Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Animagus in 5 minutes
Daphne and Tracey just stared at him, not knowing where he was leading with that question.
"What now?" Daphne asked exasperatedly, trying not to show how surprised and taken aback she was by the strange question.
"Let's say, hypothetically if I have the power to make seven people immortal, to make them live forever, would you be interested to be among them?" Harry asked, leaning on his elbows.
"It is all hypothetical of course." Harry said quickly, smiling, hinting at how 'hypothetical' it was.
"Of course, it is all hypothetical." Daphne said, her words dripping with sarcasm.
"Harry, you are going to tell us everything going on in that mind of yours." Tracey said seriously. So, he told them everything.
Daphne and Tracey were in daze as they returned to the castle after hearing what Harry had to tell them. They couldn't believe what he had said to them. Immortality? Lady Death? Lady Magic? Extinction of magical population? Deathly Hallows? They both headed to the room of requirement for a spar to clear their heads. Harry was off to search for Astoria and give her chocolates to get back in her good graces.
"Expelliarmus!" Tracey shouted. Daphne tilted her head as the spell shot through where her head was earlier. Daphne smiled as she was in her element, away from all the confusing talks about immortality and Gods. Her body went into autopilot mode. She turned to her side as she dodged another spell. She flicked her hand, the wand was pushed from the holster and into her waiting hands. A smirk formed on her face as she pointed her wand at Tracey who was already moving. 'I will take an opponent to demolish everyday over thinking about Gods and immortality.'
After ten minutes of gruelling fight, Tracey finally succumbed to Daphne's constant barrage of spells.
They both sighed in comfort as they sat on the sofa. The silence wasn't disturbed, both taking solace in the comfortable silence and the feeling of soft cushion under their hips after doing so much jumping and running in the duel.
"So?" Tracey started the conversation with her eyes closed and the back of her head resting on the headrest of the sofa. "What do you think about Harry's offer?"
Daphne didn't speak for a moment as she tried to articulate her feelings.
"It is a nice offer. To live young and forever." Daphne mumbled. "I am really grateful for that. But I will have to leave my family behind. My parents will age and die while I will live forever. They will go to the afterlife, I assume there is an afterlife as we now know for sure that there are gods. I will lose my chance to ever see them again. I don't even know if Harry is considering granting Tori immortality. Actually, scratch that, I know Harry will grant her immortality. At least that is some comfort. There are seven slots. Me, you, Iris and Astoria already occupy four of them. So, three are still empty. Will I be happy living with three other people who I don't know at the moment, forever? There are so many questions that I need answers to before I agree."
Tracey hummed in approval.
"Same here. I will need to ask him some questions before I agree to his offer." Tracey said, already knowing that they both were going to accept Harry's offer, the chance to live together forever among friends was just too good to decline.
"We will ask him when he comes after his meeting with Tori." Daphne said with a hint of amusement, thinking how Astoria might react to his offer of immortality.
"He is coming." Iris whispered to Astoria. They both were sitting under a tree, beside the great lake. Astoria had explained to Iris her 'apology system' and informed her that Harry was already forgiven. Iris had then just giggled when she realised that Astoria was just giving Harry a hard time. It was a rare sight to see Harry all apologetic and nervous. Iris wasn't averse to seeing that side of Harry once in a while. Iris was also glad that Astoria understood why her and Harry had the strange relationship. Astoria didn't make much fuss about it.
"If you both are willing participants, then I don't see what the problem is." she had said, explaining her view of her and Harry's relationship. Hearing that increased her respect tenfold for her friend. Iris was glad to have such a great friend.
They both got ready to see how Harry would attempt to ask for forgiveness as he walked towards the tree. He stopped before them, giving Iris an affectionate smile and then looking at Astoria who was simply staring at him.
"Ta da!" Harry said, presenting a chocolate box to Astoria who raised her eyebrow in amusement as she accepted the chocolate. She promptly opened the box and began eating the chocolate with Iris.
"I am sorry for keeping you out of my secrets. I promise I will never do that again." he bowed politely. Astoria and Iris had a hard time controlling and hiding their laughter but they did succeed in the end.
"You think you can bribe me with chocolates?" she asked haughtily. Harry looked at their chocolate stained face and the mischievous gleam in their eyes and realised that he was already forgiven so he decided to play along.
"No? Then what do you need in exchange for your forgiveness?" he asked, sitting in front of them with crossed legs on the grass. Astoria put her finger on her chin, unintentionally smearing it with chocolate as she did the thinking pose.
Harry looked at Iris who was silently giggling at them. The scene made him smile genuinely. Harry had hoped that Astoria and Iris would build a strong friendship. And Seeing that coming true made him very happy. Iris deserved a true friend after all the loneliness she had been through in the orphanage.
"Share something with me and Iris that you haven't shared with Tracey and Daphne. Something they don't know about you right now. This way, I will be the first one to know your secret, it will assuage my wounded pride." Astoria said thoughtfully.
"Okay. I will tell you both a secret which I haven't yet told to Daphne and Tracey." he replied, tilting his head. He remained silent, thinking what to share when an excellent idea came to his mind. Iris and Astoria were leaning on their hands, watching him intently, expecting something interesting and they weren't disappointed when he revealed his secret.
Several things happened simultaneously in a few seconds. His hair grew and then the black turned into snow white, the height and the width of his body also expanded. He crouched on his hands and knees, a moment later, there was a white wolf in Harry's place.
The girls quickly scrambled back instinctively at seeing the dangerous animal, pressing their backs on the trunk of the tree, their wands in their hands, ready to fight and defend themselves.
"Whoa!" they exclaimed in fear and surprise. The wolf moved forward slowly so as not to scare them again. The Wolf's emerald eyes helped them to calm down a little and they restrained themselves from screaming for help or cursing the wolf to death.
"Harry?" Iris asked softly and moved her trembling hand forward to touch the wolf's head. The white wolf bowed his head as Iris ran her hand on his smooth fur. Astoria, encouraged by Iris's attempt, also ran her fingers through the white fur.
"Oh, Harry, you look so handsome. Can't you just remain in this form forever?" Astoria joked, hugging the Wolf's head and burying her face in its soft fur after realising that the wolf won't hurt them. Harry shook her off and jumped at them eliciting a scream from both as they were pinned under the Wolf's body.
"Harry!" Iris said reproachfully, but started giggling when Harry slobbered her with licks on her face. The wolf turned its head to Astoria who was looking both amused and disgusted.
"Harry, no, you are not licking me with that filthy mouth of yours." Astoria complained, trying to push the wolf off of her body but not succeeding due to its enormous weight.
"Harry!" she squealed when the Wolf's tongue was all over her face.
"Stop, stop. I said stop, stop doing that." she said between the giggles, the wet tongue tickling her face. Harry stepped back and turned back into his human form.
"So, how was my surprise?" he asked as he helped the girls to their feet.
"It was great until you slobbered all over my face." Astoria grumbled, waving her wand over her face and cleaning it. Iris laughed softly at how annoyed Astoria was as she also waved her wand, cleaning her face.
"Daphne and Tracey really don't know that you are an animagus?" Astoria questioned in wonder, not able to believe that he would keep that information from them.
"I just became an animagus yesterday and didn't have time or opportunity to tell them. Though I will of course tell them today." Harry said as he sat back under the tree, taking their place, propping his back on the trunk of the tree.
"Hey! That's my seat." Astoria grumbled and sat beside him where Iris was seated earlier. Astoria gave her an apologetic look for taking her place. Iris shrugged and dropped in Harry's lap promptly, hooking her one arm around his neck. Harry chuckled as he held her close in his arms, nuzzling her neck. Astoria looked around them to see if anyone was there and sighed in relief when no one was there. She shook her head at them. They should be more careful at how they interact with each other, no one will believe it was a normal sibling relationship between them after seeing Iris in Harry's lap and Harry kissing her all over the neck.
"So how long did it take you to become an animagus?" Astoria asked and tried to ignore the lustful gaze of Iris and her wandering hands on Harry.
"Actually, I didn't use the conventional method. I have been researching becoming an animagus since my first year and tried to develop an easier and faster way for it. I finally discovered a new way to become an animagus which only takes five minutes." Harry said proudly, his hand running through Iris's red hair absent-mindedly while Iris's head was pressed to his chest. Astoria's lips curved into an anticipatory smile as she opened her mouth to ask whether she would be able to become an animagus or not.
"Yes. I will make you both animagus right now." Harry laughed, already knowing her question and request.
"It will be so much fun." Iris said in wonder, rocking in Harry's lap in excitement. Harry stifled a moan as he felt her bum rubbing against his crotch, he picked her up and sat her beside him. She gave him an innocent look. He wasn't sure if she had done that intentionally or unintentionally before but seeing her pretend innocent look confirmed his suspicion. She was a naughty little minx.
"What happened big brother?" she asked with wide innocent eyes. Astoria wasn't sure whether she should laugh at Iris's antics or get scared at how eager and resilient she was to seduce her own brother.
"Little minx." Harry grumbled as he stood up and put his hands behind his back, getting into teacher mode. "So, this is how we are going to become animagus."
Ten minutes later, a white wolf was chasing a red female wolf while an exasperated Falcon flew over them. The white wolf caught up to the female red wolf and pounced on it, the red wolf yelped and fell on her side with the front paws of white wolf on her head, keeping her down. The red wolf turned into Iris and the white wolf turned into Harry. He was lying on top of her.
"And this is what you get for pulling my tail. Literally." Harry grinned, tickling her sides mercilessly. Iris laughed and struggled under him, trying to push him off.
"Harry… stop..I… was… just… playing." Iris said between the laughs. When he decided he had punished her enough, he stopped tickling her and helped her to her feet.
"That was cruel." she mumbled, rubbing her aching stomach. "Now you have to carry me on your back for that."
Harry gave her a deadpan look but melted when she mouthed please. He nodded in defeat. He was too soft on her. She jumped on his back with a beaming smile, her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and started humming a beautiful tune. He carried her back to the tree where Astoria was already sitting.
"So, you're done humping each other?" Astoria asked with a raised eyebrow, her lips curled into a smirk.
"Unfortunately, I didn't even get an opportunity to start." Iris grinned, jumping off Harry's back, patting Harry's bum.
"Was Iris always like this or is it your bad influence?" Astoria pondered out loud, looking at Harry.
"Whoa! She was always like this, I am the victim here. Some sympathy for me would be nice, luv." Harry said dramatically, waving his hand. Astoria rolled her eyes at them and stood up on her feet.
"Let's go to the castle. I have seen enough for today." Astoria announced, shaking her head.
"Sure." Harry agreed and they started walking towards the castle.
The Five were seated in the room of requirement. Harry, Daphne and Tracey were the only ones who knew why they were there. Astoria and Iris just knew that something very important was going to be discussed but not the intricate details.
"Why are we here?" Astoria asked from beside Iris, both sitting in front of them on a sofa. Harry was pressed between Daphne and Tracey on another sofa, thinking how to tell them about the offer.
"Harry here, wants to talk about something to you both." Daphne answered. She and Tracey exchanged glances, not knowing how Astoria would react, at least they both know that Iris will say yes in an instant, the offer of living with Harry forever was just too good to decline for the little sister.
"Oh, well, go on then. By the way did you tell them about our secret?" Astoria smirked, waving her hand around her and Iris when she said 'our secret'. Daphne raised her eyebrows curiously.
"What secret?" Tracey asked, beating her to the question. Astoria smiled smugly and changed into a beautiful falcon, she flew over and sat on Iris's shoulder, staring at the surprised duo.
"The fuck?" Daphne exclaimed, bewildered eliciting a snort from Harry.
"I wouldn't have used that word but yes, when did you become an animagus?" Tracey asked the falcon after giving a reprimanding look to Daphne who just grinned abashedly. The falcon flew back to its place and changed into Astoria again.
"Just a few hours ago. Just needed five minutes to learn how to be an animagus." Astoria shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but her superior smirk was enough for everybody to know how proud and pleased she was of her achievement. Daphne's jaw dropped at hearing how she just became an animagus in five minutes, that must be a record in centuries, scratch that, that must be THE record.
"Now, now, luv. Enough boasting." Harry rolled his eyes at Astoria, "I just discovered a new way to become an animagus which is easier, quicker and safer. Me and Iris are also animagi. Me, a white arctic wolf while Iris is a red wolf. I will make you animagus after we finish discussing the important matter for which we are gathered here and thanks to our lovely Astoria we haven't even started." Harry finished, sending a mock glare at Astoria who just scoffed.
"What is more important than my cool animagus form?" she asked, challenging him.
"How about Immortality?" Harry asked with a smirk, leaning back on the sofa. This brought a sudden silence, Iris and Astoria looking at him carefully to see if he was kidding or not.
"Tell me about this immortality, I am a bit interested." Astoria said casually, trying hard not to show how excited she was from the question. At one point in her life she hadn't seen herself living past 25 and now here Harry was basically asking her if she wanted to live forever, at least she hoped that he would ask her that later.
"So, it all started when Lady Magic…
At the end both Iris and Astoria were blown away by his story. She was a pureblood and hence has always been told that magic was sentient, we should respect it and worship it so she had no problem believing in Lady Magic or Lady Death or any other deities for that matter. She was just so surprised that Harry was the chosen one who would be crucial to safeguard Lady Magic's existence. That he was also dealing with Lady Death was interesting and bewildering.
"So you are saying that you want me, Iris, Daphne and Tracey to become immortal along with you? Am I getting it right?" Astoria asked.
"Yes. That is exactly what I am asking." Harry nodded.
"Can't you just make anyone immortal after becoming master of death? Are you sure you aren't getting a bad offer from Death? You will be her master, can't you just order her to make others immortal as well?" Iris asked flippantly. Daphne, Astoria and Tracey gasped as Iris basically insulted Lady Death. Harry meanwhile just smiled at her.
"No, I don't think that's how it works. You can't ask fire not to burn, you can't ask sun not to rise, you can't ask magic to be mundane and you can't ask death to not take life. Lady Death is death, her existence is based on death. I don't think the master of death position will grant me to stop the natural cycle. Being master of death will just give me tremendous power in the form of an elder wand, the ability to call upon spirits and the power to hide my soul from her, making me immortal. I think her offer is more appealing than the master of death bullshit. I don't need extra power, I don't need the ability to call upon the dead. If you guys are with me for forever then it will be the most amazing thing ever. So you can see why I am leaning towards Lady Death's offer." Harry explained his reasoning. Iris nodded in understanding as the others smiled at Harry for his kind words.
"Does anyone else have any questions?" Harry asked, looking at each of them.
"Yes. Earlier, me and Daphne had many questions but right now I just have two pressing questions. First question, how are you going to get the elder wand and the resurrection stone and last question, as I, Daphne, Iris and Astoria will be four of the seven who will be immortal then what of the remaining three positions? Do you have anyone else in mind?" Tracey asked, getting a nod of agreement from other girls.
"Actually, I don't think I need to go out and find the wand and the stone. They will naturally appear on their own when the time is right. We just have to be alert and aware of our surroundings to spot them. Still, if I don't have the wand and stone with me before the end of fourth year then I will have to take some heavy measures to find the hallows. But until then, don't worry about it. As for if I have someone in my mind for the empty three positions of immortality, no, I don't. They will remain empty until I find someone who I trust with my life before granting them Immortality." Harry explained as best as he could. Daphne frowned and rubbed her eyebrow.
"Just hear my suggestion. I think even if you find someone who you would want to give immortality to, it would be best if all of us: I, Tracey, Iris and Astoria have a say in it. That basically means if any of us don't agree with your decision to grant someone immortality then you can't." Daphne told him. It was Harry's turn to scowl, he didn't like that his decision could be vetoed.
"I mean, Daph is right. We will have to live with whoever you choose for forever. We wouldn't want someone who we don't like to join us." Tracey seconded the idea.
"Yes, they are right, brother. We wouldn't want to fight among ourselves for the rest of eternity." Iris joined them.
"Yes. We will be like a family, a united family. It won't be good if there is bitterness among the people." Astoria offered her view. Harry sighed, as he knew he couldn't go against them. He felt like they were ganging on him.
"Fine. If that's what you want." Harry agreed reluctantly.
"Yes." Daphne and Tracey said happily, squeezing him from both sides. Harry just chuckled, wrapping his arms around them, glad that he was able to clear things up.
Harry got into routine after that. Studying, duelling, practicing, making out with Daphne and Tracey, trying to keep Iris from going too far in seducing him and torturing Pettigrew in the shack took much of his time.
The third year came to an end and he enacted his plan. He teleported to the Shrieking Shack. Pettigrew was tied to a steel chair. His face was red, blue and black. His clothes were in tatters. Dried blood was everywhere on his body. Harry hadn't held back when he had unleashed his fury on Pettigrew. He had used every type of torture he could on him whether it be magical way or mundane way. Still he had taken proper care not to kill him or make him mad. Pettigrew needed to be sane before he confessed.
"Now, you are free Pettigrew. At least until I kill you." Harry whispered, removing the ropes. Peter was frozen at seeing Harry. His life had been a never ending nightmare since he was caught by his former friend's son. Harry was the constant in his dreams or when he was awake, always inflicting pain on him. Peter wasn't sure how he hadn't gone crazy from all the mind numbing pain.
"You will go to the DMLE and confess, setting Sirius free. Enjoy your brief reprieve." Harry smirked, touching Peter's forehead, making him forget about all the torture he had been through or the identity of the torturer, cleaning his body and healing some of his wounds, leaving a small amount of his Deus to cajole him to go to the ministry.
"See you soon, Peter." Harry said as he teleported back to Hogwarts.
Harry was roaming in the castle, searching for a particular girl when he came upon a scene of two sixth year Ravenclaws tormenting Luna. Harry sighed exasperatedly, still not understanding why she was acting weak when she was the most powerful witch in the school, still not at his level but powerful nonetheless. He didn't even understand why he was getting involved. Actually that was a lie. He was getting involved because he wasn't averse to getting a powerful ally.
"What is this stupid necklace?" a blonde girl asked with a sneer, ruining her beautiful face in Harry's opinion.
"Is this really made of vegetables?" the other black haired girl guffawed. Harry went past them not without spanking their arse lightly, getting a squeak of surprise from them and took the necklace from the blonde's hand. Their eyebrows climbed up when they realised who he was and they started blushing and glaring at him at the same time.
"Come on girls. Is this the way of treating your housemates?" he asked them, handing the weird necklace to Luna who nodded appreciatively. Harry felt like a total hypocrite, he had tortured, mutilated his housemates while here was speaking against bullying. Talk about irony.
"She is weird. She is a blackmark on the house Ravenclaw." The blonde said angrily, getting a nod from the dark haired witch.
"Well, can't deny that. But is her being weird gives you the right to bully her? Isn't it the same as Voldemort? He didn't like muggles or muggleborn so he started killing them. Are you going to kill Luna because you don't like her?" he asked, helping Luna to her feet. The girls looked annoyed that they didn't have a counter argument for that and were properly horrified to be compared to the darkest wizard of all time.
"That's different." the dark haired girl said meekly. Harry waved his hand impatiently, telling them the argument was already over.
"Let's just forget about it, okay? And you beautiful girls don't look good bullying little children." Harry smiled slyly, his eyes roaming over their bodies. The black haired girl blushed while the blonde laughed.
"Oh, then what activity do you think is proper for us 'beautiful girls'?" the blonde smirked. Harry's eyes fixed on hers as he stepped into her personal space, their robes almost touching each other.
"Do you really want to know?" he asked, his voice husky as he raised his hands and ran it over her sides, resting his hands on the curve of her waist. The blonde giggled as she stepped back, away from him and his grasp.
"Aren't you too young to be flirting with us or thinking about those things?" the blonde asked with amusement. Harry shrugged as he stepped back and stood beside Luna.
"Age is just a number. Won't you girls introduce yourself? I don't think I have the pleasure of knowing your names." Harry asked with a confident smirk.
"Annabelle White." the blonde said, presenting his hand. She was surprised when instead of shaking it, he took it in his and kissed her knuckles, finally making her blush. Harry smirked as if he won some challenge. He turned towards the dark haired beautiful girl.
"August baker." she said, blushing when he kissed her hand.
"Nice to meet you girls. I hope we meet in better circumstances next time and preferably in some isolated corridor." Harry grinned, pointedly staring at Annabelle's ample chest.
"Let's go, August. If we stay a little longer, he won't stop until we kiss him or something." Annabelle rolled her eyes at him, though she didn't exactly decline his offer and he could swear she blushed a little. August just stuttered in shock as she was led away by Annabelle who sent a seductive grin as a farewell.
"That went well." Harry chucked and turned towards Luna who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Were you here to help me or to flirt with them?" she asked.
"Both." he shrugged.
"So? Why did you help me?" Luna asked curiously. "If you just want a kiss then I can do that." Luna shrugged nonchalantly, pressing herself against him, cupping his cheeks. Harry was not exactly there for a kiss but why tell no to a kiss from a beautiful loli. Luna's lips met his with a soft sigh and then they remained that way for a few seconds, not moving a bit.
"What next? Do we just stay like this?" Luna mumbled on his lips. Harry couldn't help but start laughing as he stepped back, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
"That is not how one should kiss but I am not here for that. I just wanted to make it clear that I don't have any problems with you so I hope we are not against the opposite sides and at the end of each other's wands in future. Also, I also wanted you to start talking with Iris and Astoria, they are both in your year, aren't they?" he asked. Luna gave him an odd look.
"Well, of course. When did I say that you were my enemy? I won't use my powers on anyone if I have a choice. As for Astoria and Iris, yes, they are in my year. But I don't think they will like to hang out with me much." she finished in a vulnerable tone. Harry squeezed her shoulders sympathetically.
"Just try to talk to them. I think Iris and Astoria don't have enough friends of their age, that's why I asked you. Do me this as a favour." he said.
"How will you repay the favour?" she asked, crossing her arms and looking at him questionably.
"By teaching you how to properly kiss, of course." Harry grinned, trying to joke. A smile blossomed on Luna's face.
"That's brilliant. Teach me now." she said enthusiastically. Harry gave her a disbelieving look. He was feeling like he was taking advantage of her but then his own advice came into his mind, 'Why decline a kiss from a cute loli.'
He spent the next five minutes 'teaching' her the intricacies of a passionate kiss.
Harry and the girls were sitting in the train compartment heading towards London. Iris and Astoria were talking to each other about quidditch, as usual, while Harry and his two best friends were joking about how they ranked into the top three and about Hermione's face upon hearing how she ranked behind them again.
"It was a relatively calmer year than the previous two." Daphne said.
"Yeah. Except for the problem with Sirius Black and my rage at the Slytherin students, nothing else interesting happened." Harry said thoughtfully.
"Interesting, he says. A mass murderer and the rise of tyranny in Slytherin House is just 'interesting' in his books." Tracey said with a short laugh. Harry smiled as he recalled the content of yesterday's daily prophet announcing the innocence of Sirius Black and the arresting of Peter Pettigrew. His smile widened as he remembered Sirius's offer to him and Iris to stay at his place for the vacation. Harry had decided to just spend the half of the vacation at the Dursleys while the other half at Sirius's house. Harry had plans for himself and Iris in the muggle world.
He let out a humph when Iris dropped in his lap, her back pressed to his chest. It was becoming quite a regular thing, her jumping in his lap.
"Iris! The hell?" he groaned but did wrap his arms around her stomach to keep her firmly on his lap. Iris ignored his question and resumed her talk with Astoria. He looked around himself and found all the girls looking at him with amusement but no sympathy. Harry grumbled incoherently.