Harry potter: the ring maker

The danger

It wasn't standing ovation impressive but it certainly deserved recognition. That was what fleur and Gabriel exited the chamber to much to their confusion. The applause died down as the judges scored the results along with the result showed by the chamber. Fifty out of fifty golems defeated and twenty out of fifty treasures collected. In terms of score Fleur actually beat Harry as she got three tens and a nine. This set her in second place total for the tournament so far with harry just ahead of her. Krum was last but he didn't seem bothered by this and even congratulated the other two for their great performances.-

The final task was announced for June twenty fourth and after the media got all the information they wanted Nick moved the chamber to the empty room adjacent to the DADA classroom and a door from the classroom to it was made. The left over treasures in the chamber were removed by Nick and replaced for things that students would be less inclined to steal before it started seeing regular use but that was it. All of his friends were steamed after Harry revealed that Nick was the one behind that task.-

"I did say you would understand when the moment was right." Nick defended with a shrug. "You could have at least helped me prepare better , I spent the last month thinking the task was underwater!" Harry said in mock anger. He wasn't actually angry at Nick since he knew about the NDA but that didn't mean he was going to pass up the opportunity to give Nick a hard time. "There was nothing to prepare for in your case , the treasure hunting was covered by your seeker training and the rest was entirely randomized to prevent you three from truly preparing so everyone could see your actual skills." Nick explained honestly.-

"What was up with that whole hostage situation thing anyways?" Ron asked curiously. "Well I needed to create an end goal to light a fire under the champions so to speak. None of you were in actual danger thanks to that badge you were wearing but the champions obviously couldn't know that or they would have gone out of their ways to collect points rather than rescuing you. No point in a competition that no one gives their best for after all." Nick said honestly.-

"Why did only I have to get tied up though?" Hermione complained. "That was entirely the golems choice not mine , I just made the thing act like a normal acromantula so that's not my fault." Nick said with a shrug. "I think I am glad Harry got the desert rather than the forest , I bloody hate spiders." Ron said with a shiver at the mere thought. "Well it was a one in ten chance for each of the environments so it was anyone's bet who got what." Nick said honestly. "Which was the hardest?" Daphne asked curiously.-

"The urban one hands down , between the wizard golems and the huge amount of strange places treasure could be hidden it was in a league all it's own." Nick said seriously. "Now that you mention it those golems did act like actual people kinda , especially that last one." Tracy said with a thoughtful look. "What was that place based off of anyway?" Harry asked curiously. "What the world likely would look like if muggles and wizards were to break out into war at this exact moment." Nick said seriously. "What!? We wouldn't destroy a city like that!" Ron said offended.-

Nick shook his head "First you are heavily underestimating the amount of power a wizard has at any given moment and second most of the damage would be from the muggles , not us." He said honestly. All of his friends were in disbelief but they could tell that he wasn't joking at all and meant what he said. "Since when were muggles so scary?" Ron muttered in confusion. "Since about fifty years ago when they came up with a weapon that matched the greatest power wizards have to this day , the nuclear bomb. It takes a wizard on mine or Dumbledores level most of our power to destroy an entire city , the muggle have hundreds or thousands of bombs capable of the same." Nick answered honestly.-

Hermione tried to argue that that would be a last resort kind of thing but Nick had to explain just how terrifying wizards were for the average muggle. A single above average wizard could brainwash the entire muggle government with ease and that sort of power was a scary thing. It would thus not come as a surprise to see muggles go straight for the deep end if a war broke out between them and wizards.

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