Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 67: Rise to your station

Heather had never seen Blackbast so nervous as the cat woman's tail twitched from side to side. Roric and crew had gone far into the swamps and hills, searching out the land that could potentially be their home. They returned with the girls full of excitement as they discussed where they would put things and how their camp would be hidden in the mountains. Roric announced they were pleased with the land and intended to build their home on it. Then without missing a beat, he suggested they return to the camp so Gisley could put them all to sleep. The sun was already low in the sky, and by the time they reached the camp, it had moved away, leaving only the stars to guide them.

Now they were all in the magical tent, his harem snuggling together on the bed. Frank, Quinny, Breanne, and Heather snuggled on the other side, lying together as they waited for the proceedings. Only Blackbast, Roric, and Gisley remained standing,

“You seem tense,” Roric suggested to Blackbast and pointed to Heather. “Maybe you should join them before we begin.”

“It has been a long time since we last saw each other,” Blackbast replied. “I am nervous about seeing her again.”

“Don’t be,” Gisley urged as she fluttered beside Roric. “She never mentioned you by name, but she did talk fondly about a friend she came to New Eden with.”

“Oh, I am sure she will be happy to see me,” Blackbast laughed. “It is what she will want after she sees me that worries me.”

“Ha, will she want to negotiate?” Jaina called from the bed. “Roric and her negotiated a lot.”

Gisley and the others snickered as Blackbast shot Roric a confused look.

“She, uh, was very aggressive about her negotiations,” Roric admitted. “I had to wrestle with some of her terms.”

“I see,” Blackbast said and grabbed her twitching tail. “I supposed there is no point in delaying this.” She turned and strutted toward Frank and the others, then curled into their pile, purring like a cat as she rubbed in close.

“You are enjoying this,” Heather accused as Quinny put an arm around the sultry woman.

“How often do I get to play with my slave girls?” Blackbast asked. “Now go to sleep so you can meet the woman I call my closest friend.”

“Now?” Gisley asked as Roric nodded. She fluttered up and produced a cloud of glitter that drifted over Heather and her group. Instantly Heather felt incredibly tired, and with no effort at all, her eyes shut as she drifted off.

Suddenly there was a light, and she was standing in a large open room. It was like a sultan's palace, full of white marble, green plants, and mosaic-tiled floors. There were tables down the center of the hall with elegant chairs tucked into them. Along the walls were spaces divided by marble planters full of lush tropical plants. These spaces featured low tables with pillows to sit on but offered a degree of privacy from the rest of the room. Nobody stirred in space except Gisley, who fluttered about and reached into the air, suddenly pulling Jaina out of nothing.

“Well, you made it,” Jaina said as she saw Heather.

“Where is this?” Heather asked. “Is this some kind of Turkish restaurant?”

“Ha, believe it, or not this is an inn,” Jaina replied as Quinny was suddenly plucked out of the air. “It's laid out like an ancient palace from the far east and featured the largest harem I have ever seen.”

“There is a harem here?” Heather asked as she looked around while Roric walked with Quinny to join them.

“Usually, it's fifty or more girls strong,” Jaina replied as Roric reached them.

“Are you filling her in?” Roric asked.

“Just the basics,” Jaina said. “I told her this was an inn and home to a large harem.”

“And all this is a dream?” Quinny asked as she pushed a chair. “It feels so real.”

“That’s the power of giggly,” Jaina replied.

“Gisley is gifted in creating dream spaces,” Roric added. “We stayed in this inn for a few weeks and know it well. This is also where we agreed to meet Rajeen when the nights call for it.”

“So she’s here someplace?” Heather asked as Frank and Evalynn walked up.

“She should be,” Jaina replied and brushed back her dark hair. “I am sure she will turn up sooner or later.”

“Missing me already?” came a seductive voice that drew all eyes to an ornate archway hung with a golden curtain. A woman with a tiger-like face, generous chest, and a thin, almost cat-like body stepped through the fabric. She was completely covered in white fur from the tops of her ears to the tip of her tail. She wore only a sheer fabric at her waist as she padded across the room with her eyes fixated on Roric.

“Lady Rajeen,” Roric said with a smile that was quickly washed away when Rajeen grabbed his animal-like face and pulled him into a hug. Roric's tail thrashed in excitement as Rajeen wrapped loving arms around him, the two showing deep love and affection for each other.

“I have missed you,” Rajeen said as they parted. “Please tell me you are coming back.”

“I am afraid we have found a new home in a most unexpected place,” Roric replied. “But that isn’t why we came.”

“No?” Rajeen asked as her ears perked up. “Then what has brought the keeper of my heart back to me?”

“You could say I ran into someone who claims to hold that title already,” Roric replied and turned to Gisley as she pulled the last person into the dream.

“It can't be,” Rajeen gasped as Blackbast stood tall and smiled wickedly. The two stared at one another with obvious recognition before Blackbast fell to one knee before a stunned audience.

“Hello, my master,” Blackbast purred.

“Wait!” Heather choked. “Rajeen is your Master?”

“What? Did you think I could not bow my head to another?” Blackbast asked as Rajeen ran across the space and tackled the woman.

“My pet, you have finally come home to me!” Rajeen cried and kissed all up and down Blackbast’s face. “I have dreamed of this moment for nearly two years. Why have you been away so long?”

“They sound like each other,” Quinny laughed as they watched the odd display.

“I had responsibilities I could not be away from,” Blackbast replied. “And you know how it is at my temple.”

“Your temple should be a part of my palace,” Rajeen replied. “It is here that you belong.”

“Oh, I would love to agree, but you did not like me entertaining the men,” Blackbast countered.

“Why would you need to spoil yourself with them?” Rajeen asked. “There are so many women to share yourself with instead.”

“What am I missing?” Heather asked as she looked to Jaina for help.

“Remember that harem I told you about?” Jaina asked. “Well, it belongs to Rajeen, and she forbids them to share love with men.”

“She does?” Heather asked as she took Frank's hand. “But, men are so useful.”

Jaina laughed at how awkwardly Heather put it and nodded in agreement. They watched as the two cat women shared loving kisses that bordered on foreplay before Rajeen finally stepped back to consider the others.

“And who are your guests?” Rajeen asked while still holding Blackbast firm.

Roric introduced them as friends they met along the way and introduced them one by one. When they got to Heather, Gisley burst out that Heather was getting married to Frank the very next day.

“So, the eve before the wedding,” Rajeen said with a nod.

“When we learned that Priestess Blackbast was a friend of yours, we thought you would enjoy seeing her again,” Roric said.

“Oh, my sweet lover,” Rajeen said as she sauntered up to Roric. “You have no idea how happy you have made me.” She placed her hands around Roric’s back and licked at the side of his face. “Let my pet and I show you just how much. I have a room where we can all be comfortable share.”

Jaina coughed and drew Rajeen’s attention before letting her know that Heather was a little more traditional than that. She didn’t do things the way the rest of them did.

“Oh, I see, Rajeen said with a nod.

“I don’t mean to upset your way of doing things,” Heather apologized.

“Please do not apologize,” Rajeen said as she walked up and took Heather's hand. “I am grateful to meet a friend of my pet. I also wish you well on your wedding. You have selected quite a handsome man.”

Heather smiled as she looked at Frank but felt a twinge of guilt. With a sigh, she admitted that Frank was wearing a disguise and that he was a ghoul. Rajeen didn't seem the least bit bothered by that statement as Blackbast came to her side and curled into her arms, the two cat women staring at Heather.

“So, you must tell me the story of how you all met,” Rajeen insisted. “I want to hear every detail.” She beckoned them to sit around one of the private tables while guiding Blackbast to sit at one side and Roric the other.

Heather sat with Frank and Quinny while wondering where to begin the story. Blackbast saved her the trouble by boldly announcing Heather was not only a chosen but also a necromancer. Rajeen's eyes lit up at that news but then saddened as Blackbast explained how the choice had been forced on her. Heather took up the story from there, and they shared their adventures for the next few hours. Heather ended it with when they met Roric and how meeting his family inspired her to act on her love for Frank and the others.

“A touching story,” Rajeen said as she stroked Blackbast’s back and then turned to Roric. “So you have found a home at last?”

“We hope so,” Roric replied. “The land is perfect for what we want, and there are miles of it to use.”

“And so far to the south,” Rajeen said with a certain measure of approval. “That is sure to throw off your angry pursuer.”

“Even if she found us, being so close to Heather and her mother will give us some safety,” Roric replied.

“How does this provide you safety?” Rajeen asked.

“Since Roric and his family are my friends, they will be afforded every protection my mother can give them,” Heather explained. “That includes us coming to their aid if they need it.”

“And Heather’s mother can provide a lot of aid,” Jaina added. “Heather's mother is the queen of the entire region. So there is no chance of Alexandria stirring up the local leadership against us.”

“Yes, she will find the queen quite hostile to her manipulations,” Evalynn added.

“It isn't a good idea to anger my mother,” Heather said. “She won't tell me what level she is, but I know it's over a hundred.”

“She’s over a hundred?” Gisley gasped.

“That's what she says, Heather replied. “You should see some of the power she flexes sometimes.”

“Gwen is hella scary when she’s mad,” Quinny added. “And she isn’t afraid to defy King Kevin.”

“A bold woman,” Rajeen agreed as she rubbed at her chin. “I have always thought it silly that he still calls himself a king when he rules over kings. I wonder why he has never taken the title of emperor?”

“He has no need of the title,” Blackbast replied. “He has established his power and does not need to flaunt it.”

“Perhaps,” Rajeen agreed. “Besides, his hold is tenuous. If he pushed his luck too far, he might find many who are tired of him.”

“There are still plenty who would rush to his aid,” Blackbast argued. “Gwen is very brave and fiercely protective of Heather, but any confrontation with Kevin is a risky one.”

“She just threw a bunch of his lieutenants out of her kingdom,” Heather added. “She isn’t afraid of Kevin and has even threatened to fight a war if he wants one.”

“How interesting,” Rajeen replied. “Why did she do that?”

Heather explained the confrontation and how they were there to ensure Gwen knew her place. They also wanted to make Heather a bargaining chip, inducting her into one of their knightly orders, then taking her away where she could be kept as leverage.

“So, she is no friend of the powers in the far north,” Rajeen replied.

“No,” Heather answered and told the story of how Gwen lost control of her kingdom. She explained how Kevin and his allies left her to rot, mocking her condition as they all abandoned her.

“Ah, I see the connection now,” Rajeen said. “They wanted her in a state of weakness, but you came along and destroyed their plans. So now they need the means to apply pressure. How better to do it than through the woman she named as her daughter.”

“I put an end to that by introducing them to Frank and Quinny,” Heather said. “The order they wanted me to join were undead hunters, and since my husband and best friend were undead, I had a reason to decline.”

“That woman said she didn’t want you,” Quinny laughed. “She was so horrified that she refused to accept you into her group.”

“I am grateful you have found such a home,” Rajeen said to Roric. “A pity I do not have some of these doors so I can come to see you.”

“Maybe we can find a way to acquire some on our own?” Roric asked.

“How do you get those doors?” Gisley asked as she looked at Heather.

Heather explained they were gifts from her mother. She purchased them with some kind of rare and expensive points. Heather had two sets of them, and it was in asking for the second set that set her on the road to being married. It seemed that the points earned in the wedding event would be enough to pay for the doors and then some.

“Do you think she could make another set?” Jaina asked with a hopeful tone.

“Only if I agree to marry Quinny and Breanne so she can pay for it,” Heather laughed, then went silent when nobody laughed with her. She looked around the gathering to see everyone was taking that idea very seriously.

“So you can do it?” Jaina asked.

“Are you serious?” Heather interjected.

“Is it a bad idea?” Jaina pressed. “You four are practically a family already.”

“I know, but I feel like this idea keeps getting pushed on me,” Heather protested. “I just want to get my marriage to Frank over first. Then we can explore the rest of it.”

“And we should honor that,” Roric said with a firm look at Jaina. “We should not push them to grow any faster than they are ready.”

“Oh, I didn't mean to push,” Jaina said and turned to Heather. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you into anything. I know you are already making some big changes, and you don't need me making them harder.”

“It’s alright,” Heather replied and leaned into Frank. “I am glad I met you and your family. I wouldn’t have made those changes if I hadn’t, and I wouldn’t be so happy.” Heather knew her words were true, as Jaina was the perfect example of how a relationship like that could work. All four women were fully in love with Roric and each other, delighting in the company they shared. Heather saw no reason why she couldn't have that with Quinny and Breanne but didn't want to rush into it. The door was open for it to happen, and that was enough for now.

“A pity I am not such a class,” Rajeen said. “I am sure I could afford such a door by now.”

“Yeah,” Heather said as she took on a far-away look.

“Is that her mad scientist thinking face?” Jaina asked as Quinny nodded.

“She will probably have this solved in a few moments,” Quinny said.

“Well, not solved,” Heather replied as she worked on an idea. “But we know that the points are dependent on attendance, so what if we boosted the attendance?”

“Boost it how? Evalynn asked as she looked to Breanne, who shrugged.

Heather smiled and looked at Rajeen. “I am told you have a large harem.”

“I do,” Rejeen replied with a slight smile. “I have seventy-one girls who call me master.”

“What if you and all those girls showed up for the wedding?” Heather asked.

“I see,” Rajeeen said with a nod. “But I am familiar with how social points work to some degree. Yes, attendance of an event is important, but so are the levels and titles of those who attend. The more powerful the guest, the more points she will get.”

“So it won’t be enough,” Heather sighed.

“I wouldn't say that,” Rajeen said. “I have no idea how much these doors cost, but I know many local lords and people with titles. I might be able to persuade some of them to attend your wedding to boost your mother’s point gain.”

“Does that mean she might be able to give us a door?” Jaina asked.

“Slow down,” Heather urged. “We have no idea what they cost. I will ask my mother. That's all I can promise.”

“That would be a great blessing,” Rajeen said with a nod and asked for the name of Gwen’s city. She would arrange for a standard portal so she and her company might attend. They would do this as part of her wedding gift to Heather, even if no door could be given.

“I can always pay to have portals opened when I need Them,” Rajeen said as she stood and pulled Blackbast with her. “Now, I would like to take my dearest pet someplace more private. I have a lot I wish to share with her.”

Heather was surprised to see how docile Blackbast was and how she clung to Rajeen as if for safety. The two feline women departed, leaving the group around the table to talk.

“So Rajeen used to be Blackbast’s master?” Frank said with a look of shock.

“I know. I can hardly believe it,” Heather replied. “She was always the one who liked being in charge.”

“That doesn’t mean she can’t love somebody so much she wants to submit to them,” Gisley suggested. “That’s how I became Roric’s slave girl.”

“Yeah, but Blackbast is a slave master class,” Heather said. “It’s hard to think of a master submitting to be a slave.”

“I think it’s beautiful,” Jaina said. “They must deeply love one another.”

Heather nodded in agreement and looked at Frank to consider how deeply she loved him. Despite her independent nature, she would wear a collar for him. If he was a slave master class, she would bow before him and feel the leather around her neck as it locked in place.

Quinny asked to see more of the place, relishing the idea that this was only a dream. Jaina gave them a tour, explaining how the inn had a reputation for being full of harem girls. It was a place of mystery, intrigue, and gossip where people went to savor the experience.

She showed them the grand hall, especially a round stage near the far wall where she said they used to dance for packed crowds. Evalynn blushed while suggesting Jaina not tell everyone the details of that time for fear Heather might be shocked.

They moved on to halls dominated by fountains, gardens, and even a massive library. She described the harem rooms but didn't want to take them there for fear of interrupting Rajeen and Blackbast. After nearly an hour of taking in the impressive structure, Gisley used her power to create the illusion of the inn being in use. Suddenly it was crowded with exotic people and harem girls in little or no clothing. They sat at a table and were served amazing drinks, with Heather asking for refills. Foods of all kinds were brought to the table as Jaina and her sisters recommended various things.

It was truly a magical experience, and several hours later, Heather started to feel relaxed. It was like a night out with her friends where they went to some new restaurant. There was laughing and good fun as they shared even more stories, with Quinny telling the tale of how Heather once fought a sand demon. She made Heather sound heroic, bravely facing the creature alone to save her friends.

When the night wore on, Roric suggested they go back and leave Blackbast and Rajeen together. A moment later, Heather opened her eyes to see they were back in the waking world, the sun hanging in the early morning position. She was lying on Frank's chest with Quinny and Breanne tucked into his sides. She realized she was holding Blackbast, who was still in the dream with Rajeen, sharing a moment of connection.

“This will be tricky,” Heather said as Frank looked up. “How do we get up without waking her?”

“She will be fine,” Gisley said as she arrived a the pile of women. “So long as you handle her gently, she won't wake up. She wants to be in the dream and will stay there unless her real body is in danger.”

She helped Heather extract herself, leaving Blackbast curled up on Frank's chest. Quinny and Breanne got up and gathered some pillows, then helped shift Blackbast to them. Heather hoped she was having a special moment with the mysterious Rajeen and thought about the doors again.

“I guess I need to see my mother,” Heather sighed.

“I want to be there to see her reaction when you ask for another door,” Quinny laughed.

“Yes, use my torment for your entertainment,” Heather replied.

“Oh, please don’t do this if it’s going to be trouble,” Jaina said as she joined the group.

“It’s not going to be trouble,” Heather said and took Frank’s hand. “I will tell her I know somebody who could benefit from having some doors. Then I will explain how many people she could bring to the wedding and ask if that would be enough to pay for them.”

Jaina looked at her with a trembling smile and then jumped forward to wrap Heather in a hug. Heather was shocked by the sudden display of affection and looked around to See Roric, Gisley, and Evalynn also looked touched.

“What happened?” Heather asked as she hugged Jaina, who was now crying.

“You really are selfless,” Roric said.

“You hardly know us, yet you are willing to help us reunite with our dear friend,” Gisley said.

“Now I see why they all love you,” Evalynn said. “You claim you always put people in danger, yet all I ever hear is how you come to people's rescue. You are a princess because you came to the queen's rescue.”

“You rescued your husband to be from his isolation and loneliness,” Roric added.

“And you rescued Quinny and Breanne from their cells,” Gisley finished.

“I was just doing the nice thing,” Heather replied as she heard them talk about her with such kindness. “I don’t do these things because I want something in return.”

“That’s why you two are perfect for each other,” Jaina said as she stepped back. “You keep telling us how selfless and devoted Frank is, but you are just the same.”

“I am nothing like Frank,” Heather protested. “I wish I could be that brave and kind.”

“She can’t see it,” Gisley said with a smile. “She can’t believe she is just like him.”

“We have been trying to tell her for weeks,” Breanne remarked. “Stubbornness is one of her greatest skills.”

“Hold on,” Heather interjected. “You’re the one who risked her life to rescue Grumosh.”

“You’re the one who charged a sand demon so we could all get away,” Breanne countered.

“And you faced Lydia alone to save us from her plan, then had the mercy to rescue her from her own demise,” Quinny reminded.

“Then charged into the paladins to save us,” Frank said as Heather stood by in stunned silence. “You were going to take that entire group on solo and would have fought to the death if the goblins hadn’t arrived to save us.”

“Somebody here is starting to sound like a superhero,” Jaina laughed.

“What about all my flaws?” Heather protested. “I got us all killed because I refused to face the truth that people were coming to claim the bounty.”

“You were still in shock and denial from your abduction,” Roric suggested. “You needed time to come to terms with your new reality. Until you did, you refused to accept the world around you and the danger it might represent.”

“Oh, she was in terrible denial,” Breanne laughed. “But her stubbornness is a virtue when it is turned to the right cause. She never gives up on an idea, especially when it is for someone she cares about.”

“Alright,” Heather sighed and put a hand to her forehead. “I guess I have done a lot of growing since I got here. I just like to help people, and I didn’t think I was doing anything special. I want to help you because I like being useful to people, especially people I think are good.”

“You think everyone is good until they prove otherwise,” Breanne said. “Look at how quickly you asked Viylah to live with us. All you needed to know was she was alone, and you readily asked her in. You did the same thing to Quinny and I.”

“Stop,” Heather insisted and fought a smile. “I appreciate the compliments and thank you all for being so kind. Now, let me go talk to my mother and find out about these doors.”

“I am still coming with,” Quinny insisted.

Heather took Quinny by the hand while slinging Webster under the other arm. Together they went back, pausing only a moment to raid the kitchen for cookies. Then they went to the garden, crossed the doorway to the city, and used the caves to get into the castle. The decorations for the wedding had increased, with unicorn heads made of flowers hanging from every other chandelier. There were additional flower arrangements of golden rings joined at the side hanging over Gwen's city banner.

“Wow,” Quinny said. “I wish she was my mother.”

“I am sure she would love that,” Heather said as they headed for the inner halls. They passed some guards, and Heather asked them where they would find Gwen to be told she was in the chapel. Heather wasn't sure she wanted to see the chapel just now, but she took Quinny by the hand and headed for the place she would soon be married.

“Are you nervous?” Quinny asked.

“About marrying Frank, no,” Heather replied. “But I am nervous about doing it before thousands of people.”

“What about marrying us?” Quinny asked. “Does that make you nervous?”

Heather took a moment to think about her answer. She never said she would marry them, only that she would explore the option. She safely tucked it away until after the wedding, but she knew the truth. Sooner or later, she was going to accept them into her relationship because, deep down, that was what she wanted.

“Nothing to say?” Quinny asked in a hurt tone.

Heather didn't have anything to say as words were only going to complicate the matter. Instead, she turned around and grabbed Quinny by the cheeks, pressing her lips to hers to share a warm kiss.

“Heather?” Quinny gasped when Heather pulled away.

“Does that answer your question?” Heather asked and took her hand again. “I just need a little time to settle myself with Frank. Please let me work through this at my pace.”

“Yeah, I get it,” Quinny said nervously. “I just, well, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Heather replied and glanced over with a smile. “I promise I won’t make you wait long.”

“You take as much time as you need,” Quinny said with a blush.

There was a chirp from under her arm as Heather looked down with a laugh.

“Of course, I love you,” Heather said, lifting him up. “You are my spider, after all.”

“Aw, he’s like your son,” Quinny said with a smirk as they reached the doors to the chapel that were wide open. Inside was an ocean of white and gold flowers, hanging in great bands suspended from the massive columns. The whole space had been enlarged and revamped so that what used to seat five hundred might now seat closer to five thousand. The rear wall was dominated by a great stained glass window showing two doves, each with a ring in its beak as they faced one another. Banners hung to either side, depicting a holy emblem that resembled a lion and sword. Beside these were Gwen's unicorn emblem on white and green. The central floor was dominated by a white, green, and gold runner that was so long it would take several minutes to walk down. At the far end was a raised platform of white marble and gold ornately sculpted into roses and other flowers. A wide belt of colorful flowers separated it from the ground except for the seven steps right in the middle. Around that was an opera house-like space of private balconies and stadium-like seating above the lower floor.

“This is amazing,” Quinny said as they walked down the central rug. “She made this place ten times larger.”

“I would have said fifty times,” Heather stammered as she clung to Quinny for support.

At the far end was the woman they were looking for, wearing a blue gown that flowed with golden script and patterns of unicorn heads on her corset.

“Mother,” Heather called as they got closer.

Gwen looked up from her work and smiled to see Heather. She rushed down the steps and came right up to them with a smile of joy.

“How wonderful,” Gwen said as she gave Heather a quick hug. “I am so happy at how often you come to see me now. I really must thank these new friends of yours that have inspired you to go ahead and marry.”

“Actually,” Heather said as she squeezed Webster like a stress toy. “There is something you could do to thank them.”

“Of course,” Gwen said. “I am aware they want to build in the swamps. They have my blessing, and I will afford them my protections.”

“That's good,” Heather agreed as Quinny gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “But I have one more request, and I want you to hear me out fully before you react.”

“Alright,” her mother said but took on a calculating expression. “You want more doors, don't you?”

“Ha, she really is your mother,” Quinny laughed. “She can see right through you.”

“Great,” Heather replied as she rolled her eyes.

“Well, I promised not to react until you have explained,” Gwen said, but her stance said she was fully aggravated.

Heather wasted no time going over the whole story about how Rajeen loved Roric and his girls but lived far to the north. She wanted an easy way to link their homes so she could be with them again. However, to help accomplish this, she would attend the wedding with her sizable harem and as many powerful friends as she could gather in the little time she had left. The hope was this boost in points would be enough to help pay for the doors so Gwen didn't have the shoulder the burden.

“I see,” Gwen replied when Heather was done. “Well, it is nice that she wishes to help pay for the doors, but you need to understand how expensive these are. An average person attending the event will generate one to five points. It's usually one point per ten levels, with a boost if they are titled and what title they hold. If another queen or king attends, I can reasonably expect to make fifteen points. Thankfully we can expect a dozen or so people of significant power to attend, so we should make a good amount from them. I also expect you to thank each one for coming to your wedding.”

“Of course,” Heather replied with a nod.

“But,” Gwen continued and locked Heather’s gaze. “A doorway costs ten thousand points. Your friend would likely have to bring two thousand guests to reach such a threshold.”

“So this isn’t possible,” Heather sighed. “I will have to tell them.”

“I never said it wasn't possible,” Gwen remarked. “There is a mechanic you are not aware of.”

“What’s that?” Heather asked with a hopeful expression.

“My dear daughter. You are a princess of this kingdom, and I gave you a lesser kingdom heart. When you get married, you will earn social points too. In fact, you might earn significantly more than me. As this is my event, I will get the lion's share of the points, but you will get one point per guest attending, plus a bonus for titles. However, you will get even more points based on the gifts you are given.”

“People are bringing me wedding gifts?” Heather asked.

“Of course, they are,” Gwen laughed. “This is a serious thing you are doing. You and Frank are taking your proper places as titled royalty on this world. That comes with a great amount of respect, expectation, and political intrigue. You are becoming a power in this world, and people will bring gifts to begin currying favor.”

“Oh,” Heather replied as she tried to focus on the points she might have. “So, I might be able to buy the door myself?”

“With you and Frank combined, it is possible,” Gwen replied and put a hand on Heather's shoulder. “As a newly wedded princess, you will have a buff called just married. It will give you a twenty-five percent reduction in costs for things bought with social points for twenty days. With the discount in mind, you might be close to the cost, and if you need more, I will gift you the points you are missing.”

“You can gift me points?” Heather said excitedly.

“Social points are a kind of currency among the nobility and royals. You can spend them on each other to curry favor as there are many useful things one can buy with them,” Gwen explained. “Some of your guests may simply pass you some points as gifts to incur your gratitude. Regardless, I will make sure you have enough for your friends.”

“Thank you!” Heather cried and jumped into Gwen's arms, squeezing poor Webster between them until he chirped in annoyance. “Oh, sorry,” Heather said and stepped back before putting him down. “I keep forgetting I have you with me.” He tapped at her leg and scurried safely away as Heather locked eyes with her mother.

“I appreciate this,” Heather said. “You are doing a wonderful thing.”

“Oh, I am only repaying the debt I owe you,” Gwen replied. “Besides, what mother wouldn't bend over backward for such a wonderful daughter?”

“Aw,” Quinny laughed and then had an idea. “Hey, why doesn't Rajeen just move her in here?”

“Here? You mean to the city?” Heather asked as she considered the idea.

“Yeah. Then nobody has to waste points on a door, and she is much closer to her friends,” Quinny said.

“I guess she could do that,” Heather remarked. “I will mention it to Roric when we see him.”

“Or, she could move it to your city,” Gwen suggested.

“The graveyard hardly counts as a city,” Heather laughed. “Though Frank has an underground tunnel system that is large enough to hold one.”

“Not that,” Gwen countered with a smirk. “The city you will build after you marry.”

“What city?” Heather stammered and looked to Quinny, who was just as lost.

“You poor thing,” Gwen laughed. “You really have no idea how all this works. Once you marry, you and Frank will receive a royal grant as part of the title system. You can use this to mark a region as your territory and become ruler of it. Then you can found a city like any other person of our station can.”

“I can?” Heather gasped.

“Of course, you can. It's the reason why you can start earning social points. You are going to need them to build your city up,” Gwen explained. “And if you honestly plan to build a family with the others, you should marry them to earn more points. I suggest you find a place in the mountains to found your new region and capital city. I could have always assigned you land and elevated you to the some rank to start the process, but I thought you wanted to hide. No matter, now that a royal wedding is taking place, you will have your own titles. As my daughter, your lands will officially belong to me, but you will be Dutchess of your region and the ruler in power. You will have the right to give portions of your land to others, making them barons or Viscounts if you wish. You can even pass minor titles down to your friends, naming them lords, ladies, or champions of your region. No longer should you be addressed as Lady. Your official address should be your grace. You will be Princess Hannah of Ellowshire, Duchess of whatever you name your territory. Thus you will have two proper titles.”

“I don’t believe what I am hearing,” Heather stuttered and turned to Quinny. “I am going to be a Dutches?”

“It suits you,” Quinny replied. “You deserve it.”

“She does, but don’t forget, if she marries you, you become a princess of my kingdom and hers,” Gwen pointed out.

Now it was Quinny’s turn to sputter as she and Heather looked at one another in shock.

“I am so glad I got to be the one who had shocking news for a change,” Gwen laughed. “Now run along and plan your city. I have wedding preparations to attend to.”

Heather and Quinny staggered away, unable to accept what they had just heard. Life in New Eden was so strange while being prone to sudden and abrupt changes of circumstance. Soon they would be married, and one by one, their family would grow, as would a city as Heather took her place as ruler of her own kingdom.

Change this to be an assigned title like “Duchess of so and so.” a region assigned by Gwen.

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