Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 178 George, you let me down...

Chapter 178 George, You Let Me Down Too Much
"David, are you okay?"

As soon as Professor McGonagall left, Hermione and the others pushed aside the crowd and walked to David.

"It's alright."

After David finished speaking, he suddenly found that the expressions of Hermione and the others were not quite right. Their words seemed to be asking if he was not hurt by the fire dragon, but something else?
"What's the matter with you? Are you hiding something from me?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other for a moment, Harry pushed Ron with the hand hidden behind his back.

Ron couldn't help but take a step forward, standing in front of several people.

"Ron?" David blinked.

"Ahem." Ron quietly slapped Harry with his hands behind his back, and smiled awkwardly, "The thing is, not long after you left, Professor McGonagall found us, and she asked us where you were .”

"Of course." Ron showed a simple look, "We were planning to die rather than tell at the beginning, but"

"But how?"

"But...Professor McGonagall said you might be in danger, we told her right away, and Snape accidentally overheard you."

Ron drooped his eyebrows and said out of breath.

"Anything else?" David said.


Harry and the others stared at the cracks in the floor, looking depressed.

Although the starting point of their approach is good, they are afraid that David will be hurt, but in the final analysis, they still betrayed their friends.

Looking at their appearance, David couldn't help but think of the cat at home who sat cross-legged in front of Tina obediently after scratching the sofa, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you. Besides, she is Professor McGonagall. Few people can lie in front of her, and I can't." David said with a smile, "And I also believe in you. You will definitely keep a secret for me when you are here."

Harry and the others breathed a sigh of relief quietly. When they saw Snape trouble David, their hearts were hanging in their throats.

It wasn't until Professor McGonagall came forward to rescue David that they felt a little relieved.

"David, what are you doing up front?"

Fred said that there were many Gryffindor students surrounding him behind him.

"That's right, how could you not tell your two capable generals!" George said pretending to be dissatisfied.

David shook his head, sighed, ignored them, but looked at the people around him: "What's the matter?"

"We want to say thank you!"

Katie Bell said heartily that when David first came to school, she took David to Professor McGonagall's office.

"If it weren't for you, we might still be buried under the rubble!" Wood said.

"Yes, at that time I was lying on the bed reading a book, and I was engrossed in reading it. I felt the bed shaking for a while, and when I looked up, I saw a big rock falling down. I thought I died so young. It's okay. A house-elf showed up just in time to save me."

Recalling that scene, Lee Jordan still has lingering fear on his face.

"Is your book serious?"

Someone in the crowd spoke quietly.

The surroundings were quiet for a while, and everyone let out strange laughter that understood.

Lee Jordan was stunned, and hurriedly said loudly angrily: "I read "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft", a serious book, very serious!"

"Well, we know you're reading a serious book."

Someone squeezed his throat and said, the last few words were still dragged on for a long time.

"Who is it?" Lee Jordan glanced across the crowd, and when he moved near David, he jumped up, "It really is you! Fred!"

"not me"

Fred squeezed his throat and said something strange again, and ran away with George.

"You two, stop for me!"

Lee Jordan squeezed away the crowd, roared and chased after him.

"What are they laughing at?" Looking at Fred who was chasing away and the crowd still laughing around, Hermione asked in a low voice with a puzzled face, "Is there anything wrong with books? What is that?" like?"

The smile on David's face disappeared in an instant, and he said solemnly: "I don't know either, the devil knows what they are talking about all day."

"Really?" Hermione raised her eyebrows and glanced suspiciously at David.

"Of course!" David said angrily, and hurriedly changed the topic, "Are you going to the kitchen later? I haven't eaten enough yet, and I need to thank the house elves."

"Well, let's go together."

Hermione thought for a moment and said.

After the crowd dispersed, David led Hermione and the others down the stairs leading to the basement level with ease, and arrived at the door carved with a fruit plate.

After making Riko laugh, David held the green doorknob, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Oh, Mr. David Scamander, here you come."

The house-elves in the kitchen immediately stopped what they were doing and immediately surrounded David. Those who were late even put their toes on their toes so that David could see him.

David looked around with a smile and said sincerely: "Thank you today, if it weren't for you, some students would definitely be injured."

After speaking, David bowed to the house-elf from left to right, and Hermione and the others hurriedly followed suit.

"Oh, oh, no, no, we're just doing your job, you're our friend, you don't have to!"

The house-elves seemed to have exploded and panicked, their eyes glistening with tears, their hands and feet flailing about in bewilderment.

For their behavior, David has seen it several times, and he has a plan to deal with it.

"Can you prepare a dinner for me? I haven't had enough in the afternoon." David said with a smile.

"Of course, soon."

The house elf quickly calmed down after hearing the request, and quickly returned to his post.

Hermione looked around her surroundings and whispered, "Have they been here all this time? They make everything we eat?"

"Well, almost."

David walked over to his usual seat and sat down.

A trace of strangeness appeared on Hermione's face: "The students at Hogwarts don't seem to know them?"

David tilted his head and thought for a while: "Almost all children born in wizarding families know about them. For others, only Hufflepuff students know a little more."

Hermione frowned: "Then do they wear clothes like this every day? Do they have holidays? Do they get paid?"

Sensing that Hermione's tone was not right, David took out his wand and sealed the surroundings to prevent the sound of their conversation from reaching the ears of the house-elf.

"You want to change their lives?" David asked.

"Shouldn't it be changed?" Hermione asked back, and said indignantly, "They work so hard every day, and still live in such an environment, wearing tattered pillowcases."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"They deserve wages, vacations, a life of their own, and everyone at Hogwarts should know them and appreciate them!" Hermione said immediately.

"I think the latter part of what you said is good, but the former part may be a bit too hasty."


"Have you ever known house-elves before?" David asked.

Hermione shook her head slowly.

David said: "My grandfather worked in the house elf resettlement office for two years when he just graduated. He did some in-depth research on them. I still have information about them on the bookcase at home. I have also read a lot carefully and got a little information from it. For house elves, their greatest creed is to serve humans."

"What about Dobby?"

"He is a relatively special individual in this group." David said, "You can't use him to represent everyone, just like there is a Voldemort among wizards, but it doesn't mean that everyone is Voldemort."


Seeing that Hermione was still somewhat aggrieved, David went on to say, "My grandfather also wanted to improve their situation before in-depth research, but in the end it didn't change much. Do you know why?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows, motioning for David to continue.

"On the one hand, it is the inherent concept of wizards. They subconsciously believe that house-elves are born to serve them. Ron can testify to this."

Ron was stunned with a melon-eating expression on his face, and nodded quickly.

"But that's not the point. The most important thing is the inner thoughts of the house-elves. They themselves feel that they are the slaves of the wizards. It is their vocation to serve the wizards. If you want to change all this, they will be cruel to you. , hate you, because what you say is a disgrace to them."

Hermione had a look of astonishment on her face.

David sighed and continued: "The creed of serving wizards has been engraved into their bones. If you change them on the spur of the moment, you will only kill them."

"Then we don't do anything?" said Hermione.

"Of course not," David said with a smile. "We can let more people know about them, and slowly and unobtrusively change people's perception of house-elves and make them treat them well."

"For example, write a novel based on their prototype, make a play, etc., just like Lockhart. After his book was published, some people felt that vampires and werewolves were not so difficult to accept, and he did a good job. things, even though it wasn't his intention."

"If you can become the Minister of Magic in the future, you can try to include the prohibition of cruelty to house elves in the law. Of course, there will be great resistance. My grandfather failed at that time."

David breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Now, what we can do is to let the people around us respect them first, and then guide others to respect them. Remember to guide, not force, otherwise not many people will listen. your.""

"Just like today, when the house elves saved the Gryffindor students, they will definitely have some good feelings for the house elves. If you guide them slowly, their attitude towards the house elves will be better."

"If the water keeps flowing, you will empty people's patience all at once, and they won't talk to you."

Hermione sat on the chair with her head down, muffled and silent.

"When most house-elves are used to being treated as equals, they will rise up and resist if someone mistreats them, and more Dobby will appear. You guide them to see the candlelight, and they will slowly become Longing for the sunshine."

After David finished speaking, the house elves had prepared food and brought it around them.

David lifted the surrounding barriers, took the food with a smile and put it on the table, and said to Hermione: "The most respectful thing they do now is to eat all these things!"

Upon hearing David's words, Harry, Ron, and Neville were shocked, and quickly stretched their paws towards the delicious food on the table.

Although they have already eaten in the afternoon, as long as the food is delicious enough, they will create another stomach, which is also a kind of magic.

Hermione stared at the steaming things on the table for a moment, then reached for a piece of pie and began to chew.

David smiled, and Harry and the others started scrambling to eat what was on the table.

Seeing David and the others eating so happily, the house elf smiled.

When they were done, Hermione thanked the house-elf very solemnly, and they panicked again.

Seeing this scene, Hermione suddenly felt that what David said made a little sense, and she was going to go back and think about what to do.

The next morning, the sun had just chased the moon down.

Fred and George hurried to David's dormitory, whispering in his ear.

"What's wrong?" David said sleepily.

"It's okay, David, you can continue to sleep, we are not in a hurry." Fred leaned aside and said in a low voice.

"Yes, isn't it the acromantula? We are not in a hurry." George looked at David anxiously.

David smiled helplessly: "Go outside as soon as you wake up Ron and Harry!"

"No problem!" Fred was full of energy in an instant, and ran to Ron's bed excitedly.

David closed his eyes and squinted for a while, then yawned. When he got up, Fred had already grabbed Ron and the others and sat them down.

It's just that Harry's head was still nodding down, full of sleepiness.

After washing up, David led them to the girls' bathroom.

Surprisingly, Myrtle was not in there today, wandering somewhere.

After the incantation was finished and the pool began to shake, Fred and George immediately took a step forward slowly with interest, observing its changes with wide eyes.

"This is really cool!" Fred looked at the dark pipes exposed after the pool disappeared, "Are we going down here?"

"Yes, I'll go ahead, just wait for a while and slide down."

David patted Fred on the shoulder, took a step forward, and fell down quickly as if he were on a slide.

Near the bottom, David was so proficient that he flew into the air, and then remembered to shout: "Be careful, remember to use the floating spell to float yourself after seeing the exit."


As soon as Fred finished speaking, there was a bang in the passage, and he fell straight into the mud.

Fred lay dizzy in the mud for a moment, and cheers came from behind him, and he quickly moved away silently.

George followed Fred's footsteps and landed where he had just been.

Fred had already used a spell to remove the stains on his body at this time. He walked up to George with a face full of disgust, sighed and said, "George, you have let me down so much."

 The plot of the house elf hesitated a few times, but it was left behind, and there will be no similar plots in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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