Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 65 - Ome 8

The twin ponytails jumped in a flash. A Chan keenly heard the approaching footsteps at the door, and immediately put away her cell phone as a clever, which was a sharp contrast to the girl who was rushing to the crown next to her.

As soon as the student union cadres pushed the door in, they saw the scene of a pair of ponytails scolding and pushing Achan.

“Stop it! What are you doing!”

Shuang Mawei was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his hand, which finally reflected why A Chan suddenly put away the indifferent Yozai look and put on a gas-tight face. In her anger, she forgot to wonder why Xia Chan, as a bodybuilder, was more keenly aware of spiritual cultivation than some consciousness.

“she was……”

Shuangmawei also had to defend himself and was interrupted impatiently by the cadres who were accustomed to such farce. “Okay, be quiet!”

“I have learned about the matter just now. Wei Jiaojiao in the second and third grades mischievously pranked his classmates and went back to write a 1,000-word review and handed it over;

Xia Chan, who was in the first grade of high school, suddenly jumped on the unappealing flying implement and affected her driving. This behavior was very serious! Can you afford it in case of an accident that hurt someone? ! Even if she has something wrong, you shouldn’t be so impulsive!

Your behavior has a bad influence, remember to warn once, write a three thousand word review announcement, and volunteer to clean the student union for a month. Do you have any questions? “

Shuang Mawei heard that A Chan was a much heavier punishment than her. In comparison, his 1,000-word review was not a problem at all, and it was enough to find a free student to write for her. So she glanced at A Chan happily and replied: “No doubt.”

“I have a question!” A Chan’s voice sounded at the same time.

The rank cadres looked at her with impatience, “I don’t seem to realize how serious your behavior is?” This is the authority that provokes the student union! A free student dared to choke with her, and it seemed that everyone used to walk with just one face …

“Yes, you didn’t realize how serious her behavior was.”


Shuangmawei also interjected with disapproval, “I just made a joke with you, are you overkill?”

A Chan squinted at her with a cold eye: “Joke? The acquaintances call jokes, do I know you? If a stranger can play this kind of joke with me in this school, what is the difference from collective bullying? ! “

She looked directly at the cadres of Feng Ji, “You also think that it’s a joke to take away my schoolbag in public, knock down everything in the bag from the air and pat the buttocks?”

Several other committee members in the house looked a little unnatural and looked at their cadres one after another.

“Her jokes are indeed excessive, so we have asked her to turn in the review book. What else do you want?”

“Huh, ‘excessive joke’? Your interpretation of campus bullying is really easy. You are the bad atmosphere that encourages the school! The price of the bullying students is just to go back and leak some pocket money from the fingers to find someone to write. A review … “

“Less to exaggerate the facts here!” Feng Ji cadres quickly denied, “But it was just a verbal conflict between the students, so you exaggerated what campus bullying ?!”

“All collective bullying started from the first mischief. She just said that she would not let me go, just to see me discomfort and to correct me …”

“I didn’t!” Shuang Mawei immediately denied.

A Chan took out her phone from her pocket and shook it. “I recorded it.”

“You … bitch!”

A Chan shrugged to the cadre. “Look, she doesn’t know how to repent.”

Feng Ji’s glared pair of ponytails, then looked at A Chan’s eyes like a trouble.

“Not only this, but also the posts in the school forum that slander and insult me, aren’t they also bullying? The thing today is that this behavior extends from the Internet to reality.

If I endure silently today, what I will encounter next must be clear to your heart. “

She snorted, “It depends on your natural attitude in my affairs. I am afraid that bullying students who are powerless and powerless is not uncommon in your school.”

The few discipline commissioners exchanged glances silently, pretending to be a little awkward that they did not exist.

“Don’t talk to me about those things that are not there, and the things that have no shadow at all are the same as the real ones. You are here to avoid responsibility to defame the reputation of the school and the student union!”

A cadre of cadres flicked his face at the table, and his face was so angry that he blew a few small commissary committee members to shrink their necks. “I don’t care what kind of school you are in the original school, I still want to engage in the shrewdness in our school. I tell you that it’s useless! It’s not easy for you to take the exam. I advise you to cherish this hard-won opportunity … … “

Faced with the stern words of the cadres, Achan was not afraid. Seeing the other party dared to pat the table in front of her to intimidate her, A Chan narrowed her eyes and grinded her teeth, and suddenly kicked the table with a kick. Everyone screamed, and the cadres stopped staring at the eyes and stopped chattering, and the house suddenly became nervous Silence.

A Chan withdrew his foot slowly, without any expression, but inexplicably panicked, “Don’t pat the table with Lao Tzu.”

The cadre of Feng Ji moved his lips, and was so deterred by her momentum that he didn’t dare to speak for the first time. When he reacted, he couldn’t help but feel quite annoyed and angry, but he was still a little jealous, “You … this is the student union! You dare …”

“Instead of playing pretentiously with me, it is better to consider in advance how to deal with the news of the” aristocratic school collective bullying army / marty children “.”

“… What do you mean?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that my dad was a soldier who sacrificed for the country? This society seems to respect the military / marriage family.” It should be said that it is very respectful. In this small world, the military is very respected. Families were given preferential treatment. At that time, Xia Chan ’s father sacrificed, and the government / government also issued a large amount of pension. The neighborhood also took care of them because her family was a military and marty family.

“This kind of news broke, it should be a sensation.” A Chan smirked without sincerity, “Forgot to say, I have screenshots of defamatory and defaming my posts in the forum, today’s video of this matter I also downloaded it from the forum. Oh yes, the penalty you just said against us decided that I also recorded. “

She picked up her schoolbag and threw it on her shoulder. “The worst result for me is simply to drop out of school and go back to the public school. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. Make it clear that it is up to you to ask me now.”

A Chan turned away in a chatter, and a few people in the house clearly heard her sneer, “Bah, what a thing! Shame your face …”

The cadres of Fengji are all green, and the expressions of several other students’ union members are not pretty.

“This … Sister, what should I do?” A commissioner of style asked the cadres with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

“Yeah, Sister, if she really burst out, it would be a problem …”

The double pony tails are stupid. If this kind of negative / face news really broke out, she would definitely not be the first to run, and her company might be implicated. Her parents would definitely kill her! Who knows she is a military / martial child, and she is still a hard stubble who is not afraid of dropping out!

Feng Ji cadres also panicked. In the past, she tried nothing to do things with Xia Chan, and things went in an uncontrollable direction.

She forced her composure and shouted angrily towards the double pony tails: “You are all right to provoke her to do! Now that is all right, are you satisfied ?!”

“Sister Xue, why don’t we rush to find the chairman. It’s not our responsibility if we get really upset.”


There are many student union members coming and going in the office area of ​​the student union after school activities.

The movement of Achan on the playground is not small, even if he was not present at the time, he also knew it through the forum or the sharing of classmates. When he saw Achan coming out of the conversation office, she looked at her secretly.

Although the conversation room was closed the door just now, the sound of such a loud “lumble” could be heard outside. Some curious students have already passed “inadvertently” several times outside the conversation room.

A Chan used some effort to shake the door and made a loud noise, as if the door frames were trembling and shaking and a little dust fell.

She glanced around uncomfortably, and the students peeking around her all withdrew their eyes and looked forward, quietly a few steps away.

After confirming that Achan was far away, the members of the student union murmured.

“Wow the new school is so daunting? It looked a little scary just now.”

“I don’t know what happened just now, so much movement.”

“Sister Yan Xue dares to confront … Sister Yan Xue is notoriously fierce. Many young girls who have entered the student union have been scolded and cried by her.”

“Is it really good to be so crazy for free?”

“But I think she’s a bit cool …”

A Chan’s patience was almost exhausted on A Yuan, but she didn’t have much patience on the idlers, etc. She was enough to restrain herself.

Out of the activity building, A Chan suddenly noticed that the figure flashing behind the flower bed on the side of the building seemed to be A Yuan. After all, it was difficult to ignore the bright presence in A Chan’s eyes.

A Chan’s mood suddenly became beautiful. During school, she noticed that he had obviously gone home. He appeared here at the moment. Was she worried about seeing the forum news?

She quickly caught up and saw that A Yuan was about to leave.


Lin Yuan’s footsteps seemed to slow down, and then accelerated again.

A Chan quickly chased after him, curving his eyebrows before him.

“Are you worried about me when you come back to school?”

Lin Yuan’s voice was still so cold, “You think too much.”

A Chan looked up at him pitifully, “I’ve been so wronged today, would you please make me happy by saying good things …”

A Yuan’s eyes moved, but he still pressed his lips and said nothing.

“Are you so afraid that I will have a relationship with you?”

A Yuan was silent for a while and finally spoke: “It’s not good for you to have a relationship with me.”

A Chan pouted, “I’m happy is the biggest benefit.”

It seems that A Yuan was ignited by her obsession. “Did you learn today’s lesson from reality? How terrible is the post on the school forum that you didn’t see it ?!”

“What’s the matter? I tell you I’m strong, so I’m not afraid …”

“But I’m afraid!”

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