Chapter 132: The Clash of Justice
Curse then magically raised ten plates, with a flick of his wand they flew straight at Dumbledore with a speed that would make the previously present bird very jealous. Albus dodged half of them but was hit in the shoulder and knees, one had struck him in his face and left him with a cut under his left eye.
"Impressive" Dumbledore complimented "it's clear to me that you don't need those dark spells to do well in a duel."
"You're a fool to believe that spells are simply divided into light and dark" Curse raised his wand into the air the fired a reducto curse at the ceiling, part of it broke off. Dumbledore apparated out of the way, greatly thanking the benefits of being headmaster.
"That was a simple reducto curse" Curse pointed out "even with that I could kill you, magic should not be divided into light and dark. What it does, how evil it is, is dependent on the intent of the user."
"I implore you" Dumbledore aimed his wand at Curse "see reason, all of this mindless killing, it needs to stop. Join the light side, help us combat the evils of this world"
"I am combating the evils of this world"
"No" Dumbledore replied "you are simply believing that you are. We cannot fall to the depths of the death eaters, to kill makes us as bad as them. Please, join the order"
"And do what? Simply stun and tie up my enemies?"
"They all deserve a second chance" Dumbledore insisted "everyone can be redeemed"
"So incredibly naïve" Curse sighed "not everyone deserves a second chance, the only ones who do are those who strive to earn it. Those who regret their actions, the people who I hunt, they don't deserve the chances you give out so freely. Only in death do they truly regret their actions"
"This is not the way"
"Yes it is" Curse smiled underneath his shadowy mask "just not your way. You have a choice, let me stop the filth from ruining the wizarding world or stop me because you disagree with my methods. I'd recommend the first, you had better stay out of my way from now on."
Dumbledore had heard enough, he tried to read Curses mind, it was a bit difficult because he couldn't see his eyes but he was positive he could do it. However he didn't even get to see Curses mind, he couldn't get in, was that hood blocking him?
Curse seemed to notice Dumbledore's confusion, he picked up one of the plates in his hand, he raised his hand and threw the metal plate at the floor, however the side of the plate hit the floor and ricocheted up and caught Dumbledore off guard. The plate crashed in-between his legs and Dumbledore fell over with a pained face.
Before Dumbledore could say anything, twelve aurors burst into the hall, followed by the three head of houses. All had aimed their wands at Curse.
"Curse" The main auror spoke "you are charged with multiple curses of…"
"Assault, torture and murder" Curse interrupted "that's what you were going to say right? Unfortunately for you all I have no intention of going to Azkaban, at least not yet, maybe in the near future"
"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked in a slightly higher pitch than usual
"All those prisoners in Azkaban" Curse raised his head "all perfect targets for me, I will be sure to visit one day. But not now, I could go but escaping will just waste a lot of time."
"Surrender now" Dumbledore commanded but lost the effect as he was on the floor and had a slightly high pitch voice "if you do then I shall insure a fair trial"
"Just like you did for Sirius Black?" Curse countered "The man who spent years in Azkaban because you couldn't get him a trial or like the Lestranges who should have been executed on the spot or perhaps some of the numerous other scum you've allowed to live?
Face it, those aurors, they'd much rather work for me. They'd love the ability to deal with a death eater once and be done with it. Because you are so insistent in sending them to Azkaban, a prison they've already broken out of, those aurors have to constantly risk their lives to try and bring them back." Dumbledore was about to say something but heard the murmurs from the aurors behind him.
"Every single one of them" Curse spoke slowly "I will end every single one of them"
"Please" Dumbledore replied as he slowly got to his feet "surrender peacefully"
Curse slipped his wand back into his holster, he raised his hands, everyone else took a step closer as they believed he was putting his hands behind his head. But he didn't, just before he touched his head he opened both of his hands. A bright light burst from his hands and temporarily blinded everyone, they opened their eyes a second later and saw that he had gone.
"That's impossible!" Dumbledore screamed
"I'm too old for this shit" One of the aurors sighed
The aurors and Dumbledore eventually discussed what happened, by lunch time the hall was repaired. Lessons were cancelled for the day, Harry after his escape took Ginny and the Greengrass sisters to an unused classroom and put some privacy charms around the room before he showed them two memories in a pensive. One was of Curse torturing and killing Warius, the other was of Curses battle with Dumbledore.
Ginny beamed at Harry with pride, Astoria for the first time in her life was quiet. She was simply too stunned to say anything else. Everyone turned to Daphne, a variety of emotions flew across her face. Slowly tears shed down the girls tears and she wrapped Harry in a tight hug, Harry gently returned it.
Astoria was so happy at the relationship between Harry and Daphne. Admittedly it was a bit disappointing that they hadn't adopted a romantic relationship, Harry would make a great brother-in-law. But she was also happy at how close the two could be, Ginny didn't seem to mind the closeness between the two plus Harry and Daphne were definitely not big fans of cheating. Not like Harry could do it with his soul bond anyway.
Daphne was in no way over the incident, she always seemed to be against the idea of marrying a rich pureblood just so she can live comfortably. The constant marriage contracts had helped convince her that most boys were idiots, her last boyfriend cheating on her didn't help either. But Astoria was glad she trusted Harry, Daphne seemed to be cautious of all males now, other than her father she refused to let any other male touch her, even the male healer that tried to look over her.
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