Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Chapter 468: Chapter 468: Sacred Covenant

Alaric had guessed correctly. Upon understanding his request, Archbishop Alonsus Faol readily agreed, allowing Liadrin, Uther, and three others to undergo Paladin training together. Furthermore, future recruitment efforts for the Paladins would include High Elf priests.

As a result, Liadrin became the sixth founding Paladin, and the Knights of the Silver Hand would eventually gain several High Elf members.

Though many of these High Elves might return to Quel'Thalas after the war, it was of little consequence. 

It mirrored history from thousands of years ago when the High Elves allied with humanity against the trolls and imparted their knowledge of magic to them. 

Now, Archbishop Faol passing the Paladin vocation to the High Elves was simply following precedent. 

Moreover, while the creation of the Paladin order was a remarkable achievement, it was not as significant as the introduction of magic.

However, there was one regret—the lack of a Holy Sigil, or more precisely, a Holy Covenant.

These sacred enchanted scrolls were among the Church's oldest relics—transcriptions of the teachings of the Light, written by the first priests, including Mirelda, who had been inspired by the Naaru in their dreams. 

There were five Holy Covenants in total, each representing a core virtue of the Silver Hand in Faol's eyes: Retribution, Holy, Protection, Justice, and Mercy.

Each of the five founding Paladins received one covenant, leaving Liadrin, as a later addition and a High Elf, without one.

But Alaric would not let Liadrin be at a disadvantage. He sought out Aegwynn and Medivh, who provided him with a special covenant—the Sacred Covenant of Purity.

Compared to the five original Holy Covenants, this particular covenant was relatively unknown. Yet, it had a fascinating origin.

Those familiar with Medivh might recognize the name.

Indeed, it originated from a Titan construct known as the Maiden of Virtue.

The Maiden of Virtue was no true saint but rather a massive female Titan guardian. 

Though she ranked lower than the ten Guardian Lords, such as Prime Overseer Odyn and Loken, the King of Wisdom, she was among the rare few who wielded the power of the Holy Light. 

During Medivh's more lucid years, she was a frequent guest at Karazhan, often aiding him in repelling demonic invasions of the tower.

In some ways, she could even be considered one of Medivh's close companions.

Perhaps due to this connection, she was later featured as one of the bosses in the Return to Karazhan dungeon in World of Warcraft.

This realization led Alaric to think of her.

At this point in his time on Azeroth, most of Alaric's acquaintances were mages or guardian dragons. 

Aside from Faol, he knew few powerful Holy Light wielders. So, when considering a covenant for Liadrin, the Maiden of Virtue became his reluctant but only choice. 

With a "let's give it a shot" mentality, he asked Medivh about her, uncovering the entire backstory.

As an old friend, the Maiden of Virtue did not hesitate to help. She personally transcribed and enchanted a Sacred Covenant of Purity before handing it to Alaric.

The one most surprised by its existence was undoubtedly Archbishop Faol. 

He had never seen a holy artifact infused with such overwhelming Light energy. 

Even the five original Holy Covenants of the Church paled in comparison to this one, which was personally created by a Titan guardian.

However, he was not a greedy man. Seeing his sixth Paladin receive such a powerful covenant, he remained optimistic—anything that furthered the spread of the Holy Light was something he welcomed with open arms.

Thus, after undergoing baptism under Archbishop Faol, the young High Elf priestess officially became the sixth founding Paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand, beginning her rigorous training.

It must be said that Alaric's knowledge of these historical figures, thanks to his familiarity with the original timeline, proved to be quite reliable. 

Liadrin quickly demonstrated exceptional aptitude for becoming a Paladin.

In many ways, a Paladin was a fusion of a warrior and a priest.

Though Liadrin appeared gentle and refined, she was by no means fragile. She had fought on the battlefield against the Amani trolls and was far from a defenseless spellcaster. 

As history suggested, she possessed great potential as a warrior. She excelled in fundamental training and combat techniques at an astonishing rate.

Perhaps it was due to the hatred rooted in her parents' deaths at the hands of trolls, but Liadrin had an unshakable determination—one that bordered on cold ruthlessness. 

Yet, this extremity made her perfectly suited to the Paladin profession. 

Even Archbishop Faol praised her as a true prodigy—far superior to Gravenrad and Saidan, the two battle-hardened warriors, and certainly leagues ahead of the "blockheaded" Turalyon.

Yes, the very same Turalyon, who would later become a legendary Paladin, was currently regarded by Faol as slow-witted. 

Though he was more thoughtful than his peers and possessed leadership qualities, his lack of fervor for the Light prevented him from awakening his Paladin abilities quickly.

Of course, none of this concerned Alaric. With Liadrin settled, he was urgently summoned back to Lordaeron by Anduin Lothar.

The reason was simple—the orcs were making a major move.

They had begun their invasion of Khaz Modan.

Located north of Stormwind and separated from Lordaeron by the sea, Khaz Modan was the homeland of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, with Ironforge as its capital, nestled within the snowy peaks of Dun Morogh.

Like humans, dwarves were descendants of the Titan-forged Earthen, who had been afflicted by the Curse of Flesh. 

Over the centuries, they rarely left their mountain strongholds, dedicating their time to refining metals and minerals into powerful weapons and exquisite jewelry.

Once, the three great dwarven clans—the Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron—had fought a civil war. 

In the aftermath, the victorious Bronzebeards remained in Ironforge, the Wildhammers relocated to Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands, and the Dark Irons allied with the Fire Elementals in Blackrock Mountain.

The dwarves had long-standing trade relations with humans, and their weapons and armor were highly prized in human society. 

Now that Khaz Modan was under orcish invasion, Lordaeron was informed immediately.

Moreover, evidence suggested that the orcs had deployed an unprecedentedly terrifying new unit—a force never before seen in their previous battles.

At this critical moment, Lothar urgently required Alaric's counsel.




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