Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


Ben found himself in a small room full of gardening tools, watering cans, fertilizer sacks and empty planting trays and pots. It was the Herbology toolshed, Ben could only blame himself for not being more specific. He got out of there, hoping that no one sees him coming out, cause that would be a little hard to explain.

The Herbology greenhouses were at the back of the castle, this toolshed was just at the entrance to the greenhouse one, under the two main bell towers of the castle.

"Look who we got here, you sleep in there Brown?" Said Malfoy with a drawl.

Ravenclaw and Slytherin had Herbology together and Ben was beginning to question why. Young masters like Draco Malfoy would die before they got their hands dirty.

"Oh, yes. With your mother I do." Ben replied, rubbing off the snarky smile from Malfoy's face.

Malfoy had been getting on Ben's nerves ever since he came to Hogwarts. Usually Ben let it go since he was supposed to be a grown-up and whatnot. But right now, he was mentally exhausted and also very hungry. In a moment of weakness, he seemed to have gone a bit too far.

He was also very tired of Malfoy's antics. In the beginning, Ben thought that Draco was just a misguided kid who would redeem himself in the end. But after spending two months here, he was more of the view that Draco was a bully through and through. He was just too much of a coward to join the big league in the end.

"You- How dare you to bring my mother into this." Malfoy, ready to throw some hands, leapt at Ben.

Seizing the opportunity to try his newest spell, Ben used [Frostbite] and froze the ground beneath Malfoy's feet. A thick layer of frost covered the stone floor and Malfoy lost his footing, slipping and falling on his back.

"What's the matter Malfoy? Haven't learned how to walk, have you?" Ben said towering over him.

"You-" Although he wanted to say great things about Ben's parentage. But the fall had knocked all the wind out of his lungs.

Ben didn't wait for him to get his bearings, too tired to deal with his shit, he made his way into greenhouse one.

Inside, Professor Sprout was already preparing plants for today's lesson. There were round cactus-like plants in huge puts in the greenhouse.

"All right, get to your stations, everyone." said the squat little witch.

"Where have you been, haven't seen you all morning." Boot enquired.

Ben shared his station with Terry Boot and Mandy Brocklehurst, or as she liked to be called, Amanda Brocklehurst. Ben figured there was a story there, but he didn't care enough to ask.

"Oh, I've been around, just exploring the castle," Ben replied.

"So, any idea what that is?" Ben asked, pointing at the spiky plant and successfully avoiding the questioning. He learned this trick in the past month. Just ask them a question, and they will go on talking forever. This trick only works on the few talkative ones, but others don't question him in the first place or don't care about what he did. So, it effectively worked on everyone.

"Now, as you see, to one side of the greenhouse we have spiky bushes."

"These prickly plants are used by many to keep unwanted guests out of their gardens."

"What's special about them is that once disturbed or attacked, they will retaliate by shooting these long needles from their bodies," she said, displaying a four inches long needle.

"The needles are not poisonous, but they will get stuck and are very painful to remove. So you all best be careful."

"Now, who can tell me the best way to deal with them?" Asked professor sprout.

"Fire-making charm professor," answered Anthony Goldstein.

"Correct Mister Goldstein, a little bit of fire will do the job. You don't wanna burn the whole plant, just the needles."

"Now I hope everyone can cast the fire-making charm by now."

"I think you should have Brown sit this one out Professor, lest he burns this whole place down," said Malfoy.

"It's good that you are so concerned about everyone's safety Mister Malfoy, but I suggest you let me worry about that." Replied Professor Sprout.

"Now, watch me closely."

"Little bit of fire to burn off the prickly needles, don't worry, the plant is quite sturdy."

"Once the needles are taken care of, the plant is inactive until it grows new ones. You can then pull out the plant and repot it where ever you like."

"Now, I suggest you not get too close to them before you take care of the spikes." Professor Sprout reminded everyone once she was done.

"All right, one by one, step forward and quickly take care of the spikes and then take the plant to your stations for repotting."

With some help from Professor Sprout, students managed to cast the fire-making charm and bring the plant back for repotting. Professor Sprout looked extra vigilant when it was Ben's turn, everyone was surprised when instead of an inferno as they expected, he conjured a jet of controlled flames to burn off the spikes.

"Excellent work Mister Brown, it seems you've been working hard. Five points to Ravenclaw!"

This was going to be one of the first surprises that he was going to give them, because when it was Malfoy's turn, Ben decided to play the bully.

Before Malfoy could conjure the flames, Ben sneakily cast [Fury] on the plant. It gave off a slight red hue and started attacking the nearest target, which was Malfoy.

Before professor Sprout could interfere, Malfoy had already received acupuncture and was now looking like a porcupine.

"Ahhhh, it's attacking me. Help me, kill it!"

Professor Sprout had already taken care of the plant and was now trying to help Malfoy.

"Stop moving Mister Malfoy, you scared the plant too much it seems. Poppy will fix you right up. Let's go."

"Ah, you're all dismissed, don't want any more of you getting skewered while I'm not here." She called as she left with Malfoy in tow.

"Finally some good comes out of Malfoy," beamed Terry Boot.

"Oh, there's plenty more to come," I replied.

A/N: Extra chapter up on Patreon, help me pay for my banana smoothie.

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