Chapter 80: Awakening in the Void
Harry eyes popped open and he sat up, wondering what had happened. Upon seeing his surroundings however, he also wondered where he was. A strange whimper caught his attention and he turned to look in that direction. He saw a a strange creature that reminded him of what Voldemort had been before the ritual to return him to his body, but Harry had no idea what it meant. Around him the world was completely white and without definition, and the blankness of his surroundings seemed to go one forever.
"Harry." a gentle female voiced called out, seemingly from all around him.
"Hello?" Harry asked. "Who's there?" As he continued to look around he finally saw two forms approaching him in the distance. As they drew closer he saw that one was man and the other was a woman. They appeared to be holding hands and slowly walking towards him. After what felt like hours to Harry, they finally got close enough that he could see them clearly.
"Mom? Dad?" Harry said uncertainly. "Is that really you?" Finally they were close enough for him to be sure, and when he was he ran to them and allowed them to wrap him into a strong hug. Harry could not help but begin crying as he held on to his parents for the first time he could remember. For a long time they hugged and did not speak, and for that time Harry's questions about what was happening seemed unimportant to him.
"It's ok, Harry." his mother reassured him. "It's really us. Well, as real as it can be."
"I'm dead, aren't I?" Harry asked. "Does that mean I get to stay here with you?"
"You aren't exactly dead, son." his father informed him. "But you aren't exactly alive either. You have a choice, Harry. You can die, or you can go back."
"What if I want to stay with you?" Harry replied. The emotions from meeting his parents were still overwhelming.
"We have some things to explain to you first." Lily answered. "We love you very much Harry, but it is important that you go back."
"Why?" Harry asked, clearly upset.
"Because of Voldemort." James said, and glanced over to the ugly creature that Harry had noticed when he first arrived. "Voldemort has tried to make himself immortal, and that is how."
"What is it?" Harry asked, looking over at the creature his dad had pointed at.
"It's a piece of his soul." Lily answered. "He accidently transferred it to you the night we died. It is why your scar hurts whenever he is around. It's called a Horcrux, Harry, and as long it is still alive Voldemort can not truly be killed."
"But if I die it does too, right?" Harry guessed. "So I can't go back."
"That piece will die even if you do go back." James said. "But that isn't the only piece of his soul that needs to be destroyed. He's made others, and it up to you to find them."
"Why me? Why not Dumbledore, he's stronger than I am." Harry replied.
"There was a prophecy made before you were born. Dumbledore never told us exactly what it said, but it meant that either you or Neville Longbottom would have defeat Voldemort. Things have changed since then, and it's clear that it has to be you." Lily said sadly.
"But how? He's better than me-"
"No!" James yelled. "He may be stronger, but he is not better than you."
"He is stronger. And if I do get back to my body I am still going to be surrounded by Voldemort and his Death Eaters with no way to escape. Then, if by some miracle I do escape, I have no idea where to look for his Horcruxes." Harry said in frustration. He simply did not see a way to make it work.
"We will help you, Harry." Lily said softly. "Or to be more precise, we will force Voldemort to help you."
"How?" Harry asked.
"That piece of his soul he put inside you contained all of his personality and intellect right up until the moment he separated it from the rest of his soul. We can take parts out and give them to you." James said with a proud smile, as if it had been his idea.
"So you can just give me all of his knowledge?" Harry said, realizing how this could help him.
"Not exactly." Lily replied. "You see it's impossible to seperate his personality from the things he knows, so the more information we take out of him and put in you the more of his personality will also get transferred. If you took everything you would basically become him."
"So what do I get?" Harry asked.
"Everything he knows about his Horcruxes. That way you should be able to make him mortal again and then kill him." Lily explained. "And then his knowledge on how to apparate. Use that to escape the cemetery and make it back to Hogwarts. Those are the only things we dare pull from him."
"This is going to change my personality isn't it? How much?
"We're not taking much, so it shouldn't even be noticable." James answered. "We're trying to be as careful as we can."
"Ok then. I'll do it." Harry said finally. "Do I have to go now?"
"Yes, I'm sorry but you do." Lily said with tears in her eyes. She pulled Harry and her husband into another hug which they happily returned. "You'll see us again one day, Harry. But hopefully not for many more years. Never forget that we love you very much."
"I love you too Mom, and you Dad." Harry replied. Soon they were all crying and holding each other. They stayed this way for a few moments, but then Harry felt everything start to change. He felt like he was being pulled away from them by some undeniable force. His parents let go of him and began waving good-bye, but his vision was starting to cloud and he could no longer see them clearly. Then everything suddenly went black.
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