Chapter 145: A Sister’s Confession
"Because he was right, Ronald. We took his money. We lied about him and to him. We cheated him and on him. We demanded he obey us and kowtow to us in everything no matter how right or wrong it was. We cut him off from any friends outside of ourselves doing our level best to ensure he would never have anyone other than us to turn to. Because we were using him for our benefit and outsiders would have told him we were. We acted like he was taking pay from us when reality was he was the one paying us."
"Still he didn't have to brand us. On our faces," Ron groused sticking his bottom lip out and crossing his arms on the tabletop.
Ginny shook her head. "I count myself lucky this rune is all he did to me. It helps that I know it'll go away one day. He could have done much worse to me than this."
Anger lit up Ron's eyes. "I'd have killed him if he'd tried," he growled.
"And you'd probably be dead if you tried," Ginny said bluntly. "Because I did accept coin to be his potential girl and then, even knowing that, I went and hooked up with other boys whom I found more attractive and better suited to me personally. At the same time, I continued to take his coin to be his potential girl. And chased off any girl I caught looking in his direction. Because I saw him as mine. My property. Something I owned that I could use or not use as I chose. But it was the other way around, Ron. I belonged to him. He didn't belong to me. And no. Not because I owe him a life debt. Because I took his coin to be his girl on standby. That made me his property to do with, and to, however he felt justified in doing."
"I never had the right to date other boys, Ron. Not from the second Dumbledore approached Mum and Dad and offered to pay me to be Harry's potential girl. Well, from the moment the offer was accepted anyway. And Ron, there was nothing respectable or honorable in that offer. I know we all thought it was at the time. But it wasn't because there was no contract for me attached to the offer."
"Huh? Mum and Dad think it was."
Ginny rolled her eyes. "No, Ron. It wasn't. If it had been an honorable or respectable offer, I'd have a betrothal contract with Harry. I don't because Dumbledore never had the authority to offer me one. He isn't Harry's legal guardian, Ron. And that opens a whole lot of can of worms between our family and Harry."
"Wait! You said you had to ask his permission to date someone because you were taking his coin. And I was taking it also. So I can't date anyone until I ask him first? Because I was taking his money to do things Dumbledore told me to do?"
"No Blockhead! You can date anyone you want so long as they'll have you. You were paid for a different reason than I was. I was paid to be his potential girl. That means I was on standby as a future girlfriend when he was ready to be seen with a girl. Maybe if I hadn't played him fast and loose, it would have turned into a marriage one day. But somehow I doubt that because I was paid . Guys of his future station can't be married to girls who took money to date them unless there is a betrothal contract stating how much money she'll be given during the courtship under it's terms . I had no such contract. So it was highly unlikely it ever would have gone as far as marriage."
"That's the difference in our world between what guys are allowed to do and what girls can do. The second I accepted the payment to be his potential girl, I was honor bound to refuse all other offers until my patron set me free of my obligation to him. If I had done so, I could have kept my honor intact. At that point, even if I wasn't a virgin any more, I still would've been able to make a respectable marriage connection for myself with the coin I had earned from him as my dowry. And chances are good I'd have found a decent guy to spend my life with because everyone knows the Weasely family is poor and barely scraps by with all our members. But I didn't. I played him for a fool instead."
"Yes, I could've asked him if I could date another boy while he didn't wish to have me on his arm. And he might even have said yes after setting down some rules for me so I wouldn't impinge on his honor while doing so. Considering he'd said repeatedly I didn't interest him at all, he'd have probably jumped at the chance to have me fall for some other guy. But even while I was dating those other boys, I was still taking his coin, Ron. And that's what makes me dating them so very wrong. I should have stopped taking his money when I decided I didn't want to be his girl on standby any longer. I didn't."
"No matter how you slice it, that's wrong. I knew and I didn't care because I thought he didn't know. And what he didn't know wouldn't hurt me. Yet when Neville asked me to go to the Ball with him I went straight to Harry and got his permission first. I had already gone on more than a few dates with Michael at that time without asking Harry. But for Neville, I asked first. What does that tell you Ron? It tells me I knew I had to ask before being seen in public on another guys arm. Yet I never asked him if I could date Michael. Either before the Ball or after."
Ron frowned. "Wait if you were dating Michael before the Ball, why'd you want to go with Nev?"
"Michael and I had gotten into a fight about Harry and whether or not he knew I was supposed to be his girl. I said Harry didn't know and Michael claimed he did. he was certain Harry knew and I wouldn't believe him because even then I knew what I was doing was wrong. So we broke up.
"Neville's almost as rich as Harry and I don't know. I guess I was thinking if there was a chance I couldn't get Harry as my future husband, Neville wasn't a bad second choice, you know? So when he asked, I wanted to accept. It got my foot in the door. Got him to see me as a potential future bride. But I had to do things right with Neville because he wasn't like Michael. Neville's just as highborn as Harry is. He has a station in this world he'll assume as soon as he turns seventeen just as Harry does and will. Michael doesn't. So I went to Harry first for permission to be seen in public on Neville's arm."
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