Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 9: The King and his queens

Heather and Frank prepared for the attack as the goblin woman ran up the steps. She threw herself into Heather's arms, gleefully hugging her firmly. Heather gave her a slight hug back and breathed a sigh of relief when Umtha jumped from her to Frank. She wanted to laugh as Frank looked panic-stricken, unsure what to do about the woman in his arms.

Umtha stepped back as goblins began to pour into the chambers, lining up on either side to gaze at their new leaders. Heather was surprised to see tears in Umtha’s eyes before the goblin woman took a seat on the other side of Frank. She went to ask Umtha what was going on when even more goblins started to flood into the room. They came in all shapes and sizes, from the small workers to the tall, powerful warrior types. There were a few advanced goblins like Umtha, including the player they had met earlier, but it was impossible to keep track of them. Soon, the room filled with an army of greenish minions, gazing up at the new king and queen.

“What do we do now?” Frank whispered as he leaned closer to Heather.

“I have no idea,” Heather responded. “I thought it might make more sense once we got here. I didn't expect there to be a presentation.”

She reached the crowd hoping something would make sense when Webster reminded them he was there. He jumped into Heather's lap and curled into a ball, giving her something to pet in her nervousness.

“Umm, Umtha?” Frank began. “What are we doing?”

“They have been waiting to greet you properly as their new king and queen,” Umtha replied as she turned to regard Frank. “Why are you not in your ghoul form?”

“I didn't think it was important,” Frank replied as he began to twitch nervously. “We just wanted to see the throne room and ask some questions. We didn't expect there to be a gathering.”

“You can’t keep springing things like this on us,” Heather added as she pet Webster furiously. “We have no idea what we are doing.”

Umtha made a little smile and stood up to stand before them in a lovely purple dress. She quickly explained that she would do all the talking and send the goblins away in a few minutes. Heather and Frank tried to remain calm as Umtha introduced them as the king and queen. She gave a little history of their achievements, especially how they rescued Umtha that day long ago. Heather couldn't believe this was the same little goblin woman hiding in the back of her tent. She seemed timid and shy back then, but now Umtha spoke with clarity and purpose. Heather and Frank would keep their home safe and at peace with the neighboring kingdoms. They would also deny the madness of the dragon slayer, as she called him, preventing his obsession with killing goblins from reaching them.

“Did you know Kevin was obsessed with killing goblins?” Frank whispered as Umtha went on.

“I don’t know anything about half of what goes on in my life,” Heather whispered back.

Frank gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and Webster squeaked she was petting too hard. Heather tried to smile as the Umtha gestured to her, referring to Heather as Hannah and the one they were waiting for. Goblins cheered and jumped in excitement before starting a chant of her name. Umtha turned to smile at Heather, then gestured to Frank, calling him the rock on which Hannah's foundation was built. He was presented as being strong enough to carry the world and brave enough to face any threat.

Frank tried to look calm but inside, he was dying. This was exactly what he didn't want, to be embroiled in some larger purpose and the center of attention. All he wanted to do was build his graveyard and entertain the occasional player while sharing the quiet times with Heather. He wished there were more quiet times and this sort of thing would stop happening. They were finally home, and players were regularly coming to Quinny's forest. Soon they would reach his graveyard, and then the fun would begin. Now he worried he would be busy with so many tasks that he might miss them. Surely this was all getting out of hand.

Umtha calmed the goblins and told them to work hard preparing for the day they would be needed. She dismissed them, urging them to give the new king and queen some peace. Heather and Frank were relieved to see them go and waited until the room was empty to speak.

“What was all that about me being the one they are waiting for?” Heather asked.

“You will help us go home,” Umtha said as she turned to face them. “Just like you promised.”

“Umtha,” Heather groaned as her eyes rolled. “I told you I don’t have any memory of those pasts, and I don’t know how to get them back. Is it wise to promise them I am going to work some kind of miracle I know nothing about?”

“It is only meant to give them hope,” Umtha replied. “You must understand how much this means to us.”

“I get it,” Heather said in an annoyed tone. “But until I know more, I would rather you didn't make promises I can't keep. You can't keep piling burdens on us like this. It was a huge step to come here and accept this title, and now I need you to do something for us.”

“I will do anything I can for you,” Umtha replied.

“Good, because I need you to do everything you can to make this burden light,” Heather insisted. “I don't want either of us to have to spend time dealing with goblin affairs. We have our own lives and our own dreams that were put on hold long enough by delivering that egg. You have to give us some time to breathe and be at peace.”

“No more surprises either,” Frank added. “If you are about to do anything that changes our lives or could potentially alter our course, you need to talk to us about it first.”

“And you need to accept it when we say no,” Heather insisted.

The look on Umtha’s face said she was hurt by what they were saying. She even trembled while trying to look strong.

“I did everything I did to protect you,” Umtha replied in a strained tone. “I didn't mean to put a weight on your shoulders you did not wish to bear. I even named you Hannah and not Hathlisora because I knew calling you that would upset you. I am doing my best to protect you, but I see I have made a mistake. You don't remember anything, so you don't understand why you need us. All my work appears to be a burden, and you have grown tired of my demands.”

Frank and Heather exchanged glances as Umtha put a hand over her eyes to hide her tears. Heather felt terrible that Umtha was so upset and set Webster aside so she could stand. She walked to the sobbing woman and wrapped her in a hug, urging her not to be so upset.

“Umtha, I am sorry,” Heather said as she rubbed the woman. “Neither of us ever wants to hurt you. I can't say that I understand how much all this means to you, and I am sorry I don't remember. But you need to understand my situation. I don't remember, and you keep throwing things at us that seem out of nowhere. You need to sit down and talk to us about your plans and what you want to do next. Help us understand what you need from us so we can help you with it in our time.”

“I will try,” Umtha said between sobs. She kept her face hidden as a second pair of arms came around her, and Frank joined the hug.

“Hey,” Frank said as he pulled the two women tighter together. “Despite that, we don't remember anything. We have realized how hard you work for us. We know this fortress is to protect us and provide a means to fight back should the danger come. We're both very grateful for that, and we can see how much you care.”

“You do?” Umtha asked as she looked up.

“Of course we do,” Heather answered. “But you need to understand. The one thing that makes me the most upset in this world is learning that other people know things about me and my past that I don't. I hate finding out that others are making plans for me or doing things to guide my steps. I feel like I have no control over my life, and I will never be happy because somebody is always pushing me to the next destination.”

“But the egg needed to go home,” Umtha insisted.

“It's more than just the egg,” Frank said. “It's all this,” he added and gestured to the room. “You building us a fortress to protect us from an invasion we know nothing about.”

“And raising an army of goblins to fight a war you say is coming,” Heather added. “It's all too much, and we don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is starting to drive us mad. Neither of us can even begin to understand why we need these things. All we want to do is play our lairs and enjoy each other's company.”

“But we do understand that you are doing this for us,” Frank quickly added. “Even if we don't know why we can see the love in your efforts.”

“And we appreciate it,” Heather said as she stepped back to free the goblin woman.

Umtha nodded as she took all their words in and then looked at the banner that hung behind the throne. She glanced away as if that image had hurt her and walked to her throne. She sat on the edge in silence, her hands resting on her knees as she looked into the empty room.

“I keep thinking you remember,” Umtha said before shaking her head. “But I have been a fool, and all I have done is steal your happiness. I will stop. There will be no more surprises or burdens laid at your feet. I will run the city for you, so you never have to come to this place.” She paused to sniff and looked around the room as if her whole world had shattered. “And I will never address you as Hathlisora again.”

“Umtha,” Heather sighed. “You are taking this too hard.”

“No,” Umtha insisted with a raised hand. “Your name is Heather, and you are a player who wants to play the game. You have found your happiness and no longer have need of your quest. You have no knowledge of the promises you made or the sacrifices that came with it. It is not right for me to keep trying to force you to do something you don’t remember. I will take the burden of the goblins away. You will never have to worry about us again.”

“Nope, this isn't going to work either,” Heather said as she began to tap a foot. “I don't want you to go away; I only want you to slow down and give us some room to be still. I am also not ready to give up on learning the truth. I know too much already, and I am the kind of person who can't let that rest. I have to find out who I am and why I am here, even if I have to go to hell and back to learn it. What you don't understand is that because I don't remember, I need more time to think.”

“So, you aren’t giving up?” Umtha asked.

“Far from it,” Heather replied. “I will turn this world inside out and drag the visitors out of their holes if I have to. No way am I going to just accept that I had a past life I can’t remember. Somebody took those memories from me for a reason, and you are going to help me get them back.”

Umtha smiled a broken smile as fresh tears rolled from her eyes. She leaped up and hugged Heather, thanking her for being so wonderful. Heather dutifully returned the hug, assuring Umtha that she would do everything she could to help the goblins. Frank joined the hug again as the three went silent, sharing the moment as emotions ran wild.

When it finally passed, Umtha solemnly promised Heather would not be burdened by the goblins unless it was absolutely necessary. She would run the city and see to the everyday matters. She hoped they would at least come to the city once in a while as it would be good for the goblins to see them. She also offered to put in writing everything she knew about Hathlisora, including conversations they had or overheard. Heather was extremely excited about that idea and asked Umtha to include what she thought Heather was supposed to be doing next.

“That’s easy,” Umtha answered. “You have to collect the rest of your gear.”

“My gear?” Heather asked.

Umtha went to reply, then shut her mouth, taking a moment to consider her words. She looked conflicted about what she was going to say, then explained that the answer would lead to more headaches. She offered to keep it to herself until they felt they were ready to know more, but Heather insisted on being told now. Umtha sighed and explained that Hathlisora had several pieces of armor and other equipment, all specially made to provide powerful bonuses. She didn't understand how it worked, but she knew it had to be crafted in an unusual way. She even admitted to once overhearing a conversation where Hathlisora confided in another that Keven would be enraged if he found out she had crafted the armor.

Heather was fascinated by that idea, and it brought back the conversation she and Frank had had earlier. She asked why the goblin crown so perfectly fit over Hathlisora's crown, and Umtha had the answer. Hathlisora had made both of them and gave Umtha the original goblin crown. Umtha was to keep it safe until she returned and needed the crown to remember.

“So that’s why you were so focused on giving her the crown,” Frank said as it started to make sense.

“Why did you wait until my wedding day to give it to me?” Heather asked.

“You, I mean she, told me that I should give her the crown on the day she became a wife,” Umtha said. “She said you would need to lead the goblins in the coming fight if there was to be any hope of winning. She told me you would remember and welcome me into your family.”

“Oh,” Heather said mournfully and looked at Frank. “No wonder you have been so upset. You haven't just been waiting for me to return and send you home. You have been waiting….”

“To love you,” Umtha interrupted. “Like you, I mean she said to me.”

“Umtha,” Heather sighed as she stepped back so she could run a hand down the woman's cheek. “No wonder you are taking all this so hard. You have been in pain all this time, and it must be killing you that I don't remember.”

“It is,” Umtha admitted and covered her face with both hands. “I am dying inside.”

“Oh, please stop crying,” Heather urged. “I am so sorry I don't remember. But, if it means anything to you, I really like you despite not remembering.”

“It isn't the same,” Umtha sobbed. “We were so close. You, I mean, she told me she loved me.”

“I hate to interject with something that might cause more pain, but Viylah used almost exactly the same words,” Frank said. “She said they were very close and that they were lovers.”

“Viylah?” Umtha asked weakly as she pulled her hands away. “Who is that?”

“I take it that means you don’t know her,” Heather said.

“No, I have never heard the name Viylah before,” Umtha insisted. “But then Hathlisora had many friends and even more enemies. I only knew her well near the end, and she was away often. When she did come back, she brought me gifts, like my magic dress.”

“This is odd,” Heather said as she tried to puzzle it out. “We are almost certain Viylah is a lover of Hathlisora, but you say she loved you.”

“She loved,” Umtha corrected. “Especially the weak, or those who could not defend themselves. She was not afraid to challenge those in power or deny their ridiculous demands. She saw no reason to kill monster players or hunt people for sport. Her love flowed in everything she did, and her touch affected people.”

“It didn’t affect Kevin much,” Heather interjected.

“Oh, but it did,” Umtha said. “This story I know well because she told it to me. She and Kevin were husband and wife.”

Heather felt a cold chill run down her spine as she looked at Frank in shock. Now more than ever, she wished to have nothing to do with this mysterious woman, especially if it was going to hurt Frank. One look at Frank's face was all she needed to know that statement had hurt him. She immediately turned and tackled him in a hug, promising him that he was the only man she would ever love.

“But we have to consider the possibility,” Frank urged.

“No,” Heather insisted. “I love you, and I refuse to let anyone come between that. I gave up wanting to go home because of how much you mean to me. If this is where this road goes, then I have no desire to walk it.”

“Please,” Umtha interrupted. “Their relationship ended in fire and war. They are no more married now than Gwen is to a stone. But it was the fire of that relationship that fueled his rage. She told me that he could not accept that she wanted to go home and did something terrible.”

“He tried to stop her,” Heather said as pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. “That’s what started it all.”

“You may be right,” Frank said. “And the necromancers were helping her. They were integral to her plan.”

“As were the goblins,” Umtha added.

“So he destroyed them both,” Heather said as her mind ran wild. “The secret to going home lies in necromancy, and he outlawed them to prevent anybody else from discovering it.”

“She said they could walk where others could not,” Umtha said. “Something about passing through the layers.”

“The layers!” Heather remarked as she remembered the book of necromancy and how it referred to the reality of this place as existing in layers. She began to pace as her mind strained to put more pieces into place. Somehow necromancers could pass through them, going to places where more answers or access could be found. Hathlisora was key to going to the one place nobody else could reach, the prison of Abbandon. Somehow that place was vitally important, and that made her think of the object that was broken.

“Ok,” Heather said as she tried to focus. “When did Kevin break this object that was so important to her?”

“After he did the terrible thing,” Umtha answered. “He did it as a kind of punishment.”

“And when did the necromancers kill his dragon?” Heather pressed.

“After the object was broken,” Umtha said. “And it was Hathisora who killed the dragon. She lured it into a trap and assisted the necromancers in slaying it.”

“Of course she did. It's a chain of escalating aggression,” Heather said and beat her palm against her head. “They started lashing out at each other, inflicting wounds that would never heal. She tries to leave, but he acts to stop her. She flies into a rage and fights back, so he breaks something deeply important to her as punishment. In retaliation, she kills his best friend, the dragon, and has it reanimated as a zombie or whatever an undead dragon becomes, and then forces him to kill it. Because of the necromancer spell, it never respawns, and he flies into such a rage he annihilates the necromancers.”

“That does sound plausible,” Frank agreed.

“When does the goblin machine in the desert blow up?” Heather asked.

“Long after Kevin kills the dragon,” Umtha answered. “Remember, we goblins didn't get heavily involved in the fighting until after the necromancers were almost gone. We were trying to fix the thing that was broken.”

“It's a perfect timeline of a lover's spat gone way out of control. He decided for her and robbed her of a chance to go home,” Heather said.

“For all of us to go,” Umtha said. “But the ones you call visitors did intervene. They offered her a way out, alone.”

“And she refused to go,” Frank said and stared at Umtha. “She refused to leave the goblins behind.”

Umtha nodded as a tear fell from her eye. “And she paid a terrible price for her love for us.”

“It all makes sense now,” Heather said as she looked at Umtha. “Why it started. How it escalated and why things are so bad now.” She paused to consider another idea that made her shiver. “What happens if Kevin learns I am back.”

“He will go mad with rage and burn a path right to you, killing everything in his wake,” Umtha answered with a serious look in her eyes. “That is why I am building you an army and a fortress.”

“I need to sit down,” Heather said and retreated to her throne. She fell into place with a weary head and closed her eyes to think. Despite this encounter not going as planned, it had led to perhaps the most important conversation she'd had since arriving. She finally understood why Kevin was so enraged at Hathlisora and the necromancers. She supposed they might still be wrong, but all the pieces fit into place. So much harm was inflicted in anger over a love that couldn't be saved. She looked at Frank and wondered what he must be thinking right now. Was he worried she might one day change her mind and want to go home again?

“Frank,” Heather said as she rose from the throne. “I want you to know I am staying here with you forever. No matter what happens between us, I will never leave your side.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t say that until after you remember,” Frank urged with a voice full of pain.

Heather ran to him and planted her lips on his before begging him to believe her. She was never leaving, no matter what came in days or years to come. She had never known a man like him and needed him to believe her. He nodded, but she could see the reluctance of it. He was hurting, and there was no way to soothe his pain. Sooner or later, her memories would return, and he was worried that with it, her affections would shift to Umtha and not him. Of course, Umtha was also hurting, despite trying to put on a strong face. She was on the side watching Heather plead her love for Frank when she deeply wished to be a part of it. No matter who she loved, the other would be hurt, and Heather couldn't stand seeing either of them suffer.

“Frank,” Heather said as she stepped back. “I want to love Umtha too.”

Frank tilted his head to the side as he processed what she had just said. He went to reply but thought better of it and kept his silence. Heather stepped back in and laid her head on his shoulder, whispering in his ear as she pleaded her case. Umtha was a part of their life, like it or not, and she did everything for their benefit. She was worried that Frank thought Heather would love Umtha instead of him if her memories came back. He admitted that was true, so Heather kissed his cheek and asked him to understand. If she loved them both, she wouldn't have to choose, and neither would he.

“I understand,” Frank whispered back. “I just don't know what to do. I never dated one girl, let alone two.”

“Let me take the lead,” Heather whispered. “I will make it easy on you. I just need to know you will love us both.”

“What about Quinny and Breanne?” he asked. “You promised them you would work on building a relationship.”

“And we will,” Heather insisted. “Umtha is just an unexpected surprise. But she is technically already our wife and has even included Quinny and Breanne in her future. Look, she put them on the tapestry and placed thrones for them. She knows they will be a part of our lives and is ready to embrace them too.”

“You really want to do this?” Frank asked as Heather nodded.

“I just want everyone around me to stop hurting,” Heather replied. “I can’t be happy if I know people are dying inside because they can’t be a part of that happiness.”

Frank nodded and held Heather at arm's length as he looked deeply into her eyes.

“Then I promise to love you both,” he said. “All four of you, when the time comes.”

“Oh, Frank. How your life has changed,” Heather said as she smiled wide.

“So, how do you plan to tell her?” he asked, keeping his voice low so Umtha wouldn't hear.

“The best way to convey the message,” Heather replied and turned to face Umtha. Without a word, she approached the Umtha, who had a funny expression on her face. Heather didn't say a word as she reached up and cupped the woman's face with her hands before pressing their lips together in a warm kiss.

Umtha floundered for a second, unsure what to do, but then her arms went around Heather tightly as the two joined in the kiss passionately. It went on for several minutes until Heather finally broke it but didn't release the woman's face.

“I love you, Umtha,” Heather whispered. “And I want to try and build a relationship with you.”

“You mean that?” Umtha asked as her voice trembled.

“I do, but only if you can love all of us,” Heather insisted. “You must love Frank, Quinny, and Breanne. Do you understand?”

Umtha nodded and looked at Frank with eyes full of tears. She reached out for him as he froze, but Heather helped by guiding Umtha to his chest.

“You have to give him a little time,” Heather said with an amused tone. “He isn’t used to women wanting to love him.”

Umtha smiled and leaned in, planting her lips on his. She took charge of the kiss until Heather swatted Frank's arm to urge him to react. He finally put his arms on her shoulder and returned the kiss while glancing at Heather, unsure if he was doing the right thing.

When the kiss broke, Frank looked like he needed to sit down, so Heather guided him to his throne.

“Sit, my goblin king,” Heather teased. “And your wives will attend to you.”

“Is. Is this really happening?” Frank pleaded with wide eyes. “Are we really doing this?”

“It’s just a kiss,” Heather insisted and turned to Umtha. “I hope this settles your heart. I will do my best to open up and in time we should find the love you have been hoping for. I have made the same promise to Quinny and Breanne, but I can tell by the banner you suspected that already. So long as you can accept us all, we will try to make this work together.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Umtha admitted as she fidgeted nervously.

“You don’t need to say anything profound,” Heather urged. “Just be with us and be ready to grow together while I figure out how to make this work.”

“I will, I promise,” Umtha said as she practically bounced. “And I promise to manage as much of the goblin stuff as I can. I won’t trouble you with it unless I have to.”

“Thank you,” Heather said and sat her throne beside Frank. Umtha moved to sit on the other side and the three looked out over the throne room. It was another first but at least she felt like it had come with a great deal of worth. Heather now had a clear timeline of events that marked Hathlisora’s life. She was certain that Kevin had done something to sabotage her escaping with the goblins and other friends, leaving her the option of going alone, or staying forever. Hathisora refused to break her promise to the goblins or abandon her friends, and chose to stay, determined to find another way out for them all. In the war of revenge that followed things got out of hand and led to terrible acts of spite, but what had been broken? Heather knew that this was the key to understanding who Hathlisora was, and more importantly who she was.

With these thoughts in mind she began to wonder about something more. Where did Viylah fit into all this? How could she have been so close to Hathlisora yet knew nothing about the goblin woman who loved her? The mystery was coming clearer but only highlighted how little they knew. Sooner or later she was going to have to go out looking for more answers, but she was determined to do that after she had dealt with their growing relationship. The next time they left their homes they would do it as a family.

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