Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 5: A lot to consider

Two full days were spent combing through the side rooms and other spaces that made up the vast goblin complex. Legeis ran wild, collecting rare parts and items that he said would be useful for future projects. There were workrooms all over a complex that turned out to be seven levels deep. At the very bottom was a set of iron doors that Umtha assured them went into the tunnels of the underworld.

This was where the goblins who worked here went once the machine was completed. They braved the dark tunnels deep underground to avoid being detected on the surface. Their whole plan was to avoid drawing any attention to the place, hoping that Heather would find it when the time was right. Now she had, but she wasn't sure what to do with it. The machine was powering up as it focused a beam of what Umtha called matrix energy into the egg.

Legeis spent four hours studying the machine core, and all he could determine was it was tapping some greater magic. It somehow focused the magic the world was made of into that beam controlled by the magical symbols and patterns. The dragon statues were like control arms, focusing the beam to keep it stable, while the magical symbols they held added to the effect. It was one massive technomagical spell, designed to do one thing, put something back together.

They debated for hours what that something might be, going over every detail they could think of. Blackbast reminded them of the woman in the crown and how she said this machine was a plan of the goblins to restore Hathlisora. She also didn't believe it would work and mocked the goblins for wasting their time. Heather was quick to counter with what the dragon had said all those weeks ago. The woman in the crown could not be trusted, and she had betrayed Heather once before.

Frank suggested they could both be lying, but Umtha thought the dragon was probably being truthful. It had no reason to stop attacking Heather except that it saw something in her. She reminded them that it said something was beginning, but what that something was, she didn't know.

That seemed to be the story of Heather’s life. A long chain of questions with no answer and no clear path to a solution. Too many things about her existence didn't make sense, and Blackbast only added to them. Blackbast had seen many people married, and she knew the buff couples gained well. However, she had never seen anyone gain usable powers from the partner's race nor share in a unique power bar that only existed in one of them previously. Something about Heather was making this process unique and creating unexpected outcomes.

The polymorphed effect was also a topic of hot debate, with none of them having anything to offer. Heather appeared as she had at spawn, which means the effect somehow persisted through death or reset. Of course, that meant they all had to accept Heather had been here before and somehow lost her memories. Both concepts were unpleasant, but the fact that the goblin bridge and door opened for her couldn't be denied. Umtha still insisted that she knew Heather from before and that they had been in a relationship. All of this was the final nail in the coffin of Heather's denial, and she gave up resisting the idea.

Heather now boldly stated that she believed she had been here before and whatever happened caused her to lose her memories. She wanted them to accept that as the truth, so they could focus on possible ways to recover her memories. With that hurdle out of the way, they still had to explain the polymorphed effect, but Heather once again pointed to the goblin machine. If something like this could be built and used to shape the fabric of reality, then why couldn't something else exist that could wipe a person's memories?

Frank didn't like where this was going because it meant that he had very likely suffered the same fate. At least he thought it through logically and decided they hadn't lost all their memories, just the ones from their first arrival here. He believed that his and Heather's memories had been reset to the exact moment they entered New Eden. So all the stuff they remembered of the real world was true. It was just what happened after that was in doubt.

Thus, at some time in the past, Heather was abducted and brought in as a chosen. She met Frank previously, and together they appeared to be helping the necromancers and Hathlisora. They got embroiled in this conflict with King Kevin, and at some point, they were slain and reset with no memories of their previous play-through. Of course, that assumed that it had only happened once, but the woman in the crown made it clear this had happened several times.

Heather wondered if she had known Frank in all those previous lives. Had there been some without him, or had there been others? Heather began to suspect that her odd connection to Frank and Umtha might be something that had persisted from a previous life like the polymorph had. Umtha protested the idea because it meant she had also lost her memories, and that thought frightened her. Frank once again thought of the wider picture and how many people were ensnared in this web. He brought up Viylah and how she had come to the swamp to aid in a project with a friend. He was certain this girlfriend she cared about deeply was Hathlisora and that she would see Hathlisora in Heather's devil form.

Heather thought he was wrong because she had used it around the woman before, but Frank reminded her that she had also been wearing the slave collar. Blackbast had made significant alterations to Heather's devil appearance, enough to fool Viylah into not recognizing her. The idea was plausible, and it only made sense that Hathlisor was the missing girlfriend Viylah was waiting for. What didn't make sense was that Umtha didn't know who Viylah was. She had first-hand experience working with Hathlisora and knew the woman personally. Surely she would know if Hathlisora had a girlfriend. Umtha said she did not know Viylah and had never heard of a girlfriend. However, she explained that Hathlisora was under a lot of stress in those final days and was actively being hunted. Of course, she still believed Heather was Hathlisora and thus Viylah's long-lost lover. However, wasn't she also Umtha's partner from the past?

All of this made her head hurt, and Heather spent most of her time clutching Webster or Frank for support. Breanne also held her hand, assuring her that all that mattered was the life she lived now. Heather wasn't sure, but she had to be practical about it. Nothing would be gained by falling apart over a past she didn't remember. It was enough to know it had happened and that somebody, potentially herself, was trying to guide her to the truth.

On the third day, they headed out, leaving the strange machine behind as they pondered their next steps. They would meet up with Roric and his harem then she would go before her mother to ask for help returning home. Hopefully, her mother could convince somebody with portal magic to assist and get them home in a blink.

Heather rode on Frank's arm for most of the day, talking to him about what they were going to do. His only suggestion was to take it slow, so they had time to think. There was no reason why it all had to be uncovered right this second, and the woman in the crown said Heather's tendency to rush ahead kept ending in madness.

Heather took his advice and tried to focus on one task at a time. Right now, she wanted to get home and relax for a bit before stressing over anything more. It was logical to want to go after the broken object, but part of it was in Abbadon. It was beyond her reach, and until she knew how to open the door, that was a dead end. The other possible path was the pursue the mysterious hand that the wizard put her on to. The green bracelet showed the way, and that destination might contain more clues. It was tempting to pursue it right away, but she knew it had to wait. It was time to go home and build their life together, and she still had to decide what to do with Umtha.

Heather and Frank were married to the goblin woman and now king and queen of her modest goblin empire. This was a problem that wouldn't go away or wait until she was ready to deal with it. Umtha said Heather should have recovered some memories when she put the goblin crown on, but she hadn't. That hurt Umtha deeply as part of those memories was the relationship they once shared.

By Heather's count, everybody had a relationship of some kind with Hathlisora. The woman was very active and freely associated with all types of players. From King Kevin to the necromancer kings to a simple goblin shaman and a mimic, Hathlisora had gotten around. She was either beloved or hated by the people who knew her, and her name stirred passionate feelings. Because of it, some people were trying to kill her, and others like Umtha were trying to love her.

Heather debated the issue with Frank for nearly a full day while Blackbast moderated the conflict. Umtha had always been good to them and devoted to Heather to the extent that she would die for her. She was certainly pretty and had been honest about her motivations. Heather asked Frank if he could love the goblin woman, and he found it hard to answer. Blackbast was more interested if Heather could love her. Heather also found the question hard to answer as she tried to consider sharing her bed with Umtha. It wasn't that she was against the idea. It was just, well, she had never had a relationship with a woman before. Oh, there had been the one kiss, but that hardly counted. Not to mention she knew that woman as well as she knew Quinny and Breanne. There was a certain safety in that, making going forward easier. Umtha was still a bit of a mystery, and knowing that pained the goblin woman immensely.

It was a topic that would require a lot more thought and perhaps some time spent learning about their new wife. In the meantime, she had Breanne and Quinny to consider as they were both hopeful Heather was going to invite them in. She put all those thoughts to the back of her mind, where the chaos raged unchecked. All she wanted was to meet Roric and Jaina so they could go home and rest. Two days and four battles later, they arrived at the meeting place and settled in to wait. She took off the slave collar and two crowns because it bothered Frank, but deep inside, she longed to wear them all.

It was raining when she woke up, curled over Frank’s massive gray chest. She ran a hand over his cold rubbery skin and laughed silently as she considered introducing Frank to her parents.

“Mom, this is my husband Frank,” Heather whispered as she tried not to giggle at the image of her mother fainting.

“Did you say something?” Frank asked as he looked up.

“Oh, I forgot you don't sleep,” Heather sighed. “I was just talking to myself. Have you been up all night?”

“Yes,” he replied and removed his arm from her back.

“You stayed here all night just to hold me?” Heather asked. “Frank, I told you I don't mind if you get up and talk to Breanne and Quinny. Honestly, considering what we are talking about doing, you probably should talk to them. We need to build a relationship.”

“We already have a relationship,” Frank replied as Heather crawled off.

“I suppose we do,” Heather agreed and looked for her dress. She glanced over Frank and sighed, feeling bad he was in his ghoul form. However, they didn't want to leave the palanquin unguarded, and sleeping in his human form left him vulnerable. So, for the time being, he was staying in his ghoul form, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Breanne and Quinny led the small army of undead that surrounded the camp, acting as an alarm. Only legeis and Umtha went back to the lairs to work on the scanner project.

“Do you think they will arrive today?” Heather asked as she stepped into her dress.

“I hope so,” Frank replied as he got up. “I really want to go home.”

Heather smiled at him as she put her arms into the yellow dress and pulled the lacing tight. She could see he was enjoying the sight of her body slowly being covered and wanted to laugh at him for being such a boy. Once dressed, she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, then swept her sun bonnet off a post and looked about the camp. It was just their palanquin resting in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by trees as far as the eye could see. Legeis's armor stood empty nearby, and Blackbast was just beyond it, looking out over a blanket of rich green ferns. Heather decided to talk to the cat woman and walked up to stand beside her. Blackbast noticed her arrival and the silence as Heather stood there and looked over the ferns with her. She put an arm around Heather's back and pulled her to her side, holding her warmly as Heather leaned in.

“So, what is on your mind?” Blackbast asked.

“What isn't on my mind?” Heather replied. “I don't know who I really am or what I did in the past. Am I just Heather, or are Heather and Hathlisora the same person? If so, why did I leave a letter to myself? Was it to slow my progress to avoid going insane again? What do I do about Umtha? If she had a relationship with me as Hathlisora, why doesn't she know Viylah? Should I just accept her as my wife? What about Breanne and Quinny? They are both hopeful that we will build a relationship together. Then there's you, the one I come to with all my emotional problems. I feel I should be pursuing you the most out of all of them.”

“Your mind is far too busy, and now I have made that worse, have I not?” Blackbast asked as Heather looked down. “By saying I might move my temple to the magic forest, I have opened the door for more.”

“Maybe it’s just meant to be,” Heather replied and turned to meet her gaze. “I would never have considered this a week ago, but then we met Jaina and her amazing family. I got to see firsthand that this kind of relationship can not only work, but it can be beautiful. Realizing that I love Frank has made me desire to stay, and meeting Jaina opened my eyes. I now understand that I don't have to limit my happiness to the rules of the real world. I can love Frank, Breanne, Quinny, you,” Heather finished and looked deep into Blackbast's eyes.

“I do not think you should rush into this,” Blackbast cautioned. “I must remind you that I have to serve in my temple. I will never be able to be faithful to you or your family. Are you prepared to know I am sleeping with many others?”

“It doesn’t bother Jaina or Roric,” Heather pointed out.

“Do not be foolish,” Blackbast countered. “They are nothing like you. You commit to love with all your heart but do not have the same fantasies as they do. Roric and Jaina's relationship works because it is what they both want. You want us to yourself, and I suspect you will have trouble sharing outside of your family.”

Heather looked out over the forest and tried to take her words to heart. She was still troubled by the idea of sharing Frank with Quinny and Breanne but was working through it. However, could she accept that Blackbast was engaging in intimacy with strangers on the road? She puzzled it out as much as her strained mind would allow and finally gave up. Instead, she put her arm around Blackbast, hugging her tight.

“We will figure it out,” Heather replied.

“You have enough to figure out,” Blackbast countered as the two leaned into one another. “The best thing you can do right now is take your time. Do not rush into this because Jaina inspires you. Make sure your heart is ready for the challenge.”

“I will try,” Heather sighed. “But when you're not even sure who you are, it's tempting to throw caution to the wind.”

“Hah, is that why you have been so open recently?” Blackbast laughed.

“Why not?” Heather replied. “I don't know who I am, so I could be anyone. Jaina's life is full of magic and happiness, so why can't mine be too? I have the best man imaginable and plenty of women to build our family out, so why avoid it?”

“I see your point,” Blackbast agreed as she rubbed Heather's side. “Why don't we agree that I will move my temple, and we can date for a bit? That way, you have plenty of time and room to change your mind.”

“I was worried you were going to run back to Rajeen,” Heather added with a smirk. “I find it funny to think of you as somebodies slave girl.”

“Why would that be so hard to imagine?” Blackbast replied. “Almost all of us could bend the knee to the right master. All it takes is the right person and a carefully cultivated trust. When you find someone who wants to be your master because they love you, it can be the most beautiful relationship in the world.”

“Speaking of masters,” Heather interjected. “I am struggling with not wearing the collar. Frank hates them, but the sex is so much better with it on. I can't get him to understand what he's asking me to give up.”

“He does not want slave girls,” Blackbast said and rubbed her side. “He would rather have wives. I am afraid you will have to give the collar up if you want to please him.”

“Oh,” Heather groaned. “It’s so… useful.”

“Ha, that is not the word I would have chosen, but I understand your point,” Blackbast agreed. “But this is not something you were meant to be. You do not have the kind of heart Jaina and the others have. You would be shocked by some of what those three have done.”

“And I don't need to know about it,” Heather agreed as she rolled her eyes. Blackbast was right, Heather wasn't a slave girl, but she couldn't deny the collar's made intimacy much more pleasurable. Unless Frank decided to become a slave master class, she would have to give the collar up. She wasn't wearing it very much anyway because he hated to see it around her neck. Still, she and the others would gladly wear the collar for him; such was their absolute trust in his character.

“You are thinking about Frank having collars of his own,” Blackbast surmised from her silence.

“Are you a mind reader?” Heather asked as she thought about it more. “I just thought that if they were his collars, he might be more agreeable to them. After all, he doesn't have to ask us to do what Roric asks his girls to do. It would be like another form of wedding ring, but the thought is pointless. Frank would need to become a chosen to gain a new class, and that means looking for that succubus.”

“I wish you would put that out of your mind,” Blackbast sighed. “These tattoos are more curse than blessing. I can assure you that you will regret getting one and will not be able to remove it.”

Heather was about to argue it would end when she died but thought of the polymorph effect. It had persisted after death, maybe even after a full reset. If the tattoo worked the same, then she began to wonder if maybe she already had one. Maybe there was a magical mark on her body that kept her trapped in the spell effect. She was about to ask Blackbast to look but remembered that Frank had already done that.

“What are you thinking about now?” Blackbast asked.

“I had a thought,” Heather replied. “I assume you are insinuating that the tattoos would remain after death, so I thought maybe I already have one somewhere I can't see. But then I thought Frank would have pointed out a mysterious tattoo and asked me where I got it.”

“You are thinking you have a tattoo already, and it is causing the polymorph effect,” Blackbast surmised. “I suppose that could happen and would explain why it persists, but you are correct; Frank would have mentioned it.”

“Still, this proves there are magics that persist and follow you through deaths,” Heather said. “That is a very important fact that can't be overlooked. Maybe the magical effect is on one of my statues, and it affects me somehow.”

“You must be tired trying to figure all this out,” Blackbast said sympathetically.

“I get tired sometimes,” Heather admitted. “But at least we can rule out the tattoo. I don't have one.”

Blackbast nodded, and they returned to hold one another as they looked across the forest. The moment was quiet until they noticed something moving in the distance. Then, as they watched, a purple light streaked through the trees, fluttering about in a funny dance.

“What is that?” Blackbast asked.

“Gisley!” Heather cried as the butterfly woman grew closer, being followed close behind by the fancy palanquin.

“They are back,” Blackbast said. “I wonder if they went through with it.”

Heather went to reply until she heard Gisley squeal and saw her change course. The beautiful woman came racing right at her with the little antenna fully unfurled as her naked body practically tackled Heather.

“Heather!” Gisley said. “Oh, I am so glad to see you!”

“I can tell,” Heather said as she tried not to extricate herself from the woman's arms.

“I love your hat,” Gisley said as she pressed her chest into Heather.

“Thanks,” Heather replied as she tried to keep her face from being swallowed. “Could you not drown me in those?”

“Oh, I forget you're not like us,” Gisley said bashfully, releasing her as Roric climbed down from the palanquin. Jaina and the others came out the side door with Chandice, the only one of them who was clothed. Heather called for Frank, who rose from their camp beside the palanquin. Quinny and Breanne appeared from the far side, and soon the group was together to discuss recent events.

“So, did you find the woman?” Heather asked as she dared to stare at Jaina's stomach.

“We sure did,” Jaina replied with a smile. “And she was.”

“Horrific,” Chandice cut in. “I have never met someone so obviously evil in all my life.”

“She was just an NPC playing a role,” Jaina countered.

“She played it well,” Chandice agreed.

“Oh, she made my skin crawl,” Evalynn agreed as she hugged Gisley for support.

“I see you didn’t go through with it then,” Heather said as she looked at Jaina’s bare skin.

“I most certainly did,” Jaina replied with a smile.

“What?” Heather replied and looked at Blackbast. “But I don’t see a tattoo.”

“Oh, it’s magical,” Jaina said. “You don’t see it unless you do something to trigger it. Then it glows with a pink light for a little bit.”

“Wait,” Heather said and leaned over to stare at Jaina's stomach. “So you're saying you have the tattoo, but nobody can see it unless the exact right conditions are met?”

“That was an elaborate way of saying it, but yes,” Jaina replied.

“I wonder,” Heather said and looked at Blackbast. “Do you think that could be how?”

“How what?” Roric asked as everyone regarded Heather and Blackbast.

“I suppose we had better explain our recent adventures,” Blackbast said before going over their trip in great detail. They discussed discovering Heather was married to Umtha and how that led to the strange effects nobody else had. Heather told them about the ghoul touch ability as Roric, and his women looked amazed. She then explained how they found the polymorphed effect in her status effects and were searching for a way to explain how it happened.

“You are under a polymorph?” Chandice asked. “So this body isn't the real you either?”

“Please, do not be alarmed,” Blackbast insisted. “This is the form Heather knows as her real body. We have strong evidence to suspect that she has lived several lives here and been reset with a memory loss of the previous lives.”

“Is that possible?” Jaina asked as she turned to Roric.

“I never read about it on any of the forums,” Roric said. “But that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.”

“So we could lose our memories if we get reset?” Gisley asked.

“No,” Heather said and held up a hand. “We think this was done to me intentionally. We also think the polymorph effect was placed on me in a previous life and persisted through the resets. So we were trying to think of how somebody could have a spell placed on them that would persist, and then we thought of the tattoo.”

“Oh,” Jaina said and looked to her stomach. “You're right. The tattoo will persist after even a reset.”

“So you think you have one of these tattoo’s already?” Frank asked.

“It is just a theory,” Heather said. “Blackbast and I dismissed it a minute ago because I assume you would have seen it by now.”

“But if the tattoo remains invisible until it is triggered,” Roric said as he nodded his lupine face. “You might be marked and not even know it.”

“But what could trigger it?” Quinny asked as she looked from face to face.

“I doubt it triggers like mine does,” Jaina said. “I suppose the condition could be almost anything. She might need to cast a certain spell or complete a certain task. Maybe even be in a specific place.”

“And there is no way of knowing what the conditions are?” Breanne asked.

“Not that I could tell you,” Jaina replied.

“Hey, maybe the succubus knows a way to see it,” Gisley offered. “Maybe she can help.”

“I would sooner trust Alexandria to help,” Chandice said as she pulled out her wand. “Why don't we see if we can learn something about it first? For all we know, this has nothing to do with tattoos.”

“What are you going to do?” Blackbast asked.

“I am an enchanter and a warlock,” Chandice said as she approached Heather. “I can detect and discern curses and magical effects, so maybe I can figure out what is causing it. With your permission, of course.”

“Go right ahead,” Heather offered and stepped up as everyone else took a step back.

“Just hold still a second,” Chandice said as she waived the wand over the ground trailing golden dust. She drew a magical pattern and then reached into a pouch to pull out a hunk of red chalk. With this, she drew hellish symbols around the pattern, combining enchanting with warlock magic and creating a dual-layered magic circle. Then she stepped back and began to chant while waiving her wand over Heather. The hellish symbols glowed with a red light just before the magic circle lit up, and something unexpected happened.

A massive shape appeared around Heather, so large they were all inside of it and could not discern what it was. Then it was gone, and a pattern of light floated over Heather's head. It twisted and morphed until it finally coalesced into a single glowing word.

“Sahvilassa?” Chandice said as she read the writing.

“What just happened?” Breanne asked as the others looked on in shock.

“A simple spell to reveal the nature of the magic that is affecting her. Honestly, I have no idea what that shape was, but she's not cursed,” Chandice said as Heather looked up to try and see the words. “But she is under the effect of a powerful magic item. I don’t know what the word means, but it has something to do with the spell.”

“So, it isn’t a tattoo,” Frank said just to be sure.

“No,” Chandice replied with a shake of her long golden hair. “The tattoo is a curse, and it would have shown as a red ring around her waist with runes that describe the curse. Instead, the enchanter circle responded, meaning it has to be something tangible that has been enchanted. And it isn't just a simple magical item. This is more like an artifact. Whatever it is, its power is beyond my skill level to detect. All I can tell you is that it is a physical object.”

“Great, I am being affected by something powerful,” Heather sighed.

“At least we know something more,” Breanne offered as Heather looked frustrated.

“But it still doesn’t tell us anything,” Heather insisted.

“I am sorry,” Chandice offered. “It’s just too high for me to read.”

“We know you did your best,” Blackbast urged. “It is just that these mysteries are becoming such a burden to her.”

“I can imagine,” Roric said as his ears twitched. “But are we sure this magic is related to the polymorph?”

“I can't say for sure,” Chandice said. “I didn't get any information at all from the spell. All I know is that the enchanter circle reacted, which means it's an item, and the glow is super bright because it's powerful. If it was closer to my level, I would be able to discern the nature and potentially magic used. I might even be able to dispel it.”

“Maybe this is part of her funny respawn,” Quinny suggested. “Remember she respawns near that statue. Maybe it has something to do with the magic that links her to it.”

“What statue?” Chandice asked with a quizzical look.

“This will take hours to explain,” Heather sighed. “Why don't we go see my mother and arrange for a trip home? Then I can explain it all. Oh, and don't be shocked when you see Umtha. She's different.”

“She’s sexy,” Quinny added.

“Oh, now I want to see her,” Jaina laughed.

“Wait, the goblin woman is sexy?” Evalynn asked.

Heather had to explain how Umtha evolved into a higher form of goblin. It was somehow tied into points she got when Heather put on the crown Umtha gave her as a gift. Somehow accepting that crown married them and gave Umtha an evolution. Now she was as tall as Evalynn, with ideal proportions and a lovely face. Heather also explained the curse that prevented them from speaking clearly, and how refreshing it was to talk to her now.

“Wow, a lot has happened in our absence,” Jaina said. “Your life moves very fast.”

“Don’t remind me,” Heather sighed and shook her head. “I still haven’t told my mother about it. I am not sure how she is going to respond.”

“Well, you better think of something fast,” Breanne suggested.

Heather looked up and straightened her hat as she agreed. The journey was over, and it was time to go home. All she had to do was go through the magic doors and ask her mother for help. It seemed so simple, but Heather knew she had to tell Gwen about Umtha, which made her nervous. With no reason to stall, she swept up Webster and asked Frank to come with so she didn't have to face Gwen alone. He changed to his human form, and together they set out to face Gwen and hopefully go home for some much-needed rest.

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