little black rooms to confine and torment the ones who rejected their advances by forcing their unhealthy obsession down their throats. Of course, it need not be said how horrible and disgusting such a thing is. Thankfully, the establishment of the Order of Sentinels put a stop to this quickly and the practice of using black rooms for punishment or forceful confinement became forbidden. The concept of the little black room is known to this day as some of the vilest and unpleasant ways of abuse implemented in past times.” Hei NingYu glanced at Wei Xiang and went on, “Which is why I found it somewhat hard to believe that the upright Sentinel Wei who obviously loves Xiao Feng very much would do something like that. But it turns out that it was only a misunderstanding.”

Qinghe and Chen Xiande looked at him with wide eyes conveying their horror that such a thing had existed.

Smiling wryly towards Wei Xiang, Hei NingYu said sincerely, “I apologize for jumping to conclusions, Sentinel Wei.”

Wu Xiao and Jing Shui also expressed their consternation at being doubtful of him without thinking it through.

Wei Xiang simply chuckled. “There was no harm done, and your behavior was only meant to protect my husband, so I don’t hold it against any of you.”

The tense atmosphere relaxed again.

Chen Xiande shook his head and said, “Some of the things that people allowed to happen before are truly too shocking and dreadful.”

Jing Shui nodded with a sigh. Then seeming to think of something, he looked at Wu Xiao to ask curiously, “Is this concept of ‘black room’ present in the other worlds the people of Silver Mist peer into as well?”

Wu Xiao shrugged. “Yes, more or less. It varies greatly depending on the world though.”

“I see,” Jing Shui murmured while sinking into thought.

A moment of silence stretched.

Walking with scrunched brows, Qinghe suddenly wondered aloud, “If that’s what it means, then why did Mother suggest such a name for the egg chamber?”

Wei Xiang chortled. “Isn’t that because she wanted to cause exactly this type of misunderstanding and seed chaos?”

Qinghe sighed and muttered, “It does sound like Mother.” Blinking up at Wei Xiang, he asked, “I suppose I should stop using that phrase then?”

But Wei Xiang, Wu Xiao, and Hei NingYu all showed wily expressions and shook their heads at once.

Wei Xiang smirked. “I want to see how many glares and looks of horror I can collect because of this.”

Wu Xiao grinned. “Seeing other people’s expressions when they realize what you actually mean is going to be fun.”

Hei NingYu let out a light laugh. “You should use this opportunity to cause as much mischief as you can.”

Hearing all this, Qinghe’s own sense of playfulness awakened. He chuckled and nodded, “That’s true. This will certainly be amusing.”

Jing Shui and Chen Xiande looked at each other and sighed in commiseration. They already pitied the wyverns that would hatch from those eggs and how they’d have to say that they were born from a little black room. Thinking of those poor wyverns’ plight, then seeing the devious smiles on the four people walking with them, Jing Shui and Chen Xiande couldn’t help but feel that all people in their group except them were complete oddballs with incomprehensible brains!

As they chatted like this while walking, the group came to a crossroads. The crossroad junction was shaped like a large, round, and flat clearing where couples who were too tired from walking could spread out a piece of cloth and have a few bites to eat.

The group pondered the three paths leading from the clearing for a few moments.

“I suppose this is as good a place to split up as any,” Qinghe finally said.

The others nodded, faint anticipation glittering in their gazes. After all, the part they’d been looking forward to the most in this little excursion was getting to spend some romantic time alone with their beloved.

Jing Shui turned to the group and instructed, “Alright, we’ll split up for now and take a path each. We’ll meet here again two hours later and dine together.”

With that, the group of six separated into three couples and chose a separate path. Since Jing Shui and Wu Xiao were walking on the left side of the group, they took the path on the left since it was nearby. Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu started striding towards the trail on the right for similar reasons. That left the Qinghe and Wei Xiang who were in the middle of the group to take the path at the center.

With small smiles and hooded eyes, the three pairs thus went off on their own to enjoy their beloved’s company and have fun in their own way.


Qinghe and Wei Xiang continued down the path hand-in-hand. Their expressions were peaceful as they enjoyed walking silently with their husband.

Casting a glance up at Wei Xiang, Qinghe suddenly said, “You know, while searching for wedding traditions to use before, I and the twins came across one that seemed to use a type of fruit very similar to these glowing ones.”

Wei Xiang arched an eyebrow. “Oh? What type of tradition is it? Maybe we can try it with these fruits.”

Qinghe smiled and answered, “The two people getting married will each hold one side of the fruit in their mouths and start eating it. If they manage to finish the fruit between themselves without dropping it or touching it with anything other than their mouths, then it is seen as a good sign of their union.”

His eyes gleaming, Wei Xiang stopped walking and looked up at the nearest bunch of fruits with an interested gaze. “Such a fascinating tradition. We should try it.”

Qinghe chuckled with anticipation and nodded. “Yes, let’s try it.”

From the bunch hanging nearest to him, Wei Xiang plucked a round and ripe luminous fruit that glowed in a warm yellow. He studied it carefully before determining that it had no peel to remove. After lightly dusting it off, he lifted it up to Qinghe’s lips and bent to bite the opposite side. With an eager smile, Qinghe sank his teeth into the fruit as well.

Warm and sweet juice flooded their mouth. It tasted slightly tart, but with a strong mellow flavor reminiscent of honey, litchi, and something rich and buttery. Swallowing the juice before it could overflow, Qinghe took a bite of the spongy fruit and chewed before clamping his teeth onto it again to hold it in place for his beloved. Seeing his husband considerately keeping it steady for him, Wei Xiang took a bite of his own without worry of dropping the fruit. Once he was done chewing and swallowing, he dug his teeth into the fruit and became the one to hold it in place this time. Reassured, Qinghe bit down on the fruit and ate another mouthful. In this way, the couple cooperated with each other to take turns and alternate between eating from it and holding it, slowly progressing towards finishing the fruit.

And after the last bite was taken, their lips automatically met.

Qinghe tasted the fruit’s sweet and mellow juice on Wei Xiang’s mouth and extended a tongue to lick it. Wei Xiang parted his lips and sucked in that exploring tongue before entangling it with his own. Qinghe groaned and leaned into Wei Xiang, probing deeper into his husband’s mouth with his tongue.

The pair held each other tightly and slowly kissed, lapping and sucking to taste the juice of the luminous fruit and their beloved’s unique taste. Hands hungrily slid over clothes before slipping in. As their mouths began to wander over firm jaws and supple throats, their fingers slowly undid their husband’s robes. Pants, hair sticks, and accessories dropped down to the ground next. Soon, the couple stood naked, their warm skins pressed together. Their palms roved over each other’s bare bodies, their mouths once again finding one another to continue kissing. They could feel each other’s thick arousals poking their bellies.

Wei Xiang let out a soft growl and let his hands slide down to cup his beloved’s buttocks, squeezing and kneading the firm flesh. He could already imagine the bliss of being sheathed within his Qinghe’s tight and hot flesh, feeling his pulse throbbing around his member. He could already imagine how his husband’s voice would grow thick and low while letting out sounds of pleasure.

His ardor increasing, Wei Xiang was just about to retrieve a bottle of oil to begin the preparations when Qinghe suddenly let go, stepping back.

“Xiang, wait. I have something to show you,” Qinghe said and walked up to a nearby tree.

Wei Xiang blinked uncomprehendingly at his beloved, the warmth of Qinghe’s body still lingering on his skin while his eyes remained glazed with heat.

As the confusion in Wei Xiang’s gaze increased, Qinghe crouched on his knees in front of the tree. Lifting his hands and placing them on the smooth black bark, Qinghe leaned forward and pressed his cheek to the trunk as well. He then lifted up his bottom and began wiggling it side-to-side while singing, “Xiang~ Come and have me~”

“…” Faced with this inexplicable situation, Wei Xiang froze. When the view in front of him finally registered, Wei Xiang had to suppress his sudden laughter along with the rush of blood trying to flow out of his nose. Only his little husband could look so adorably tempting yet utterly ridiculous at the same time.

In a strangled voice, Wei Xiang choked out, “Q-Qinghe, love…what are you doing?”

Qinghe stopped his butt waggling and looked at Wei Xiang with a solemn expression. “I’m trying to seduce you.”

The speechless Wei Xiang, “…”

Qinghe continued, “Didn’t you say a while before during that issue with Wu Jin that you wanted me to try and seduce you too?”

Wei Xiang, “.….”

If he’d known what his beloved’s version of deliberate seduction looked like, he would probably have never raised that issue at all!

With hints of smugness seeping into his voice, Qinghe lifted up his chin and asked haughtily, “So? Xiang, do you think I look tempting enough now? Were you bewitched by me?”

Wei Xiang, “….….”

Seeing his little lover looking so proud, Wei Xiang had to lift a hand to stop his nosebleed. His Qinghe was too adorable!

Growing puzzled at his beloved’s prolonged silence, Qinghe blinked at him in puzzlement. “Xiang? Was it so good that you’ve gone speechless? Hmm, maybe I’ll have to tone it down next time―”

Unable to bear it anymore, Wei Xiang pounced on Qinghe with a growl and pulled his head forward to meld their lips together again. Faced with his husband’s sudden passion, Qinghe felt very gratified. See? His seduction had worked perfectly!

After a few minutes of rough kissing, the pair parted, their faces flushed and breathing quick.

As he collected himself, Wei Xiang asked, “Love, where did you learn that…unique way of seduction?”

Qinghe smiled with open glee at what he thought was his beloved’s bafflement at how he’d perfected the art of temptation. In a smug tone, Qinghe replied, “Do you remember that time when we were planning how to infiltrate Black Fang and we decided that I would enter the competition to seduce the Black Fang leader? If you’ll recall, your senior brother pulled me aside after that conference to impart me some wisdom about seduction.”

Wei Xiang’s eyebrow twitched. “Did Kong Min tell you to do that then?”

Qinghe puffed up his cheeks in pride. “No, it was my own idea. I shared it with Sentinel Kong but he advised that since it was a very nice and special method, I should reserve it to use on you later when we were alone. He said I should only use conventional and boring methods on others and save all my interesting ideas for you.”

Wei Xiang felt a mixture of uncontrollable laughter and intense warmth. How could anyone be so hilarious yet lovable at the same time? Wei Xiang pulled Qinghe into his arms and embraced him tightly, burying his face into his beloved’s shoulder. As difficult as it was to control his laughter despite hiding his expression from Qinghe, Wei Xiang couldn’t help but feel new respect blooming towards his senior brother. How Kong Min was able to keep a straight enough face in front of Qinghe’s ridiculous suggestion to the point of even convincing the astute Qinghe that it was a fine idea was beyond him.

Even as his mouth was pulled up in a grin and his eyes shining with humor, Wei Xiang kept his voice perfectly serious as he said, “Hmm, my husband is very good to me.”

Qinghe smiled in a pleased manner. “Yes, I am, aren’t I? But don’t worry, Xiang, you’re good to me in your own way too.”

Wei Xiang nodded even as the amusement in his eyes intensified. “I’m glad you think my meager attempts can approach your level of dedication towards seduction, love.”

Qinghe smiled happily while his cheeks turned pink. “Xiang, you’re praising me too much.” If he’d known his efforts would be appreciated this much, he would’ve tried this ages ago! And so, Qinghe became determined to come up with even more interesting ways of seducing his husband in the future.

If Wei Xiang knew, he’d be torn between laughter and tears.

Hugging his beloved closer and nuzzling his warm and soft cheek, Wei Xiang spoke in a playful voice, “Now that I’ve seen my little husband’s special seduction, I’m finding myself unable to resist you even more. Qinghe, would you like to be rewarded in a special way in return?”

Qinghe felt a shudder ripple through him at how suggestive his beloved’s voice sounded. In a husky whisper, he replied, “Yes.”

Wei Xiang smiled and turned Qinghe around to face the tree trunk again. Qinghe let Wei Xiang position him and felt his beloved’s warmth wrapping around him from behind. Wei Xiang rested his chin on Qinghe’s shoulder, his thighs on either side of his. Taking ahold of Qinghe wrists, Wei Xiang lifted his husband’s hands and said, “Now, love, pleasure yourself for me.”

Qinghe stiffened. “X-Xiang? But I can’t…I won’t be able to…”

Wei Xiang rubbed his cheek against the side of Qinghe’s neck. “Yes, I know. So I want you to let me help you with it as well. Is that alright?”

Qinghe bit his lower lip and thought for a few moments. Then, as pink began suffusing his cheeks, he slowly nodded. “O-Okay.”

Wei Xiang kissed the smooth shoulder under him. “Good. Then let’s begin.”

Qinghe felt the warm fingers around his wrists tightening slightly before his hands were moved towards his chest. Wei Xiang’s fingers extended to support Qinghe’s limp digits from below and lifted them to make the fingertips brush the tops of the two dusky pink buds on his chest. Feeling the subtle sensation, Qinghe exhaled. He could simultaneously sense the velvetiness of the small buds under his fingers as well the faint friction of his fingerpads on the sensitive points.

Wei Xiang’s voice sounded by his ear, low and intimate, “How is it? Do you like it?” Making Qinghe’s fingertips press and drag against the small points again, Wei Xiang went on, “They feel so delicate and soft, don’t they? This is what I feel every time I touch you here.”

Qinghe flushed, his breathing growing slightly deeper. “Y-Yes…it’s soft…and nice…”

Wei Xiang chuckled affectionately. “Then let me slowly show you the other things I feel when I touch you.”

While using his hands to manipulate Qinghe’s fingers, Wei Xiang breathed, “Close your fingers over them and pinch them.”

Qinghe trembled once, then hesitantly followed his husband’s instructions and the silent direction of Wei Xiang’s steady fingers. As Qinghe made his fingertips squeeze the warm and fragile buds, he felt a spark of muted pleasure shoot through him. Qinghe parted his lips and let out another heated breath. His attention snapped to the two little nubs on his chest. Qinghe’s pupils began to dilate as his focus shifted from what he could see with his eyes to what he could feel with his skin. His mind was filled with the sensation of Wei Xiang’s bare body pressing against his back, his beloved’s warm hands guiding him, making his pinching fingers gently pull on the two points, and the pleasant current that flowed through him as a result.

Wei Xiang had Qinghe rub and fiddle with his own buds until the two nubbins turned stiff and red, all the while breathing sensual orders into his little husband’s ears in a low and smooth voice. Wei Xiang then let his beloved’s fingertips trail over his stomach, tracing along the ridges and bumps of the muscles under his skin.

Qinghe grew dazed. He could feel his own skin sliding under his fingertips, smooth and soft. The sensation of having his Xiang controlling his hands and making him explore his own body had him feeling strangely bashful and curious. His perspective seemed to have shifted, letting him see what his husband usually felt when devotedly touching him.

Wei Xiang let Qinghe’s hands slide around his torso and sensed his beloved’s body gradually softening into him. A pink hue spread on Qinghe’s fair skin as his body grew warmer. Wei Xiang smiled to himself and led Qinghe’s hands down his belly and further below.

“Grip it well now, love,” Wei Xiang directed him huskily.

As Qinghe felt his fingers being made to wrap around his own semi-hard member, he let out an unconscious moan. It was so strange. Though he was never able to get so aroused when he touched himself usually, it felt completely different when he was doing it under his Xiang’s coaxing. It almost felt like a form of roleplay where he put himself under Wei Xiang’s control and let his beloved do whatever he wanted to him.

This was a new experience, and it made Qinghe look at his own body in a different way. Something so responsive and sensitive, so soft and delicate in some areas, yet so firm and muscled in other places…it felt like a shame to treat it as a mere tool. Once again, Qinghe understood why his Xiang wanted him to treasure his body. It was such an interesting thing. It allowed him to physically connect with his beloved and made him feel so much pleasure. It held his soul and helped him interact with the world. Something so precious…might be something worth cherishing and protecting after all.

Meanwhile, Wei Xiang had finished encircling Qinghe’s shaft with one of his beloved’s palms and directed the other hand to caress his inner thigh and the crevice between his leg and groin. Qinghe shuddered lightly and let slip a gasp. The fingers of his other hand were slowly made to move over his stiffened length, languidly sliding up and down. His member felt hard in his palm, with a layer of silky smoothness covering it. The veins throbbed fiercely along his length as his hand kept pumping. In the meantime, his other hand drew designs over the sensitive skin of his inner thigh and lower belly.

Qinghe shifted and panted as he was made to stimulate himself more and more. His need unfurled and took over, making him moan and cry out huskily. But Wei Xiang’s touch on his hand remained teasingly light. It frustrated Qinghe to the point where he decided to take matters into his own hands. He clenched his fingers of his own accord, without any instructions from Wei Xiang, and moved them over his shaft with more vigor.

His smile widening with satisfaction, Wei Xiang led Qinghe’s other hand back up, making it caress and fondle himself sensually before reaching the two perky points on his chest again. Gripped by heated desire, Qinghe barely felt Wei Xiang guiding his fingers to pinch and pull on his buds before he began twisting and rolling them unprompted. Each little touch of his hand on himself added to the stream of pleasure thrumming under his skin. The stimulations gathered like sparks making a flame, burning his body hotter and hotter. But no matter how much pleasure he felt or how much higher the wave of need pushed him, Qinghe felt unable to attain climax. He let out sounds of frustration and desperation, his hands moving on his body as he writhed against Wei Xiang.

Wei Xiang let go of Qinghe’s hands and wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him close and pressing little kisses to his cheek while soothing, “Hush, love. Enough. I’ll take it from here and give you release.”

Qinghe let out a soft sob and nodded, his hands slowing as he gave himself to his Xiang’s capable hands again.

Wei Xiang took out a bottle of oil and quickly slathered his fingers up. Qinghe cooperatively rose up on his knees and pressed his front against the tree before raising his bottom up so that it would be more easily accessible. Wei Xiang squeezed his hip in silent thanks before leading the fingers of the other hand to slowly enter and start preparing his beloved.

Qinghe’s face grew redder, his breathing quicker as he felt his beloved’s strong fingers finally moving inside him, stimulating him in a way his own fingers never could. Qinghe clenched his eyes closed, a layer of sweat glittering on his forehead and sheathing his body. His muscles shifted and rolled under his skin as he struggled to exercise restraint while Wei Xiang’s long fingers slowly massaged the walls of his channel and spread within him to stretch out his passage.

Once Wei Xiang was satisfied with the preparations, he pulled his fingers out and studied his enchanting husband with dark eyes.

Qinghe was pressed up against the tree with his bottom lifted upwards in exactly the same way as when he did that little dance to seduce him. But now, with him flushed, sweaty, and panting, his body trembling with his overwhelming need and his opening glistening due having been readied to be entered, Wei Xiang felt that he was even more unbearably tempting now.

Also realizing that his posture right now was similar to back then, Qinghe turned his head, his eyes thick lashes lifting to reveal his dewy eyes as he said, “X-Xiang? D-Do you…want me to seduce you again?”

Wei Xiang felt a flash of heat in his nose and decided that no, this was even more tempting!

Pulling his beloved’s hips back, Wei Xiang bent to nuzzle the crook of Qinghe’s neck and exhaled over his flushed skin. “Love, you’re so irresistible already. I’m not sure I’ll be able to take another round of seduction. I’m already at my limit.”

Just as Qinghe opened his mouth to reply, he felt Wei Xiang suddenly thrusting into him, that familiar length burying itself inside his channel all at once. The abrupt flash of friction and unexpected intensity of stimulation tore through him. Qinghe jerked in surprise, his eyes losing focus as he moaned low and loud.

Wei Xiang pulled himself out and pushed back in, going all out from the start. He held his husband close with an arm, wanting to feel all of Qinghe against him while his hips pumped in a ruthless rhythm, drawing his member fully out before plunging it back in to the furthest depth possible each time.

Qinghe shuddered and gasped, his body twisting uncontrollably. With every thrust that rocked through him, he chanted fervently, “Xiang…ahhh…X-Xiang… Xiang! …Nhh…Xiang…”

“I’m here,” Wei Xiang sounded hoarse and throaty. Feeling that even this much closeness was not enough, he swept away Qinghe’s hair and began suckling and nibbling on his nape while his hand snuck forward to start massaging and stimulating his beloved’s stiff shaft.

Qinghe’s voice dissolved into a deep groan that ended in a whimper. He pleaded quaveringly, “Please, faster…Xiang, go faster…uh…yes…like that…quick…”

At the feeling of that hot and soft tightness wringing his member, Wei Xiang shuddered and growled, “…Qinghe…”

The rapid slap of flesh on flesh increased in intensity while the two bodies twisted and struggled together. As the heat wound tighter and tighter, their two voices calling each other's names soon blended into one.

It was a lot of time before silence returned to this place again.


In another place far away, Jing Shui and Wu Xiao were already well underway with their own type of lovemaking.

Currently, Jing Shui was on his back, lying naked on the soft earth. Only his hands were pulled up to rest on the patch of grass situated over his head. Wu Xiao had used the long and slender grass blades to tie Jing Shui’s wrists together without uprooting the grass, ensuring that his beloved’s wrists would stay fixed in that place. Jing Shui’s body was stretched on the ground, twisting and shuddering while covered with sweat and flushed pink with exertion. His slender legs were pulled apart, his thighs trembling with strain while his toes dug into the loose soil.

Of course, since it was Wu Xiao, there were a few odd implements being used on Jing Shui as well.

The ends of a string were tightly wound around both of Jing Shui’s tender pink buds, the thread stretching in between connecting the pair of stiff points tautly. A thin stick was inserted into the small slit tipping Jing Shui’s member, preventing his release from dripping out as it wanted. A string of metal balls—each ball the width of three fingers—was inserted into his entrance, lodged fully inside. Wu Xiao was currently making Jing Shui expel the large balls one by one, citing that it was training for his inner muscles and that he would reward his husband if he succeeded.

While Jing Shui struggled to push the balls out, a still-clothed Wu Xiao cheerfully entertained himself with his beloved’s quivering body, one corner of his lips curved up in a gentle yet sharp smile. Wu Xiao ran his cool fingertips over Jing Shui’s sweat-soaked brows and flushed cheeks, then tenderly traced his beloved’s trembling lips that were parted to let out quick pants and low moans. Wu Xiao’s cool fingers slid over his Ah-Shui’s arching collarbone before slipping down to his chest.

Wu Xiao leisurely played with his husband’s small buds that were squeezed tightly in their bindings, pointing towards the sky while moving up and down as Jing Shui’s chest heaved. With light fingers, Wu Xiao strummed the string connecting the bound nubs. Jing Shui let out a broken groan at the sensation of the vibrations passing into his buds. When Wu Xiao tugged at the thread, Jing Shui could feel it tightening over the delicate points and pulling upward. His body bent backward, his chest pushed up with a breathy moan.

Eyes shining, Wu Xiao let go and continued exploring his Ah-Shui’s delectable body. His fingers slipped down Jing Shui’s shuddering stomach, trailing over the length of his shaft and tracing around the little slit in the head that was filled with the stick. Moving down, Wu Xiao gently weighed Jing Shui’s balls, then slid his fingertip over Jing Shui’s straining entrance that twitched and spasmed with the effort of slowly expelling the large round objects stuffed inside.

In the beginning, Jing Shui had had four metal balls filling him. The first one, he was able to push out with a bit of effort. The second one was a bit more difficult and had him covered in sweat and panting. He was now in the midst of forcing out the third one.

Jing Shui’s whole body was taut and quivering with strain as he concentrated his entire attention on squeezing out the third ball. He felt it stretching his inner ring of muscles wide open as it made its way out slowly. He could feel it begin to force apart his entrance as he struggled to keep on guiding it out of him.

After Wu Xiao caressed and teased his beloved’s body to his heart’s content, he moved to crouch between Jing Shui’s legs, pushing them apart wider. He eagerly took in the details of the lurid scene before him. The two metal balls Jing Shui had managed to expel laid on the dark earth. The string connecting them extended into Jing Shui’s entrance, attached to the third ball that was beginning to peek out from within the trembling opening. The balls shone in the dim light, still covered with the lubricant Wu Xiao had slathered them with before inserting them into his husband. More of the transparent liquid had dripped out of Jing Shui’s entrance, tracing a gleaming line between his buttocks and pooling beneath him. Above, a thin, whitish drop of fluid had managed to well on the tip of Jing Shui’s member despite the obstructing stick. It quivered for a moment before slowly trailing down in a thin trickle.

The entirety of this lewd sight titillated Wu Xiao into bending closer to study it better, his need winding tighter and hotter in his belly. His gaze was fervently latched on his Ah-Shui’s opening as it slowly widened, revealing more of the smooth, round surface of the metal ball as it slowly emerged from within. As Jing Shui continued to try and push it out of his body, it caused his entrance to bulge outward while making the wrinkles around the opening slowly stretch and smoothen.

Wu Xiao’s eyes glinted as he saw his beloved’s entrance stretched tight and round over the ball. He reached out and cupped Jing Shui buttocks, lightly kneading the soft mounds before gently using his thumbs to pull apart the edges of that straining opening. In a husky voice deepened with need, Wu Xiao encouraged, “It’s almost out, Ah-Shui. Just a little bit more…”

Jing Shui cried out softly and looked up at his husband, his wide eyes dewy and dazed. The sight that met him was Wu Xiao’s heated gaze fixed on his entrance, his silver hair gleaming brightly even in the dim light, his fair cheeks flushed and his eyes dark with lust. Seeing Wu Xiao slowly lick his lips as if seeing something delicious, Jing Shui’s body reddened further. He suddenly found the strength to keep pushing and tightened his inner muscles further in an attempt to expel that ball.

Jing Shui felt his insides shaking with strain. His spine grew stiff and taut while his head arched back, pressing into the ground. He let out short grunts and long, drawn-out cries as he struggled to move the heavy balls within him. Sensing the heat in Wu Xiao’s gaze intensify, Jing Shui shouted out and poured his strength into pushing out with all he had. Finally, Jing Shui felt the widest section of the ball slowly stretch apart the edges of his entrance. For a second, it hovered there, seeming as if it could slip back in at any time. Then it slid out to land on the earth with a soft thump and Jing Shui’s body lost all strength, slumping into the ground as he panted heavily from the exertion.

Jing Shui mewled pitifully and called, “W-Wu Xiao…”

Wu Xiao was immediately there, hugging his beloved and murmuring to him, “Ah-Shui, you did very good.” His hand rubbed Jing Shui’s back soothingly.

Jing Shui snuggled into his husband’s embrace and reveled in the comfortable feeling.

A few minutes later, Wu Xiao commanded softly, “Now, Ah-Shui, you will push that final ball out of you.”

Jing Shui dazedly nodded, his body automatically obeying. His toes dug into the earth once again, his fists clenching where they were restrained above his head as veins popped from his wrist. Jing Shui gritted his teeth as he kept on trying to work his tired inner muscles, but the heavy metal ball inside him moved too slowly. And once it reached his tight inner ring of muscles, it refused to move any further. Jing Shui also didn’t have the strength to forcefully widen his trembling inner walls any more than this. He panted, squirmed, strained, and struggled to push the ball out before finally giving up.

In a hoarse voice, he pleaded, “Wu Xiao, I can’t…please, I can’t… It’s too difficult… I d-don’t know…how to…”

“Oh, no, my darling, you can definitely do it,” Wu Xiao said unbendingly.

Before Jing Shui could reply, he felt his beloved’s cool and smooth palms take ahold of the back of his knees before pushing them up as much as possible. Jing Shui’s legs were folded over his chest, his knees on his shoulders while his thighs pressed down on the exposed tips of his bound buds.

“Try harder, Ah-Shui,” Wu Xiao ordered, and with a whimper, Jing Shui complied.

Jing Shui’s toes curled into themselves while his legs began to shake with the effort of trying to squeeze the ball out of his tired passage. His trembling belly pressed inward as he once again strained the muscles in his body. Small drops of white liquid beaded and dripped down from his member despite the stick obstructing the small hole. The three other balls he’d expelled hung down from his entrance by the string connecting them to the fourth one still inside him.

After straining for more than a minute, Jing Shui’s opening slowly began to widen, the round and smooth surface of the last metal ball peeking out. But the more of the ball that emerged, the more Jing Shui found it difficult to keep pushing. He struggled and sobbed, calling out to Wu Xiao in a broken voice. Wu Xiao encouraged him in a gentle tone even as he eagerly drank in his beloved Ah-Shui’s utterly discomposed appearance. It was only when he was driven to such a state that his precious beloved would stop hiding himself, instead displaying his emotions openly for Wu Xiao to see.

Grinning widely at that thought, Wu Xiao leaned down and extended his dark red tongue before tracing the edges of the stretched out, twitching entrance with the tip.

“Ah!” Jing Shui jerked with a shout at the unexpected sensation. “W-Wu Xiao! Wh-What are you…”

Wu Xiao retracted his tongue and said, “What is it, Ah-Shui? Do you want me to stop?”

Feeling his husband's breath washing over his most intimate of parts as he spoke, Jing Shui shuddered. “N-No, but… Wu Xiao, I can’t. It’s too difficult. I c-can’t…do this anymore…”

Wu Xiao’s eyes narrowed. “Do you want to stop, then?”

Jing Shui bit his lips and hesitated before shaking his head. In an uncertain voice, he said, “…No…”

Wu Xiao bent forward to place a comforting kiss to his beloved’s rosy butt cheek. “Good, then we won’t stop.”

Jing Shui nodded, but didn’t move, wanting to catch his breath first.

Chuckling, Wu Xiao warned cheerfully, “But if you don't finish soon, I'll push all the balls back in and make you squeeze them all the way out again, Ah-Shui~ Seeing you flushed and straining desperately is such a treat to me~”

Jing Shui gritted his teeth indignantly. “Wu Xiao! Must you be such a shameless sadist!?” But he still quickly started working his inner muscles again.

Wu Xiao smirked and went back to tonguing his husband’s entrance. He felt the metal ball straining against the skin under his tongue, making the whole area bulge outward as it struggled to force its way through the small opening. More of the ball slowly emerged as the entrance was stretched open further. Jing Shui let out small sounds of strain as he continued to push. Seeing his Ah-Shui’s earnest effort made Wu Xiao more vigorous in his ministrations.

As he kept feeling the tip of his husband’s tongue painting a warm trail around his opening, Jing Shui moaned and complained, “Wu Xiao…your tongue… I-It’s distracting…”

Wei Xiao blithely replied, “I’m trying to lubricate your wonderful little hole to make this easier, so you should just bear with it and accept my generous help, Ah-Shui~”

Jing Shui snarled, “Wu Xiao!”

Unexpectedly, his anger gave Jing Shui the surge of strength needed to push out the ball. Jing Shui ignored Wu Xiao to focus on fully squeezing it out and heard the satisfying sound of the ball falling onto the ground. His belly felt empty and light in the absence of the four balls. Spent and exhausted, Jing Shui slumped down, his chest and belly heaving with the strain of such a strenuous exercise.

Wu Xiao let go of Jing Shui’s knees and let him straighten his legs. Sitting up, he smiled and said quietly, “Ah-Shui, you did very well. Now it’s time for you to accept your reward, so just lie back and enjoy it.”

Jing Shui’s belly fluttered with wild anticipation as he nodded, his limpid gaze on Wu Xiao. In a shy yet firm voice, he stated, “Wu Xiao, no matter what you want to do to me, I’ll take it.”

Wu Xiao’s heart thumped. How could his Ah-Shui tempt him so much! Unable to wait, Wu Xiao quickly took off his belt and pulled open his robes. As for his pants, feeling that it was too troublesome to remove them properly, he simply ripped them off him before throwing them to side. Well, they weren’t his favorite pair anyway.

Seeing Wu Xiao suddenly acting so impatient, Jing Shui felt a bashful pleasure bloom in his chest. His Wu Xiao was so eager because of him, because he felt that Jing Shui was that irresistible. Jing Shui’s already flushed cheeks reddened further. Lifting his legs, he willingly wrapped them around Wu Xiao’s waist and pulled him closer, feeling his own anticipation bubbling up.

Seeing how enthusiastic his Ah-Shui was, Wu Xiao grew even more aroused. He bent down to place small kisses on his beloved’s flushed and warm face. Meeting Jing Shui’s wide and wet eyes with his own piercing black ones, Wu Xiao breathed, his voice husky and intimate, “Ah-Shui, are you ready?”

Jing Shui swallowed a moan and nodded. Damn, his husband was too unreasonably seductive even when he wasn’t trying to be!

Wu Xiao held his member in a hand and led it to press against Jing Shui’s entrance before slowly pushing in. Jing Shui’s body tensed, his eyes growing unfocused as his attention concentrated on the feeling of his beloved’s large organ thrusting into him. Once the thick length had buried itself completely into the warm and pulsing sheath of flesh, Wu Xiao gritted his teeth and slowly slid himself out, then sunk back in again.

Jing Shui arched back and groaned. In a pleading voice, he urged, “Wu Xiao…faster…mnn, please…go faster…”

Wu Xiao cooperatively sped up, letting go of his self-restraint. Jing Shui let out a short scream as he felt that rigid shaft suddenly beginning to slam itself into him again and again uncontrollably. Cool hands roved over his skin hungrily, fondling his chest and moving to the two perky points on it before abruptly jerking away the string binding the small nubs. Jing Shui shuddered and screamed again as a mix between brutal pleasure and sharp pain tore through him. The delicate little buds on his chest felt swollen, hot, and overly sensitive. Every brush of Wu Xiao’s fingers against it sent out pulses of biting pleasure and small stabs of pain. Jing Shui sobbed helplessly. His hands struggled in their bindings, wanting to touch and caress Wu Xiao in return, but the blades of grass held strong, their roots remaining firmly in the ground.

Wu Xiao bent down to enfold one of the little points he’d treated so roughly with the gentle heat of his mouth. His tongue laved over it soothingly in apology. Jing Shui moaned raggedly and thrust his chest up, begging, “Wu Xiao…please…unh, more…”

Sensing that his beloved didn’t seem to mind what he’d done and even liked it, Wu Xiao’s gaze gleamed happily as he obliged. His fingers pitilessly pinched and pulled one swollen nub while his mouth sucked and nibbled on the other. Jing Shui’s body bowed back as he let out a sharp scream, then ended it with a rough plea to keep going. All the while, Wu Xiao’s shaft kept pumping into his passage, the speed of the thrusts increasing as his fervor mounted. Though Jing Shui’s inner walls were sore and tired from having to expel those balls before, he still tilted his hips eagerly to receive more thrusts. His tight channel twitched and trembled over Wei Xiao’s stiff length as he drove in and out in powerful plunges.

As the pleasure built up and up, Wu Xiao finally reached climax, his body bending down as he let out a hoarse shout. He clutched his Ah-Shui to him and released into the soft and hot passage while feeling it clutching at his shaft. Jing Shui moaned and shuddered as he felt sudden warmth drenching his insides. But due to the stick still lodged into his member, Jing Shui was unable to orgasm fully. But he still held Wu Xiao close with his legs and accepted his release into him, willing to let his beloved bask in his pleasure. Spent, Wu Xiao relaxed against Jing Shui, his body feeling light and languid in the aftermath of his climax.

After a few minutes, Jing Shui tried to shakily get out in his voice quavering with desperation, “W-Wu Xiao…I-I also want to…”

Wu Xiao blinked lazily and smiled, “Ah, of course, how can I leave my lovely little Ah-Shui hanging? Hmm, but I have to admit that I do like seeing you like this, all tied up, frustrated, and completely at my mercy~”

Jing Shui wanted to sob wretchedly at how badly he wanted to orgasm. Where did he have time for his husband’s playful teasing now?

Before Jing Shui could plead more, Wu Xiao continued, “But I’d still rather have a happy and satisfied Ah-Shui to cuddle with after.”

Jing Shui had yet to comprehend the words when Wu Xiao was already crouching over his member, swiftly pulling out the thin stick from his shaft before swallowing the entire stiff length in one go.

At the sudden deluge of stimulations, Jing Shui’s body stiffened and twisted as he screamed in release.

The luminous fruits from the surrounding trees cast a diffused light over the scene, shrouding it in a warm radiance.


Meanwhile, a certain other couple was intimately engaged as well, perched high above on one of the gigantic trees.

Bunches of pinkish-purple and peach colored luminous fruits hung around Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu. The dark velvety green leaves reflected their light, suffusing the enclosed space in soft illumination. The tree branch they occupied was dark, smooth, and several meters wide. A hushed, intimate atmosphere permeated the air, a touch of mystique added due to the subdued light.

Both Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu had long since removed their clothing, dropping it carelessly down to lie in a pile at the foot of the tree. Chen Xiande was currently sprawled on the tree branch, his back resting against the trunk. His lips were reddened with intensive kissing. His deep gaze reflected glowing dots of purple and peach as it remained fixed on his beloved.

Hei NingYu had settled himself in between Chen Xiande’s splayed legs, one hand placed gently on his lover’s waist. The other hand held up a luminous fruit, the slender fingers looking almost black in contrast with the serene purple glow. With hooded eyes and a slight smile, Hei NingYu squeezed the fruit, making it spill radiant drops of juice. They landed on Chen Xiande’s shoulder and slowly dripped down, painting glowing lines on his smooth skin. The brightly luminescing drops of juice both looked and felt like liquid light, and wherever it fell, Chen Xiande felt an accompanying warmth spreading on his skin.

His eyes displaying his fascination, Hei NingYu studied the play of the glowing juice on his beloved little sheep’s fair skin. Eyes narrowing, Hei NingYu squeezed the fruit again and let the overflow splatter down on the hollow of Chen Xiande’s throat, then moved on to let it cover the little buds on his lover’s chest. More juice dripped onto Chen Xiande’s abdomen before pooling in his bellybutton. The pleasant warmth trailing after the liquid made Chen Xiande let out a soft sigh of comfort.

Raising a hand, Chen Xiande pulled Hei NingYu’s head down to his clavicle in a silent request. Hei NingYu wordlessly obliged, using his mouth and tongue to slowly, thoroughly clean off those warm droplets. His mouth glided over his beloved’s shoulder before pausing below his throat, sucking hungrily. Meanwhile, his hand wandered down to take Chen Xiande’s awakening member in his hand, fondling and teasing it playfully.

Chen Xiande let out a shuddering breath and called, “NingYu…”

Hearing the unhidden need in his lover’s tone, Hei NingYu hummed against his skin before giving it another long lick. His hand squeezed and moved roughly over his beloved’s rigid length. Chen Xiande groaned, his head tilting back to expose more of his throat while his legs unconsciously widened to provide better access to his shaft. Hei NingYu gladly took advantage of it and continued his sensual torment. His lips slid down to Chen Xiande’s chest, sucking strongly on the juice-soaked nubs before he licked and nipped at them. Chen Xiande cried out, his hand lifting of its own volition to press Hei NingYu’s head more firmly against his chest.

As Hei NingYu’s mouth continued its ministrations, his hand pumped faster and faster on Chen Xiande's member. Chen Xiande let out a low grunt and instinctively began moving his hips to and fro, trying to feed the intense burning need in his belly. His hand slid down to massage the back of Hei NingYu’s neck in encouragement while simultaneously urging him for more. In answer, Hei NingYu’s mouth bit and sucked more firmly on his skin while his hand sped up on the pulsing length. Chen Xiande’s breathing quickened, his mouth lightly parted as he drew in deep lungfuls of air. A layer of pink spread over his skin that was already tinted mildly with the glow of the luminous fruits hanging around them.

Being pushed higher and higher, Chen Xiande’s body grew more and more tense, preparing for the eventual crash of orgasm.

But just as he was on the verge of tipping over, Hei NingYu halted. His voice sounded smooth and husky as he said playfully, “Now, now, you can’t leave me behind and reach release so soon, Little Sheep~”

Chen Xiande growled frustratedly. “Then you should get the hell inside me and fuck me already!”

Hei NingYu laughed. His little sheep’s mouth grew more honest the more he was aroused. How delightful!

In a cheerful voice, Hei NingYu replied, “Then I will dutifully comply with my lover’s demands.”

Dipping his head, Hei NingYu inserted his tongue into Chen Xiande’s navel, lapping up the small pool of purple liquid there while a small bottle appeared in his hand. Without looking, Hei NingYu slathered up his fingers with the contents of the bottle with ease of practice and put the little bottle away again. Fully slickened with lubricant, his fingers slipped downward. Chen Xiande sensed his lover’s intentions and leaned back further while eagerly offering up his opening to Hei NingYu’s slippery fingers. As the slender digits sunk into him, Chen Xiande moaned. He needed to feel the thrust and friction of his beloved’s member tearing through his insides, but he could only clench his hands and wait to be prepared by those careful fingers.

Hei NingYu smirked at his young lover’s impatience, but kept his preparation slow and lazy. He took pleasure in watching his little sheep squirm and twist, his hot insides clenching and unclenching around his fingers agitatedly. Taking his time, Hei NingYu increased the number of digits in Chen Xiande’s passage while he leisurely explored his beloved’s juice-stained body with his mouth, gradually licking it clean of the sweet liquid.

When he was done on all accounts, Hei NingYu stopped, lifting his head and retrieving his fingers. Unsatisfied, Chen Xiande snarled, “NingYu, don’t you dare stop here!”

Hei NingYu chuckled, his voice warm and affectionate. Before Chen Xiande could threaten him more, Hei NingYu hoisted his lover onto his lap while simultaneously shifting forward so that his beloved’s back would remain pressed against the tree trunk. Chen Xiande frowned, his eyes already glazed with lust. What was his lover doing now instead of entering him already?

Hei NingYu encircled Chen Xiande’s wrists with his fingers and pressed them up against the tree trunk. Leaning forward, he playfully whispered, “Little Sheep, I will now extract compensation directly from your body for how you trespassed into my heart~”

Chen Xiande’s lips twitched. What was with these ridiculous words? But thinking about it, weren’t the first words Hei NingYu ever said to him very similar to this? He’d asked for compensation for trespassing into his territory back then. And now… Chen Xiande’s eyes darkened with unreadable emotions. Since his lover was being playfully romantic, maybe he should say something affectionate in return.

With a simple twist of his wrists, Chen Xiande freed his hands and hugged Hei NingYu. Without waiting for his beloved to react, Chen Xiande positioned himself over Hei NingYu’s erect shaft and slammed his hips down. The sudden friction tore a deep moan out of him.

Hei NingYu’s body jerked as he let out a gasp of pleasure mixed with laughter. Leaning back on his palms, he grinned and commented, “Little Sheep, were you so bewitched by my words that you couldn’t control yourself anymore?”

But in response, Chen Xiande simply hugged him tighter and replied to his statement before in a strained, throaty voice, “If I said I was willing to give you my own heart in return for trespassing into yours, would you consider that as suitable compensation?”

Hei NingYu’s eyes widened. His gaze turned warm while his lips softened into a small smile. Carefully hugging his beloved back, he answered, his voice quiet and sincere, “Yes, that’s more than I can ever ask for.”

Chen Xiande buried his head deeper into Hei NingYu’s hair and wordlessly tightened his arms. Then letting go, Chen Xiande said, “But NingYu, I’d still like it if we could start moving soon. I feel too pent-up and…I want you too much.”

Hei NingYu chuckled and gripped his lover’s hips. “Yes, yes, my ravenous little sheep. We can start fucking now~”

Feeling no need to wait anymore, Chen Xiande clenched his jaws and pulled himself up before pushing back down. The familiar feeling of the thick member dragging over his sensitive passage on its way out, then prying apart his inner walls to squeeze itself back in made Chen Xiande’s eyes darken with ferocious hunger. His movements quickened, his hips rising and falling, pumping itself onto the stiff length with mounting frenzy.

Sensing that his little sheep’s voracious beast had awakened, Hei NingYu smiled wide before giving in to his lust as well. His parted lips let out a stream unrestrained of groans and gasps as the slick and tight channel gripped and pulled on his shaft, bathing it in liquid heat. Hei NingYu used his hands to lift and raise his beloved’s hips, helping him set a quicker rhythm.

Wanting more, Chen Xiande left one hand on Hei NingYu’s shoulder and used the other to caress his beloved’s body. Taking advantage of the fact that Hei NingYu’s hands were occupied with supporting his hips, Chen Xiande slid his fingers over the oversensitive edges of his lover’s scars, squeezed and kneaded the working muscles on his chest, back, and arms, and tormented the pair of stiff little buds on his chest one after another by pinching, rolling, and pulling them.

Hei Ning Yu clenched his jaws and shuddered in reaction as the blissful waves of pleasure rolled through him, flooding his senses. His little sheep was too naughty, playing with him like this. But he could just tease him back in return. And so, bending forward, Hei NingYu retaliated by using his lips, teeth, and tongue on Chen Xiande’s throat, shoulders, and chest. Meanwhile, his fingers on his beloved’s hips shifted to directly support him by the buttocks while his fingertips wandered inward, tantalizingly tracing the crevice running between the balls and the entrance. Of course, Hei NingYu didn’t forget to massage and squeeze the round mounds in his palms either, using everything he could to add to his lover’s arousal. Chen Xiande gritted out a hoarse moan. It was all he could do to keep up the rhythm of his hips while this sensual assault drowned him.

Stuck in a battle of giving and taking pleasure as they were, the couple quickly pushed each other off the edge of orgasm, falling one after another while holding their beloved close. Their minds drifted together on clouds of ecstasy while their flushed and sweaty bodies undulated with the strength of their panting.

As they lay relaxing together against the tree trunk, their arms around each other, the soft glow of the luminous fruits continued to envelop them, lighting up the enclosed space filled with peace and quiet.


When the three couples met up again at the clearing on the intersection, they were all dressed in different clothes, looking like they’d just freshly bathed, and were wearing content smiles. With tacit understanding, none of them brought up the changes. The six people instead directly set about spreading a large cloth on the ground to sit on before arranging plentiful of dishes. Each pair sat down around the food at equal distances from each other and began chatting casually as they tried to choose a dish to start eating.

Qinghe was sitting between Wei Xiang’s parted legs, leaning back into his husband’s chest and soaking up his warmth. With Wei Xiang arms around his abdomen and his chin resting on his shoulder, Qinghe felt snug and comfortable. In a pleasant and relaxed voice, he was saying, “…but if both the people who were getting married were able to finish the fruit with their mouths alone without dropping it even once, then their marriage was predicted to be a fruitful one. If I’d known there were fruits similar to the ones used for that tradition here, I would have definitely included them in my and Xiang’s wedding ceremony.”

Sitting beside Hei NingYu with his arms around his lover’s waist, Chen Xiande sighed. “I wish I’d known this sooner. Then NingYu and I could have tried it too. It sounds like it could be fun.”

Hei NingYu chuckled. “Nothing’s stopping us from trying it before we leave here, Little Sheep~”

Wu Xiao, with Jing Shui sitting sideways on his lap, chimed in, “I didn’t know either, but it’s definitely something Ah-Shui and I will try before leaving. Isn’t that right, my beloved?”

Jing Shui shifted on Wu Xiao’s lap and absently nodded. His mind was too focused on the slight discomfort in his backside. Sitting on Wu Xiao’s firm thighs only made him more aware of the soreness. If Jing Shui concentrated, he could almost feel the imprint of those metal balls inside him or the shape of his lover’s large member as it had forced his tender passage to mold around it. The ghost of those sensations made his insides throb even now, making Jing Shui clench his channel while struggling to not think about it.

Suddenly, Jing Shui felt Wu Xiao’s hot breath fan over him, his lover’s face appearing too close as he asked with worry, “Ah-Shui, are you alright?”

Jing Shui’s mind immediately dived into the gutter, thinking about how Wu Xiao had asked the exact same thing with this exact same intonation while mercilessly playing with his body, reducing him to shuddering sobs, desperate writhing, and tearful pleas for more. Jing Shui felt his face going up in flames, his body softening and his eyes growing dewy with remembered helplessness.

Blinking up his long lashes while trying to not let his voice sound too weird, he finally replied, “I-I’m fine. What were you saying? Ah…you wanted to eat the fruits from the luminous trees, didn’t you? It should be alright. As long as they’re eaten within an hour of picking, they’re edible and even taste very good. Because of how quickly they lose their edibleness, we’ve been unable to export them from this dimension to trade outside. But we’re working with the Drifting Clouds Sect to create pre-activation type preservation talismans to help us with it. But calibrating it is being a bit troublesome and―”

His lips twitching, Wu Xiao interrupted his beloved’s nervous chatter, “Ah-Shui, are you really alright? You look a bit discomposed there.”

At the side, Qinghe and Chen Xiande exchanged an amused glance, but stayed quiet.

Jing Shui blinked like a confused kitten and looked up at Wu Xiao with wide, liquid eyes. “I-It’s really okay…I’m really fine. I j-just… I’m fine,” he said with awkwardness and looked down bashfully. His soft cheeks were suffused with a delicate pink hue, and even the cute little ears peeking out from his hair looked red. Combined with how his body was leaning into Wu Xiao’s unconsciously as if for stability, Wu Xiao found that his husband was all too tempting right now.

Unable to help himself, Wu Xiao murmured huskily, “Ah-Shui, if you keep looking so cute, I’ll feel like stripping you right here and indulge in some exhibitionism just so that I can eat you up again without delay.”

The other two couples felt their mouths twitching as they thought in their hearts, Who wants to see your exhibitionism!

“You! W-What are you s-saying!” Jing Shui scolded as his head popped back up. His cheeks flushed harder with a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and a hint of arousal. He quickly turned his face away, not wanting his shamelessly smirking husband to see his expression. Spotting a nearby bowl of snacks, Jing Shui wordlessly lifted it up along with a pair of chopsticks, then picked up a piece of fried dough from the bowl and thrust it towards Wu Xiao’s smirking mouth. “H-Here! Just eat this and shut up!”

Wu Xiao paused, his smile turning soft. He obediently opened his mouth to receive the food. Though his beloved frowned at him with a grumpy expression, his careful motions and attentiveness while feeding him the food spoke much about his affection.

Soon, the plate in Jing Shui’s hand was empty, all of it fed to a cooperative Wu Xiao. Deciding to reciprocate, Wu Xiao picked up a pair of chopsticks of his own along with a bowl of dumpling soup, then started feeding a fiercely blushing yet obedient Jing Shui in return. Thinking of how after all the dumplings were eaten, they could share the soup using just their mouths, both Wu Xiao and Jing Shui’s gazes deepened with hungry anticipation.

Seeing them indulging in each other like this, Hei NingYu really felt quite envious. Just as he turned to his own lover to suggest they start feeding each other as well, he spotted something bright and purple behind Chen Xiande’s ear. Hei NingYu leaned back and curiously swept away a lock of Chen Xiande’s hair to get a better view. Sure enough, there was a small patch of glowing purple fruit juice hidden behind Chen Xiande’s ear. Hei NingYu guessed that it must have rubbed off from Chen Xiande’s shoulder when he lifted his beloved’s hands to capture them against the tree trunk before.

Alerted by Hei NingYu’s actions, Chen Xiande turned to him with puzzlement. “NingYu? Is something wrong?”

In a cheerful voice, Hei NingYu answered, “Little Sheep, I seemed to have missed a spot while bathing you with my tongue before.”

Before Chen Xiande could react, he felt his lover’s moist tongue licking him behind the ear, pressing and sliding over his skin as if trying to thoroughly wash away something. In the meantime, Hei NingYu’s hands had started slowly massaging Chen Xiande’s waist, his fingers gentle yet firm. Chen Xiande’s body lost strength, leaning into Hei NingYu’s and feeling his beloved’s warmth being soaking into him through their clothes. All the while, those slender fingers continued taking liberties with his waist while that slick and hot tongue began trailing up and down behind his sensitive ear. Chen Xiande sighed with pleasure, his eyelids falling closed as his cheeks turned hot.

A few minutes later, after fully taking advantage of this opportunity presented by that long-disappeared patch of glowing juice, Hei NingYu leaned back with a satisfied smirk. “Hmm, that was just as delicious as before. My little sheep is all clean again. Now, why don’t we start eati―”

Not letting him finish, Chen Xiande suddenly pulled Hei NingYu’s head down to press their mouths together. As always, once his desire was stoked, Chen Xiande lost all sense of timing or their surroundings, his entire attention focused intently on only his beloved, on indulging in his touch, his taste, the feel of his tongue in his mouth, the warmth of his body against his… And faced with this enthusiasm, Hei NingYu could hardly remain unaffected, returning his little sheep’s kisses and caresses with equal fervor.

Lips sucked thirstily as tongues turned greedy, licking and laving inside each other’s mouths with burning intensity. Passion flared fast and sudden, consuming them both in an inferno as they pushed their bodies as close together as they could. Hands began wandering over fabric, studying the shape of the other’s clothed body anew.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of the two distracted couples, a gleeful Qinghe sneakily set about stealing all the sweet dishes for himself while Wei Xiang watched on with affectionate amusement.

At the side, drops of soup spilled from the corners of Jing Shui’s lips as Wu Xiao fed him the broth with his mouth. Jing Shui’s throat vibrated with soft murmurs as he swallowed the soup that was mixed with his lover’s familiar flavor, his eyelashes trembling as he held Wu Xiao close by his shoulders. When all the soup was gone, Jing Shui finally leaned back and spoke in a husky voice, “I-I think we’ve…eaten enough.”

Wu Xiao’s gaze roved heatedly over his beloved’s flushed face, dazed eyes, and his reddened lips that were swollen and glistening. “But I don’t think I’ve had enough. Ah-Shui, how about some dessert after our meal?”

Jing Shui felt his resistance melting away under the flow of molten need. Letting out a hot breath, he nodded, “Yes…okay. Let’s have something sweet then.”

Wu Xiao smiled and turned to look for the nearest dish with sweets, only to find nothing. Frowning, he looked over to see a suspiciously happy Qinghe with all the sweet dishes placed neatly in front of him, eating them up with lightning speed while occasionally feeding some to Wei Xiang as well.

His eyes narrowing, Wu Xiao placed Jing Shui down from his lap and stood up. “Xiao Feng, you brat! Stop hoarding all the desserts!”

Qinghe stuck out his tongue at Wu Xiao and blissfully continued gobbling down the sweets. “Sect Master Wu seemed so busy with Brother Jing that I guessed you wouldn’t need these desserts. After all, isn’t your lover’s mouth sweeter than any food?”

Wu Xiao’s lips twitched. This brat! He had such a glib tongue! Knowing that he might not be able to win in a war of words against Qinghe, Wu Xiao began marching towards him with a determined expression, silently vowing to grab at least a plate of sweets so that he could feed it to his beloved with his mouth.

Seeing the approaching threat, Qinghe quickly put away all the sweet dishes he’d pilfered into his storage space before getting up and running away, trying to evade a chasing Wu Xiao. Growing more determined to show this bratty little disciple the consequences of trying to steal from his elders, Wu Xiao filled himself with righteous indignation and swept after Qinghe with increased speed. As a sect master, he would be remiss in his duty if he failed to educate this youngster today! Yes, this was only about discipline and not at all about pettily teaching this brat a lesson, Wu Xiao lied to himself.

And so, like little children, they zipped around here and there throughout the clearing.

Chuckling cheerfully, Qinghe suddenly crouched behind a busy Hei NingYu, lightly grabbing his shoulder and saying, “Sect Leader Hei, hide me!”

But while continuing to passionately kiss his little sheep, Hei NingYu extended a single hand to pull away a surprised Qinghe’s wrist, then unceremoniously pushed him towards the approaching Wu Xiao.

Qinghe yelped, startled. Then using the chance when Wu Xiao stumbled over something, he leapt away from the irate sect master’s clutches and escaped once again.

His expression darkening, Wu Xiao looked down to see a flash of slender gold disappearing into the ground. He turned to the Wei Xiang who was still sitting with a majestic posture, elegantly eating from a plate of sour and spicy chicken, and complained at the injustice, “Sentinel Wei, you’re cheating! If you hadn’t used your strings at the last moment, I’d have had that cheeky monkey in my hands!”

Wei Xiang looked up, his expression a perfect mask of innocence, “Why, Sect Master Wu, whatever makes you think I did anything? I’m sure you must have just tripped on a rock or something. You should be careful with your footing, or you might just stumble and fall on all this delicious food.”

Uncaring of Wu Xiao’s worsening expression, Wei Xiang continued to eat from his plate.

Wu Xiao’s lips twitched. This pair of husbands was so sly and sneaky! They were truly a match for each other! Gritting his teeth with renewed determination to catch that annoying brat, Wu Xiao continued to give chase to Qinghe.

Unable to bear this absurdness going on any longer, Jing Shui finally got up and began running after his lover, “Alright, Wu Xiao, it’s enough! We can settle for something else, so stop it already!”

“Unacceptable! My Ah-Shui wants desserts, so I’ll get those desserts even if I have to pry it from that Xiao Feng’s cold, dead hands!”

Wei Xiang smirked, eating his spicy food with a casual expression as Wu Xiao suddenly yelled, “Sentinel Wei! Stop using those damned strings of yours just because I said something you didn’t like!”

Qinghe’s smug voice immediately retorted, “Of course my Xiang is honor-bound to defend me!”

At the side, Hei NingYu and Chen Xiande had begun slipping their hands into each other’s clothes. Even as his palms wandered over Chen Xiande’s skin, Hei NingYu continued to suck and lick the side of his lover’s neck. Chen Xiande encouraged him by letting out low moans and soft gasps while his fingertips trailed over the edges of his beloved’s scars under his robes. Stuck in their own little world, the pair completely ignored the abounding chaos around them.

“Wu Xiao, stop running around already! This is getting ridiculous!”

“Xiao Feng, come here, you mischievous brat! I swear I won’t beat you until you’re begging for mercy!”

Qinghe’s laughter floated in the wind, a pleased and gleeful sound.

Unbothered by the ruckus, Wei Xiang continued to eat, occasionally helping out his little husband in evading Wu Xiao.

The small clearing echoed with the various passionate and lively sounds while the stars watched over it all serenely.

These six might all be prominent people in the cultivation world, with a couple even being movers and shakers in Heaven. But when they spent time together like this, they showed no pretenses or façades in front of one another.

After all, even millennia-old beings as ancient as dust wanted to act like children sometimes, laughing, teasing, and playing energetically. Even those who had never minded the embrace of quiet loneliness before wanted to bask in their beloved’s presence now, holding them close, cuddling, and whispering sweets words of undying affection into their flushed ear while a blanket of stars stretched above. Even those who’d seen innumerable cruelties and had their hearts wrenched by it had times when they wanted to expose their innocence, denseness, or inexperience, wanting to be held gently, spoken to softly, to be treated delicately. Even those who’d wielded weapons and shed blood with coldness seeping into their souls wanted every now and then to show tenderness, kindness, and care towards another person. Even these leaders and future leaders who held the fates of the worlds in their hands wanted to spend some time away from analyzing, plotting, training, and strategizing for the benefit of their organizations, instead allowing themselves to act silly, play pranks, and goof off as if they had no expectations placed on them.

Even all these people who’ve been through so much and borne so many burdens, floating adrift in this world with only their responsibilities holding them in place, could find love, peace, joy, and a sense of belonging with each other.

And so, as the night went on, the group of six chatted, ate, kissed, and played carefreely, the smiles on their lips and the cheer in their eyes staying undimmed. In the future, they will be a force under whose might even Heaven itself would tremble. But now, they were merely a group of friends enjoying each other’s company, strengthening their bonds and looking forward to their happily ever after.

Mini Theater:


Just before Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu climbed the phantom-winged steeds―


Chen Xiande, frowning nervously: I've never ridden anything other than a paper mount before (๑ŏ _ ŏ๑)

Hei NingYu: That's not true, my little sheep (◑ ω ◑)

Chen Xiande: ? Σ(๑° _ °๑)

Hei NingYu: You've ridden me in bed before~ (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Chen Xiande: ... (๑ᗜ _ ᗜ๑)

Chen Xiande, muttering: See if I don't ride you ragged again just for this (๑¬ _ ¬๑)

Hei NingYu, laughing: Ooh~ I can't wait to be eaten~ (≖ ڡ ≖)✧

And Chen Xiande makes good on his promise later while boinking on that tree (৹` ꒳ ´৹)


I could technically stop the series here, but there's one more thing I want to show you all~ Next will be the last extra and the final chapter of Heavenly Soul ( ̄꒳ ̄)ゞ

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.