Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 140: A Brother's Sacrifice

With a sudden burst of energy, Voldemort pushed Harry's left hand off of him, he tried to fire another killing curse with his hands. Harry dodged just in time as the curse flew a centimetre from his leg, he flipped over Voldemort and landed behind him.

Harry struck Voldemort across the face, Voldemort didn't have the energy for another wandless killing curse, the snake venom was catching up to him. Luckily he still had enough left for a few spells, so he had to make them count.

He fired a banishing curse at Harry, fortunately for him it struck true and Harry flew backwards. The dark lord watched as the real boy-who-lived crashed through a gravestone and landed on his back. The dust flew into the air, as did the dust and Harry Potter was out of Voldemort's sight..

Adrian, who had just gotten free of the ropes saw his brother fly back and land somewhere in the dark of the night, he couldn't see his brother in all the darkness.

"Hi little bro" A voice said from behind him as a figure jumped over him and ran at Voldemort, it took Adrian a second to realise that he person was Harry!

'How did he get behind me?!' Adrian wondered

Voldemort had summoned a wand from one of his death eaters, it was a unicorn wand but it would do for now.

"Hi Tom!" A voice shouted

Voldemort turned when he was tackled to the ground by Harry who started punching him repeatedly in the face, everyone was wondering how Harry had appeared behind him but chose to forget that at the moment due to the fact that he was currently punching the world's most feared dark lord in the face!

Harry punched, spat at, elbowed and head-butted Voldemort repeatedly. He had no problem fighting dirty, especially against the snake-human hybrid that was responsible for putting his parents in comas. Voldemort was growing tired as the pain increased, he didn't understand it, he was not on the physical level of a mere human, he was above yet this fourteen year old boy was hurting him. His punches should feel like nothing, yet Voldemort felt every harsh and unforgiving meeting between his skin and Harry Potters knuckles.

"You're not as good as you used to be Tom" Harry said in-between punching "maybe old age is catching up to you"

Voldemort stored up some power as Harry went to town on his face, he screamed and shot both of his arms out. A magical pulse fired from his body and Harry Potter flew up into the air, Voldemort had just gotten to his feet when he heard a crash behind him.

He looked but was surprised when he found a small dent in the ground but no Potter.

"Potter!" Voldemort screamed, willing himself not to fall from the pain "Enough of this!" Voldemort aimed his wand at Adrian and fired a killing curse.

Adrian reacted quickly and used Gryffindor's sword to block it, Voldemort was about to fire another when a cutting curse struck his wrist and his hand dropped to the ground. He didn't even have a chance to scream in pain before a small dart hit him in the other hand.

He and his death eaters, scanned around, trying to find Potter when Voldemort was knocked on to his back. The death eaters turned to see Harry deliver a swift kick in-between Voldemorts legs, Voldemort shot up to a sitting position when he was kicked back down by a kick to the face.

Harry pulled his leg up before slamming his foot down on Voldemorts face, Voldemorts head imprinted into the ground while his body shivered one time before becoming still.

"Damage his body more" Harry said to the snakes that he had summoned, they slithered over and sank their teeth into Voldemorts arms and legs

"Potter!" A voice called Harry turned to see Pettigrew holding Adrian with his wand pointed at Adrian's neck.

"Stand down or your brother gets it" Another death eater shouted as he and the other death eaters pointed their wands at Adrian.

"Harry, don't do it!" Adrian shouted

"Sorry little brother" Harry slowly removed his foot from Voldemorts face "but family first. I really am sorry if I've disappointed you"


"But I've come to like you and I have to get you home alive, our family would miss you. Plus who is Rachel going to snog if you're not there?"

Harry slowly walked up to the death eaters, Pettigrew stayed still along with Adrian while the rest circled around Harry.

"Scared Potter?" One taunted

"You don't even begin to frighten me" Harry replied, unfazed

"Is that so?" One death eater said as he fired a cutting curse which clipped Harry's cheek, Harry didn't react to it

"Oh, a tough man" Another one said as he did the same to Harry's other cheek

"Let's have some fun" A voice that sounded suspiciously like Lucius Malfoy's said before blasting Harry in the right foot with a bone breaker.


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