Chapter 82: Team Announcements
Harry nodded his assent to Ron and turned to the group of beaters as Ron and Katie took the chasers and keepers into the air. Ginny shot him a grin as he briefly caught her eye before she took off after her brother
Harry had the five beaters all introduce themselves. They took their bats up into the air and he had them just beat a bludger back and forth between each other. One of the five clearly lacked the hand eye coordination to make the cut. The other four seemed to be able to handle the simple activity without any trouble. He eventually had them start shooting at targets, and by targets Harry ended up meaning himself. He had them all take turns hitting bludgers at him as he raced around the pitch. In the end, Harry decided that there really wasn't anyone better than Kirke and Sloper from the year before. Pritchett, a fourth year boy, would make a decent reserve.
After sending the beaters down to the ground, Harry went over to see how Ron and Katie were doing. Ron was keeping against the chaser hopefuls, so Harry flew up next to Katie as she observed. Harry watched as each chaser in turn tried to score against Ron. Ginny, Harry noted with some satisfaction, was by far the best of the bunch. Her flying was top notch, despite the old broom she was riding. Her turns and fakes were sharp, and her accuracy was spot on. Ron blocked a fair few of her shots, but she got a majority of them in.
There was another girl who Harry thought might be in Ginny's year who seemed to be faring pretty well. A boy who couldn't have been more than a 3rd year, in Harry's estimation anyway, showed some promise as well. Harry continued to watch until all the chasers had taken their shots. Ron flew over to them and asked Harry, "How'd it go with the beaters?"
"Alright, I guess," Harry told his friend with a shrug. "Much as I hate to say it, Kirke and Sloper are the best we've got. The Pritchett kid will make a decent reserve."
"Fair enough," Ron said. "What did you guys think about the chasers?"
Katie spoke up first. "Ginny was by far the best. She'll take one starting spot. The other one is a toss up between Nate and Stephanie. Whichever doesn't get the job plus Dan should be offered reserves."
Harry asked who Stephanie, Nate and Dan were before adding his own comments. "I definitely agree about Ginny. Based on what I saw, I'd say Stephanie for the last starting spot. But I agree with Nate and Dan as reserves."
Ron nodded his agreement. "I agree with you guys. We can name Stephanie as a starter for now, but we can always change it later if we decide Nate is better. Let's go down and tell them the news, then have the keepers block against our three chasers." Katie and Harry nodded, and the three descended to the ground where all the hopefuls were gathered.
"Alright," Ron started. "We've made our decision on beaters and chasers. Our starting beaters will be Kirke and Sloper, and our reserve will be Pritchett." The two starters shared a high five with each other, then cuffed the other boy who would be playing behind them on his shoulders. "Our starting chasers are as follows: Katie Bell, Ginny Weasley, and Stephanie Owens. For reserve chasers we have Nate Torrent and Dan Hopkins. Keep in mind that just because you are a starter or a reserve now does not guarantee that you will stay that way all season. I will always play the best player in each position."
"Thank you to all of you who have tried out for both chaser and beater. We only have the reserve keeper spot to fill. Anyone on the team must stay until the end of tryouts. The rest of you are welcome to stay or go, whatever you'd like. Thanks again for trying out. Now if my three starting chasers would please take to the air, we can begin having our keepers blocking goals."
Harry and Ron both watched from up in the air as the three keepers were each put through the paces by the chasers. The choice wasn't very difficult, as one of the three had clearly blocked more goals than the other two. So Kyle Stevens was chosen as the reserve beater. Ron thanked the other two for trying out as they descended to the ground. He called together all of the players he had given spots on the team to make some announcements. He told them all that he had yet to put together a practice schedule and that he would let them all know as soon as he booked the pitch. With that taken care of, the group all headed back to the castle.
The rest of the weekend flew by relatively quickly. Harry got a lot of reading done and snuck away to train whenever he could manage it. He found his nightly sessions with Sirius shortening in length and focusing less on dueling. His godfather just couldn't quite keep up with Harry very well any more. Harry used that time to try out some new spells and just to talk to his godfather. He would tell the man about his day and everything that happened to him. Sirius would return with some stories from his own days at Hogwarts with his father and Remus and Peter. He usually downplayed Peter's role in all of the stories, but Harry didn't mind. It's not like he really wanted to think about the man who had betrayed his parents and sent him to his death.
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