Harry Potter and the Heir of Slytherin

Chapter 92: Chapter 91

She looked over at Harry, her eyes alight. It was clear she was getting excited by where her thoughts were leading her.

"But your magical index is so high, and likely has been above average for your entire life that the leakage has literally been enhancing your body to beyond human levels." She paused. "Tell me, when was the first case of accidental magic that you remember?"

Wow. That was a loaded question. His first case of accidental magic was when he was about two months old, when he accidentally levitated his mother's favorite vase because it was shiny and dropped it. Not something he was willing to share with this woman as it would cause too many questions to be asked.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged and decided to go with a half truth. "I've had strange things happen to me for as long as I can remember. I've transfigured objects that were thrown at me, I caused a lot of objects to vanish or float, I turned my grade teacher's hair blue once when he insulted me." Harry paused before deciding to drop a bomb on the woman. "I do specifically remember one incident when I was five where my cousin was chasing me and I apparated onto the roof of my relatives house."

"Accidental apparition," Emily whispered excitedly. "And at five no less." She nodded to herself. "Yes, yes, it is very possible that your magic is simply so strong that it actually acts as an enhancer to your body. I've noticed on your scans that all of the systems in your body are working at peak performance. Your lungs can intake more oxygen than most humans and are extremely durable, likewise your circulatory system seems to pump blood through your body much more efficiently than any other system I have ever seen and you produce more blood vessels than anyone else I know. Both your muscles and bones are incredibly dense, incredibly strong."

She gave him another look, this one calculating.

"If it were not for my scans, I would assumed you were not human because of how strong your body is. Of course, that just proves this theory. You're scans state that you are one hundred percent human. Not an ounce of creature's blood in you, which can only mean that you are right and that your magic is actually enhancing and strengthening your body beyond what should be possible for a boy your age."

The woman was practically quivering with excitement.

"This... this could change everything," she whispered. "Everything we know about magic and the body can be tossed on it's head. This could easily revolutionize the way we see magic!"

"I would like to ask that you refrain from mentioning any of what we've discussed here, or writing about it," he added. At her disappointed look, Harry decided to toss her a bit of a bone. "At least not yet." She looked up at him. "I have actually long suspected that my magic was responsible for the way my body turned out, but until now have never been able to prove it. If you would like, I was planning on writing a book about magic and it's affects on the human body and I was thinking about possibly asking you to sign on as a co-author."

He had a two-fold reason for doing this. First, any book he wrote right now may not be taken seriously. Even though he was Harry Potter, Heir Apparent to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter and the Boy-Who-Lived, he was still only twelve. By having Emily Smith, a well known and widely acknowledged Mediwizard who knows more about magics affects on the body than most, help write his book he was ensuring that it had credibility to go with his fame. Because if someone like Emily Smith was helping to write it, then it must be true.

The second reason was much simpler. By allowing Emily to write this book with him, he was making her work famous through him, meaning she would be very grateful to him and would be more willing to help him with something should he need it. It would be a good idea to have someone in Saint Mungo's who owed him a favor.

"You would ask me to help you write a book about this?" Emily sounded surprised, shocked even.

"Of course," Harry smiled. "Ever since we spoke at the New Year Gala, I have been thinking about coming here for this very reason. I have not had the chance to speak with you until now, and did not want to ask you this through something so impersonal as a letter." He looked at the young woman and saw her eager expression. "Would you like to take part in this with me as a co-author?"

Hook, line and sinker.

"I would love to!" Emily burst out. She blushed a bit when she realized she had actually squealed, but quickly regained her composure.




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