Chapter 56: When Magic Meets Logic (V) (CH - 76)
The word "galaxy" was something the young witches and wizards at Hogwarts rarely came across. Even in their Astronomy lessons, the focus was on the movements of nearby planets, the phases of the moon, and the magical influence of the stars.
Planets, stars, and even constellations with their mythological names were studied more for their links to magical rituals, prophecy, or historical significance than for any real understanding of scientific ideas like distance or size.
So, when it came to grasping the scale of what lay beyond the solar system—or rather, not even the solar system but simply beyond Earth's atmosphere—their understanding could be considered practically nonexistent.
Now, standing in wonder as they gazed at the vast, sprawling beauty of the Milky Way, the word "vast" had truly come to life for them.
They had left Earth behind, passing the moon, the planets, the sun, and even other suns. They had learned facts that stretched the limits of their minds—distances so vast they were almost impossible to grasp, and sizes so enormous they felt unreal.
What they saw wasn't just images or lines from a textbook—it was something they had witnessed and experienced as a journey, step by step.
For the first time, they truly understood how big the universe was—how complex, how beautiful, and how unbelievably vast it could be.
While the students were still processing everything, the adults who were more collected, took the moment to clear up some of the thoughts running through their minds. Needless to say, the four professors were just as impressed as the students by everything they had seen.
Moreover, they all agreed that the class had been one of the most enlightening experiences of their lives. Even Dumbledore, with all his centuries of accumulated wisdom, admitted that much of what Maverick had shared was entirely new to him.
Before long, the students turned their attention back to him, eager for more. However, Maverick had no intention of continuing beyond what he had already shown them. He believed that what they had seen was enough to make them think differently about science and its possibilities.
"I know you're all eager to see more," he said, "but unfortunately, this is where we'll end the demonstration for today."
The students' faces fell, and a few hands shot up, but he gently stopped them. "If your questions are about what you've seen today, you're welcome to join the next Muggle Science class. I'll answer them then."
He glanced around at their eager faces. "But before we finish, I want to revisit the main point of today's lesson."
The room fell silent.
"First, come closer," he instructed, beckoning the students toward him as he prepared to undo the transfiguration.
Then, with a snap of his fingers, the desks, chairs, and inclined floor smoothly returned to their original state, noiselessly and seamlessly within moments.
With a dramatic final clap of his hands, and as the sound echoed, the students watched in astonishment as their perspective rippled and dissolved like smoke, fading away until they were back in their familiar classroom.
"Without realizing it, you've all been standing and enjoying the lesson with me for nearly an hour," he said with a small chuckle, seeing their dazed expressions. "So, please, take your seats first."
The students spread out across the classroom and settled into their seats, though their faces showed reluctance as they realized the entertaining lesson had come to an end.
"Now, at the start of the lesson, I explained what science is, and I'd like to end with the same idea. But this time, I'm sure you'll understand it better."
Maverick spoke, looking at the faces turned toward him with undivided attention.
"We've learned today that science is all about understanding everything happening around us," he began. "We've seen examples right here, like why an apple falls from a tree instead of floating up, and examples farther away, like why the moon orbits our world instead of crashing into it."
"We've also realized that by studying these concepts, you can truly understand the world around you. And once you understand it, you have the power to change it, improve it, or use that knowledge to create something entirely new."
The room was silent as the students absorbed his words, their eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. Maverick smiled, a deep sense of satisfaction washing over him, knowing he had sparked something in them, who had been in the dark all this time about the outside world.
Time passed slowly, and before long, the bell chimed, signaling the end of the class.
"To the sixth-years who chose this course," Maverick said, sweeping across their attentive faces. "Before our next class, write a brief summary of what you've learned today. Keep it simple—just explain, in your own words, what science really is." He gave them a warm smile, the lesson winding to a close. "Well, that's all for today."
Reluctantly, the students began filing out of the classroom, their hesitation clear in the way they lingered, the unwillingness to part with what they'd just experienced.
And once the last student had exited, only the professors remained.
"Professor Caesar," Dumbledore said with a warm smile, as the group gathered around him, "thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. This has been one of the most enlightening experiences I've had in quite some time."
McGonagall nodded in agreement. "The Headmaster's right. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen such expressions from students when leaving class, instead of their usual eagerness to be done for the day."
The other professors nodded in agreement, each offering their congratulations. "Well done, Professor," Flitwick said with a twinkle in his eye. "You've certainly left an impression."
"Quite a remarkable lesson," added Professor Septima with a warm smile. "I'm sure the students will be talking about this for a long time."
"Do you have any other classes today?" McGonagall asked.
Maverick nodded. "I have alchemy with the first-years in about an hour. Hopefully, they'll be just as interested as this class was."
Dumbledore smiled kindly. "I have no doubt they will be, Professor. You've proven you're more than capable of capturing their attention."
"Thank you, Headmaster... Honestly, the students' reactions were much better than I expected. I was worried they might not be interested in such an unfamiliar subject."
"You've underestimated yourself," Flitwick said with a chuckle. "After what they saw today, I doubt any student would skip your class. If anything, you can expect an even larger crowd next time."
Maverick laughed, shaking his head. "Well, let's hope they're not just coming for the spectacle," he replied with a grin. "I'd like to think they're here for the learning, too."
"Well, I don't know about you all, but all that time feeling like a student again has made me starving," Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling.
"That reminds me, Professor Caesar," McGonagall said, turning to him. "I didn't see you at breakfast today."
Maverick smiled, shaking his head. "I had a quick breakfast at home. Needed some time to clear my mind before the class, so I went back last night and returned this morning."
"I see," McGonagall nodded. "Well, you're joining us for lunch, then!"
Maverick chuckled. "Of course."
The group made their way to the Great Hall, where lunch was already underway.
Meanwhile, word of the Muggle Science class began to spread through the castle like wildfire. Students from all four houses whispered about it in hallways and common rooms, each retelling more elaborate than the last.
What had started as talk of illusions turned into rumors of an actual journey through the stars. Some were even claiming that the professor had taken them flying into space, with no mention of it being an illusion at all.
Though not everyone believed the tales, even the skeptics couldn't deny their curiosity. After all, it wasn't every day that a professor's teaching methods became the talk of Hogwarts.
As Maverick sat in the Great Hall with the other professors, he noticed the curious glances directed his way. Whispers filled the air like a low hum, and students would nudge their friends, sneaking quick looks at him before returning to their meals.
"You've become quite the celebrity today," McGonagall remarked from her seat beside him, a small smile playing on her lips.
"That was honestly faster than I expected," Septima remarked. "We came straight here from the class."
Maverick merely smiled, unbothered by the swirling rumors and curious glances. His mind was already focused on his next lesson with the first-years that afternoon.
After lunch, Maverick returned to his office, savoring a brief moment of peace to clear his mind. About an hour later, feeling refreshed, he headed to the alchemy classroom, prepared to begin the next class on his schedule.
Author's Note:
Just a quick update — up to Chapter 111 is already available on P AT r30n!
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