Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 28

When the exam results were posted the following morning, Lucifer wasn't surprised that he Topped most of the Classes. 

Hermione gave him murderous glares, but she did beat him in Transfiguration and Herbology, but Neville got the top score in Herbology, he did say it was his favorite subject and completely acing it proved that. 

Harry and Ron both passed, but he did much better than his best friend, also thanked both Lucifer and Hermione for their help. 

Ron, who only passed barely after receiving notes from the Twins....he even had to sacrifice virginity for it. 

Experimented like a pig, for something called investment in their Joke shop. 

Very busy sulking at this point and feeling jealous that his best mate Harry, wasn't including him with things. 

Quiet topic....

Their wardrobes and the like were emptied, and were all down getting on the platform to board the train. 

The Heads of Houses were there as well, handing out notes to remind students to not use magic over the holidays.....But, Lucifer felt McGonagall glancing at him, 2 times, while saying this, so he just tried his best to look innocent, a very good boy indeed. 

On the train ride home, with Rowena flying out beside the train with Hedwig, Lucifer, Hermione, Harry, and Ron all four were in a Compartment together, where he was debating on whether to use his Merlin ancestry to fool Hermione.

But, the said girl is already glancing at Lucifer's face with a distant look, easily noticed that he was nervous abou- "Hey, what's on your mind?"

Shs had already used 'Geminio' to make the copy of Occlumeny books, which Hermione stole from Lucifer's hands, and even got the permission from her Mum to pay a visit to Diagon Alley in the holidays, as most of the First years girls are instructed by Madam Pomfrey to learn Contraceptive charms to help with their monthly period. 

Hermione was really amazed when she participated in that private lecture only for girls, didn't think, wizards also have invented stuff like this, very eager to learn new things.

Lucifer looked at her for a moment, "Well... I-I..." he found it incredibly hard to actually say.

He looked at all of them, Hermione and Ron looked very intrigued.

But, there was another green-eyed child present, very excited to just open his mouth, and gossip, "Oh come on, Lucifer is actually a descendant of Merlin!"

"Merlin?" Hermione asked, going wide-eyed.

"You're joking!" Ron yelled, getting excited.

"Sshhh, Potter what the fuck?!" Lucifer yelled in a whisper, but Harry didn't seem to care at all. 

"Now, it explains how you dealt with that Troll and Manticore... Merlin is regarded as the most powerful Wizard to ever live!" Hermione also started giving her explanation, finding it really incredible to be honest. 

"Wait, till I tell Mum, Dad, all of my brothers, and Ginny" Ron said excitedly.

"But, it's not true!" Lucifer tried to stop them from understanding it wrong, "You must believe me!" Only, his loud crying just seemed like a way to prove his innocence, even though he's very guilty. 

It's obvious from their looks, Lucifer knew no one was going to believe him, "You don't have to be shy!"

"Indeed, for the 1st time, I agree with Ronald!"

Hearing these kinds of responses, Lucifer knew his Merlin life was going to be doomed. 

He then glared at Harry, to see if there is even a single ounce of regret on his face, but the infuriating boy just started to look outside the window. 

"..." Lucifer, felt like being scammed,  a new first experience. 

"It also explains why you did so well on most of the exams.....But, I wonder why you didn't do better than me in Transfiguration though?" Hermione didn't forget, she has a rivalry going on with him. 

"My concentration broke during the transfiguration of the Mouse into a Snuff Box... and it ended up being turned into a vibrator....." Lucifer admitted with slightly reddened cheeks.

"....." Hermione was just left speechless, after hearing such dangerous things. 

"??" "What's a vibrator? Is that a muggle thing?" 

This is Ron Weasely, a pure-blood, very confused, he looked towards Harry for an answer, but he also shook his head in denial. 

It made Hermione finally react, and she coughed twice, gaining everyone's    look, "...Still, that means next year, you'll probably do the best on all Exams!"

Even gave him a cute smile at the end, but, Lucifer thought Hermione is also very sly, directly changed the topic. 

"...Maybe," he also didn't pursue this topic any further and the rest of the ride was just spent in mostly silence. 

They did have idle conversations about the Summer and Next Year while eating food from the Trolley.

"Meow...." Oh, there is also Eve, Lucifer's black cat lying on her master's lap, "Yeah, I won't forget you....here" then he started to rub behind her ears.


Before they got back to King's Cross Station, they all switched out of their robes and into appropriate clothing.

After they all safely exited Platform 9 3/4 quarters (Rowena safely and reluctantly back in her cage).

Into the Muggle King's Cross, Ron's parents came over to collect him first. 

On the way to them, a girl who Lucifer believed to be his younger sister was pointing at Harry and acting a little too obsessed with him.

"Be quiet, Ginny, it's rude to point," Mrs. Weasley said, while smiling down at Harry.

"Mum, this is Hermione, my other friend at Hogwarts," Ron just started to open his mouth stupidly, very daring, it caused Mrs. Weasley to look in the bushy-haired girl's direction.

"Delighted to meet you, I'm Molly Weas-"

But, an incredibly large man came over, "Ready to go boy?" He asked Harry.

This guy's face was a shade of purple that Lucifer had never seen before on any kind of Human. 

"You must be Harry's guardian," Molly decided to talk with this alien first.

"Unfortunately," were his only words, making Lucifer, feel red signals all over his head, "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day!"

And, with that he walked away.

Lucifer didn't say anything, but it got him wondering, if that was who Harry lived with, as famous as he was, why?

It just didn't make any sense, but he would get nowhere, trying to figure it out at the mean time. 

"I would say I hope you have a good summer, but if that's your family... Owl me if there is trouble, okay?" Lucifer offered to him, in a polite manner, it's not the right time for holding a grudge.

"Hopefully there shouldn't be," Harry said, with an evil grin spreading across his face, "They don't know I can't use Magic at home. So, I'm going to have a lot of fun over the summer," his grin stayed the entire time, his face was in view.

Harry eventually disappeared and the Weasley's too, soon after once the Twins and Percy arrived. 

Both, Lucifer and Hermione didn't see their family anywhere, "Mum told me about getting held up at the office," she just sighed, then went to sit on a bench, "What about your Mazikeen?"

Lucifer also sat beside her, "They really didn't let us keep the House Cup..."

"....." Hermione's nose scrunched, really tired of explaining the answer, for the 9th time...."Ugh! Don't tell me, you are still bitter abou-" 

"Hermione, it's not a small thing!"

"Lucifer, you are just being childi-

"They should have at least told me about the passage to the Kitchen!"

"....." Hermione. "Mum is a dentist, she has a private office, and a staff of employees, but sometimes, it gets really late....happened back in Primary School more than once.." She looked very saddened, after revealing her dark history. 

"....." Lucifer. 'If that's her way of trying to not answer me...' 

Sigh, even his good mood was ruined, 

causing Lucifer to throw an arm around her shoulders, "..It's alright, at least you have me to pass the time," then smirked at her.

"Yes, there is that," Hermione smiled away from him, she didn't want him to see her reddened cheeks, "Um, Lucifer....who is that person? He's looking at b-both of us...."

"Huh...let me...????" 

"L-Lucifer? What's going on?!" 

"Amenadiel.....It's time for me to go."

Only, before Lucifer could go away from her sight, Hermione yelled at his back, "Hey, wait?!....You will talk with me, using that mirror, right?"

"Don't even think about ghosting me over the summer!" 

"Of course I will," Lucifer replied  hurriedly, only before stepping further, he felt arms wrap around him from behind, "I'll see you some time in August when we get our school list," he heard Hermione say.

Lucifer was tense in her embrace, just like he was the other times, it happened. 

He didn't want to be tense, and even tried to get familiar with this kind of contact, "O-Okay, Hermione." Lucifer turned around, when she let him go and smiled at her. 

The bushy-haired girl returned it, showing her enlarged front teeth again. 

Lucifer still thought they were cute, but he didn't have much time now, other issues needed to be dealt with.....such as going to Flourish and Blotts to find any books he could on Merlin. 

He wanted to know everything he could about why Dumbledore thinks, of him being Merlin's heir.

Lucifer had some theories of who could be this Wizarding Merlin, but it needs to be more polished. 

The Restricted section only had the details about him using Wandless, Elemental magic, and other powerful stuff....even his glowed Red. 

'Could it be one of the Fallen? Turned into a human....just like Anael?'

....Laws of the Universe...there'll other variants...Even Hermione's....


It was almost 10 minutes after Lucifer, emptied from King's Cross when Hermione's mother, and grandfather showed up, "Sorry we are late, I got held up with two emergency Root Canals, twin brothers who were unfortunate enough to get one at the same time." Jane explained quickly as they showed up.

"So, did you have fun this past year at School, pumpkin?" Wendell asked, with a gentle look on his face. 

"Yes, it was far better than I could've believed it to be," Hermione said with a toothy grin, and looked towards the direction, from where Lucifer just left, "I also want to tell you something!"

"Tell us what?" Wendell asked in a slightly irked tone, he was having a bad feeling.

"Yeah, go ahead," Jane also nodded, while exchanging a glance with her father-in-law. 

Hermione looked back at them, "Well,  Lucifer found out something incredible and life altering over the past couple of days!" she said and her grandfather's face softened when he realized, this only involved Lucifer and not his granddaughter.

"Well don't keep us in suspense, what is it?" Jane asked, getting impatient.

"Lucifer is related to the greatest Wizard to ever live, Merlin!" Hermione said quietly but excitedly.

"Merlin? He really existed?" Wendell asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Hermione was almost jumping on the floor. 

"Well how about that? My daughter befriended a famous Wizard," Jane said, with a smug look on her face.

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