Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 43: On loan

Heather stretched and rolled over to lay more snugly in Frank’s arm as he leaned against an oak tree in Quinny’s forest. The morning sun had just risen, and they were comfortably settled together. The previous day had been full of exciting moments as she and the others enjoyed the game they were playing. Quinny set out a fabulous tea party in a field of yellow flowers in honor of Heather. There was a single large tree in the center, whose wide-spreading branches shaded a long table covered with sugary treats from biscuits to cakes. There was seating for twelve with no two chairs exactly alike and four teapots that never seemed to run out of hot water.

They invited Roric and his girls to come, but Roric was busy with Rajeen, so he sent his girls along. They played and laughed as Gisley shared stories about her romantic encounters. When tea was over, Quinny changed the scene a little, adding a couple of rope swings to the tree and a teeter-totter that would sit three on each side. She added some straw targets so Evalynn and Breanne could practice their archery while the girls swung and played, laughing to their heart's content.

The fun continued until the stars filled the skies, and Jaina bid them farewell. She took her sisters and headed back, leaving Heather and her family to lay out all night, pointing at the sky and dreaming.

Now they were beginning to wake, with Frank holding her tight. She couldn't believe how much she loved this man and how much she was looking forward to being his slave girl. Still, she felt a twinge of sadness at that thought. Did she really want to be a slave girl? The thought kept circling her mind as she tried to puzzle it out. Yes, she enjoyed it when Frank played along, and it drove the maddening thoughts out, but some part of her kept resisting. It was causing her to constantly second guess her decision and reassess what she was doing. More so, she kept searching for something to reinforce the idea and make it feel right. It was almost as if the thought wasn't her own, being pressed into her mind from elsewhere.

Something moved behind her, and she saw the green arm of Umtha tighten around her waist. The goblin woman was pressed into her back, snuggling close as they slumbered. Of all the women in this crazy relationship, Umtha was the most bonded to Heather. It was a bond forged in another time and memory where she and Umtha had been lovers. Now the poor woman lingered in pain as she wished Heather could remember what they had.

These past lives gnawed at Heather as she wondered what kind of woman she was. Was she kind or cruel? Was she reserved or wild? Was she exactly as she was now, or was she somebody else altogether? The fragments they learned suggested the latter, but Umtha knew her and said she was wonderful.

It was all part of the madness she was trying to escape, but was this the right way? Once again, she had made rapid decisions and changes, rushing into Frank's arms, then Breanne's, Quinny's, and then Jaina's. She felt a twinge of shame at that last one, despite what Frank had said about him wanting her to date. She worried he was only saying that in some vain effort to make her happy when, deep inside, he wished she would stay his.

“I am yours,” Heather whispered softly as she ran a hand up his chest. “And I always will be.”

“I know,” he replied, alerting her that he was awake.

Heather smiled and ran her cheek along his warm chest, savoring the moment. She loved this human form and the delights it brought. It was a gift from Blackbast to help them bridge the gap that his ghoul form created. The funny part was Heather actually preferred making love to the ghoul as Frank was gifted, to say the very least.

“So I was thinking about this dream,” he began as he stroked her head. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I just want you all to see it,” Heather said as she considered their plan. “And I want a little more time to look around to see if any of it makes sense. It never lasts more than half a minute, and I am always panicked while there.”

“But what if this brings back the bad memories?” Frank asked.

“Frank, nothing is going to erase what I feel for you and the others,” Heather said. “No matter what comes back, I will still be your wife, and this will be our family.”

“I can't help but worry,” Frank sighed. “I love you so much and never want this to end.”

“It never has to end,” Heather said. “We never age or run out of time, so we can go on like this for all eternity.”

“And you will always love me?” he asked.

“I make you a vow,” Heather said, running a finger along his chest. “I will love you and be at your side until the day the visitors turn off the world and everything goes silent.”

“Assuming this really is a computer simulation,” he said and looked up.

“What else could it be?” Heather asked. “We can make changes and edits like you can with a program. Honestly, it's amazing how fluid and malleable it is. I have been thinking about how easy it is to layer additional classes over your main ones. The system is designed to grow and adapt, changing to how the users try to use it.”

“That’s probably why you are the one who broke the sun,” Frank laughed. “You see the possibilities where others don’t.”

“I still have no idea how I did that,” Heather laughed. “But I feel oddly proud that I did. But getting back to my point, look at me for an example. I am a human overlaid by the devil, with necromancer, recluse, flower singer, and slave girl for classes. I have two races and four classes, defying the balance of the system.”

“That’s why the collars restrict the primary class,” Frank said. “To balance out the class they give you.”

“But it's not much of a restriction when the primary class is a race,” Heather pointed out. “And even more so, my Lilim race is immune to the restrictions. I have five full-strength classes at my disposal and a mountain of points to boost them with. Then we have to add my essence pool to the mix. I can use that to boost powers well beyond my level and do things other people can’t.”

“You are pretty amazing,” Frank agreed.

“Thank you,” Heather said with a smile. “I think you are amazing too. What man could secretly fall in love with a woman so strongly that he would put all his hopes and dreams on hold to help her escape him?”

“I wasn't helping you to escape me; I was helping you escape the world,” Frank corrected.

“Frank, it's the same thing,” Heather clarified, running a hand up and down his strong stomach. “You loved me so much you were willing to lose me forever. What other girl can claim to have a man like that?”

“Quinny, Breanne, Umtha,” he listed off.

“Oh, just go and ruin the moment,” she laughed and swatted him. “You know what I mean. This relationship is special, and even if my memories come flooding back and I remember I am a completely different person, it will still be special. I will never forget what you mean to me, and I know that one look in your eyes will remind me of where I belong.”

“You really think that?” he asked.

“I know it,” Heather smiled. “We are destined to be together. Remember, you were selected to be my protector.”

“What about your bone champion?” Frank asked. “You never use him anymore.”

“He is guarding the magic door to our home,” Heather said. “But have you noticed he moves around the room?”

“He still turns his head to stare at me when I pass by him,” Frank said. “I swear he doesn’t like me.”

“I have been thinking about bringing him with us sometimes, but he's a dead giveaway that I am a necromancer,” Heather explained. “We have a permanent home now with Gwen as our mother and the girls as wives. We have good friends all around us, and I don't want to risk ruining all that by letting people discover what I am. Maybe I should dismiss him.”

“No,” Frank said and stroked her head softly. “I don't know why, but I feel like he has a role to play. He has saved us before.”

“Yeah, but he’s also gotten us into tough situations,” Heather reminded.

“Nobody is going to find him where he is,” Frank assured her. “But if we get into serious trouble, it will be good for him to come running.”

“Won’t it get more serious when the necromancer's pet shows up?” Heather asked.

“Probably,” he laughed. “But that’s part of our charm.”

“Oh, going from bad to worse is how we work, is it?” Heather asked as she joined him for a laugh. “Well, while we are being so open. I wanted to talk to you about Jaina and Chandice.”

“What about them?” he asked.

“I am not so sure this is a good idea,” Heather said. “I want more time to establish my family with you and the others before I start playing outside it. Does that make sense?”

“But you already played and said you enjoyed it,” Frank replied.

“I did,” Heather said with a blush. “But only because you told me to. I never understood it when Jaina said that it was Roric's commands that made being a slave so fun. Now I do, and I won't stop if you tell me not to, but I am letting you know I would rather focus on you and our family.”

“I understand,” Frank replied. “You still want me to be your master.”

“Honestly, Frank. You are the only one I trust to have that kind of power over me,” Heather acknowledged. “You are my strength, and I can't face this world without you. You are my master if I have a collar on or not, but wouldn't it be nice if you had more power to make me listen to you?”

“You mean like how I warned you we needed to move a hundred times, and you kept saying no,” he reminded.

“Umm, yeah, that’s a good example,” she said and shrank in his arms.

“So you will seriously listen to me and do what I say?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied with no conviction in her voice.

“And if I tell you I want you to keep dating Jaina and Chandice?” he asked.

“I will keep going,” Heather sighed. “But be sure that’s what you want.”

“I want you to be happy,” Frank replied. “And if letting you play a little will give you a few moments of peace, then I want that. I want you to be as happy as possible, and I want you to love me.”

“I enjoyed playing with you earlier,” Heather smiled as she recalled how she and Jaina sat together on a swing as Frank pushed them. They all played games and ran about like a pack of little girls, laughing as they frolicked. Then they sat in a circle and sang together, raising their voices in pop songs from the real world. It was a silly but fun moment that she would treasure in her heart, but she had seen the look on Frank's face as he took it all in.

“I meant to ask you what was going through your mind as we played,” Heather asked.

Frank was silent a long moment as his hand brushed the back of her head gently. When he finally spoke, Heather could hear the emotion in his voice.

“I was trying to believe this was my life,” he finally said. “You were all so happy and playing, and I couldn't believe I was a part of it. Girls didn’t have much use for me in the real world, and I never thought one would love me here, let alone all of you.”

“Oh, Frank,” Heather cooed and lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “You deserve that kind of happiness. You made all of this possible.”

“All I did was try to be the best friend I could be to all of you and help you all with your dreams,” he replied.

“Frank, only a boyfriend does things like that, and then only the really good ones,” Heather insisted. “You have been working your hardest to make all of us happy, and it worked. Now enjoy your reward and watch us play to your heart's content.”

“We can’t always play,” he pointed out. “There are things we have to do.”

“Yes, we need to see this dream, and we should probably consider the other objects related to me,” Heather agreed. “We know about the hand, whatever that is, and then theirs the object that was broken that is so important to me the goblins built a giant machine to repair it.”

“A machine that Kevin was desperate to keep from being used,” Frank added.

“Yes, and now we have Moon poking around, raising the stakes,” Heather said. “But she's being carefully watched and hasn't made a play at me yet. Maybe she will realize she has no hope of snaring me and give up.”

“Ha, do you really think that?” Frank asked.

“I was trying to convince myself,” Heather replied. “But we should get up and see what’s happened since we have been away. Who knows what horrible monster has ransacked the city in our absence.”

“I am sure it won't be that horrible,” Frank replied as Heather turned to the sleeping Umtha.

“Umtha, sweety,” Heather cooed gently as she stroked the woman’s arm. “Sweetheart, it’s time to get up.”

Those lovely dark eyes came open, and a smile spread over the goblin woman's face as her ears perked up ever so slightly. Heather loved how expressive the woman's face was and how the look in her eyes was always filled with love.

“Is it morning already?” she asked before sitting up to yawn.

“I am afraid so,” Heather said as she pulled away from Frank. “Where did our other wives get off to?”

“They are over there,” Umtha said, pointing around the tree. Heather leaned over to see that Quinny had removed the swings and added a lovely bed that hung from the branches by silver cords. It swayed gently in the breeze as she and Breanne snuggled tightly in the middle. By the look of the state of the bed, they had done a lot more than snuggle, and Heather was rather annoyed that she had been left sleeping on the ground.

“Oh, so we don't get a bed,” she grumbled and stood up. She noticed Webster was in the bed sleeping on a pillow, snoring away in his squeaky voice. “Even my spider got a comfy place to sleep.”

“I was comfortable,” Umtha said. “You are very soft to sleep on.”

“I am glad,” Heather said as she stalked over to the bed. She paused to smile as she saw how tightly Quinny clung to Breanne, the two looking like angels sleeping together. She pondered how best to wake them up as visions of buckets of ice water or snakes came to mind. “I suppose that would be cruel,” she sighed and crawled over the side to first kiss Quinny and then Breanne on the head.

“Girls, it’s time to get up,” Heather whispered as they began to stir.

“Goodness, what time is it?” Breanne asked as she stirred right away.

“Half past sunrise is my guess,” Heather answered and used an arm to dig out Quinny. “Little angel, it's time to wake up.” Quinny let out a tired moan and turned over with her arms out. Heather took her into her arms and lifted her from the bed, carrying her back to Frank and Umtha.

“I guess I will carry her,” Heather said with a smile as she enjoyed the enhanced strength of her Lilim class. Quinny felt like a feather in her arms, and Heather enjoyed the hug.

“You are very good to them,” Frank said.

“I like to think of them as mine,” Heather said with a smile. “Which reminds me.” She handed Quinny to Frank as Breanne arrived with Quinny's dress. Heather took one of Umtha's hands and pulled her aside while the others watched, curious as to what was happening.

“Umtha, my love,” Heather said as she looked deep into the goblin woman's eyes. “I know you and I had a relationship in the past, and it pains you that I don't remember. I honestly don't know how I could have loved you more then than I do now, but I thought of a way to make it more special.”

“You did?” Umtha asked with big eyes.

“Yes,” Heather smiled and held out a hand as black smoke gathered in her palm. A moment later, it formed a red leather collar with a dark black metal band that looked like a ring of women locked in the act of love. There were six large rubies shaped like hearts and three stout metal rings marking it as a slave collar. Umtha’s eyes stared at the device as Heather held it open with both hands.

“Umtha, my love,” Heather said with a soft smile. “Will you do me the honor of being my first slave girl?”

“Oh my,” Breanne said, shaking Quinny to wake her.

Umtha’s lower lip trembled as she stared at the collar, her ears nearly turning straight up. “You want me to be your first slave girl?”

“It's a big responsibility,” Heather said. “As my first, you will be the head of any other girls I take. I will also gift you the succubus form, and you will wear it where ever you go as proof that you are mine.”

“You will?” she gasped.

“I will,” Heather whispered. “Now, do you want to be mine?”

“Yes!” Umtha cried and clapped her hands tight. “I want to be yours forever!”

“Lift your hair out of the way, sweetheart,” Heather said as she reached out with the collar. Umtha quickly swept her dark green hair up and trembled as the collar wrapped around her neck. There was a noticeable click, and the collar locked in place as it shrank a little to fit her perfectly. Heather smiled at the woman, who carefully reached up to touch the collar. She then leaned in and planted her lips to Umtha's, conveying her blessing as the woman's skin tingled.

“Wow, I want that!” Quinny said as Heather stepped back. Umtha stood there trembling as she looked over herself in amazement. Her body was the same save for the long rope-like tail that now fell to her ankles. Her pupils were purple slits that glowed with soft light, and she had little fangs that protruded from her lips. Her most striking change was the pair of black, slightly curled horns that crowned her head, but then these were suddenly insignificant to the set of bat-like wings that spread out behind her.

“I have wings!” Umtha cried in delight. “I can fly!”

“No fair,” Quinny pouted in Breanne’s arms. “I want wings too!”

“Goodness, I had no idea she was going to get wings,” Heather said in alarm. “But she looks absolutely beautiful in a dark goddess kind of way.”

“She is very striking,” Breanne agreed.

“I love you!” Umtha cried and clumsily jumped into Heather's arms as she nearly toppled unbalanced from the wings.

“Careful!” Heather groaned as they nearly both fell over. “Those take some getting used to.”

“Can you teach me how to fly?” Umtha asked as she jumped back and began to turn in circles trying to see her wings.

“Umm,” Heather began as Frank laughed at her.

“You have to figure it out now,” he said. “You are going to have to learn how to fly so you can teach Umtha.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Heather insisted as she had to admit she still hadn’t tried to fly. “It’s just, you know, scary.”

“I wonder if Gisley can teach them,” Breanne suggested.

“Gisley’s wings don’t work the same,” Frank said. “She flutters more than flies.”

“I will practice it later,” Heather insisted and took hold of Umtha's hands. “Hello, my little slave girl.”

“I like this better,” Umtha said as she stared into Heather’s eyes.

“You like what better?” Heather asked.

“You being in charge,” Umtha said. “You and Frank should head our household with the rest of us as your girls.”

“What about Blackbast?” Heather asked as she considered her to be the head female among them.

“She is more focused on her temple,” Umtha replied. “You are focused on us, and I want you to be in charge.”

“Yeah, I want that too,” Quinny agreed.

“She does seem to have a knack for it,” Breanne added. “You and Frank have been leading ever since I met you.”

“Huh,” Heather said as she looked at Frank. “I never thought of doing it that way. You and me as dual masters over our harem.”

“I like the idea,” Frank said with a nod. “But will it give you the same thrill to be the one in charge?”

“Hmm, does that mean I can order Quinny to stop eating all the cookies?” she asked.

“No,” Quinny replied but got a smack to the back of her head from Breanne.

“It most certainly does,” Breanne scolded. “You never leave any for anyone else.”

“Well,” Heather began as she looked over the group. “Can I think about it a bit?”

“Of course, you can,” Breanne said.

They settled on that decision and headed back, checking the forest and tower before going to Rajeen's inn. They settled as a group around a table, with Heather enjoying a glitter bomb as Quinny played with Umtha's tail, the two women laughing.

“This place is going to earn a reputation for succubus girls,” Breanne joked.

“It already has a reputation,” Heather replied as she lifted her blue glitter bomb. “And I had nothing to do with it.”

“Greetings,” a voice said as they looked up to see a smiling man with short dark hair and a flowing black shirt.

“Hello, Santos,” Heather said with a wave of her drink. “Are things going well?”

“That's why I am here,” he said, leaning over the table to lower his voice. “That woman you had us following has managed to vanish without a trace.”

“That can’t be good,” Heather groaned.

“Where did you last see her?” Frank asked.

“She was casing the park around the area where Quinny's forest connects,” he replied. “My men saw a flash, and then she was gone.”

“She couldn’t have used a forest portal,” Breanne remarked.

“No, those don’t make a flash,” Frank agreed. “But she was doing something.”

“Isn't that part of the park right next to our palace?” Breanne asked.

“It is,” Heather said as she considered what that might mean. “Did she do anything else before you lost her?”

“We do know that she used magic paper to send a message somewhere,” Santos added.

“How does that work?” Heather asked.

“You write what you want on it and then tell it who to deliver to. The paper then folds into a bird and flies off to find the recipient,” Santos explained.

“Kind of like my valentines Day cards,” Quinny added.

“Great, so not only is she sending messages, but she's vanished while close to the palace,” Heather groaned.

“We should go and check the area she was at,” Frank suggested.

“I would be happy to lead you to the exact spot,” Santos replied.

“Frank,” a second voice called as Roric hurried across the room and arrived at the table. “I am glad I found you. I need your help.”

“You need it right now?” Frank asked with concern in his voice.

“It won't wait; it concerns that woman we left stranded in the north,” Roric said, then noticed Santos standing there. “Oh, hello, Santos.”

“Greetings master Roric,” Santos said with a bow. “It would appear we have both arrived to request Frank's assistance at the same time.”

“Why can’t anything be easy,” Roric grumbled.

“Oh, don’t ask this family that,” Heather laughed.

“And when did you get such a lovely devil girl?” Santos asked as he smiled at Umtha. “She reminded me of the goblin woman.”

“It is the goblin woman,” Heather remarked and shot him a look that said hands off. “And she’s mine.”

“Fair enough,” Santos said with hands raised in defeat.

“I hate to interrupt this banter, but I am pressed for time,” Roric insisted. “We got word that Idris was sighted in a city Rajeen has agents watching, but they lost her inside.”

“People seem to be good at giving rogues the slip these days,” Heather said with a smirk at Santos.

“Anyway,” Roric continued. “Rajeen has a mage on hand to open a portal there. I was going to ask you to come with us to help us look for her. The more people we can throw at this, the better.”

“But we don’t know what she looks like,” Frank replied.

“That's actually why I wanted your family specifically,” Roric said. “Jaina knows what she looks like and will take her form. I was hoping Heather could copy her form, and we could split up to cover more ground.”

“So each group would have a copy of the woman we are looking for,” Breanne surmised. “That will help if we have to ask people if they have seen her.”

“That's what Rajeen thinks,” Roric agreed.

“But we need to follow this Moon thing right now,” Quinny said. “She's obviously put something into motion, and the sooner we deal with it, the better. She got our home destroyed the last time we let her run unchecked.”

“I shouldn’t have bothered you,” Roric said as he stepped away. “You have problems of your own.”

“No,” Frank said and looked across the table. “Breanne, you and Heather are going with Roric to help look for Idris. I am putting you in charge of Heather’s safety since you are the best fighter.”

“Of course,” Breanne said with a nod.

“I will take the others and chase after Moon and hopefully have that resolved before you get back,” Frank said.

“I can form two smaller teams with Heather and Breanne,” Roric agreed with a nod. “Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

“Well, I guess the day just got interesting,” Heather said as she smiled at Breanne. “I think we had better get ready.”

“You stay by my side at all times,” Breanne insisted. “No wandering off.”

“When do I ever wander off?” Heather laughed.

“You wandered off in the city and got robbed by that rogue,” Frank pointed out.

“And you wandered off when we were in the south and nearly got eaten by a giant flower,” Quinny added.

“Oh, and there was the time when….” Breanne began.

“Alright, I get it!” Heather cried. “Put a leash on me if it makes you feel better.”

“I have a short bit of chain you can use,” Roric offered as the others laughed.

“Oh, laugh it up,” Heather snapped.

“Well, I hate to press you all for time, but it would appear both our tasks are urgent,” Santos interjected.

Frank agreed, and the three shared a hug before parting ways. Heather went with Breanne and headed for the hall that connected their homes by magic doors. Breanne needed a minute to prepare, so Heather went with Roric to explain the plan to the others.

Heather left with Roric, feeling strange to be alone with him as they headed for his home. She hoped they could find this poor woman quickly and bring her home, but a city was a big place. She guessed it would take two small groups a full day to explore her city and even longer if there were complications. With a final wave to Breanne, she stepped through the portal after him and entered his home to find Jaina and begin the adventure.

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