Chapter 19: Team Challenges and Creative Solutions
The second team building exercise that day was called the River Crossing. It is a hypothetical game in which there is a person, a row boat, a river, a fox, a chicken and a bag of corn. The person must transport all the items from one side of the river to the other, but is restricted to transferring only one item at a time. What is the least amount of times the person had to cross the river to achieve this goal? Each group went to a different corner of the room to discuss the puzzle. Group 1, Evan's group, quickly discovered that if the person took the corn first, the fox might eat the chicken.
If she transported the fox first, the chicken would eat the corn. So they had the person transport the chicken first, as the fox would not eat the corn (1). Then, the person went back and brought the fox (2 and 3). They then took the chicken back with them to the other side (4), left the chicken there and took the bag of corn, crossing the river once again (5). Now the fox and corn were once again together. The person went back to collect the chicken (6 and 7).
In the following days the team-building exercises continued to become more complicated and forced the soldiers to think outside the box to accomplish. The last exercise was performed at the volleyball court (60ft long by 30ft wide). The net was replaced by a telephone pole suspended 8 feet off the ground. A 40-foot telephone pole and a 55-gallon drum of water were also present.
The goal of the exercise was to transfer all the members of the team and all their equipment to the other end of the court without touching the sand inside the court, or the sidelines, or lay one telephone pole directly on the other. On their first attempt, they started with removing their pants belts, they tied one belt approximately midway along the telephone pole, and used another belt to strap a shirt at the end of the pole. They interconnected all the other belts, to be used as a rope, adding a few rifle slings for added reach.
They then stood one end of their telephone pole (without the shirt) on the ground at one end of the court, and tried to lower the other end slowly onto the suspended pole. The pole almost snapped as it fell heavily onto the suspended pole. While they were able to get the team and some of their equipment onto the suspended pole, they had no idea how to proceed. Time was up and the exercise ended for the day.
Later that evening, Evan made his way to the same volleyball court and sat at one end contemplating. Sitting there, looking around, he saw there was an old oak tree approximately 20 feet beyond the other end of the court. He returned to his dorm with an idea forming in his mind and found his team mates. He drew them a schematic of the volleyball court and pitched his idea. Of course, the team members said they could only use what was there. Evan began with "sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness after, rather than asking permission before." He then proposed they cheat a little bit on the next exercise – he proposed they do a scavenger hunt to find rope and a grenade launcher, and any other equipment they could find that might help them in their endeavors.
They had recently learned that during WWII, grenade launchers were made using a metal sleeve which slipped over the barrel of a rifle, and either a pod (American) or a socket (Japanese) where the grenade was attached. The grenade was launched by firing off a "round with no bullet" (aka a "blank round"), which propelled the device to the intended target. In the American version, the whole device was launched. In the Japanese version, the grenade only was launched. Evan proposed they modify the device by using a spear point instead of a grenade. The team took out one of the base maps that had been given them upon arrival, and identified storage rooms.
They then split up in pairs to search them for what they needed. Before going, Evan visited the latrines. He immediately erected privacy and silencing wards wandlessly and called Dobby. Evan showed Dobby what he needed, and asked Dobby to find the materials, and distribute them between the storage rooms his team would be searching. In the early morning, the team returned to their dorms exhausted, but successful. He put both the rope and modified grenade launcher in his pack.
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