Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 20


Heading straight from the library to the dorm. I also feel a curious gaze from different students, etc., but ignore them all. If they talked to me, I’d respond, but I don’t have the in-laws to react just because they’re watching me.

When I entered the dorm room, I was greeted by Alisa’s gratitude.

“Welcome home, Master Lilia”

“I’m home…. have you been in my room the whole time?

“Yes, it is.”

“You could have gone somewhere.”

“I didn’t get permission…”

What an inconvenient one, Sakura grinned when Lilia slightly frowned.

– It’s my first day back. I guess Lilia was in her room so she could come back whenever she wanted. Well, some of you didn’t get permission, but even if you did, I think you’ve been here all day.

– Don’t I rely on that much?

– Yeah. You’re not more convincing than you’ve been pulling for two weeks.

– Mm…

I can’t argue because I think Sakura is right. You already have a drawstring record, so it would be natural for Alisa to worry.

– Plus you’re not actually in class!

– That’s… No, right……

– No, no, no, no.

– Shut up.

Return your gaze to Alisa. Alisa stared worryingly at Lilia.

“Alisa. I’m fine. You can go out tomorrow.”


“Yeah. Then I’ll study in the bedroom, so can you call me if you need anything?

“I’m in awe”

Alisa sent me by thanksgiving and Lilia went into her bedroom. Close the door and then head to the desk in the corner of the room. On the bookshelf by the desk, Alisa would have sorted it out, textbooks and other books arranged by type.

– Sakura. Nice to see you again today.

– Yes. Paper out -, pen out -, stick around!

Lilia leaked a slight grin at Sakura’s cheerful voice as she placed the paper and pen on her desk as instructed.

Write Sakura’s words on paper. What I’m currently teaching you is arithmetic. Among them, it’s called the Abacus, and when you hear a number of appropriate numbers from Sakura, you calculate the sum in your head. I can’t prepare the tools Sakura says, so I do all of the calculations with an image.

– Lilia, someone’s here.

Lilia raised her face to Sakura’s voice. Turn the paper writing the various numbers upside down and look back at the door. I was knocked right off.

“Dear Lilia, Customer.”

Lilia frowned in surprise. No one should be visiting themselves at this school. There used to be a thing called surrounding Lilia, but I haven’t seen her since I got back.


“It’s Master Tina.”

Lilia circles her eyes in surprise. I just met him this morning, but I didn’t expect him to visit. What the hell is the purpose?

– No, so Lilia, you can’t think of a purpose or anything like that. We’re friends, right?

– What are you talking about, this is a hierarchy of senior aristocrats, a place where you shouldn’t come for reasons of visiting friends.

– No, but… Is that it? Did Lilia argue with you?!? Humiliation!

– What do you mean?

Lilia takes a seat, feeling uninterrupted. Go with Alisa to the entrance to the room. When I opened the door, some nervous faceted Tina was there.

“Lilia…… Lilia. Good evening.”

Though I thought that you had made a point again, I decided not to say anything because I noticed it on the way this time.

“Good evening, Tina. What can I do for you?

“For, it’s not something… Would you like to join us, dinner, or not?

“It is…… I don’t mind, but are you okay?

“Yeah. Sure. You don’t need anyone’s permission to have dinner with your friends, do you?

Somehow, but I think I can see why the prince liked this girl. It’s impossible to get along with a bunch of prized aristocrats first, but without it this girl would be very easy to get along with.

“Okay. Shall we go? But it’s coming, isn’t it? What’s the point?”

“Huh? The real deal? What?”

Lilia’s cheek caught on when she saw Tina tilt her little neck cutely. From behind, I can see Alisa laughing bitterly. It makes me a little embarrassed why and slightly reddened my cheeks.

– Huh. You were still right about me. I won.

– What?

– Hey, I’m scared, Lilia! It’s a joke!

When Lilia pounds her tongue inside, Hino, Sakura leaks her frightened voice. I decided to leave such a sakura alone and Lilia pasted a smile on her face.

“I’m sorry, you don’t have to worry about it. Shall we go?”

Tina nodded as she leaked a sigh of relief, yes.

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