Harry potter: the ring maker

It begins(2)

Like Nick expected there was mass panic in the school as all the students could feel the dense mana in the air. Dumbledore called an emergency meeting in the great hall which everyone attended because they were all awake despite the time. There he revealed that this was the doing of Grindelwald which seemed to remind everyone that the man had been sacrificing towns for quite some time now. Dumbledore also made it clear that there were dark times ahead for them all as the entire Muggle world was now undoubtedly going to learn of magics existence and may retaliate against wizarding kind.-

Then in typical Dumbledore fashion the man spewed some inspirational bullshit that made everyone feel better. The next month after that was rough for the world as animals and magical beasts evolved or underwent atavism before causing even more chaos in the muggle world. The ministries globally tried their best to suppress the rising tide of magical sightings but even without the usual technology to communicate there was always gaps in the net that some fish got through. So by the end of May the majority of the world was somewhat aware of the existence of magic.-

At that point the ministries went full three sixty and began openly acting as a peacekeeping organization by campaigning to the muggle populace. The governments however were less than pleased at the state of things and the ugliness of humans reared it's head as civil war broke out on an almost global scale as ambitious people took advantage of the situation to form war bands to raid supplies and take territories. In but a single month the world had been set back to the middle ages in nearly all regards.-

Medicine from before the ritual that was cheap was now worth it's weight in gold as the technology to mass produce it no longer worked in most cases and the war bands were hoarding it fiercely. While many would like to assume that wizards were better off than the muggles that simply was not true. Without the statute of secrecy being enforced a great deal of wizards dissatisfied with the laws of the ministry started to do whatever they wanted. Some joined the war bands to be treated like royalty by the muggles who sought protection from the many new magical creatures that roamed the world.-

The vast majority of wizarding kind was still under the ministries but those with power and ambition had left for the most part. The cities had also become devastated places as the many new or transformed magical beasts attacked them causing much destruction that couldn't be repaired as the machines that muggles relied on no longer worked. The death toll went up everyday from murder , magical beast attacks , natural disasters that came more frequently and disease. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade had become prime real-estate as many flocked to Dumbledore for protection. Even though he never accepted it the old man was effectively made king by the people around him with Hogwarts being turned into the symbol of his power.-

The Triwizard tournament was unanimously ended with the person with the most points being declared the winner , which was Harry in this case. After which the other schools rushed back to their own homelands to try and control the situation. Nick had been especially busy as he was early early graduated and went to work with his army of atronachs putting out fires all over the english isles. The ministry turned a blind eye to the fact that he clearly had this army before the world went nuts since he was helping massively.-

The atronachs repelled the magical beasts due to their almost all inclusive elemental typings and high tier three power. Even the dragons that had broken free of wizarding control after evolving or undergoing atavism were repelled if enough atronachs were present. Beyond military applications however the atronachs worked as laborers since they never tired and were able to take orders. Nick himself had moved out of Hogwarts and was operating out of his island that was now roughly pin pointed by the populace since he sent atronachs out regularly.-

There was even a whole group of muggles that had moved to that area to settle in hopes that he would protect them. Besides using his atronachs Nick also worked out a way to communicate over long distances after finding a star whose material turned out to have dimensional affinities that he was able to mix with a modified protean charm to create a budding magical communication system that had signal towers connected to mirrorlike bracelets that could send and receive information in small amounts. The trick was that each bracelet was tied to ones magical frequency so it worked like a phone number in that you had to connect to that frequency to communicate with that person.

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