Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v5 Chapter 50 - The finale (4)

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After the team entered the complex, everyone was alert.

Even when lighting a cigarette, his eyes dared not turn to the lighter. Watch out for the surroundings at all times.

Bai Kai also jokingly said that this way of lighting a cigarette is called blind fight.

But no one laughed, and a sense of tension surrounded the entire team.

The surrounding buildings are very similar to residential houses, but not like residential houses. But apart from thinking of them as residential houses, I really can’t find more associations.

None of these buildings have doors, or he may have at first. It’s just that it has rotted away over the years, leaving no trace left.

All buildings have only a bare doorway, which is dark inside. Like a monster with an open mouth.

The first few buildings, we will go in order to see. First, I was afraid that there was someone hidden inside. Second, I wanted to explore the details of this building.

But inside the building, it’s the same as in the besieged city. Nothing. After reading a few, I didn’t realize that these buildings were residential houses. The feeling of depression when I walked in was like a prison.

Some buildings are tall, but only one floor. It’s like an empty tower. Echoes of footsteps will collide throughout the building, as if many people are walking towards us.

The light source we brought this time is very sufficient. Everyone is equipped with a headlight and a flashlight.

A signal gun was also installed in the blank bag. When necessary, flares can also be fired.

So darkness is not difficult for us.

But to put it this way, where does the tension in everyone’s heart come from?

I am the most relaxed person in the whole team. Although this date is clearly for me.

After about half an hour’s walk, we will stop to rest. Not because of tiredness, but Qin Yiheng felt that it was too reckless to move forward so rashly. For insurance, every time we take a break, we will leave a small amount of replacement mail in case.

About three or four times.

We gradually went deeper and deeper in the whole building. It has been completely walked to the center.

Bai Kai found a relatively tall building and climbed up, firing a flare.

As the flares slowly dropped, we finally saw the approximate size of the entire building. As far as the eye can see, it is densely packed like a forest. It is impossible to tell how many buildings there are.

I watched around, a little uneasy.

Because I always feel that this flare will expose our location. Instead, it caused trouble.

But after the flares fell, no abnormality was found for a long time.

I had to follow the team and continue walking.

We have no so-called destination. So the choice of this direction is nothing more than finding a relatively broad path. This is also for safety.

Bai Kai walked to the front, and from time to time he would turn back and ask us to pay attention. In fact, I could not hear what he said we should pay attention to. It’s just that every time he talks about it, I follow along with flashlights.

Later, I learned that whenever I walked through a relatively dense area of ​​the building, Bai Kai reminded me.

I went on like this for dozens of minutes. The team finally felt a little tired.

Bai Kai discussed with Qin Yiheng, we have to find a taller building to climb up and see, otherwise it would be too easy to go around.

Qin Yiheng nodded, indeed. We brought the rope, but how to fix it?

Bai Kai laughed, this is not easy, you give me the rope.

Bai Kai took the rope and tied a flashlight rod at one end of the rope. I weighed it and felt that the weight was acceptable, so I wandered a few times, chose a building about three or four meters high, climbed it up, rounded my arms, lifted the rope, tried it a few times, and threw it aside On a building a dozen meters high. Bai Kai’s hand strength is not small, and the rope that was thrown rolled directly on the top of the building a few times and fell off the other side.

Bai Kai pointed to the flashlight beam that was shaking on the rope, and a few of you went to help me. I climb from here.

So several people took one end of the rope on one side of the building, and Bai Kai stepped on the other side of the building step by step.

I think Bai Kai is a bit risky, although this method is feasible. But after all, it is not fixed at the top of the building. If the rope slips a little, it is very dangerous. What’s more, there is a possibility that the rope may be broken.

I grabbed my heart and stood under Bai Kai. In case he falls, at least I can be a buffer.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Bai Kai didn’t step on it a few times and slipped. But finally climbed to the top of the building.

Oye! Bai Kai made a gesture to me, then took out the signal gun and fired a flare again.

The light of this flares reflected around like daylight.

He heard Bai Kai yell and shouted, over there! There is a different building!

Speaking of Bai Kai, he looked out from the top of the building. Buddy Cow X?

Ha ha. What about my scissors? I pointed at the rope.

Don’t don’t, don’t hesitate to talk. Bai Kai slid down the rope in a hurry. Chong Qin Yiheng said that in that direction, there is a big building. And the colors are different.

what colour? I wondered.

Can’t tell. Just go and see.

Bai Kai led the team again. He has a good sense of direction. Constantly interspersed in the building.

But there was no detour.

It took about two cigarettes.

Arrived. Bai Kai stopped.

Everyone looked at it curiously, and a row of flashlights shone straight on.

Lying trough. I heard Ma Shanchu murmured. Yuan Zhen followed.

I hurriedly squeezed through the gap, what happened?

Looking at it, I couldn’t help but stunned, lying! Does this **** have a watchtower?

I saw a huge empty space in front of us. It is as big as a football field.

This open space is like deliberately hiding in this huge architectural jungle.

In the middle of the open space, there is a square building. It is four or five floors high. Meng Yi looks like white flowers, built like white marble or white marble. There seem to be many patterns on the exterior wall. But the flashlight swept through, but the patterns disappeared under the light.

What is this place? Mom’s water cube? I shot Qin Yiheng.

What water cube. Bai Kai laughed, you don’t crow mouth. Don’t mention water in this realm. What if you sink in?

Don’t rush past. Qin Yiheng shot around. White, how many flares are there?

Play a flare, right? Some are! Bai Kai pulled out and grabbed a shot at the diagonally upward.

The flare blazed across the dome with the light. No one dared to blink.

When the flares went down until they were completely extinguished, no one said anything. As if completely shocked by everything in front of me so speechless.

Because it’s just when the lighting reaches the top of the building. Obviously, the building seemed to shake a bit!

Am I **** blind? I confirmed.

However, when I look at Qin Yiheng’s face, I know that I am not wrong.

Was there an earthquake just now? How can the building move? I looked at Bai Kai again.

Hey, it’s really evil. Okay, let me take back what I just said, Xiao Que. I agree with you now. I admit that it is a water cube, so please call it magic.

Both Yuan Zhen and Ma Shanchu seem to be waiting for Qin Yiheng to give orders. Leng Leng stared at Qin Yiheng.

After a while, Qin Yiheng said, is it a blessing, not a curse, a curse …

Bai Kai said, take the trouble if he is in trouble! Let’s go. I’ll call the front station first.

Bai Kai copied the flashlight and walked towards the building step by step.

The remaining few glanced at each other and followed quickly.

After stepping into an empty area, people feel more insecure. I kept looking around. Did not look at his feet.

Through the open space, the team approached the building. But at a distance of forty meters from it, no one dared to step forward.

Because we finally saw the concrete look of the building.

At the same time, it is also possible to distinguish what was the pattern on the outer wall.

My legs were almost a bit soft, and I was in a frightened life all day after I entered the trade. In fact, few things have scared me so much.

But the buildings I saw made me tremble.

This whole building was actually made up of countless individuals.

Those people were bare and naked, densely layered. Curled, stretched, twisted. In various strange poses. Like a staggered building block, it was turned into a wall.

The pattern that I saw from afar was the gap between these corpses. Therefore, if the light shines directly, it will become less obvious.

How many people does this really need?

I can’t measure it. According to the specifications of this building. If these are all living people, then the scene at that time must be extremely fierce and blood flowed into the river.

What is this building for? Why is it built here?

Judging from the buildings outside, the owner can build ordinary buildings, even buildings that look slightly normal. There is no need to use flesh and blood as bricks, right?

I carefully followed every human body I saw.

I can’t see their faces, I can only see their iron-blue skin, as if they have been stiff for not many years.

I thought that this building just moved a little bit, is it true that all of these people are alive?

Qin Er. Is this not true in the industry? Bai Kai asked quietly, what is this? Or am I less knowledgeable?

Qin Yiheng looked back at us, and Yuan Zhen and Ma Shanchu were shaking their heads.

Never heard of it. Qin Yiheng said in a trance, let’s not go in.

Everyone agreed. In such a building, it’s hard to put a few big characters on it, “There is no return”. If this is still an intention to go in, it is really self-seeking.

go. Go out and talk.

I am behind the team. Turned around and naturally walked the first.

I looked at the place when we came and straightened up to walk. In fact, I really want to run, but I’m afraid of being alarmed. Whatever it is, it’s enough for me to drink a pot.

while walking.

I felt something was wrong.

Behind Qin Yiheng said, no, how does this open space seem to be getting bigger?

I was thinking about it too. I saw where we were when I came in, always keeping the same distance as me. I was afraid of patronizing just now, not even aware of it.

No matter, in another direction, Qin Yiheng overcame me to the forefront.

go there. Qin Yiheng pointed.

However, this time, we have gone a long way, but we are still standing still. Looking back, the weird building made of human body is still behind, still at a distance of 30 to 40 meters from us.

May be useless. Bai Kaidao, Yin River, chaotic time and space. Time was messed up before, now it ’s time to mess up space.

What should I do? Ma Shanchu asked, although the supply brought a lot, but this is not the way to go.

Qin Yiheng turned around and stared at the strange building.

Oh shit. Can only go in.

I learned Qin Yiheng Road, shit, just go in.

Bai Kai smiled, shit, it seems that I don’t talk about it if I don’t say shit.

Several people turned around again and walked towards the building step by step.

As expected this time, we are getting closer and closer to the building. Until we completely stood in front of it.

Seeing so many human bodies at such a close distance, no, it should be said to be a corpse.

I feel a little bit numb. The bodies of these bodies were all uniform, and no particularly tall, short, fat and thin were found. It seems to have been deliberately screened. None of us dared to touch it with our hands, but just watched it from close range.

The corpses closed their eyes and saw no wounds. I don’t know how to die. Only Kai Kai poked with a flashlight stick, hey, Bangbang hard hey.

We found in front of the building that we could not find the entrance.

I felt that everyone was relieved. I smoked a circle and found a place far away from the wall to sit and rest.

Qin Yiheng, Bai Kai and Ma Shanchu looked around for clues. Only Yuan Zhen was left to sit with me.

I don’t know if Qin Yiheng specially arranged him to protect me.

Yuan Zhen doesn’t smoke. I found him a bottle of water in my bag.

Mr. Jiang. Are you really scared? Yuan Zhen drank and asked carefully.

What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of death? I laughed, so I wouldn’t follow me if I was afraid of death.

No. How can one be afraid of death when doing this? But you have to know that sometimes life is worse than death. Yuan Zhen pointed at the wall behind him carefully. You said that if those people are living people, they can perceive everything around them, but they can only be placed here forever with this form of rampart wall. Isn’t this terrible?

what? Do you mean that they are all living? How did you know?

Yuan Zhen sat down a little bit. Didn’t you find that they are all about the same length? I worry…

I understood immediately, do you mean that they are all copied from you just like you?

I didn’t pay much attention to the appearance of these people just now. It’s really difficult to recognize. After all, there are all kinds of poses, and the skin is already different from ordinary people. Secondly, I stared at the faces of these people, and I always felt that my heart was fluffy.

I stood up and was about to check it again.

Suddenly heard Bai Kai’s cry, hurry! fast! fast! The wall collapsed!

I followed the voice and saw nothing.

What the **** did he do? The people on the wall are alive! Bai Kai rushed out from the other side of the building. Qin Yiheng followed.

My scalp is numb as soon as I hear it. Are these really living people?

If you spread your legs, you will run out. Bai Kai rushed over and pulled me by the shoulder. I couldn’t walk out before. You forgot? Return the **** to die? Run inside, here!

Yuan Zhen and I immediately followed Bai Kai. Turn around the corner of the building.

I screamed in an instant, and saw the wall on this side of the building is collapsing non-stop, countless corpses rolled down from above, and the scattered corpses struggled a few times on the ground, and soon All climbed up and came towards us.

Bai Kai flew a kick, kicked the nearest one.

go! It’s safer inside. Speaking of pushing openly, I saw a small entrance on the collapsing wall, and the bricks on it hadn’t had time to fall.

At this time, I didn’t think too much about it. I jumped suddenly, and the man got into the entrance. Qin Yiheng was already waiting inside, holding me hand in hand, pushing a corpse close to his shoulder.

Qin Yiheng shouted, go up!

I turned my head and saw a stone staircase.

No way! Let’s go together! I picked up the flashlight in my hand and turned toward the nearest body.

This flashlight was specially prepared by me before. The longest and heaviest one selected. The purpose is to use it for self-defense.

The body was staggered by me.

They rushed towards me again.

Damn you face, right? I wanted to flash my flashlight again, but there was already a body behind me that grabbed me!

I broke free a bit, just about to get rid of it, my heart was broken, more corpses came!

When I was in a hurry, I felt that two people rushed in from the entrance, Yuan Zhen and Ma Shanchu.

However, they didn’t care about helping me at all, and were immediately entangled in the body.

My heart says it’s broken, this **** is going to die!

Suddenly, I heard a signal gunshot. A bright light struck in. Instantly, the whole building was illuminated without opening his eyes.

Those corpses seemed to be uncomfortable with this light, and froze for a moment. Taking advantage of this effort, Bai Kai slammed the body behind me and rushed! Rush up!

Followed by another flare!

Everyone desperately climbed the stone stairs.

After going up, it was found that the top floor of the building was made of stone. The ground is covered with blue bricks. I recognized at a glance that this was a dark brick.

The entire top floor is like a huge beacon on the Great Wall. Looking to the other side, I found various bronze weapons piled into the mountain.

Copy guys! Bai Kai shouted, then!

Bai Kai raised his hand and threw me a bronze sword. I didn’t catch it.

When I just wanted to bend down and pick up the kung fu, I heard Qin Yiheng shouting, don’t get up. I shrank my neck subconsciously. I felt something flew past my head. Only then did Qin Yiheng pick up the sword and cut down a corpse.

This time give you a big one! Stop the chain! Bai Kai threw another weapon similar to Bronze Ge. This time I caught it steadily. Poke back.

But the corpse is too close to me, this long-handle weapon is really difficult to display. I turned around and regretted it, so I ran over with my shoulder.

Fortunately, it broke away.

I stepped back a few steps and pushed Ge toward the stairs. A large number of bodies are rushing up. I was held back by my Ge. My whole person is almost crossing. However, the corpses kept increasing, and my whole body began to numb from palm to ankle.

Too much! Can’t stand it anymore! Mom’s blank flares! I cried.

An instant flare flew towards the stairs. I finally got a breath.

I rely on! Over there too! Bai Kai pointed to the distance and rushed past with a bronze spear.

Shouted when passing by me, Xiao Que! What about the string?

I turned my head to look and said that my heart was broken. Not just stairs. On the top floor of the whole building, corpses began to flood in all directions.

Qin Yiheng behind me, they are hacking non-stop.

We are really like being on the battlefield. And they were the last soldiers in the city.

Oh shit! Why don’t you be safe? Wouldn’t the city give you something? I shouted, I can’t stand it!

Qin Yiheng wanted to come over to help, but there was no way to do it. He himself has been unable to parry.

I saw him slashing a sword directly on the shoulder of a corpse, the blade was embedded in it, it was too late to pull it out, the person rolled on the ground, and picked up a hand from the weapon pile and inserted it in the belly of the corpse on.

Even so, the body never fell.

It just wobbled in place.

This won’t kill you at all!

I used all my breasts, and the whole body was pushed by the bodies and my feet kept sliding back.

I ca n’t do it anymore, you guys are ready to run! I yelled, and I was completely exhausted. In an instant, the body felt like a torrent of water rushing up from the stairwell and knocked me over.

Qin Yiheng’s fate rushed over, but it was hard to beat this torrent. He couldn’t dodge, and the whole person was turned over by the body directly from the wall!

Qin Er! I got up and picked up the bronze sword that Qin Yiheng used just now, and swept it.

Looking down instantly, I couldn’t find Qin Yiheng’s figure at all. Only countless corpses are climbing up and down from the outer wall, one on top of another, one on top of the other, and one on top of the other.

Qin Er! I yelled again.

Cnm! This time I didn’t even hide, and rushed straight into the face of the corpse.

I was just mechanically waving my sword.

I could only feel the numbness of my wrist from time to time, but I didn’t even know which one I cut.

Come here! Bai Kai’s voice had just arrived, and a flare had been called.

Taking advantage of this gap, I saw that Bai Kai was trapped by several bodies.

You paralyze you and hold on!

I ran madly over. But the body behind him was also brought in.

Another flare, right! Don’t come, just run anywhere. I cover you!

Bai Kai has only one hand left to move, trying desperately to reload.

Wherever you run is dead! I continued to rush forward regardless of it.

Just at this time.

I suddenly felt the blue brick beneath my feet shaking violently. Like a severe earthquake. For a while, I couldn’t stand it. He stumbled, and the man fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, the corpses could not maintain balance in this case. There was no time to chase it.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Followed by a dense noise. Like a storm, the eardrums hurt.

The whole building shook endlessly under this loud noise, and it was about to collapse!

Is it because the corpses have all come out, so they are going to collapse?

A few of you jumped down! Amidst the strange noise, I heard Qin Yiheng’s exhausted voice and climbed to the edge to take a look. I saw the whole building. Numerous horses with iron-blue coats appeared, and they were pouring out of the buildings below us. This ten thousand horses’ galloping momentum seems to be overcoming everything.

Qin Yiheng is riding on the back of a horse.

fast! Otherwise, it’s too late!

In a blink of an eye, he was rushed out by the horse for more than ten meters.

Missing! go! Bai Kai has taken advantage of the situation. A flare was hit towards me.

I called back, Yuan Zhen! Ma Shanchu! Keep up.

My heart says that mom is dead anyway, and playing heroism once is enough to be a cow!

I jumped and jumped towards the horse group.

It is impossible to land on horseback steadily.

Fortunately, this horse is too dense. After falling down, I was hit by a roll and actually hugged a horse’s neck.

I dragged my way around and let the torrent of ten thousand horses take me forward.

I vaguely heard Bai Kai shouting behind him. But I was too late to see him.

I don’t know how long it has passed. In the middle, I tried to switch to the riding position several times. However, this is too difficult. I can only use all my energy to keep myself from falling.

Just when I feel almost exhausted.

Suddenly I felt all the horses stopped. The sound of horseshoes in the ears disappeared all at once. It was like I was deaf instantly. Even the sporadic sound of horseshoes could not be heard. Silence around.

I was finally able to straighten up on horseback, only to see the horses before and after.

Qin Yiheng was looking back at me, and a dozen meters away behind me, sat Bai Kai and Ma Shanchu.

I didn’t see the figure of Yuan Zhen.

Lying trough. Laozi’s eggs are all broken! Bai Kai’s scolding came over.

I was convinced that I was not deaf.

However, I didn’t even care about looking at it. Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t know when to get up. We had already ran back to the Yin River.

No, it should be said that we ran above the Yin River.

On both sides of us, there is a cliff with a height of tens of meters. Below the cliff are all boundless rivers of water. The land beneath our feet is like a long bridge into Wanjiang.

Why are we running to Wanjiang again? I shouted, what about Yuan Zhen?

Qin Yiheng did not look back, Bai Kai shouted behind him, Yuan Zhen did not persevere. I listened to his last words, he said that he had no regrets, and died very happy.

Bai Kai shouted sadly, shit! The first time I heard someone’s last words after living for so long was that I died very happy. What is the reason for the death? Did you die slowly?

There was emotion in my heart. Yuan Zhen could not have followed us. Before thinking of him, he would still ask me to join HTC. It can be seen that I truly believe in me and treat me as a friend. Thinking about it, I felt very sad. I wiped my tears. Just wanted to speak.

There was a sudden commotion in the horse under him. Followed, I saw all the horses around me, began to jump into Wanjiang one by one. Suddenly disappeared under the water.

It’s almost a few seconds of kung fu. The dense horseback beside me leaves only the empty ground.

I subconsciously jumped from the horse, and as soon as the person fell to the ground, I heard the sound of the horse I just rode into the water.

It didn’t take long for the four of us to remain on the entire ground.


It’s five people.

I saw a figure standing directly in front of Qin Yiheng.

My flashlight has long been lost at this time. I can only look at it with the headlight not enough to shine too far.

Fortunately, the visibility along the Wanjiang River is much better than those inside the buildings.

Bai Kai and Ma Shanchu caught up. I also saw an extra person.

Bai Kai shouted, who is it? Mom anyway, this time, go! See in the past.

Just a few steps before we saw Qin Yiheng turned around. Still not talking. There are no extra physical movements.

He and the man in front of him were like two statues.

that person. Is it a real dragon?

Damn, you want Lao Tzu’s body?

I looked at Qin Yiheng and suddenly thought of something. My heart tightened.

wrong! What Zhenlong wants is not my body! Qin Yiheng! We have changed body!

I shouted, Qin Er! You **** come here. It ’s okay not to roll over, I ’ll roll over!

As I said, I walked forward.

Bai Kai said hey, hey, he’s good at it. Will roll away. Then he followed.

I whispered to Bai, Bai Kai. Save Qin Yiheng. What Zhenlong wants now is Qin Er’s body.

Bai Kai pinched my shoulder. I know. Do not worry. Still that sentence, how can I bring you back, how can I bring it out to you. One less hair, I call your father.

I turned around and said, Ma Shanchu, don’t follow me. What needs to be done afterwards.

Ma Shanchu wanted to refuse, and heard Bai Kaidao, yes. You act by chance. Ma Shanchu backed away.

Bai Kai and I finally approached Qin Yiheng step by step.

I finally want to see the so-called true dragon step by step.

I thought I would be nervous, uneasy, shocked, or afraid.

However, when really going to the so-called true dragon, there was no wave in my heart.

That’s how Bai Kai and I stood behind Qin Yiheng.

The light from the headlights passed by, and I finally saw what the real dragon looked like.

However, it disappointed me.

I couldn’t tell what it looked like. I can only see a mist of dark human figures. Sometimes it spreads out slightly, sometimes gathers together. Whenever it gathers, its color becomes thicker.

Are you a real dragon? I don’t know why I asked this sentence.

However, the other party did not answer at all.

I glanced at my watch and it was almost twelve o’clock. It’s about time for the legendary son.

Is it waiting?

In my mind, a lot of pictures immediately appeared in my mind.

The first time I saw the blood fingerprints in the house, I was scared to death.

The first time I sold the house to make money, I was happy like a silly fork.

I was upset for the first time in the old mansion of Qingguan.

The first time I saw the coffin board with the character of my birthday, I was like a cloud.

the first time….

We can’t fight it. Qin Yiheng suddenly looked back at me.

If you do n’t fight, you admit defeat without fighting? I scolded.

Qin Yiheng’s words brought me back, and I flew towards the black mist instantly.

However, people didn’t wait to approach it, and I felt like they hit a wall out of thin air and bounced me back. This fell to my eyes and caught Venus.

Hearing Bai Kaidao, he confessed his defeat even without a fight? Mom’s lack of you, this is tongue twister.

Bai Kai’s words just fell, and he was bounced back. This time it seemed to hit his head, Bai Kai didn’t even scream, and the person passed out.

I got up and rushed over again, only to feel a punch in my chest this time. My throat was sweet, and immediately spit out blood. But I didn’t fall, and I couldn’t fall. I raise my arm and throw a fist. My fist was just thrown into the air, and my whole person seemed to be torn apart, and was suddenly thrown out. This time I landed heavily on the ground without even buffering.

There was a sharp pain in his arm, which may have been broken and could no longer be lifted.

Jiang Shuo. Don’t try it. Qin Yiheng said again.

Damn it. Why should I listen to you? I tell you Qin Er, we will not be friends anymore. Lao Tzu dislikes you, understand?

I got up again, but this time I couldn’t rush over.

I can only stumble past.


My watch rang, it was 0 o’clock. It is now the Jiawu Year, Bing Yinyue, and Yimao Day.

I saw Qin Yiheng stretch out his hands, and the whole person seemed to be sucked in by the group of black mist.

Slowly embedded in the dark mist.

I shouted. But I didn’t even have time to move. A force was like pressing on my shoulders, and I was kneeling directly on the ground. I just felt that the whole body was about to be crushed, and my knee bones were in pain.

I suddenly remembered Qin Yiheng’s words. He intended to do this from the beginning.

I am totally helpless.

The eyes are getting deeper, but that’s fine. The so-called sight is not upset. Damn, I’m really annoying my two friends.

Just when I think the whole world is going to be completely black.

Suddenly, a flash of fire flashed across my eyes.

The fire hit Qin Yiheng directly on the back. He shook his body and swallowed his black mist as if hesitating.

Follow me and feel the fire behind me. Getting closer. I looked back desperately.

I saw Wan Jinrong holding a giant torch in his hands and was approaching.

Fortunately, it’s not too late! Wan Jinrong said, the giant torch in his hand swept over. In this sweep, the black mist seemed to be burned, and quickly spread out, spitting out Qin Yiheng. After that, the black mist gathered again and recovered its human form.

Followed, I felt the power in me disappeared. I stood up, Wan Jinrong, forget it, I don’t ask why you came. rely on you.

It ’s not enough for me! fast! Behind me. Wan Jinrong also tied several torches on his back. As he spoke, he untied the rope of the torch.

At this time, I couldn’t take the pain anymore, immediately picked up a torch, lit it, and waved like Wan Jinrong.

For a while, the dark mist really was afraid of these fires, and did not step forward.

I took the opportunity to drag Qin Yiheng back, and other people were still conscious, but seemed to be in a trance. I gave him a few mouths directly, and Qin Yiheng woke up and saw a torch on the ground immediately after seeing the situation. Say to me, wake up Bai Kai, we are here.

I immediately ran beside Bai Kai.

A large bag swelled on his forehead. I also gave him a few mouths. However, it is not as effective as Qin Yiheng.

After thinking for a while, I immediately turned out the bottle of water from the bag, and fell down according to the white face.

This time finally reacted.

Just listen to Bai Kai scolding, who is so unscrupulous? After wiping his face, the man sat up. Seeing me scolded, I was dreaming of picking up girls! The clothes were all stripped, and the girl suddenly lifted her skirt and peeed my face!

Stop **** bullshit, I handed the torch to Bai Kai. Go help! Real dragon is afraid of fire!

Fear of fire? Bai Kai took the torch. Five elements fire? Can a real dragon be burned to death by five elements?

Bai Kai screamed and rushed past. The three men completely surrounded the group of black mist.

I also lighted a hand, although I can only use one hand.

The land extending into Wanjiang is not wide. It is advantageous for us.

For a time, the torches were waving in all directions, and the dark mist could not help losing sight of each other. But even so, we are just deadlocked. Every time the torch is about to burn into the black mist, the black mist will instantly spread out, avoiding the flame.

Bai Kaidao, your grandmother’s legs, the old man got a bad look. Speaking from the top down.

The black haze splits in half from the middle. The white torch broke into a hollow.

But Qin Yiheng happened to swipe over and heard a whine. The black mist shook violently and burned!

I was pleasantly surprised, Wan Jinrong, can this fire burn it to death?

Can’t. Wan Jinrong couldn’t ignore me.

My heart became cold in an instant, so that we were just spending time.

When the torch is completely burned out, the one that should be can’t escape.

But since that’s the case, Mom must at least let it suffer! I tried my best to hit them with torches.

I don’t know if the black mist had been burned once, and the reaction power dropped. After that, he was burned several times in a row.

I was getting hotter and hotter, and I couldn’t care about the pain in my arm for a while.

My cat’s lower waist, simply specializes in its lower plate. This sweep was really swept by me again.

After the flames passed, the black mist suddenly spread out. This time is different from the previous few times, the black mist disappeared after it spread out!

Several people looked around.

I said, I burned it to death?

As soon as I spoke, I heard Bai Kai shouting, shit! You burned your eyes!

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