Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2: The benefits of being rich

  Chapter 2 The Benefits of Being Rich

  The blood of wizards is dying, especially pure-blood wizards. Originally, the population of wizards is very sparse. Coupled with the low fertility rate and intermarriage between the nobles, there are fewer newborns. In order to pass on the magic, even mixed-blood wizards can enter Slytherin, a pure-blooded academy, so it is not surprising that a shop opened by a Muggle-born wizard appears in Diagon Alley.

  The shop opened by the nobles has the feeling of being tall and widowed. They are arrogant and reserved. The shop assistants inside will not smile as warmly as the Muggle shop assistants next door, and the business is naturally not as good as other shops. Some people’s business is prosperous and others go bankrupt. This is the rule of elimination, but the nobles will not admit that they are the ones who made the mistake. They attribute the fault to the non-pure-blooded wizards. It is their "invasion" that makes the nobles. Business has become difficult to do so that many shops that have been in business for centuries have to close down.

  Without income, you have to maintain the "tasteful" life of the nobles. You can imagine how difficult the lives of pure-blood wizards in the past were. However, poverty and pride will make them radical. The customers on the seemingly lively streets are all in a hurry. They seem to be reluctant to stay in Diagon Alley after buying things, just like Mrs. Sprout said. , The current magical world is not suitable for an eleven-year-old girl to hang out.

Life still has to go on, and many pure-blood wizards dared to put down their shelves to cater to the changes of the times. The Lihen Bookstore was founded in 1694 and is the best bookstore in Diagon Alley. Hogwarts will start school in September. An owl will be dispatched after midsummer to deliver the admission notice and a list of textbooks to be used in the next school year. You can buy almost all the books you need here. Pomona discovered that a new paternity gown shop was opened next door. The sign of this shop was named after the hostess Mrs. Morkin. The people who entered and exited here were all rich and decently dressed. They behaved very well. Decent and educated, it seems to be a deliberate comparison with the Lihen Bookstore, which is crowded, messy, and yelling everywhere.

   "Jamie, where are the invisible books for invisibility?" Just stepping into the door of Lihen Bookstore, Pomona heard someone ask.

   "Damn! They are gone again!" The poor clerk grabbed his hair and screamed, "I swear I will never enter these **** books again!"

  "Do you want to go in?" Pete asked her. Pomona shook her head without hesitation. Before school started, it was the busiest time of Lihen Bookstore. It was full of frizzy hairs and poor shop assistants who were about to collapse.

   "Then you wait for me at the door."

   "I want to go and see next door." Pomona pointed to the newly opened store next door and said, "You can go there and find me later."

   "Are you sure?" Pete looked at the well-dressed nobles and frowned.

   "Don't worry, this is a public place, and they won't do anything to me."

   "Okay." Pete hesitated and agreed, "But you can't talk to them. Who knows if those purebreds will attack a minor."

  Pomona felt that Pete was completely worried, no matter how intense the contradiction between pure blood and non-pure blood, it would not harm the little wizard. The child represents hope, and every awakened wizard is precious.

  After the explanation, Pete took the magic wand and squeezed out a thoroughfare in the crowd like Moses separated from the Red Sea, and quickly disappeared from her vision, and Pomona immediately turned and went to the next door.

   "Hey, James, which college do you think you will be assigned to?"

   "Of course it is Gryffindor, how about you?"

   "My mother wants me to enter Slytherin, but I would rather enter Hefpuff, at least it must be mine first in the academy."

  As the jingle bell rang, the door of the robe shop was pushed open, and the loud conversation of two decently dressed little wizards attracted her attention. Pomona hated the latter's metaphor.

  It is often said that the students of Hefpaff College are leftovers from other colleges. Hefpaff’s requirements are not required, but in her opinion, this spirit symbolizes tolerance, which is the quality that is most in short supply nowadays.

  Some people think that bravery is as precious as gold, but if they don’t understand what is approachable, then he is just an arrogant and brash man. The earthy yellow soil can breed plants, wheat can make bread, grass can be eaten by cattle and sheep, and gold can not fill the stomach.

Human nature is diverse and ever-changing. At the last moment, brave people may become weak in a blink of an eye. Smart people will be stunned by ambition, loyalty can betray, and integrity can become evil. When the entire wizarding society does not treat house elves as one It was Ms. Hefpaff who brought them into the kitchen at Hogwarts at the time and gave them work and shelter.

Fortunately, remembering Pete’s explanation, she didn’t talk to anyone, and walked into the shop silently. There was the smell of high-end perfume everywhere. The two talked just now didn’t save her own voice at all. Everyone heard what they were saying, and when she entered the door, many people stared at the two who had just gone out. Although those eyes were not aimed at her, she felt at a loss for being watched by so many people.

  She suddenly felt that wearing such an unconventional skirt was not a good idea.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Young lady?" At this moment, a witch in a purple robe came over. She kindly hid Pomona from the sight of those exploring, with a gentle smile on her face. .

   "I need a robe." Pomona said nervously, "It's suitable for Hogwarts reading style."

  Her voice was not too loud, but it seemed abrupt in this quiet occasion, and someone snorted contemptuously from his nostrils.

  "Would you like to buy Hogwarts uniforms, dear? I have a lot of uniform sizes here..."

   "It's custom made of course." She deliberately said loudly, interrupting her with a voice with a little French accent, "Where do I measure the size."

  "Then you have to wait, there is a young man in the back hall." The female clerk continued to smile and said, "You can take a look at other clothes first. If you have a style you like, you can call me."

   Then she left. At this time, the nobles lowered their voices and talked in a low voice. She could hear words like "Black" and "Unfilial Son" from time to time.

  The Black family is one of the most prominent pure-blood families in the UK. Perhaps the only one that can be compared is the platinum family Malfoy. When her power awakened, Mrs. Sprout introduced her to the pure-blooded nobles. Most of the members of the Black family are studying in Slytherin. The two boys who just went out have black hair. Although I don’t know which one of them is from the Black family, Black, who is determined to enter Gryffindor, is very much in favor of such a prominent family. It is simply a scandal, and it is no less harmful to these pure-blooded nobles than having an illegitimate child.

When she wandered around in the store, she still felt the unpleasant gaze. The male gaze at her was like looking at a novel object, while the female gaze at her was full of inquiries, as if they were guessing at her. Who are his parents.

   "Mrs. Morkin!" she shouted suddenly when she was fed up with these sights.

   "Did you like that dress, dear?"

   "I bought all these clothes." Pomona pointed to the row of clothes worn on the wooden dolls and said.

  "Where are your parents?" Mrs. Morkin still said with a polite smile, as if she was thinking it was the gibberish of an eleven-year-old girl.

  Pomona put a bang on a money bag full of Jin Jialong on the counter.

   "Now, let the person inside come out." She held her chin high and said arrogantly, "Don't waste my time."

  (End of this chapter)

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