HARRY POTTER :flash forward.

Chapter 191: CH 191

"Because Hermione's muggleborn and they believe you can only be married by a ceremony," explained Daphne.

Though they knew that wasn't true - there were registry weddings, after all - both Harry and Hermione knew it would only confuse the two pureblood witches sitting opposite if they mentioned it.

After Astoria spent some more time with them, the four then headed down to dinner, separating as they walked in through the doors to the Great Hall.

By the time they were ready to set up the ward outside the Ravenclaw entrance, Professor Flitwick had properly introduced them to three of the seventh year 'Claws who were studying Ancient Runes.

"I'd like you to accept their assistance in carving the runes for you, as I know it takes you a while to accomplish that," explained the Professor.

He'd received no argument from the three and Luna; so, after showing them what they were going to do, the three older 'Claws were eagerly involved.

Instead of the project then taking a couple days to carve the runes spread across a couple hours each afternoon, they were all done in the one. Other 'Claws, wondering what they were up to, even offered to help to rest those who were working once it was explained to them.

The next morning, the wards were tested and found to be working just as well as the one they'd set up outside their apartment.

"That's just brilliant!" exclaimed one of the original seventh years when they were demonstrating its effectiveness. "I wonder what else we can add."

"Add?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah, this means our younger years are now protected," the older 'Claw explained. "In years past, we've had some of our younger years ambushed by Slytherins, even up here. I'm sure there's more that can be done to protect them." "I don't think there's more we could add," said Daphne.

Though it was nice to set up something to keep the younger years safe, the main bonus of the project was that Luna, once word passed through all the other 'Claws about what had been designed and implemented, was now a fully accepted Ravenclaw.

Those who had been the main instigators of the bullying she'd received were now firmly on the outs with the other 'Claws, and Luna began making friends within her own House. She even had some of the older years approach her about her knowledge of runes and worked with her.

From those discussions they also discovered she was pretty close to being a prodigy in Arithmancy, just like her mother before her. On the Friday Tracey, Horace, Blaise, Neville and Hannah all eagerly attended the three's apartment. And the three then informed them about their magical marriage.

"I'm surprised it took you this long," drawled Horace.

"We knew not to rush it," explained Hermione. "It took as long as it did because it needed to."

"However, even though we're now married by magic, we still want to hold a wedding," said Harry. "That will take place during summer, in August."

"Oh, I love weddings," said Tracey.

"I'm glad," smirked Daphne. "Because I want you to stand with me as my Bridesmaid."

With squeal, Tracey almost dived on top of Daphne, enveloping her in a huge hug while pretty much insanely cackling.

"And Neville," said Harry, turning his amused expression on his ex-dorm mate. "Start thinking about what you need to do as Best Man. You'll be standing with me."

Shocked to his core, Neville sat gaping for a few moments before he finally said, "Errr... yes. I mean... thank you, Harry; I'm honoured."

"I'll be asking Luna to be mine," said Hermione. "As I haven't, yet, please don't talk to her about it until I've had a chance to ask her."

With grinning nods, the others agreed. "How will you do it?" Tracey suddenly asked. "I mean, there're three of you..."

"Ah," said Harry. "Hermione's and Daphne's mothers are planning all that out. My idea is for the three of us to stand together, in a triangle, facing each other. The difficult part will be, where do we stand the Druid? And those who stand with us?"

"Let the mothers figure it out," said Blaise. "I'm sure they will."

A few days later, Daphne asked, "Harry, have you heard anything more about that Order of Merlin Chief Interrogator Fitzwilliam ordered the Minister to award you? And forgot to tell us?" "No," he replied. "I just thought these sorts of things took time."

"Not that much time," she half growled. "You think the Minister is trying to block it?" asked Hermione.

"Someone is," replied Daphne.

"If someone is," said Harry. "My money would be on the Minister... or Umbridge... or Malfoy... or Dumbledore... Damn, there's just too many who would try to."

"I'll write my father..." began Daphne, before Hermione interrupted.

"No, write Madam Longbottom," she suggested. "It's time to put the alliance to work." With a nod of her head, Daphne said to Hermione, "It would also be better to come from either mine or your hand. It would look... gauche... if it came direct from Harry. Coming from me, on the other hand, I'm simply a wife concerned my husband is being denied something that is rightfully his."

"You know it doesn't bother me..." tried Harry.

"It bothers me," Daphne shot back.

"And me," huffed Hermione.

Turning to Harry she said, "Mister Fitzwilliam was right. You deserve one, Harry. This is something you accomplished. So, it's something you can be proud of."

Looking from her to Daphne and back, he nodded in acceptance. "You're right," he said. "Alright, do it."

Daphne quickly pulled a spare sheet of parchment across and penned a letter to Madam Longbottom for the Wizengamot member to investigate on their behalf."

Hedwig left with the letter a short while later.


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