Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 26: The First Visitor to the Office

Chapter 26: The First Visitor to the Office

After finishing the class for the first-year students, Tver's tasks for the week were basically completed.

The second and third-year students were initially dissatisfied with the first-years not being punished, but this dissatisfaction evaporated when they learned that the first-years had only learned to emit light with their wands.

It even fostered a special camaraderie among them, as they openly mocked the newcomers.

Gryffindor Common Room.

"Fred, show Ron what real combat looks like!" George said solemnly.

Fred made an 'OK' gesture and then pulled out his wand in the common room.


A red light shot out, hitting George accurately. However, instead of falling, George showed no sign of being affected and even seemed like he wanted to laugh.

"Fred," he frowned, clearly dissatisfied, "didn't you say you learned powerful magic from Professor Fawley? Come on, give me a good lesson!"

Fred innocently spread his hands. "The professor only taught me this."

Ron was at a loss for words, feeling teased, and could only look helplessly at the mischievous twins.

Harry, on the other hand, found it amusing, laughing foolishly beside them, completely unaware of the mockery.

"Oh, please, you've been playing this trick all day, pretending to be affected, then pretending nothing happened," Hermione snapped impatiently, closing her textbook. "Didn't the professor assign you homework? Hurry up and write it!"

George and Fred glanced at each other, then turned back, grinning broadly.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we've already finished the professor's essay. Now we're just waiting to hand it in and get that reward!"

"But the reward is mine. George, you should just give up on that idea."

"Nonsense! I spent ten minutes longer than you. My essay must be ten times better than yours!"

"Heh, my essay is an inch longer than yours. Professor Fawley will surely know that what I've written is more detailed than yours!"

The two of them argued as if no one else were around, much to the annoyance of the older students.

Professor Fawley's reward had long become the hottest topic in the castle, and everyone was curious about what it might be.

"I think it's private tutoring from the professor," speculated a senior witch with a dreamy look on her face.

Of course, this was just wishful thinking on the part of the witches. Currently, the most likely possibility in everyone's mind was a magical item or a special spell.

But regardless of what it was, the reward was out of their reach, as only third-year students had been promised it by the professor.

Hermione shook her head in resignation. She had also fantasized about this reward, thinking of competing for it after completing her homework, only to find out in the end that it had nothing to do with first-years.

Checking the time, with just an hour left until curfew, she hastily packed up her textbooks and hurried out.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked, puzzled.

"To practice!"

The next second, Hermione's figure and voice disappeared simultaneously from the common room.

"What's there to practice with that thing? No matter how skilled she gets, she can't turn a beam of light into magic," Ron muttered under his breath.

However, with the popularity of combat training, it wasn't easy to find an empty room for practice on the weekends.

Hermione searched several classrooms in a row, but they were all crowded with young wizards practicing combat.

Just as she was getting a bit out of breath from searching, a voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"What are you looking for?"

Tver stood in the corridor outside the office, looking curiously at the witch who was looking around.

The torchlight flickered on his face in the night, casting a pale glow that made his face look somewhat eerie, and Hermione was naturally startled.

Tver caught her startled backpack as she dropped it, surprised by its weight. It didn't feel like the belongings of a first-year student; rather, it seemed more like what a fifth-year student preparing for O.W.L. exams might carry.

"Professor... I didn't notice you here," Hermione said, glancing nervously down the corridor, only now realizing that she had wandered to the offices of the two professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"No need to be nervous. Curfew hasn't started yet," Tver said, opening the office door. "But it's rare for a first-year to be wandering the castle at this hour. Would you mind coming in and chatting with me?"

He held her backpack like a hostage, leaving Hermione unable to refuse and unwilling to refuse.

Getting personal guidance from a professor was much better than practicing alone.

Hermione reassured herself.

Stepping into the office, she realized it was her first time entering a professor's office.

The candlelight flickered as Tver moved around, illuminating the room for her to see its layout.


There were too many books here. There were two large bookshelves by the door, and three more behind the desk, all packed with books. Even the desk had a pile of books on it.

Apart from the books, there were only a few items covered in black cloth, occupying one corner.

This strengthened her belief in her reading plan.

As long as I can finish reading all these books, I'll definitely become as skilled as the professor!

"Please, have a seat. Tea? Or pumpkin juice?" Tver asked kindly.

He used to only offer tea to guests, but after tasting Hogwarts' pumpkin juice, he added it to his beverage selection.

Hermione sat down somewhat reservedly and whispered, "Tea will be fine."

In less than a second, the teapot and cup clattered over to her, pouring a steaming cup of tea.

It was English breakfast tea, accompanied by sugar and milk on the side.

Seeing Hermione had no intention of drinking, the cup anxiously spun in front of her, almost spilling the tea.

Hermione belatedly picked it up.

The professor was drinking pumpkin juice!

This contrast surprised her; she had thought someone as suave as the professor would prefer to elegantly sip tea.

But it also made her realize that the professor had only graduated recently and was just seven years older than her.

This discovery made her relax completely.

Seemingly noticing the girl's surprise, Tver smiled and said, "I only discovered this delicious beverage after coming to Hogwarts. It unexpectedly suits my taste. I hope you won't look down on me because of this."

"How could I?" Hermione eagerly looked up. "On the contrary, I think you seem... kinder now."

"?" Tver's smile faltered.

Was he now at an age to be described as kind?!

But this momentary anomaly was quickly brushed aside, and his smile returned.

"I'm glad to hear that you feel comfortable. So, can you tell me why you're wandering the castle at this hour?"

Hermione found Tver's emphasis on "comfortable" a bit odd but soon dismissed it from her mind.

"You asked us to practice that technique more. I was just looking for a place to practice."

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