Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


"You!" gasped Harry "But I thought Snape-"

"Severus?" Quirrell gave a cold laugh, "Yes, Severus does seem the type, doesn't he? So useful to have him swooping around like an overgrown bat. Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell?"

Shock and disbelief covered Harry's face as Quirrell almost started singing a parody named, 'It was Quirinus all along' giving his villain monologue.

Back in The Room of Requirements, veins bulged on Ben's forehead when he heard Quirrell sing praises of the snake face that was hidden under his turban. He cringed so hard, that he had to break his [Clairvoyance] spell.

Ben had been sitting in this room for hours now, he was at the end of his patience. Looking back, if he had known how long it was going to take, he would have arranged for a few things to pass time.

He had transfigured a fifty feet high tower out of the trash that was lying around and was now sitting on top of it.

Using [Clairvoyance] he felt that Dumbledore was almost at the castle, making Ben want to rush down to the chamber himself, but he decided to wait for a bit longer.

There was no point in him going down anyways, the stone was still in the mirror and there was no way he was going to be able to pull it out.

He was not even in front of the mirror and could still see himself surrounded by mountains of Spetims, swimming in pools of Argonian Bloodwine and chomping on juicy Mammoth Steak.

Back in the boss chamber; which was located, god knows where; Quirrell had finally introduced Harry to his old friend Voldemort, who was also the lord of the only known BDSM club in the whole of Magical Britain.

The Dark Lord too recounted his glory days and told Harry how his parents had begged for mercy at his feet eleven years ago.

"LIAR!" Harry, who seemed to have bigger balls than the whole of Britain, shouted at Quirrell, who was walking backwards towards him.

"How touching," hissed the ugly mug on Quirrell's head. "I always value bravery….Yes, boy, your parents were brave…I killed your father first; and he put up a courageous fight…but your mother needn't have died…she was trying to protect you…Now give me that Stone in your pocket, unless you want her to have died in vain."

"Even as a parasite, Voldie is capable of reading minds. Impressive," Ben thought as he prepared to make a timely entrance.

"NEVER!" Harry shouted and bolted towards the exit, fully prepared to run through the flames to get away from the creepy old man.

"SEIZE HIM!" Quirrell grabbed Harry by the wrist and the poor boy started screaming as a sharp pain burst from his scar, making him lose all sense of his surroundings.

"FU#K," Ben too could feel his head splitting into two, but he didn't break the spell.

Quirrell wasn't in any better shape either, blisters started bursting through his arm, making him release Harry.

"Seize him! SEIZE HIM!" shrieked Voldemort again, and Quirrell lunged at Harry, tackling him to the ground. Smoke started coming from his hands that were now around Harry's neck, trying to strangle him.

"Master, I cannot hold him-my hands-my hands!" he screamed, staring at his blistering red hands, his knees still pinning Harry to the ground.

"Then kill him, fool, and be done!" screeched Voldemort, and only then did Quirrell realize that he was a fuc#ing wizard and not the protagonist of a novel that goes around beating thugs in an alley.

But it was already too late, just as he pulled his wand to cast a curse, Harry clutched onto Quirrell's face with all his life.

"Uff, that plot armour is even thicker than the Fat Lady," Ben thought as he gathered his Magicka in his palms.

Another round of screaming started, with both Harry and Quirrell screaming at the top of their lungs while Voldemort screamed even without any lungs.


In all this screaming, nobody noticed that a bright swirling vortex of light had formed in the room out of nowhere and out of which came a large ghostly wolf.

It lunged at the two-faced Quirrell at once, dragging him away from Harry. Quirrell's body was now covered in blisters and he looked no better than a festering corpse,

Harry caught a glimpse of the ghost wolf before passing out from exhaustion. Hurried footsteps rang from the other side of the flame door as Dumbledore made his late entrance to the scene.

He had come rushing back from London, prepared to see all sorts of scenarios, but even he was left flabbergasted.

Harry Potter, the boy who lived was lying on the floor, unconscious. In front of him was a ferocious spectral wolf, growling at a dark and sinister illusory figure escaping out of Quirrell's head, who was on his final breaths.

Dumbledore rushed to check on Harry, fearing the worst but the spectral wolf jumped in front of him, glaring as if warning him not to come any closer.

"It's alright, I'm not here to hurt him," said Dumbledore, showing his empty hands. The wolf let out a whimpering howl and turned into light and scattered into the surroundings.


Back on the seventh floor, Ben was dealing with a haggling rodent who drove a very hard bargain.

"Ok, how about two Rabbit, legs," he said pulling out two rabbit legs from under his robes, but the stoat still refused to give in. "Alright, three is my final offer," he pulled out another rabbit leg but the stoat was still filled with greed.

"Perhaps I should call Aquila to negotiate," he said, to which the stoat quickly jumped on his palm, taking away the rabbit legs and leaving behind a dark red stone.

"Finally!" Ben said with shining eyes. He'd finally done it, that too without setting a single foot near the third floor. Combining Clairvoyance, Portal Creation, a nature spirit and an invisible stoat, he pulled off the biggest heist of his lifetime.

"Now, how to make you shit gold," he muttered, inspecting the seemingly ordinary-looking rock.

He was starting to doubt its authenticity when he suddenly felt a sharp pain raise out of his chest and black mist once again made its appearance.

"Fu#k! Not again," Ben cursed before he passed out in agony.

The thick black fog with flashes of light that looked like a mini thunderstorm, grew bigger and bigger. It soon enveloped the stone in Ben's hand but did not stop there, it continued to grow and enveloped his whole body.

A large swirling sphere of black fog with bright flashes of light formed in The Room of Requirement, at the centre of which was Ben, suspended in the air in the foetal position with his eyes glowing blue.


DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! Thank you everyone for reading so far, but since the MC died, I have no choice but to end this novel, Goodbye.

SIKE!!!! I'm never gonna end this novel, Harry and Dovah and their adventures, Dovah.. Harry AND Dovah FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS Dovah and Harry.. some...things..

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