Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 186 – Betrayal from Loved Ones

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


When they got to the Great Hall, the decorations, though she'd already seen them, she still thought they were gorgeous.

After a light Breakfast, Lucifer and Hermione walked into the Common Room only to see Harry still examining his Firebolt, which just irked her even more.

She promised her boyfriend she'd let it go, but could she hold her word to that?

The two of them snuggled in by the fire, with Hermione rapidly filling in her Homework planner and Lucifer idly spinning the foe glass in his hand.

“What’s that, Lucifer?” Harry asked as he was somehow able to tear his gaze from the Firebolt.

‘Foe glass,’ Lucifer said, holding it up. ‘Hermione got it for me. You see the faint outlines?’ He held it up so Harry could see it.

‘Kind of?’ Harry said, while squinting.

‘That’s good. As long as they appear as just shimmers and shadows then you’re okay. The clearer they get, the more in danger you are. They represent those you consider enemies. As long as it’s vague and unfocused then they aren’t close enough to be a threat. The moment they solidify however, you need to watch your back.”

Harry nodded absent-minded, then went back to use his fingers to rub on the handle of the broomstick, making sure it was real.


Eventually, the time to head down for lunch rolled around and the four of them headed down together.

The House Tables had all been slid away against the walls and instead, a single table set for twelve rested in the middle of the room. Professor Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick were there, alongside Filch who had attempted to dress for the occasion.

The only other people present at the table were two very scared looking first years.

‘Merry Christmas!’ called Dumbledore brightly as the four of them entered and made their way over. “As there are so few of us, it seemed foolish to use the House Tables. Sit down, sit down!”

Harry and Ron sat themselves down on one side whilst Lucifer and Hermione took the other.

She caught McGonagall’s eye, who nodded at Hermione’s jumper, smirking knowingly, it made her cheeks flushed, and straightened out the heart initial jumper even more.

"Crackers!" Dumbledore said enthusiastically, offering the end of a large silver one to Snape, who looked reluctant to partake in Dumbledore's antics.

Snape grabbed it and tugged, and with a bang like a gunshot, the Cracker flew apart to reveal a large, pointed Witches hat topped with a stuffed Vulture.

Hermione looked to her right at Lucifer and could see him straining to not burst out into laughter.

She smiled, remembering Boggart on their first day in Professor Lupin's class.

Her smile faded the more she remembered, especially with how the class ended.

"Tuck in!" Dumbledore exclaimed, beaming around the table. He was wearing the Witches hat presently.

“Think the decorations are trying to tell you two something,” Harry said while snickering as he looked at Lucifer and Hermione.

The two of them looked around and in unison both spotted the lump of Mistletoe now dangling above the pair of them.

Lucifer looked at Hermione who simply shrugged, grabbed him by the front of his jumper and pulled him into a kiss.

All the teachers barring Snape ‘awwww’d and gave a small round of applause.

Snape was looking mutinous, Harry was smirking and Ron was open-mouthed.

“May want to close that, Weasely,” Lucifer said, pointing to his open mouth, “Or one of the bundles may just float in there.”

Hermione was now quietly helping herself to some Roasted Turkey and Chipolatas when someone entered the Great Hall.

She looked and saw Professor Trelawney gliding towards them.

She had worn a green sequined dress for the occasion of Christmas day. The dress made her look more than ever like a glittering dragonfly.

"Sybill, this is a pleasant surprise," Dumbledore said from his seat at the table.

He made to stand up when Trelawney stopped him, "No! There are Thirteen of you right now! If one of you rises, you will be the first to die!"

"Then let me get a chair for you so that you may sit with us," Dumbledore was still smiling as he pulled out his wand and waved it, pulling a chair from somewhere else in the Castle, presumably, to allow Professor Trelawney to sit with them.

She sat down at once, allowing them all to take a moment to watch her sigh in relief that the number of people dining together was now up to Fourteen.

Professor McGonagall spooned something and handed it over to Trelawney, "Tripe, Sybil?"

Sybil looked at her, before looking around.

"The poor fellow is ill again," Dumbledore said most regretfully, "A terrible shame it had to happen on Christmas Day."

"Surely you already knew that, Sybil?" Professor McGonagall seemed to poke the sleeping bear, because Trelawney looked at her with a less than friendly gaze.

Hermione quickly stuffed a roast potato into her mouth to smother her laughter.

They then bantered back and forth a moment, before Dumbledore put a halt to it, "I doubt," he said louder than usual, "that Professor Lupin is in any immediate danger. Severus, you made the Potion for him, correct?"

"Of course, Headmaster," Snape said with his usual sneer.

"Then I hardly think we need to worry more about him. I'm sure if he were here, he'd be asking us to all Tuck in to this delicious feast," Dumbledore smiled, basically telling them all to get to eating.

Two hours later, when everyone was bursting at the seams with food, Lucifer, Harry, and Ron all stood up from the table.

They all started to leave, but he stopped when he noticed Hermione wasn't following

"Hey, you comin'?" He asked her.

"In a little bit, I want to talk to Professor McGonagall first," Hermione said, smiling oddly at him.

It was a smile he didn't recognize, and that worried him.


"I won't be but a few moments, go on then," she said encouragingly.

Lucifer turned to head for the giant oak doors, turning back around to see her talking to the Professor like she said she would.

He walked back up to the entrance to Gryffindor Tower and saw Sir Cadogan, toasting him with a flagon of mead, "Merry - hic - Christmas! Password?"

"Scurvy cur," he smiled at the ridiculous password.

"And the same to you," Cadogan nodded and opened for him.

Lucifer walked in and up to his dorm room, passing Harry and Ron on the way, the former carrying his new Firebolt down to the Common Room for the umpteenth.

He walked over to the cage that Rowena was perched in, "Hey, girl, you want to spread your wings and fly?"

Lucifer knew she was just being moody, even locked herself inside.

Rowena opened her eyes and raised her head, looking at him oddly. He opened her cage and then the window.

She flew out, made a beeline for the window, and out into the cold.

Lucifer turned to leave the dorm room, but before he grasped the doorknob, he heard Ron yelling, "What did you go running to McGonagall for!?"

He opened the door and hurried down the stairs, hearing Hermione yell back as he did, "Because I thought- and Professor McGonagall agrees with me-that that broom was probably sent to Harry by Sirius Black! Why is that so hard to grasp?!”

Lucifer had just hit the bottom step to see Hermione and Ron in each other's faces.

He quickly got between them and pushed each of them to arms length, "What the Fuck is going on!?" He demanded from them.

"Hermione thought it would be funny to go and rat out Harry's new broom!" Ron said furiously.

He turned slowly to Hermione.

Lucifer jerked his head over to the Boy's Staircase. She followed him up the stairs and they got to the Third Year's dorm room.

He closed the door behind them, "Hermione... I thought you promised me you would just accept Potter's idiotic behavior?"

"I don't understand how you can just accept that your friend is willing to risk his life all for riding a stupid broom!" Hermione yelled at him too.

“He's our friend, how do you not care about him? I thought I could trust you, Lucifer. Do you even care about me? Or you are just selfis-”

Hermione instantly covered her mouth, horrified at what she had just said.

Tears stung her eyes, "I-I swear, I didn't mean....”

“His life choices are not mine to interfere with,” Lucifer sucked in a shaky breath and closed his eyes, wishing for this nightmare to be over.

Without saying another word, he clenched his jaw, opened the door and ran a sprint towards the Gryffindor portrait hole, but Hermione was quick to reach out for him, her eyes growing wide.

"Lucifer, please," she pleaded, tugging at his arm; tears were forming on the lids of her eyes. "I-I didn't mean to say that. I k-know you care about me...what I just said was n-nothing but my stupid mouth's r-rambling, I swea-"

"Hermione, let go," Lucifer said as calmly as possible, trying to avoid her eyes.

"No, no, please," Hermione cried holding his arm tighter when he tried to move once again. "Y-You have t-to listen!"

Lucifer shook his head, unwilling to talk about this in the angry state that he was in.

Instead, he yanked his arm out of Hermione's tight grip and walked out through the portrait hole despite his girlfriend's cries for him to stop.

He angrily made his way through the corridors, walking rapidly as though he was looking for an escape.

As expected, however, Hermione chased after him, the placement of her footsteps traced every single step of her boyfriend in front of her.

"Baby, wait, please," she called, running slightly to catch up to him. "Stop walking away, you do this all of the time!"

“What?! You are not my Lucifer? I swear he was just two or three steps ahead?! Fuck it, have you seen Lucifer?!”

“I-I don't know a-anything, M-Miss?”

“Lucifer, come back?!”

'Sometimes betrayal comes from the ones we expect the least. I just didn't expect it would be you, Hermione.....'


Almost two hours later.

Hermione let out a loud sob and tried to find Lucifer everywhere. But for the curse of Merlin, she just couldn't!

She wanted to tell him that didn't mean anything what she said. It just slipped out, because of how angry she was.

That, Lucifer was the most important person in her life and she trusted him more than anyone!

Dejectedly, Hermione went to her dorm room

She slammed the door shut behind her, crawled into her bed and held her pillow tight.

She never told him, but her boyfriend was her own anchor, her own rock, her own support.

Hermione touched the necklace Lucifer gave her on her Birthday last year, clutching the pillow, then crying her eyes out until she fell asleep.


Author's Note

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