Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Just a Theory

In the evening, Ben went to the Library, as he needed to borrow some books for an essay he had to submit on Monday. There were limitations to how much the self-answering quills could write on one topic, and this one was particularly long.

He found Neville and Hermione sitting in a corner, isolated from everyone else. Their situation was not as bad as Harry's, as they were not as well-known, but no one wanted to talk to them anymore.

Harry Potter, on the other hand, was targeted by everyone and couldn't take it anymore. He had gone to resign from the Quidditch team with Ron, but there was no chance that Wood would let him resign, as he was the sole seeker of the team.

'I just don't get what Dumbledore's up to?' he thought.


Ben had doubts about whether the Headmaster knew everything that was going on in the castle. But after last night, he was sure that Dumbledore was keeping a close eye on Harry.

Ben had a theory that Dumbledore already knew about Quirrell and Voldie but didn't yet know about the Horcruxes. And unlike the Dark Lord, Albus Dumbledore believed in the prophecy as he had fought Grindelwald who was a seer himself.

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ...'

Ben was certain that Dumbledore understood the significance of this prophecy and knew that for Voldemort to be defeated, either Harry must defeat him with a power unknown to the Dark Lord or Harry must die at his hand.

Dumbledore had a hunch that the power unknown to Voldemort was Lily's love for Harry.

With this knowledge, Ben believed that Dumbledore had devised a triple action plan for the end of the academic year. He would either trap Voldemort in the mirror, allow Harry to defeat him with the power of love, or prepare for Harry's death to fulfil the prophecy and make it possible for him to take down Voldemort himself.

But Hey, That's Just a Theory, A Film Theory! and this is real life now.


"Success at last," Brown declared as he took a seat beside Hermione.

But she shot him a quizzical look, as if to say, "Really, Brown? Now?"

Undeterred, Brown continued, "It seems everyone is grateful for your bravery in saving them from the dragon's fiery breath." He grinned cheekily.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Just wanted to keep you company. It seems like everyone's giving you a wide berth," Brown observed, glancing around the room.

He added sheepishly, "And I also wanted to apologize for not warning you."

Hermione's eyes widened in shock. "You knew?" she exclaimed.

"Of course," Brown boasted, puffing out his chest. "I know everything."

But his confidence was short-lived as Madam Pince appeared behind him, her expression dark and ominous. "Not everything, Mr Brown," she scolded. "It seems you do not consider the rules of this library important enough to be aware of."

With a brisk kick out of the library, Hermione's face was now a deep shade of red from embarrassment. Ben on the other hand, simply turned around to make his way towards the Room of Requirements to complete his essay.

"It's all your fault!" Hermione cried at his back, her cheeks flushed with anger. "First, you spout off your ridiculous prophecy, then you have the audacity to admit you left out crucial information, and now you've gotten me banned from the Library! I'm tired of your manipulative games. How could you? I thought you were helping us."

Ben was momentarily taken aback by her explosive reaction, but he soon regained his composure, a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I assure you, Ms Granger, this isn't my doing."

She sniffled, wiping away a tear that threatened to spill down her cheek. "I understand, it's all my fault."

Ben shook his head, a look of pity in his eyes. "No, it's not your fault either. You've become caught up in something far greater than yourself."

"What do you mean?" she asked, confusion etched on her face.

"It's complicated, and you likely wouldn't believe me even if I tried to explain," he said. "But I'll give you a clue. When you learn who else was up there with you, remember that it's all part of a larger plan." He leaned in, his voice a hushed whisper in her ear. "It's all part of his plan."

And then he walked away, looking quite pleased with himself.


Monday came and went, and the trio were still getting cold looks where ever they went but Ben was too busy to pay them any attention.

On Tuesday morning, when Ben reached the Ravenclaw table, he was welcomed with sharp glares from Michael Corner.

"Come on mate, it's not my fault," he said sitting next to him.

"Your ferret soiled my robes," he said, with gritted teeth.


Chirping loudly, a small head popped out of Ben's robes, almost as if asking 'What did you call me, Punk?'

This little bugger had sprayed stink on Michael's clothes this morning, Sir Silvaticus did not take kindly to being called a rat.

"I did warn you, you didn't take me seriously then," he said pushing the stoat back into his robes.

Just as the argument was about to escalate, a group of owls gracefully descended upon the table, delivering beautifully ribboned boxes of various sizes. Ben's eyes lit up as he recognized Aquila among the feathered friends.

Aquila took up residence on Ben's shoulder, playfully nibbling on his ear, in search of a reward, which Ben was quick to provide.

As Ben surveyed the small pile of gift boxes before him, his mind raced to recall the reason for their sudden appearance. But his thoughts were interrupted by a flash of red that caught his eye. His heart sank as he laid eyes on a small, red envelope.

"Merlin's bollocks," Ben muttered under his breath, as he lunged for the envelope. But his friend was one step ahead, darting past him with the envelope in hand.

"Time for some payback, mate," Michael taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You, Come back here, you runt," Ben ran after him, and it soon turned into a game of cat and mouse.


So, what do you think is going to happen next? I'll release an extra chapter if anyone can guess accurately.

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