Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 35: Time to stop pretending.

Heather woke to the warm sensation of a spider sleeping on her head. She bolted up to find she had been pushed to the side and nearly fell to the cold floor. Quinny and Breanne were snuggled in the center, with Frank pushed to the other edge holding a smiling Umtha. Every inch of the bed was taken, and women were pressed together so tightly Heather couldn't do anything but roll off. Webster jumped away at the last moment as she slipped over the side, annoyed by the whole situation.

“That’s it, we’re getting a bigger bed!” she complained as she fell out and crawled on the floor. Webster chirped at her from the wall and made his way down as she stood up and scowled at the people who were now waking up.

“How can you fit in that bed?” she demanded as Quinny yawned.

“What’s wrong with it?” Quinny asked as she rolled into Breanne.

“It was made for three people, not five adults and a giant spider,” Heather complained as she went for her robe.

“You just have to snuggle in tight,” Quinny suggested, pulling Breanne closer.

“We are getting a bigger one,” Heather protested, rubbing her tattoo to bring up the panel.

“What is all the shouting about?” Breanne asked as she came around.

“Heather wants more room,” Quinny explained as Frank rolled out on the far side.

“Well, it isn't big enough for five, and Blackbast will be here some nights as well,” Breanne reminded.

“But, if she makes it bigger, everyone will spread out,” Quinny grumbled. “I like us all close together.”

“It’s going to be bigger,” Heather insisted and started swiping through options. “I can't imagine how cramped it will be when Blacbast is in it.” Then, with the tap of a button, the bed suddenly doubled in size and was covered by a tall canopy of golden silks. Quinny immediately stretched across the surface, taking up as much room as she could.

“Now, it's too big,” she said.

“How did we ever fit in the palanquin?” Breanne asked.

“I always laid on top of you,” Quinny replied.

“Oh, right,” Breanne said as she swatted the zombie's rear. “You and I weren't even engaged, and you were already molesting me.”

“I was just showing you I cared,” Quinny laughed and sat up. “Well, I think the bed is too big, but at least the cookies should be respawned.”

“Stay away from that fridge,” Heather grumbled and pointed a finger at Quinny. “If I don’t get some cookies today, you are sleeping in a guest room.”

“Aw, you can’t kick me out now,” Quinny laughed.

“I am warning you,” Heather insisted as she threw on her robe. “Anyway, what do we have to get done today?”

“Gwen wanted to talk to us about the wedding over breakfast, and Rajeen invited us to lunch at the inn to discuss Blackbast,” Breanne reminded.

“Palace is more like it,” Quinny cut in as she climbed out of bed. “That place looks like a sultan lives there.”

“I like how it looks,” Frank replied. “I was thinking of trying to make the rest of the street match her theme as closely as possible.”

“Yeah, you should put palm trees and green artwork all around,” Quinny offered.

“I don't know that we have access to palm trees,” Frank replied, scratching at his head. “But I will try to match her theme as close as I can.”

“Seeing as how we are marrying everybody else, why don't we marry her? Then we can use her theme completely,” Heather laughed.

“Speaking of marrying another,” Frank said and came to Heather’s side. “What about Blackbast?”

“What about her?” Heather asked as she turned to regard him.

“We should marry her,” Frank said. “That is if you want her to have a proper place in our family.”

“I am already calling her master,” Heather grumbled.

“You’re the one who wanted to keep the collar and play at being a slave,” Frank reminded.

“She isn't to blame for all of that. We all wanted to keep them,” Breanne quickly said in Heather's defense.”

“And now we’re all Frank and Blackbast’s slave girls,” Quinny said happily as she stretched.

“I am not a slave girl,” Umtha interjected. “I don’t have a collar.”

“Blackbast has a fourth collar, but she has a new slave girl who wears it when she's in the temple,” Frank said. “You can wear it when the other girl doesn't need it.”

“Wait, she isn't in the temple all the time?” Heather asked as they went to the archway to look out at a stormy morning rain.

“No. Blackbast said she had other responsibilities and couldn't be there all the time,” Frank explained.

“So, did you see her?” Quinny asked with a big smile. “I mean, she is technically one of us, so she's fair game.”

“She isn't one of us,” Breanne corrected. “She is a temple girl, and we are not.”

“He has plenty of women,” Heather interjected as she looked across the misty swamp. She smiled when soft green hands came over her shoulders, and Umtha leaned in for a quick kiss.

“I have goblin things to do, so I will see you later,” she said with a smile.

“Alright,” Heather replied and turned to see her out. “If you speak to Legeis, ask him how the mount is going. Oh, and don't forget the lunch later.”

“I will, and I won’t,” Umtha said with a wave, leaving the room as Heather took a deep breath.

“She loves you,” Breanne said with a smile. “We all do.”

“I have no idea why,” Heather groaned. “All I do is bring trouble on your heads.”

“You bring trouble because you do what is right in a world where that is often confrontational,” Breanne said as she pulled her dress over her hips. “And that is part of why we love you.” Frank helped her get the dress up as she smiled and let him tie the laces. “It’s good to have a man around.”

“Frank smiled back but quickly returned them to the previous conversation. Gwen wanted to make a far grander announcement of their intention to marry Quinny and Breanne. He wanted them to consider adding Blackbast to that announcement and potentially doing something special for Umtha.

“Why Umtha?” Breanne asked.

“Because she is already married, but nobody knows it,” Frank replied. “I don't want her to feel left out that everyone else had a formal announcement followed by a grand celebration, and she had nothing.”

“I see your point,” Breanne agreed with a nod.

“I do, too,” Heather agreed as she came away from the doorway. “But what can we do for her?”

“It was just an idea,” Frank replied and took a moment to think it through. “I just thought maybe we should make this special for Umtha somehow.”

“Why make it special for her?” Heather asked.

“Because she may be married to us, but she did it in the most mundane way possible. There was nothing to mark the event or make it special, and I thought we could do more,” he replied.

“I see your point,” Breanne agreed. “But what can we do for her?”

“I am open to suggestions,” Heather replied as she went to the mirror to brush her hair.

“Let me do that,” Breanne offered and had Heather sit before taking up a brush to begin working. Heather smiled and sighed as Breanne brushed her long golden hair in delicate strokes, letting the silky strands roll through her fingers.

“So, did you have an idea?” Quinny asked as she dug through Heather's wardrobe for something to wear.

“I was thinking we should have a ceremony in the goblin city,” Frank said.

“I don’t know,” Heather replied as she looked at his face in the mirror. “I want Quinny and Breanne’s wedding to be spectacular like ours was.”

“I wasn't saying their wedding should be in the goblin fortress,” Frank replied. “Umhta doesn't know about our holidays or customs, and she finds a lot of it weird. So we should have a goblin-style wedding just for her in her city before all the goblins and some other guests.”

“But your already married to her,” Quinny said.

“I was just trying to think of a way to formally say we love her,” Frank said.

“Oh, our husband is a hopeless romantic,” Heather sighed as she smiled at his reflection. “And you’re right. We need to do something to show her we want her as part of our lives.”

“What about a formal presentation where we go to her city together, and each present her with some token of our love?” Breanne suggested.

“Like what, though?” Quinny asked.

“That's easy. “ You get her a crown,” Heather replied, turning her head slightly. “She gave me hers, so we need to give her one back. A crown to our city, so she is also a queen of our lands.”

“Oh, I bet that would please her immensely,” Breanne said.

“What if we had a crown made to match Heathers?” Frank asked. “That way, it would have the goblin theme to them. We could have Chandice enchant it with minor magical powers and present Umtha her crown before all the goblins.”

“I am sure she will appreciate that,” Breanne agreed.

“Do I get a crown?” Quinny said in a disappointed voice.

“Of course you do,” Heather laughed. “You will be a princess of Gwen’s kingdom and a queen of the goblin one.”

“I just like the idea of being a princess,” Quinny said. “That way, I can play all I want and not have any obligations or responsibilities.”

“If you think you're getting out of this with no responsibilities, you have another thing coming,” Heather protested.

“Blackbast will fix that wild streak in her,” Breanne laughed and looked into the mirror to meet Heather’s gaze. “I heard her telling you she wants you back on your studies.”

“Yes,” Heather sighed. “She said we went through all the trouble to get those books, and I have only studied a third of them. She also wants me to devote more time to practicing my other skills. I told her I would get to it, but starting your own city is time-consuming.”

“Not to mention getting married, engaged again, and dealing with all the local changes,” Branne reminded as she finished brushing. “You're done. It's time for the zombie brat.”

Heather got up, and Quinny took her place, sitting still so Breanne could brush her hair. Heather went to the wardrobe and picked through the outfits as Frank came up behind her.

“Any preference?” Heather asked as she considered her favorite yellow dress.

“I like the valentines day one,” Frank said with a funny smile.

“No, see, that's what you wear under the dress,” Heather said with a crooked smile. “And would you really parade me through the city in that?”

“We can get pizza,” he teased, leaning over her shoulder.

“Sorry, but pizza isn’t going to buy my going out naked,” Heather countered.

“You could always wear the slave silks,” he suggested, pointing to where they hung.

“Don't you get enough of us at night?” Heather laughed and pulled out a more formal blue and white dress. “Maybe this one for mother and something simpler for lunch.”

“The silks would be perfect for the inn,” Frank pressed as she shook her head.

“You know what, fine,” Heather replied, turning in his arms. “We will go to lunch as your slave girls.”

“Yay!” Quinny cried, pulling her hair free from Breanne.

“Sit still, or you can brush it yourself,” Breanne scolded and resumed her task.

They finished the morning with Frank helping them dress, then headed out to meet Gwen. Webster jumped along at Heather's side as they used the magic doors to first go to Rajeen's inn, then to Gwen's castle. Quinny commented on how all their homes felt like one space, and Heather couldn't disagree. She was beginning to think of them all as one big house as they headed for the upper balcony where Gwen would be having breakfast.

“Hello, mother,” Heather called as they arrived to find her sitting in a stunning silver dress.

“My daughters and son have arrived,” Gwen replied with a smile. “I hope the journey wasn’t too long.”

“Oh, ha, ha,” Heather replied, sitting at the table with Frank at her right and Breanne at her left. Quinny sat beside Breanne and looked over the setting of breakfast treats as Gwen smiled over a juice.

“So, where is the missing daughter?” Gwen asked over a sip.

“Umtha had goblin things to do,” Heather replied before holding up a tray of breakfast tarts. “She is always so busy planning for an invasion.”

“She is probably the smartest of us all, then,” Gwen replied. “I have no doubt that word of our defiance has reached people in high places. They never trusted the south, but with your city openly welcoming monster players, it will certainly draw some scrutiny.”

“Enough to cause a war?” Frank asked in a concerned voice.

“Oh, I don't think so,” Gwen replied, setting aside her drink. “But we didn't come here to discuss war and conflict. We're here to discuss your next wedding.”

Heather smiled, and the discussion began with the group going over all the details. Frank explained his desire to honor Umtha with their own wedding and by giving her an enchanted crown. Gwen agreed they should do something for the goblin woman but was more focused on Quinny and Breanne. She was about to plan the whole thing out when Heather dropped the bombshell that was Blackbast.

“You want to marry her too?” Gwen choked and had to take a moment. “When did that happen?”

Heather looked to Frank, and he explained everything Blackbast had done for them. He even held out the figurine, now shaped like a ghoul in armor, and pointed out how important this was to her.

“I can assure you that is important,” Gwen said with a nod. “Those are hard to come by. Often they are random loot in a world dungeon or from an extremely powerful boss.”

“They can't be that rare. I have a bird one,” Heather interjected.

“Players can craft bird and small animal ones,” Gwen corrected. “But to make one that changes you into a powerful creature is neigh impossible. A figurine that is a human man would be rare. One that made you a giant or a dragon would be virtually unique.”

“So she can’t replace this?” Frank asked.

“Maybe, if she could find the one other person in the whole world who had one and had the wealth of an empire to pay for it,” Gwen replied.

“Wow, she gave that up to help us?” Quinny asked.

“I had no idea they were so expensive,” Breanne said. “And now I feel bad we did nothing to recognize her sacrifice.”

“Well, you have recognized it,” Gwen replied. “But what does this mean for you?”

“Us?” Heather replied. “She’s going to be our wife.”

“I meant about the slave collars,” Gwen said bluntly as she stared at the three women.

Heather reached up to where the collar usually rested as if to touch it. They never wore them when appearing as their official selves, but she had to admit they rarely did that. Most of the time, the collars were on, and they had been playing along as of late.

“We aren't serving in the temple if that's what you mean,” Heather said. “But we are acknowledging her and Frank as our masters.”

“Yeah, besides, Blackbast has a new girl in the temple,” Quinny interjected. “I wonder if she will let us play with her?”

Gwen choked again and had to sip some water to clear her throat and get control.

“I think you and the new girl should remain separate,” she finally insisted. “It would be improper.”

“Quinny has a terrible mind,” Heather replied. “None of us had any intention of going to see her.”

“Good,” Gwen said in a relieved voice. “So, all we need to do is add Blackbast to the list of women you are marrying. Nothing we can't handle. As for this crown for Umtha, I will have one made to match the crown she gave you and have it enchanted myself. No offense but Chandice is still a rather low level, and I know people who can make that crown a thing of true power.”

“I want a crown,” Quinny sighed and folded her arms.

“Oh, I see,” Gwen replied with a smirk. “How about a princess tiara to go with your lovely princess dress I will have made.”

Heather wanted to laugh as Quinny immediately took the bait and agreed to the tiara. One would be provided for Breanne as well, and all would soon be royalty in the kingdom. The rest of the breakfast went smoothly as they discussed matters of the kingdom. Gwen had forged a few deals with local lords, exchanging goblin roads for agreements. She even had a rather powerful lord from further east arriving any day to attempt to strike a deal.

Hours later, the group traveled through the city, being recognized by a few people who called and waved. The skies were overcast, and the air smelled of water as a light rain continued to fall. For Heather, it felt like a moment of peace as she took in all that they had built. She loved her life and her family, walking hand in hand with Quinny as Breanne walked with Frank. She wondered why she didn't feel Jealous and had to chalk it up to loving them all so much. They went through the archway into their city and strode down a road to see players had bought more shops and put up a few stalls.

“Ornveers, adventuring trash?” Heather read from a sign over the door. “Is that supposed to draw players in?”

“He probably buys and sells the low-level garbage people have,” Frank explained. “Lot of it can be broken down for materials, but few players want to spend the time to do it.”

“Ah,” Heather said as the rain suddenly picked up. “We need to get to Rajeen’s before we get soaked.”

The others agreed, and they hurried along, arriving at the temple as hair began to hang in wet strands. Breanne grumbled that they would have to dry off, but Quinny reminded them that the slave collars had the cleanse skill. Heather took her hand, and they made their way to the back hall and into their home in the mountain. As agreed, they dressed in the slave silks and used the cleanse skill to dry off and clean up.

“That is a useful skill,” Breanne said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“Looking at how beautiful you are?” Frank asked as his hands came over her shoulders.

“Are you flirting with me?” Breanne said with a big smile and tossed her green hair. “Because I like it.”

“He never flirted with me,” Heather said in a sharp tone.

“Oh, please,” Quinny laughed. “He flirted with you all the time. You were just too blind to see it.”

“Well, let's go to the hall and wait for Umtha,” Heather suggested before donning her devil crown and slave collar. They went down the hall and through the magic door, stepping into Rajeen’s temple as if it was just another room in their home. They were greeted by three of the harem girls, who smiled widely at the outfits.

“Will you be joining us in the harem?” one of them asked with a smile.

“Sorry, not today,” Heather replied.

“Oh, a pity,” another pouted as they walked on and laughed.

They waited in the hall a moment more until Umtha arrived and commented on their outfits. Heather explained how they decided to go as slave girls, so Umtha shrugged and explained she had no slave silks.

“I can fix that,” Blackbast said as she stepped through the doorway from her temple. “Come, girls. I will get you ready.” Blackbast wore a beautiful, skimpy golden dress that hugged her slender form. She had rings in one ear and her gold everywhere else imaginable. She took them to her bedroom in the temple and had them line up. The first thing she did was present a slave collar to Umtha and asked if she was ready to be a slave girl. Umtha looked to Heather for support then nodded and accepted the device around her neck.

Blackbast then went to a wardrobe and brought Umtha lovely silks with golden belts and chains. The goblin woman giggled as she was dressed and left barefoot in line beside the other girls. Blackbast then brought over a large box and threw it open to reveal it contained jewelry. One by one, she covered them in gold and gems until every wrist, ankle, and neck was decorated. Heather's devil horns were capped by gold points, and Quinny was given a golden net studded with rubies to drape over her hair.

“Now you look like my slave girls,” Blackbast said approvingly.

“If I had known we were going to be showered in gold and gemstones, I would have agreed to this sooner,” Heather laughed.

“You all look beautiful,” Frank said and came to Heather. “I just wish your devil form had a tail.”

“Hmm, was the red hair and devil eyes not good enough?” Heather asked.

“I just think the tail would complete the appearance,” Frank said.

“Frank, if you like this form so much, I will stay in it,” Heather said. “I don't mind being your sexy little devil girl.”

“You can’t stay in it,” Blackbast said. “You have to appear as Hannah for functions.”

“I know,” Heather grumbled and took Frank’s arm. “Shall we go to lunch?”

“You will get in line,” Blackbast said, plucking Heather from his arm. Blackbast took her place as Heather was sent to walk behind them before they proceeded down the hall.

They were marched through the magic door and into the hall before being taken to the large common room. It was busy with people as always, but a special area had been set aside for the occasion. Two great golden chairs faced one another with a thick layer of pillows and cushions between them. Harem girls stood beside the space directing anyone who tried to approach away. Blackbast hooked Frank's arm and instructed the girls to walk directly behind them in a single-file line. Frank and her then led the way, crossing the room as people took notice.

The harem girls stepped aside and bid them sit while they notified Rajeen of their arrival. Frank took his place in a large throne-like chair, leaving enough room for Blackbast to sit beside him. She settled in as he put an arm around her and left the girls standing.

“Well, go ahead and lay down,” Blackbast commanded.

“What have we gotten ourselves into?” Heather groaned as the girls sat on the pillows together.

A minute later, a second procession made its way across the room, this time with Rajeen holding the arm of Roric. His girls followed along behind them, minus Chandice, who didn't seem to be present. Roric sat in the other chair, and Rajeen sat in his lap. Jaina, Gisley, and Evalynn crawled into the cushions to join the other slave girls.

Evalynn went to Breanne as Gisley sat with Quinny and Umtha to tell them all about a man she had found in the forest. The girls descended into soft conversation while their masters spoke more formally above.

“Well, well,” Jaina said, crawling up to Heather. “You finally made the leap.”

“I haven’t made any leap,” Heather protested. “This is just for fun.”

“And why do you think we do it?” Jaina laughed. “This is for fun as well.”

“I suppose it is,” Heather agreed as Jaina came right up to her and, before she could blink, pressed their lips together. Heather was stunned by the sudden move but didn't jerk away. She allowed the kiss to happen but glanced up to see neither Frank nor Blackbast seemed to care.

“Did I frighten you?” Jaina asked as the kiss parted.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting a kiss,” Heather replied. “But seeing as you are so close, there is something I would like to ask you.”

“Oh?” Jaina replied with a curious expression. “Shall we get close enough to whisper?”

“How close is that?” Heather asked as Jaina crawled over her and lay beside them. Heather’s back was pulled to her chest as Jaina hooked a leg over her and began to stroke her arm.

“Now, what did you want to ask me?” Jaina said with a pleased smile.

“You have no shame,” Heather protested as Jaina smiled, then suddenly twitched and took on a faraway expression. It went on for twenty seconds until Heather felt uncomfortable.

“Are you ok?” Heather asked.

Jaina looked about the room, momentarily confused, then nodded in reply.

“I'm sorry, I just need a moment,” Jaina said, closing her eyes.

Heather was confused by what was happening and felt awkward being pressed against her while she was silent. Nearly a minute passed before Jaina opened her eyes and apologized for the delay.

“I have a magical link to another being, and they chose this exact moment to pester me,” Jaina sighed.

“Oh, so you got a phone call,” Heather teased, feeling better now that she understood the strange silence.

“That’s a good way of looking at it,” Jaina replied with a smile. “Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Heather looked about to ensure everybody else was busy in their own discussions, then turned back to Jaina leaning up to whisper.

“I need to talk to you about a choice I have,” Heather said nervously.

“A choice about what?” Jaina asked.

Heather explained how the crown gifted her devil form and changed her race from human to lilithu. Of course, Jaina knew all of this already, but Heather expressed it was important to ensure she was clear that she was a monster race now.

“Ok, so why was it important to tell me what I already knew?” Jaina asked.

“Well, because as a monster player, I get evolutions, and I have one of three paths to pick,” Heather groaned and looked away nervously.

“Chandice told me about the woman in the crown,” Jaina said with a nod. “She said the woman physically appeared and told you that you had an evolution to become a succubus. Are you worried about taking that?”

“Yes,” Heather sighed. “But it's a little more complicated than that.”

“Show me,” Jaina urged and sat up to lean over Heather.

Heather opened her panel right there in the cushions, but nobody seemed to care. She took Jaina to the evolution paths to show her the three available choices. Jaina's gaze immediately settled on one of the options as it portrayed a very sexy-looking woman.

“Alright, what’s a Lilim?” Jaina asked.

“That's what I wanted to talk to you about,” Heather said and pulled open the base description. She watched as Jaina's eyes went wide with alarm, and a smile spread across her face.

“So, a Lilim is a more powerful Succubus,” Jaina said. “It even calls it the mother of succubi. Goodness, it comes with shape-shifting and seduction powers like me.”

“Yes, it does, but I am nervous about taking it because of what it says about me,” Heather said.

“What does it say about you?” Jaina asked. “That you're a woman, and you enjoy a little intimacy with your lovers?”

“It’s basically a more sexual succubus,” Heather pleaded. “I feel embarrassed about taking it, especially how it has to feed to restore its power.”

“Hmm, show me that again,” Jaina insisted, and Heather took her through the list. The class had a passion pool that it could use for racial powers, but it could only be replenished in the act of intimacy. It came back slowly while being with a partner, but she had skills that allowed her to aggressively drain stamina, strength, and even magic from a person and convert it into passion.

“Alright, so it has a sex requirement,” Jaina said. “You have five partners. I doubt you will have much trouble replenishing that.”

“I know. I just feel so timid about it,” Heather said. “I am not like this.”

“You are overthinking it,” Jaina urged and rubbed her arm. “You didn't come here like the rest of us did. You were dragged kicking and screaming into the world while the rest of us came in to have fun. From the perspective of a person who wants to have fun, that race looks amazing. I think you will have a lot of fun playing it, and you shouldn't let the intimate requirements hold you back.”

“Maybe you’re right, and I should take it,” Heather agreed.

“Actually, I have a better suggestion,” Jaina corrected. “I know how to make this situation exciting for you, but I have a price.

“A price?” Heather asked with a raised brow. “Do I want to know what it is?”

“A kiss,” Jaina said. “A passionate one to prove you are ready to play that race. Then I will tell you exactly what to do.”

“You already got a kiss,” Heather pointed out.

“That was me stealing one from you,” Jaina corrected. “Now I want you to give me one because you want to.”

“Does it have to be a kiss?” Heather asked nervously.

“Sweetheart, you are asking me if you should become a sex devil,” Jaina reminded her. “You are either ready to play the part or not. If you can't manage to kiss me with some conviction, you may as well take one of the other evolutions.”

Heather took a long breath and leaned up, planting her lips on Jaina's. She held the kiss long enough for their tongues to dance, then broke it as Jaina settled in, fully satisfied.

“Now that was a kiss,” Jaina said with a pleased smile.

“You are a terrible friend,” Heather said with a roll of her eyes.

“I bet you change your mind after I give you my suggestion,” Jaina countered.

“So I earned my reward?” Heather laughed.

“Yes, I think you earned some wise advice,” Jaina replied and batted her eyes at Heather. “So here is what you should do. You should show Frank your evolution choices and let him pick what he wants you to be.”

“Why would I let him pick?” Heather asked confused by the suggestion.

“Listen,” Jaina said firmly as her tone changed. “We both know you are just playing at this being a slave girl. You are wearing the collars for the disguise and the benefits during sex, but the rest of it is optional. What you don't know and will never discover unless you truly submit is the overwhelming rush of being a slave girl. You have a real chance to feel that rush here and now, and once you do, you will never want to go a day without feeling it. If you really want to know what it's like to be a slave girl, then give the power of that choice to your master. Let him decide if he wants you to be a sex devil.”

Heather chewed her bottom lip as Jaina smiled at the look. She realized the idea was good but did she have the courage to give Frank a choice like that? Did she want to know what this overwhelming rush that Jaina was talking about was? Did she really want to start down this path, wondering where it would eventually lead?

“Trying to decide if you should do it,” Jaina asked as she stroked Heather’s side.

“Yes,” Heather replied with a shake of her head.

“Do you want some help making the decision?” Jaina asked as she smiled wider.

Heather nodded, not realizing what would happen, until Jaina stood up and announced that Frank's pet had something she needed to show him. Heather's blood ran cold as every eye turned to her, and Frank leaned forward to see what she had to show him. There was no going back now as tension, and nervous energy began to course through her veins. Blackbast beckoned her to come forward and show Frank whatever it was she had to show him.

With trembling legs she got up and faced her doom, knowing full well he would pick it as soon as he saw that tail.

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