Harry Potter: Hydrus Black

Chapter 32: CHAPTER : 32

Ron had flunked out of Hogwarts right before Easter break. He was now being taught by his family. They were very strict on him, according to George, and punished him if he slacked. It was going to be a long time before the youngest male Weasley could take his NEWTs.

Ginny was being pulled from Hogwarts the following school year, due to the bullying and lack of funds. She and a few of her friends were going to be homeschooled with Ron. They were treated better than Ron, since they actually wanted to learn.

The youngest Weasley was still dating Dean Thomas, who, with her compassion and understanding, was doing much better. He now lived at the Burrow, bunking with Ron, since he parents died in the war. Dean was taking advantage of the non-magical education programs, and was hopeful in getting employment to help with the bills at the Burrow.

Molly had taken in several orphans. When the cost went up she allowed her older children to buy food and books, and sometimes letting them take her new charges to get second-hand clothes. Arthur still had his job at the Ministry, since no one wanted to take over his department. Because he was such an unassuming character, he was mostly overlooked.

Neville was taking his parents to America; he had heard they might be able to bring them out of their… illness. Augusta was reluctantly going with him. She could see the writing on the wall, but, she didn't want to leave her home country. It had taken many arguments between her and her grandson to get her to understand it was what was needed. Neville finally put his foot down and told her he was leaving with or without her, and he was taking his parents with him.

Luna was transferring to Beauxbatons for her final year of schooling. She made arrangements with Bill and Fleur to stay with them during her summer. They had gotten close during her stay at Shell Cottage, and she made sure to write them often. She would start her own newspaper when she graduated. Her father was staying in Britain for the time being. He would look into relocating if things got too bad for him. However, he wanted his little girl to be happy, so he reluctantly let her go.

It was with great pleasure that the young immortal received the news that Britain's Gringotts was closing. Even with the hike in interest they couldn't keep their doors open. They were threatening war if the Ministry didn't produce Harry Potter. he made sure there was no price on his head, if one should show, then he'd have to Obliviate Dung, he wasn't going to take the chance that the man would keep his secrets—vow or not.

With the local bank closing and their prejudice on foreigners, the Pure-bloods had to take their chances in keeping their fortunes in their homes. This gave the dark-haired wizard a thought on maybe stealing some of those riches, which meant more research. Thank Merlin for the World Wide Web, where you can find almost anything, even illegal stuff. He'd have to get George on these plans. He didn't trust his thief enough to bring him in, but, he might pick his brain for ideas.

Diagon and Knockturn Alleys were going to be hurting with this bit of news. Only places like the Leaky Cauldron and Ollivander's would survive, because they were one of a kind. On the other hand, shops like Madam Malkin's and Twilfitt and Tattings' it was more than likely that only one would stay open. Hydrus guessed it all depended on who could offer the better price or who would bow down to the Pure-bloods better. He hoped that Madam Malkin got a fresh start elsewhere, but then again, she was a main source of gossip in Diagon Alley, so maybe not.

The spirits that he had called were still haunting their murderers. You would see them tagging along after their victims in the Alleys. Hydrus still chuckled every time George or Fletcher told him the things those spirits would do and say. The Quibbler was still posting their stories.

The Wizengamot had dwindled down to thirty members as many of the neutral and light families washed their hands of the bigots and moved on to more understanding societies. Even Kingsley had resigned, since everything he tried was voted against. He moved to Africa to get closer to his roots. He was hoping to help the diseased and war-torn continent. Water, which was sorely needed, was easy for him to conjure.

The Pure-bloods made a fatal mistake. The like-minded people, that had been asked to come to Britain, went back to their home countries since the British looked down their noses at foreigners. Inbreeding will soon be more common and more squibs will be born. When they would finally realize they were dying out, it would be too late. Oh, Hydrus knew it would take years for the population to dwindle, but, he was satisfied that it would happen eventually. Let them be their own downfall.


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