Chapter 24: The Ministry's Deflection
That being done, Minister Fudge repeated his question. The Prime Minister replied in kind, "In order to answer your question, I need to know why your citizens came to Gandy Street?" Minister Fudge replied "to shop, of course!" "To shop you say. Do they typically shop in non-magic areas? Do they typically shop wearing black cloaks with bone-white masks covering their faces? Do they shop by immediately firing green, red, yellow and orange spells at other shoppers in the street? Do they shop by killing other shoppers in the street? What kind of community are you running, Minister Fudge, that 'shopping' involves the killing and maiming of innocent adults and children!?" the PM responded with growing heat and frustration.
"That's ridiculous" responded Fudge. "You know what, Minister Fudge? If you cannot believe me, believe video documentation. Commander, please replay the video surveillance." The PM requested. The CTCRM Commander loaded the video in the VCR machine and they watched the scene unfold - they all watched (the magicals in surprise and consternation) as the events replayed out in front of them on a TV screen.
After the initial action, before the red-robed people arrived, the PM asked the Commander to halt the tape. "Would you like to reconsider your answer now, Minister Fudge?" he asked. "No, I don't. How do we know this isn't all made up?" Fudge blustered. Prime Minister Majors exhaled slowly, nodded slightly, then asked "Tell me Minister, Madam Bones. How did your people know where to come to?"
"We have magical monitors that tell us when magic is performed in unprotected areas" Madam Bones responded. "So, your people saw magic being performed in Gandy Street and decided to show up?" asked the Commander. "Yes" replied Madam Bones. "And how do you explain the use of magic, Minister?" asked the Prime Minister. "They were protecting themselves from your people!" shouted Fudge. "Minister" began the Commander, "shall I replay the beginning of the attack?" and he did. "The recording clearly show your people firing spells at our innocent civilians before we even took the first shot." Responded the Commander.
"Commander, please play the next portion of the tape, the one where you photographed the faces of the terrorists." "Yes, sir" the Commander replied and then proceeded to do so. They watched as one by one the masks of the terrorists were removed revealing their faces. Fudges face turned pasty white. The Commander then stopped the video once again. "Do you recognize any of these men and women?" the PM asked Minister Fudge. Madam Bones then spoke up "One of them is Jugston. I don't recognize the rest. These are the same faces as we were shown at Gandy Street yesterday." She concluded. "I believe we've put to rest the claim 'this is made up'. Am I correct Minister?" "Yes, I suppose" he said hesitantly.
Minister Fudge stood there contemplating for a few seconds, then he started to bluster once more. "your…your..people killed three of our Aurors, Mr. Majors!". "Aurors?" the PM asked, looking at the Commander. "Their form of policemen/security personnel – the people in the red robes" he replied. Commander Black responded this time. "It's my understanding that our soldiers identified themselves and ordered them to put down their weapons, whereupon three opened fire on our soldiers and the rest disappeared. The soldiers rightly responded to lethal force directed at them."
"Lethal force!" cried out Minister Fudge. "They fired stunners. Stunners are NOT lethal force! That is what they are trained to use!" he continued. "After seeing how your other 'magical citizens' 'shopped' by killing others, how are my soldiers supposed to know what spells they fire? All they saw was the result – dead civilians." the PM responded. "But, let's see how it actually played out, shall we?", then he nodded to the Commander to play the rest of the tape.
They all watched the Aurors and Obliviators popping in the first time, as the Aurors cast spells at the soldiers after they were requested to surrender; they watched their three Aurors cut down while the rest disappeared; (the tape was then fast-forwarded to the next event) and then they watched as the Aurors and Obliviators surreptitiously followed the non-magicals, casting spells on the unwary. As the PM recounted actions of the magicals, from the arrival of the "good citizens", as Fudge called them, to the actions of the Aurors and Obliviatiators, he asked "Aren't all these actions against your own laws?"
"Why are you here, in my office" he continued, beginning once again to gain some steam "claiming YOUR citizens were there innocently" adding more steam, "instead of being out there" point his finger towards the window of his office, his voice getting substantially harder and more clipped, "apprehending the group or groups terrorizing MY non-magical citizens!" The Prime Minister continued, "These actions are so reminiscent of 15 to 20 years ago – I am not so young to have forgotten. And neither is the Queen. Understand this, Minister: This kind of activity on the part of your "good citizens" will not be tolerated. I warn you now that should they continue such action it WILL BE met with EXTREME PREJUDICE by our security forces."
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