Heavenly Saga

Chapter 261: The Search

"We're going to find him alive, everyone!" said Belle after Angela evolved into a Powers.

The breakthrough that Angela had done gave Belle more hope than before. Unlike before, her eyes sparkled like her silver hair does as it reflects the moonlight from the sky.

"We better sleep while we are on our way. In that way, we will be at our fullest capabilities when we search for him tomorrow!" said the elven prince.

"He's right, Belle. Let's rest for now so that we would have a better chance of finding Kraftvoll tomorrow!" said Aredel while they were riding on Azari behind Belle.

Everyone on the rescue mission, including Belle, agreed to the proposal of the elven prince without any resistance or whatsoever. The seishin beasts, who were giving them a ride, followed Ouryuu's lead because he was the one who knew the best among them.

After the agreement between the gang, all of them immediately tried to go to sleep because it was already too late at night at that time. Despite her willingness to do so, Belle could not help but think about Kraftvoll's which became the hurdle for her to sleep.

'Please! If there are any gods in heaven, please protect Kraftvoll!' Belle could only wish deep in her mind.


The morning came just like that. The sun rays of the morning suddenly reached the eyes of the sleeping youths that were riding the majestic seishin beasts. One by one, they woke as the rays of the sun became, even more, brighter as the light swallow the darkness of the night.

Aredhel, who just opened her eyes, was a little shocked by what she had seen. "So you were not able to sleep, eh, Belle?" Aredhel asked Belle as soon as she woke up.

"Yeah..." said Belle in response to Aredhel.

Aredhel did not even try to scold Belle because her situation dictates that she would be unable to sleep just because she wanted to.

'Well, all we could do now is to protect her. If that really happened to him, I think it will be his will for us to do.' Aredhel could only think to herself while she sighed a long one.

After a few minutes, Ouryuu, who was flying ahead of Azari, Agua, and Anastacia, descend toward the ground that seemed to be melted after a long fight.

"This is where you saw Kraftvoll for the last time?" asked the human prince while Ouryuu descend from the sky,

As a response to the inquiry of Princess's Kyomi, Ouryuu nodded with a bitter expression on his face. 

The moment the seishin beasts descended from the sky, their passenger, the other famous student of the 210th except Kraftvoll, came down rapidly as to search the premise themselves.

Without a moment of hesitation, the elven prince decided to conjure a seishin spell. He chanted, "As the exemplar of the power of the spirit in sustaining life, I adjure thee, help me feel the essences of the world with your great power, Gale Survey!"

As soon as he began chanting the green seishin from the surroundings began gathering around the elven prince. Midway through his chant, those green seishin essences began merging with his mind.

In the conclusion of his chant, Prince Aragorn was able to make his senses one together with the air in the surrounding. 

"I was unable to find anything that seemed like a person in our surroundings," said the elven prince to the gang after he conjured the Gale Survey seishin spell.

"From the look of the scene of the battle, it seemed like Kraftvoll was using molten seishin spells against the seishin beasts that they faced. Also, the aftermath of the battle is telling us that he faced light attributed seishin beasts," said Adele while she was observing the scene beside his fiancee, Prince Aragorn.

"The only seishin beasts that could overwhelm Kraftvoll, Ouryuu, and Angela are Thrones or above. They were unable to escape from its grasp so it could only mean that they were faced with a Seraphim or a group of Thrones or Cherubims," said the dwarven princess.

"It seemed like the battle ended here at this very area. The seishin beasts from the angel race were all herbivores, right? Therefore, there's still a high chance that he's still alive because we would find his body if he's not," said Sabina after hearing Princess Gloriel's remark.

"EVERYONE, GET READY! There's a seishin beast coming on our way!" the elven prince shouted at the next moment. 

After hearing the warning of the elven prince, the other seven suddenly decided to go to their battle mode without a moment of hesitation. 

While they were waiting, the dwarven princess began conjuring a seishin spell to protect her comrades. Before he uttered his chant, a brown seishin aura suddenly enveloped her whole body

At the next moment, Princess Gloriel chanted at the top of his lungs, "Ye who exemplifies the aspect of groundedness, allow my desire to be fulfilled, protect your master and those standing beside thy master, Copper Guardian!"

An immense amount of brown seishin essences from the surroundings began gathering around the dwarven princess's side as she was chanting this seishin spell. In the middle of his chant, those brown seishin essences began condensing and turning into particles of copper one after the another.

At the end of his chant, the dwarven princess was able to conjure numerous armors made up of copper to add up to the defense of her comrades.

At the very next moment, the seishin beast that was coming on their way was now at their sight.

"It's a Dominion! That's a level nine seishin beast! Brace yourselves, everyone! We have a tough nut to crack!" said the human princess as soon as she saw the see the seishin beast that was coming on their way.

As soon as she said those words, all of her comrades began conjuring their elemental weapon. Meanwhile, Princess Kyomi decided to hold the Dominion while they do so. 

The human princess activated her red seishin aura before she began saying her chant. After all, she wanted her seishin spell to be enhanced because their enemy this time is a level nine seishin beast.

She chanted, "Ye who represents destruction, heed my words, destroy those who refuse to yield to me, Explosion!"

The moment Princess Kyomi started chanting the Explosion seishin spell, an immense amount of red seishin essences from his surroundings began gathering around her as she uttered every word of his chant.

In the end, she was able to conjure a concentrated ball of fire which she launched toward the charging Dominion.

Before the Explosion seishin spell could hit the Dominion, the level nine seishin beast immediately formed a barrier made up of light particles to defend against the seishin spell that was coming on its way.

The Explosion seishin spell caused a huge blast that resulted in the barrier made by the Dominion to be destroyed along with it. 

The destruction caused by the Explosion seishin spell did not just destroy the barrier. It also caused a little damage to the Dominion that it managed to hit.

A smile is seen on the face of the human princess who launched the Explosion seishin spell after she successfully hit the Dominion until it healed the wounds that were inflicted to it almost instantly.

'Tch! The Explosion seishin spell that Kraftvoll taught me has a great destruction power but that Dominion is something! Well, it's okay because they were able to create their elemental weapons while I distracted it!" Princess Kyomi thought to herself after launching her Explosion seishin spell.

Thanks to the time that the human princess had bought them, all her other comrades were able to conjure their elemental weapons.

Without a moment of hesitation, the other seven charged toward the Dominion while holding their newly conjured elemental weapons.

Before they could even reach the Dominion, a supreme expert covered with three elemental armors basked the head of the Dominion on the ground using an armor coated with gold.

"You kids, better go back to the academy, now!" said the expert who defeated the Dominion without breaking a single sweat.

Upon seeing who it was, Princess Kyomi stepped up and she said, "Father!? What do you mean that we go back? We will not leave the Central Valkyrie Forest without finding him!"

After hearing the answer of her daughter, King Arthur decided to exert overwhelming pressure toward her and her comrades. Although she was his daughter, King Arthur doesn't want anyone questioning his command.

'What a terrifying force!'

'So this is the pressure of a practitioner of a Majestic Seishin Demigod!'

The pressure exudes by the human king forced Princess Kyomi and the others to face the ground due to an overwhelming force like the Gravitational Field seishin spell conjured by Kraftvoll.

After a few moments, King Arthur stopped what he was doing because it might endanger the lives of the students.

While they were panting very hard due to their exhaustion, King Arthur said to them, "You don't have to find him. I already did."

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