Harry potter : Forgotten Lord

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: A Darklord II

She wondered for a moment if Harry got caught, he was the reason she was here in the first place. She decided to hand herself in and hope that she got a lesser punishment for surrendering herself willingly.


Coming out from behind the shelves, she saw two red flashes come out of the darkness and hit the caretaker and his cat in the back, causing them to topple over, obviously stunned. Harry appeared out of thin air a moment later, walking towards her, carefully stepping over the stunned caretaker and his cat like it was nothing.

His hood was currently up, covering his face; its shadows covered his eyes, only allowing for his lower jaw to be seen, which gave him a rather sinister look she thought, albeit kind of sexy and mysterious. Pulling his hood down, revealing the rest of his face, he casually surveyed the scene.

"I've wanted to do that for a while," he noted aloud, whilst looking down at the stunned caretaker, his wand pointed towards the floor before looking back at her. "Did he see you?"

The first thing she wanted to do was tell him off for attacking a member of the staff. She stopped a second later, however, when it suddenly occurred to her that as a first year he had just cast two stunners, which were 3rd year spells. They were even cast silently! Which was a NEWT level skill. "No, he didn't." She answered, remembering his question after a few moments of intense thought.

"Good, take this," Harry ordered, giving Penny his loot sack, before floating the stunned man and his cat back towards the man's office with a simple, but powerful levitation spell. Following behind him, she wondered what he was going to do as they reached the caretaker's office,

"Harry, what are you doing?" she asked cautiously, watching as he floated the caretaker into the office and dumping him into the chair behind his desk.

"Covering our asses, just watch," he explained, before repositioning the man in the chair and placing his cat on the caretaker's lap, in such a way that looked like the man had simply fallen asleep, rather than intentionally stunned. After doing this he turned to her. "Pass me that firewhisky you found earlier."

She reached into her loot sack and pulled out the bottle of firewhisky, watching with interest as Harry then carefully poured some down the caretaker's throat while getting the man to swallow, then poured some more over the man's face and ragged clothing. This caused her to suddenly catch on to what he was doing; he was making it look like the caretaker had simply fallen asleep from drinking too much. Even if he reported a possible person in his storage room, who would believe him if they thought he had been drinking?

He then placed the other half of the once full bottle on the desk, and one of the shot glasses she had found earlier during her raiding. The glass was then partly filled up so it was less than half full, giving the impression of the glass having been used.

It soon looked like the caretaker had simply returned from his duties and had fallen asleep after drinking just a bit too much of the powerful whisky. Picking up the caretaker keys, she relocked the door to the storeroom, before placing them back on the key rack, where they had been earlier that evening, doing her best to make the office seem undisturbed.

"Ready?" Harry asked, having recast the earlier charms on them.

"Just a second," she replied, feeling far more calm about the whole affair. On her second attempt she successfully cast the disillusionment charm on herself, making her feel better that the spell was getting easier to cast, before she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Harry then pulled his hood up, before once again activating the cloak's magic and totally disappearing from sight. He then gently started to guide her back the way they original came.


Everything had gone as he planned, well, mostly. He and his beloved Fawkes had flashed into the chess room where he immediately began treating the injured with pain numbing charms and other temporary fixes, at least until they could get them to the hospital wing. He did this all the while listening to Ms. Granger's report about what happened, and explaining why they had broken the school rules, which he found a bit amusing and very endearing.

He also sent Fawkes away with a note to Minerva telling her to rally the teachers and secure all exits around the school, before coming here to help deal with her heroic, but rather emotional lions. During all of this, one of his rings glowed warm.

The ring had been charmed to heat up whenever Neville was injured, as he couldn't carry around all his normal monitoring equipment all of the time. This alert caused him to cut off the young lioness' report and make a quick run to the final defense room, ignoring the corpses of the trolls along the way. That he could still run that fast at his old age surprised the young students; who would ever have imagined that he could still sprint at the grand age old of 143 years.

All he could say was, or wouldn't in this instance, was that it was the by-product of taking a weekly dose of Phoenix tears. This regimen gave him some wonderful health benefits, and otherwise kept him fit and healthy. Freely given phoenix tears being so ridiculously expensive to acquire meant that this was something near impossible for anyone else to do, unless they had a phoenix familiar willing to give them up.

Reaching the final room, he saw that Quirrell's unmoving body was slowly turning to ash before him, with Neville lying unconscious on the floor near him. He paused for a second, idly noting the eerie similarities to the night that Lord Voldemort had been temporarily defeated just over a decade ago.

Some quick diagnostic charms on the unconscious boy revealed that his magical core was low, but not dangerously low. However, out the corner of his eye he saw a dark mist-like fog rising sinisterly from the ash that had once been a body. It coalesced into a human like shape, then suddenly charged him with an unearthly scream.

Side stepping the shade's charge, which he now recognised as Tom's, due to the extremely familiar magical signature, he wondered why the wards weren't activating and trapping this spirit as he had planned. This trail of thought broke off when instead of charging for him once again the shade suddenly lurched itself at Neville, clearly hoping to finish the boy off now, whilst he wasn't able to defend himself.

Pulling all of his positive memories together with occlumency, recalling wonderful memories of his youth, the times he had shared drinking and laughing with his friends, celebrating, he shaped all this positive energy to his will and summoned his Patronus in the path of the charging shade.

Upon contact with his bright white phoenix Patronus, the Shade of Tom screamed an unholy howl of pain, the extremely powerful white magic repelling the dark spirit and doing it harm. It quickly fled through the school's stonework.

His first thoughts after the short battle was why didn't his trap work? He dismissed these thoughts as irrelevant for the moment and decided to focus on getting Neville and the other first years to infirmary for treatment.

An in depth examination of his trap could wait until he was sure that everyone was safe and being treated. The last thing he needed was for one of them to die on him now, after it was all over and nothing would be gained from their deaths.

Levitating the unconscious boy with him back through the series of rooms to where he had left the other students, he quickly explained that Neville was just unconscious and should be perfectly fine, that he just needed a couple of days to rest peacefully in the hospital wing.

Just as all this happened, Minerva arrived accompanied by Severus and Filius, who both had their wands at the ready, their cheeks red and puffy.

He looked them over, "I think questions can wait until everyone has been treated," he voiced, hoping to cut off any probing questions until they could talk in private well away from the first years, before asking Fawkes to take him and Neville to the Hospital Wing, leaving the other less injured children in the care of his staff.


Slowly opening his misty eyes, he found himself looking up at a stone ceiling, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light in the room. His head was positively aching, banging away.

Feeling a weight on his chest caused him to look down, and faintly made out some blonde hair. 'Now, that's odd,' he thought. He pondered for a moment before his still sleepy mind recognized the pretty blonde hair as being Penny's. Every instinct of his was to jerk upwards, but he stopped himself and started taking some calming breaths, trying to clear his head.

It took several minutes for his head to clear; even then it was still painfully throbbing away. Looking back down at the sleeping Penny, he saw that she was still fully dressed, but had buried herself into his chest, cuddling him while she slept like an oversized teddy bear.

Trying to remember what had happened, he pulled up the memories of the night before. Everything was perfectly clear for the most part, sneaking out, raiding, stunning the caretaker and his cat, and the satisfaction he felt at stunning the annoying man.

The memories only started to get foggy after they had both returned to his room and took out some firewhisky to celebrate their success, as neither one of them could sleep from the rush of almost being caught whilst returning to their dorms.

After the second glassful, that's when his memories started to get foggy, to the point where he couldn't remember much at all. Obviously it was the effects of the fire whiskey.

It seemed that alcohol had an effect on memories, even clouding them from the magic of the mind arts, something which wasn't mentioned in any of the books he had read. Looking back down at Penny, he realized that there were worse ways to wake up then with a beautiful, older girl.

After all, he spent most of his childhood waking up at the crack of dawn in a small cupboard, or with his relatives screaming at him, or by waking up naked in the case of Tonks' prank. So waking up to the sight of Penny cuddling him, in the comfort of his room and bed, was on the higher end of his list of ways to wake up.

Trying to decide what to do, he reached for his wand and cast a quick charm to see what the time was. It was just past eight o'clock in the morning, so breakfast was well under way, and he had just under an hour to get himself sorted out and dressed before he had to head to his lessons.

Deciding he needed to get moving, he steeled himself to wake Penny up. He recalled that she had a potions class to get to today and would be rather displeased that he didn't wake her up.

Running his hand gently through her hair resulted in her giving a faint moan. When a few attempts with that method failed he gave her a slight shake, still trying to wake her up gently. His efforts only got him a sleepy request for "ten more minutes." He then gave her another, slightly more forceful shake, which caused Penny to look up with her own foggy eyes.

"Time to get up sunshine," he said with a light smile. This and the fact that she was looking at him in confusion seemed to trigger a response and for her to literally jump off the bed, only to trip over one of her own discarded shoes, before landing squarely on her ass.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. He had had the same instincts minutes earlier. Seeing that his friend was indeed awake, he merely wished her a "Good morning."


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