Harry Potter: A New Battlefield (Crossover with Marvel and DC)

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Aftermath

The ordeal at Asteroid M would not be one where they would be forgetting for a long time, yet the Brotherhood returned to the boarding house, and had been there for a couple of weeks after that event. They had waited for the other shoe to drop, and Mystique to storm through the front door, mean as ever, and ready to resume her reign of terror against them.

However, there was a moment of clarity, and a moment where the four of them, Quicksilver, Toad, Blob, and Avalanche began to take a deep breath, and realized that Mystique was not going through those doors. Toad decided to voice his response to the situation, in the only way that he could.

"Free at last, free at last, we're free at last!"

Toad cheered at that moment, and sank down onto the mouth ridden sofa at the Brotherhood boarding house. Blob decided to celebrate this situation in the only way that he knew how, and that was to get a snack. The large mutant ambled off, walking each and every individual step of the way.

Avalanche's expression switched over to Quicksilver at that moment, who looked a bit weary, almost as if Mystique had been posing as one of the Brotherhood members.

"Hey, how about the big guy, you know Magneto?"

Quicksilver just scoffed at that, and shook his head. "Hey, don't worry about Magneto, he's the past, the Brotherhood are the future, just got to get our heads in the game, and we're going to be alright."

There was that moment where the Brotherhood seemed to have gotten a rather large monkey off of their backs. A monkey that threatened to crush them, but now they were going to accomplish something else, that being freedom.

Sure the X-Men knocked them around a fair few times, but what does not kill you, makes you stronger. Or just hurt in the morning long enough to make them wish that they were dead, whatever came first.

There was a moment where Lance reflected on the past battles, and realized that the Brotherhood was in fact the future, if he could lead them as such. So far, their luck against Potter had been scattered at best, and rather horrible at worse. He clutched his fist, thinking about that dark haired little egomaniac, so smug with all of his powers. One day Lance would personally make sure Potter would get his as the Brotherhood would have their day.

If given the chance, Lance was going take Potter and the rest of the X-Men out, but he did admit that as bad as Potter was, Summers was worse. Summers was the kind of guy who people would not even bully for his lunch money, because he was so pathetic, the real teacher's pet. The thought made him want to wretch and his stomach turned in disgust, just thinking about the glorified boy scout of the X-Men.

"Hey, we're out bread, we got to get some."

Blob had offered this rumbling declaration from the kitchen, and Quicksilver could have smacked themselves, there was one rather key problem that he overlooked with Mystique's departure from the Mansion. The fastest mutant alive also prided himself on being a quick thinker, much quicker than this lot, he would have to say.

"You want the bread, do you Dukes?"

"Yeah, we can't make a sandwich without bread," Fred grumbled, and his stomach seemed to growl at that point. Pietro looked at Fred, shaking his head, and offering a pitiful sigh.

Pietro would have felt sorry for Dukes except that he didn't really feel sorry for him.

"Well, you know our boss, the lady we're cheering for the demise of, you know Mystique, remember her?"

Toad shook his head, taking a deep breath, and placed his head in his hands. "Hard to forget her, my bruises have bruises, and those bruises have more bruises, and there is just a whole lot of bruises on bruises. If you get what I'm saying."

The mutant offered an unfortunate grimace, and crossed his arms over his chest, remembering the training sessions. The training sessions would not be an accurate statement for what Mystique did to them, rather it would be legalized torture. Toad would be seeing those sessions in his nightmares, and he took a moment to draw breath. It was all over, there was no way in hell Mystique survived what happened to her on that asteroid.

"Well that woman that we're not going to forget for a long time, she did offer one important thing to this team," Quicksilver continued, his eyes locked onto all three of his teammates, and Lance got it as well, even though Toad and Blob were a bit a slow on the uptake. The speedy mutant drew a deep breath, and turned to his fellow teammates articulating each word slowly. "The thing is, she kind of pulled a big part of this team, because she was the one who footed the food bill."

"And all of the other bills as well," Lance offered, and the Brotherhood just suddenly had their eyes widened.

It slowly hit them how they were screwed with or without Mystique, and the lot of them scrambled to make plans to figure out how to deal with this latest handicap. The four members of the Brotherhood allowed a few moments to scramble, before Lance decided to put a stop to it.

Lance closed his eyes tightly, and began to make the ground shake underneath them, causing the Brotherhood to scramble. It took a moment for the entire team to fall back into line and to calm down. Lance had to raise his voice a little bit in addition to making the ground tremble to slap them all back into line.

"Okay, guys calm down, this isn't the end of the world!"

Todd and Fred looked extremely skeptical, but Pietro just nodded, that was an accurate assessment, it was not going to be the end of the world. The two more competent members of the Brotherhood looked at the hired muscle, and whatever role Toad filled, before they took a deep breath.

"We're just going to figure out what we need to do, maybe Mystique will come back, and…"

"Ah, man, speak of her too often, and she'll appear and get us all for not finding her," Toad replied with a deep shudder and he folded his arms. The slimy mutant took a few minutes to really calm himself down, and his eyes snapped towards Lance, "So what do you think we should do, oh fearless leader."

Lance pondered this matter for a few seconds before it hit him hard and fast, then he turned slowly towards the Brotherhood members.

"I've got a plan," Lance offered, and the Brotherhood did not seem to understand whether they were going to be scared, or excited about the prospect of Lance having a plan. All they had to do was focus on the situation. "Just stick together, and we'll get this one, trust me. The Brotherhood will get the respect we need."

The Brotherhood all nodded, as the entire group leaned in closely, hearing Lance's grand plan, but only the three of them could hear it. He spoke of the plan in a hushed tone and the Brotherhood just nodded, thinking that this plan might be insane. It might be insane enough to almost work.

It was time to separate the men from the boys, and the mutants from the pretenders, and the Brotherhood would get the respect they deserved. Just because they did not have a fancy school like the X-Men did not mean they didn't have power and influence.


Much like the Brotherhood did after the incident on Asteroid M, the X-Men all found their own ways to recover, and Harry noticed all of them in their own ways. Scott seemed rather withdrawn as of late, and Harry doubted that was a coincidence. His supreme leadership that Xavier had groomed him for had faltered at that moment and Harry decided to take pity on him, picking up the slack in the Danger Room training.

Harry found that this was just much easier than just looking at Scott who was slumped over and looked like someone had shot his favorite bunny rabbit in the face. As it turned out, the team was listening to Harry very well to begin with, so leading the team was the next logical state that was going to take.

The team took their training extremely seriously and spent a great amount of time in the Danger Room. This entire team dynamic was interesting and Harry found himself working a lot more fluid with a team. Which was why it should be interesting to see what would transpire when Xavier had managed to bring in a few more recruits. Still they spent a great amount of their time in the Danger Room.

Which the team was wrapping up another killer session, under the watchful eye of Logan, who was critiquing their every single move, and this allowed them to grow, and prosper, continue to get further and further away from the awkward days of old. Rather the entire team prepared to prosper.

"Kitty, duck and turn, Rogue spin and slide, Kurt teleport out there, Jean take out those barriers, Scott, help her, I'll take this barrier on the other side!"

Harry mentally chained together commands, and he felt that short and easy words were the ways to get his team to understand what they should accomplish, and Xavier watched closely. Since Harry had not been blessed for the natural ability to read minds, he had no idea what the leader of the X-Men was thinking at any given time. A little bit of mind magic with the sorcerer supreme was practiced, but Harry was pretty much a novice in the grand scheme of the universe.

Then again, the Sorcerer Supreme told Harry himself that he was always learning even with his lofty role, so Harry doubted that there would be an end to his knowledge. Which was really fine, because if one knew everything, then what was the point in living?

There were rumblings that several new students would be joining the Institute before too long, and Harry was hoping for some attractive young ladies, so he could help them fit in. Of course, it would only be if they were a good fit with Harry, Kitty, and Rogue, but that was another matter for another time. They would cross that bridge when they got to know the girls.

"We're almost to the end of the session, everyone keep it up, and remember the plan!"

The plan, that was something that Harry did in fact recall, the plan that he made when he got here to become independent. In the other world, Harry at least had a fortune to fall back on over the past number of years that might have lasted for at least a decade or two if Harry did not spend any outrageous amounts.

Of course, Harry always did intend to build upon that fortune, but if worst came to worse, at least he knew in that world he had a cushion to fall back on. That was why in this world, Harry was going to do the best he could to obtain money, as he blasted the barrier hard, breaking up these musings. He did not use his full magical powers, due to the fact that it would damage the Danger Room.

The session wrapped up, and Harry found the treasure hunting business to be a rather interesting one to say the very least. Some myths were true, and others were false, but the fact was that he was able to follow that up. Harry somehow doubted that he was the first one to have that idea, the entire notion just seemed rather absurd.

"Through the final corridor, let's go!"

Gwen had also given Harry some information on the mysterious stashes of notorious criminals that had never been found. Harry did not tell his friend exactly what he wanted with them, although Gwen seemed like she knew, and did coyly state that if Harry got caught with doing any wrongdoings, they had never met.

Harry did not plan to get caught, but the sentiment was appreciated as was the help.

That was beside the point, but it was another avenue that Harry was going to have to research, but there was no more time for thoughts as the Danger Room session wrapped up. The members of the X-Men slid to a stop, and Harry looked up at Logan. He had long since learned not to ask Logan how he did, because Logan would offer his most abrasive performance review possible if Harry or any of the others did.

"Not too shabby, but it still needs work, decent improvising in there," Logan grumbled, and he turned to Scott, his eyes on the supposed leader. "Summers, I know your head is still screwed up after what happened at Asteroid M, but you got to get your shit together, or this entire team will leave you behind."

Scott just looked at Logan with a set jaw, and nodded at that point, he had some kind of mental block. It was driving him nuts how Harry never seemed to have a case of the nerves at all, almost like his emotion could have been shut off at wills. He just went in and did everything, and he once again saw Rogue and Kitty stand next to Harry, linking arms with him, and the three of them walked off.

What they did in their spare time was their own business, although Scott did in fact wonder how Harry did it. That was another point for another time, and Kurt walked up next to Scott. Jean seemed to be giving him a wide path, or maybe he was avoiding her, it was hard to tell. Scott grimaced that Jean seemed to be spending a lot of her time with Duncan. At least that's what he assumed Jean was doing when she was not in the Mansion.

"Hey, Scott, you'll get it eventually," Kurt responded, and Scott just looked at Kurt at that moment, before putting him on a spot with a question.

"Do you think Harry's a better leader than me, Kurt?"

Kurt grimaced at that point, and really did not want to be put on the spot, racking his brain quickly to try find a way to answer this in a way that he could hopefully pacify the situation.

"Scott, you're doing fine, really you're doing fine, you're just having a bad day, a few bad days."

Scott's eyes snapped over towards Kurt, he did not answer the question at that point.

"That doesn't really tell me anything!"

"Hey, is that the mail?" Kurt asked in a bright voice, and Scott was about to inform Kurt that it was a Sunday, but Kurt teleported off at that moment, leaving Scott in a lurch. In that lurch, he passed Jean, neither of them really making eye contact with each other.

Scott walked off, and Xavier watched him leave at that point, with Storm and Wolverine standing by his side. Xavier turned to two of the senior members of the team.

"Scott's just going through a really bad time right now," Storm remarked, and Xavier offered a long and protracted sigh.

"Yes, that's the point, Scott really does have the weight of the world on his shoulders, and for him to be able to distribute that weight, he has to be able to do that evenly."

Xavier did feel that Harry did offer more leadership qualities than Scott, but he seemed to have certain extreme traits to him that made Xavier a bit gun shy of putting him in any form of leadership. Logan was the same way come to think about it, he was qualified to lead, but the extremes he took made Xavier also not want to put him in a leadership role. Qualified as he may be to lead the Danger Room sessions of course, but not so much to be in a leadership war.

Charles Xavier prepared to follow up the leads on the new mutant energy signatures that had been detected with Cerebro. It was time to introduce some fresh blood into the school, providing they would consent to join of course.


"You do tend to push yourself past boundaries that would be considered sane by most."

The Sorcerer Supreme had offered that particular pearl of wisdom on the next training session, and Harry would have to agree to say the very least. The dark haired young wizard just nodded, but he could not help and voice a question.

"So, do you think that limits are possible, or just something that we subconsciously put on ourselves?"

That statement was one that got Harry a curious stare, and the Sorcerer Supreme paused at that moment, regarding the young wizard. He recalled that he had many similar questions during his training, and his mentor had only given him vague answers. Those answers did not seem to be rather fulfilling at first, at least until years down the line, and it was only then where they had all made sense.

So Strange decided to answer this question in what he hoped to be the clearest and most obvious matter that he could manage, and addressed Harry in a slow, and deliberate voice.

"If you recall one of our previous discussions about power, and how it cannot really be truly measured, you might find the answer to that particular inquiry. We do all have limits, but the answer is not to think too much about those limits. Every single user of any kind of power, rather it be through magic, or otherwise, will be able to pass them."

Harry responded with a nod at that moment, and Strange was not done imparting the wisdom on him.

"You remember a month ago where you were having difficult with that shield that blocked the combustion spells."

"Yes, I recall that," Harry answered at that moment, and Strange regarded Harry with a pensive glare at that moment. "But I got that, I really got that after dedication."

"It was because you found a way past those limits, and expanded upon that limit," Strange answered Harry, offering a bit of a nod towards him.

Harry was inclined to agree with that point, and recalled his goals that he put down for himself a long time ago. Those goals were match, and suppressed in many instances, with Harry getting a bit more powerful at that time. He reminded himself that magical powers were not the be all and end all.

As Strange rightfully told him, there was always the potential for someone who was going to be more powerful and stronger than him, more skilled. Skill and power often could be turned against an enemy, especially they believed their hype.

At least that's what Harry and Strange had discussed.

"Limits that seem to be growing for each passing day," Harry answered, and he could not help himself for offering one last statement. "I don't even know when I'm going to hit any wall."

Strange just pondered the situation, keeping a close eye on Harry, and a few moments appeared to pass, even if the time was really only very much less than thirty seconds. The Sorcerer Supreme continued to survey Harry, and opened his mouth to give him an assessment.

"Only you know about what you have the potential to do Harry, and only you understand your limits."

Harry felt that was the answer that he was going to get, even though it was not the answer that he really wanted at that point. Still his head had been inclined at that point, and a smile crossed his face. It would be something that would strike him one day and hit him with a sudden level of realization. Strange really did give him useful input, without really outright saying every single bit of information. One had to really only read between the lines and that was what Harry learned how to do.

This had been a break the two had from their training, but Strange had Harry get up to his feet, with Harry not quite understanding what Strange had him doing. All Strange told him that this would test his ability to cope with the unknown, something that was essential for any budding sorcerer.

Harry decided to agree at that point, and adjusted his stance, where Strange proceeded to fire a barrage of spells towards the dark haired wizard. The spells were a wide variety, some rather harmless, and some hurt a great deal, but none were lethal. This was an exercise of Harry's abilities to gauge the real threats, and focus on them, while brushing off any of the minor attacks.

At least that was what Harry interpreted about this; a person's mileage was going to widely vary. The dark haired wizard continued to repel each and every single attack his mentor threw at him, all of the attacks were varied.

"Make sure to adjust your posture so you can duck easily if need be," Strange critiqued in a swift voice, and Harry nodded, understanding the reminder, creating a shield, but also was prepared to move.

It was easy to stand there in a stationary matter, and hide behind a shield that someone could blow a hole through if they were not careful.

Harry continued to fight the attacks, each and every assault pounding a hole through the shield, and the battle continue with Harry learning more about Strange's attacks. The Sorcerer Supreme did a good job of varying his attacks, and motions, including a lot of last second fake outs.

That being said, there were a lot of last second last second fake-outs. Harry picked up a subtle pattern, but there were enough attacks where there was in fact a fair fight.


Nick Fury gritted his teeth, peering out into the distance from the SHIELD hellicarrier, and was trying to deal with the fallout of the events on Asteroid M. There was a definite need to tighten the security SHIELD offered, given the fact that Magneto slipped through, and made a fool of him. If there was one thing Nick Fury detested looking like, that was a fool, but the Master of Magnetism made him look like one.

Time seemed to grind by to an absolute halt, and Fury debated what he was going to do next, only getting a scant few reports. Those reports indicated what occurred between the X-Men and the Brotherhood, there was no need to go over them again. The Brotherhood was back, the X-Men were back, and Mystique and Magneto were missing, that's all Fury needed to know.

That was something that caused Fury a great deal of frustration, not knowing what he had to go up against. Mystique had slipped through the cracks more than a few times before, that much was certain before looking through the woman's history. That woman could be anywhere, anyplace, anytime, and could even be on the SHIELD hellicarrier right now.

It was at that point with that thought where Fury peered a bit over his shoulder, a nervous glance being given. All of the SHIELD officials were walking on egg shells after the fiasco that just occurred and Fury was like a hot volcano about ready to explode. It was time for them to all tread lightly.

Indeed, it was time for Fury to tighten the security, and hopefully make sure no one compromised anything. That was the problem with being a super-secret spy organization, there was always room for improvement, and always new ways to get compromised. Fury prided himself with being on the cusp of all security as he was always one step ahead of the enemies that threatened the security of the world.

There was just one problem, and that was that as much as he was on the cusp of security, the other side was getting smarter and smarter with each passing day. The Director of SHIELD reflected on a couple of potential security scares that happened over the past several years, both of them predated him, but still they were mistakes to learn from.

Learning from the mistakes of others was also extremely essential and that's what Fury understood perfectly. The security guards circled around on the mobile vessel, and the commander of SHIELD took many steps forward. Through one beady eye, he gave them a look that indicated that he wanted results right away.

"Status report!" Fury barked, his eyes focused on the SHIELD agents at hand, and all of them stumbled around, trying to be the one who would be reporting to him.

One of the SHIELD agents tripped over himself, and began to respond. "We're studying those crystal fragments that we recovered from the Asteroid debris. They're emitting high levels of radiation, sir."

Fury nodded, that was about right, Magneto was messing with something that was extremely dangerous. The agent waved over a scientist, who would be able to explain more information to Fury.

"We believe that these crystals would be able to unlock latent mutant gifts, and enhance present mutant gifts, if they were refined with the right substance. Magneto did not refine them properly."

Fury only offered the slightest bit of interest to this point, raising an eyebrow, and keeping his one eye on the scientist who was studying the fragments of the crystal. This gem was something that was rather potent, and rather dangerous. SHIELD would need to keep a close eye on this situation as with everything the gems would potentially contain.

It would be down to SHIELD to uncover the secrets behind these items, and put a stop to them.

Commander Fury knew what was at stake, and prepared to issue the orders, along with assembling a task force to scramble up more of these gems, providing they existed of course. Magneto may have rounded up the remaining ones in the scheme, but there should have been more in the space debris after the explosion of Asteroid M.


"Harry, I'd be happy if this works, really I would be," Rogue remarked, when Harry had informed her of the charm that he had found. She wanted to live a normal life without fear of putting someone in a coma, and a smile crossed her face when she thought about what that could offer. "Even if it is only temporary."

Temporary was far better than she would have thought of previously, in fact that was the best Rogue could really hope for. Harry had told her about the charm, and Rogue was beginning to get her hopes up more and more of something happening.

Kitty sat on the side of the bed next to Rogue, and continued to offer a smile to her, before peering directly into her eyes.

"And to make sure it works, I'll be here, and be your test dummy," Kitty answered, a bright smile appearing on the brunette mutant's face. "That's all you need, one touch of my hand without the glove."

"And how long will this charm work?" Rogue asked, trying not to sound all that eager at this point, even if the eagerness crept through in her voice, and Harry leaned forward, placing his hand on hers.

"Up to an hour, so we got to be mindful of the time," Harry answered Rogue at that point. "Mutant powers and magic tend to be a rather intriguing mix to say the very least, and one that I don't know how they're going to react to each other."

Rogue just offered a brisk nod; she understood everything that Harry was telling her. The young mutant was going to offer herself up for Harry to put that particular spell on her, and she closed her eyes to do so. Harry locked eyes with Kitty, who prepared herself to watch, and Harry unleashed the power.

It was at that action where Rogue felt a slight tingling going through her spine, and she felt flushed at that point. The mutant shook off the attack, and suddenly she felt the same, but also different. It was a weird combination of everything, and Kitty leaned forward, touching Rogue's ungloved hand.

There was a long pause, where Harry and Kitty waited to see if the charm was going to work, and Kitty kept her hand on Rogue's, long and lingering. Rogue was relieved at that point when something did not go wrong, and a grin crossed over her face. Kitty's face contorted in a grin likewise, and she spun around to face Harry.

"Well Harry, you did it," Kitty cheered him, and Harry just offered them a brief smile, of course he did it.

Now it was time for the real fun to be delivered, and Kitty pulled Rogue into a brief embrace at that moment, a mischievous grin, while she stroked Rogue's cheek. After all, they had to test to see if the charm really worked, and Kitty knew that there was one way to do that.

With a swift moment, Kitty leaned forward, and Rogue was caught with a kiss on the lips. Rogue was caught off guard by this, but certainly did not fight it. The lip on lip contact with a fellow female was something that was interesting, it was different, and Harry was certainly watching, captivated at what was happening.

"I think it works," Kitty replied with a grin after she had dislodged herself from Rogue's lips, and she saw the tent that was appearing in Harry's boxers. "And that's not all that worked."

Smut/Lemon Begins.

With a smile crossing her face, Kitty yanked down the pair of boxers that Harry was wearing, to expose his throbbing manhood.

"Kitty, suck my dick, Rogue lick my balls," Harry said to the two girls, and the girls obeyed, deciding that this was a fair enough deal. Harry gripped onto the bed sheets and Kitty slammed her mouth down on Harry's cock, bobbing up and down on it, but pausing in between sucks to give a nice lick. Rogue on the other hand, went between Harry's legs and slowly trailed her tongue down across his nutsac, licking hid and tasting him in her mouth.

Harry saw these two mutant beauties link his cock and balls, and he reached down underneath Rogue's shirt, fondling the mutant girl's breasts. The girl's eyes glazed back, moaning in pleasure, and Kitty bobbed up and down Harry's length, trying to take as much into her throat as possible. Rogue decided to increase the pleasure by licking every bit of Harry that was not entering Kitty's mouth.

A grunt escaped Harry's mouth, and he felt the two beauties continue to work him over with their mouths.

"So hot," Harry breathed, and Kitty reached down her pants, playing with herself, being spurred on by Harry's motions. "Going to cum."

Kitty pulled off and gripped Harry's cock, stroking up and down the base, sticking out her tongue. Rogue went on her knees right by Kitty, and the two girls looked up at Harry. They had wanton looks in their eyes, with Kitty stroking on Harry's cock and Rogue fondling his balls, and after some teasing, the pressure in Harry's loins burst.

The two girls felt pleasure as their faces had been splattered by the thick seed of the wizard above them. Several white hot blasts of cum struck them in the face, hitting their lips, nose, and mouth, with the girls whining at the fact that it was over.

"Clean each other up," Harry encouraged them, and Kitty was extremely eager to do so, pulling Rogue into a deep kiss, tasting the cum on their tongues. It was not so much that they were attracted to the same sex, but rather through their desire to give their same boyfriend a show. Or maybe they were, it was hard to tell.

The two girls licked the cum off of their lips and tongues, and face, with the two of them stripping each other from their clothes. Harry watched, feeling himself grow at each and every moment these two girls played with each other and there was a moment where Harry thought that they had forgotten he existed.

Harry decided to correct that notion, grabbing Rogue around the waist, and placing her down on the bed, her ass sticking up in the air. With a huge slap, Harry marked the luscious rump of the mutant and she felt herself clench at these actions. Harry raised his hand and spanked her hard once again.

"Oh yes, spank me again, Harry," Rogue groaned, and Harry grabbed Rogue, before whispering in her ear.

"I'm going to fuck you in the cunt from behind, and then I'm going to stick my cock on your ass and fuck it until you can't sit down," Harry ordered her, and Rogue felt herself thinking that this was a good idea, to be pleasured in such a way. "And I'm going to reinforce the charm so we don't lose track of time. I want you to eat Kitty's pussy while I do that, and don't slow down, not even what, is that understood?"

"Yes," Rogue answered and Kitty sprawled herself on the bed and spread her legs prompting Rogue to place her face deep into Kitty's sopping cunt. Rogue began to lick around on the inside of the brunette girl's cunt and Harry offered a smile.

"Almost as good as your cock," Kitty breathed, feeling Rogue's tongue work around the inside of her cunt.

Harry smiled and worked on Rogue's cunt lips, stroking her, and teasing her, spurring her to faster motions. He saw one girlfriend go down on the other as Rogue seemed to relish the opportunity to touch. Especially if it was such an intimate touch and Harry rubbed the head of his cock against her hot entrance, teasing Rogue, tormenting her, and then he stuck his cock deep into her cunt.

Rogue gave a muffled groan as Harry plunged into her and the mutant licked Kitty's cunt faster. The two sensations had caused her mind to overwhelm, with Harry pounding into her slowly from behind and then he switched to hard and past. His balls slapped hard against her thighs while Rogue felt the feeling of the hard cock buried deep into her deeply from behind.

Kitty's eyes glazed over in pure pleasure, and felt the desire of Rogue's tongue licking inside of her cunt. Her breathing became heavier and heavier, and she rubbed her nipples, playing with them. She saw that Harry watched her with a hungry look in his eyes.

"So tight, so tight," Harry groaned, pounding deeply into Rogue. "Eat her so hard that she'll pass out."

Rogue went down on Kitty with absolute passion licking and nibbling on her cunt. Kitty reached over grabbing Rogue's hair and pushing her deep into her soaking snatch, breathing in and out, eyes glazed over. She made sure to keep her eyes on Harry plowing Rogue from behind and his cock went deeper into her tight snatch.

"Fuck, yeah, that's it!" Kitty screamed, thrusting her hips up to meet Rogue's face encouraging her to lick more out.

"Keep licking that cunt," Harry encouraged Rogue and Rogue did so, with Harry's thrust continuing to go hard into her and also Harry grabbed her breasts. He squeezed them tightly banging into Rogue with each every single motion. "Going to cum in you."

"Going to cum too, and I think she is too," Kitty panted heavily, and the three of them tried to cum together.

Some time had passed with Harry wondering if he was going to have to reapply the charms, but for now his balls tightened hard. He shot his load into Rogue with rapid fire intensity and drained every single bit of his seed that he had in his balls deep into the mutant's center. Rogue's pussy clenched with multiple orgasms before Harry was finished.

Kitty nearly fell backwards, soaking Rogue's face, and Rogue continued to lick her fellow girlfriend's cunt.

Harry watched Rogue eat Kitty's sopping wet peach for a couple moments and his cock was hard again.

"What an ass!" Harry exclaimed, smacking Rogue hard. "And it's mine, I'm going to fuck you so hard."

Rogue's cheeks were spread apart as Harry took aim and slammed his hard rod up Rogue's ass. She screamed a bit, but Kitty shoved Rogue down onto her pussy to muffle the screams, making sure Rogue kept to the plan.

"Take your cock like a woman and keep eating me," Kitty ordered her and Harry slammed into Rogue hard, jamming his cock up in her ass long and hard.

"So tight, can't wait to blow your ass up with my cum," Harry whispered, grabbing Rogue's hair for leverage and continued to slam into her ass.

Rogue was in heaven and his balls slapped against her. The mutant wanted more, more, more of his cock up her ass, but she could not voice this desire because her mouth was currently kind of busy pleasuring Kitty. Kitty's little moans encouraged Rogue to go on, and the dick up her ass was going to drive her to even more pleasure.

Time ticked up as Harry felt the tightness of a really hot ass around him, it was like a furnace, and Harry kept pleasuring this tight hole at that point, sliding his throbbing prick out of her. His balls tightened more and more, slapping Rogue's ass and feeling the pleasure coming from Kitty and Rogue.

"Going to fill your ass up with cum," Harry grunted and with a few more quick thrusts, his balls clenched together. The young wizard got a few more quick thrusts out of it, feeling more and more pressure being built on his balls before they burst and splattered a heavy stream of cum up Rogue's ass.

Harry thrust again, draining himself into her ass, and slowly pulled out, cum dripping from his slit from the effort.

Without another word, Kitty pushed Rogue off of her cunt. Rogue grunted at the loss as Kitty dove from behind and began to feast upon the cum that was on Rogue's asschecks. Rogue's eyes glazed over as she began to pant heavily.

"Oh, Kitty, so wrong," Rogue said in a thick voice, but Kitty just grinned, seeing Harry grow harder at her efforts.

"Harry seems to enjoy it," Kitty answered defensively, finishing feasting off Harry's cum and put it on her finger, licking it, and sucking on it hard.

Harry could not hold himself out any longer. With a swift motion he dove at Kitty with the brunette giving a squeal when Harry slammed her onto the bed and Harry lined up his cock towards her hole, slamming himself into her with another motion.

"How do you like that, you dirty girl?" Harry grunted, fucking Kitty's tight body long and fast.

"Like it, punish me, punish this dirty cum loving slut!" Kitty yelled, raising her hips to meet Harry's motions and the cock slamming hard into her nice and long.

Rogue allowed her ass, mouth, and cunt a rest, watching Harry plunge his dick deep into Kitty's sopping folds. She had to admit, the fact that Harry was fucking Kitty to such an extent was really turning her on and Rogue found her hand going between her legs, as she diddled herself.

"Fuck, Harry, yeah!" Kitty groaned, wrapping her legs around Harry's body, and pushing herself up to meet his incoming thrusts hard. The brunette felt Harry's cock punish her crevice long nad hard, really thrusting deep into her with each movement.

Harry felt the warmth of her twat envelope him, there was no better feeling them feeling his cock encased in a hot and warm cunt. Kitty reached her arms around him and grabbed him around the neck, pushing his cock inside her. Her eyes glazed over and there was a labored moan as Harry's thrusts got deeper and harder as time rolled on.

Twenty minutes, thirty minutes, an hour, Kitty hardly could figure out how much time had passed, all she cared about was Harry's large cock buried into her folds. The massive member filled her up and punished her long and hard. The brunette pushed her hips up and met each and every movement Harry had to offer.

"Going to ride you, raise your hips up, beg for my cum," Harry grunted hard, and Kitty wrapped her arms around Harry tightly, her legs tightened.

"I need you in me, cumming in my tight pussy, painting my walls white!" Kitty panted as she felt Harry's rod slam deep into her body again and again.

"You really want all my thick seed?" Harry asked, and he continued to thrust into Kitty hard, before he slowed down his motions. This inspired Kitty to give a loud whine as she was being brought down to Earth when Harry had slowed down his thrusts.

"Harry!" Kitty screamed and Harry sped up once again, getting deeper and deeper with each passing thrusts.

The end was coming so Harry sped up the process going deeper and deeper into his girlfriend's tight cunt before his seed emptied into her body, his balls drained completely. The two saw an explosive ending, with Harry's cock filling her up to the brim.

Smut/Lemon Ends.


For all of the faults of the present, there was no fault that could be compared to what could potentially transpire down the line in the future. In the future, mutants were exposed, and hunted down, enslaved at best, and slaughtered at worst. Not to mention the fact that humans were just as bad off, if not worse. The conclusion that mutants evolved from humans was made in the future, and so for the mutant problem to be eradicated, all humans should perish.

That was the harsh truth that was present in the future, and it was not a bright one, people looked to everything with fear, dismay. There was no such thing as home security, for each and every person in the future lived in fear. Humans, mutants, and everyone else that lived, even a few aliens hidden on the planet, all of them were subjected to the same scrutiny, and the same harsh reality.

A blinding flash erupted in the alleyway, and thankfully no one was there to see her when she arrived. Otherwise that would have been a problem. Of course, getting chased by the authorities of her time was something that was hell, so being attacked by anyone from this time would seem like paradise. At least that's what this young lady hoped, when she had arrived.

The young girl had shoulder length red hair that flowed in the breeze, and she checked the date, it was March of 2001. That meant that she had traveled twenty years into the past from her future, and the red haired girl took a deep breath.

Green eyes peered into the distance, and a couple of subtle scars were on her face, but not to detract from her beauty. She had been the last hope, part of a resistance who had been sent back into the past to stop the really bad future from happening.

The only downside to it was when she went into the past, there was no way to go back, none at all. Of course, given the fact that there was not much of a past to go back to, the young girl thought that this trip was actually a blessing in disguise. Once she regained her bearings, there was something that she had to do.

She had to get in touch with the X-Men, all of them, and hopefully find a way to prevent this bad future from happening.

Time travel was a rather particular thing, and there were one of three things that could have happened, as Forge had told her before she was sent back.

The first probable outcome was that no matter what she did, the future always had a way of resetting itself to the point of where it was. One could not undo what had already been done, and that was the most depressing thing to think about, so the young girl tried not to think too much about it.

That was considered to be the absolutely worst case scenario of the three things, and the young redhead reflected deeply. It did hurt to get here, and the pain would have been amplified upon her ten fold.

The second potential outcome was that she did change the past, and succeeded, but to the point where she no longer existed. If that was the case, then so be it. That was a worthy sacrifice for her to make, to wipe herself out, and to create a new timeline where humans and mutants alike were not enslaved. There was such a thing as justifiable sacrifices, and if this young mutant girl had to make one, then so be it.

This did seem to be the most likely out of the three, but there was a third possibility that Forge had told her, one that was a complete and utter wildcard. She reflected back upon it, and took a deep breath.

One could not completely travel back in time, but rather she was sent to a timeline that was not quite set in stone. Her actions could lead to a better, or an even worse fate. A separate version of her may or may not exist in due time, and the two of them would merge together at that point. The redhead girl took a deep breath, and tried to figure out what would be the most preferred outcome.

To her, the third option would be the best, with the second being the most likely, and the first being the absolute worst of them all. The first would mean that the noble efforts of everyone who bought her time to escape that monster in the future who had taken over would be all for nothing. Bastion had been quite the dangerous foe, and had been the ultimate killing machine, having a hand in killing both Charles Xavier and Magneto.

After that, the future of mutants were destroyed, without strong leadership, and the young girl looked at the data she managed to collect.

Jean Grey and Scott Summers, those were two people she knew rather well. So there was no need to go over them really that much.

Kitty Pryde, yeah they met a few times.

Kurt Wagner, heard of him, maybe met him once, he made a brave sacrifice.

Rogue, another one that she had only met once, and the young girl looked forlorn thinking about how messily she was murdered.

Logan, or Wolverine, yes someone who had fought to the bitter end, although there was a chance that he was still out there the moment she left the bad future. If nothing else, Logan was a survivor.

Ororo Munroe, Storm, yes that was another one that was among one of the legends in the X-Men, and another one who had died in the future that she came from.

The final member of this present team was Harry Potter, and the archives had no records on him whatsoever, which made the girl rather curious.

Rachel Grey was in the past, and determined to make a better future.

The time had come for a change, and Rachel was not going to let that future happen, not if she could help it anyway.

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