Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 133: The Subtle Art of Defiance

"Ah yes, I am Victoria Krum" Victoria introduced herself "my son met yours when they were quite young, before coming to Hogwarts Harry would visit once a year"

"Same" Appoline Delacour "replied, however I find myself in a position of appreciation for your son and what he has done. I am Appoline Delacour, your son had saved my daughters lives when he was younger"

"What? Really?" Lily looked at Harry who simply smiled and shrugged "What happened?" Lily asked Appoline

"Let's just say my husband, the French minister of magic, has given your son refuge in our county whenever he should desire it" Appoline replied

"Harry" James spoke slowly "are there any other secrets you have that we should know about?"

"Yep" Harry nodded but made no effort to actually tell them his secrets.

"Adrian" Mrs Weasley said "I was wondering when you planned to come to our house"

"Ah" Adrian said awkwardly "sorry Mrs Weasley but I don't think I'll be coming"

"Why not?" She frowned

"Well, part of the reason is because I want to spend some time with my family, also me and Ron aren't really friends anymore"

"Now Adrian, I'm sure that you two will be able to get over your little disagreement"

"It's not a little disagreement" Adrian replied "he abandoned me and called me a liar and a cheater, he left me to face a dragon on my own and now he's calling me a traitor and a dark wizard. Sorry, Mrs Weasley but I don't think we'll ever be friends again."

"But Adrian, Ron's your best friend!"

"Not anymore, now my best friend is Harry" Adrian said, not noticing the widening shocked eyes of Harry.

"But he's a Slytherin!" Molly objected

"Why does that matter?" Lily said, a touch of anger in her voice

"My mother was a Slytherin" James pointed out

"I…I didn't mean any offense" Molly back pedalled

"No, you just implied that my brother was evil" Adrian narrowed his eyes

"I didn't mean that Adrian"

"Sure you didn't" Harry snorted

"Young man, you should show more respect to your elders" Molly told him off

"And you should take your head and a..."

"Whoa, Harry" Adrian interrupted what would have been a very vicious insult "calm down man"

"Fine" Harry sighed "just keep the harpy away from me"

"Harpy?! How dare you talk to me like that?!" Molly demanded

"Oh, I dare. And I will talk to you anyway I see fit"

"Come on" Adrian said before the two could continue arguing "let's go have a walk around"

"An excellent idea" Remus agreed and the group left, leaving behind Molly and Bill.

The Potters and friends spent the day touring around the castle, the adults took some time to greet their old teachers and friends. All in all it was a nice day, then they were interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Pleasure to see you all" He said when he met them in a hallway "how are you all enjoying your tour?"

"It's brilliant" James said

"Yeah" Sirius nodded "it makes me so happy that I think I could fly" That particular joke did not go over anyone's head, Adrian who was told what happened, just about managed to supress his laughter a smirk.

"Excellent" Dumbledore replied, pretending Sirius's little joke didn't bother him "I am hoping that both Adrian and Hadrian have been preparing for the third task"

"Yes sir" Adrian nodded "Harry's been training me up good"

"What exactly has he been teaching you?" Dumbledore asked

"Duelling, physical combat and pureblood etiquette"

"Pureblood etiquette?" Dumbledore looked to Harry

"It may be something worth knowing" Harry shrugged

"I see" Dumbledore replied "is that all your teaching him?"

"Well, I'm also teaching him about how to act in front of girls"


"Because he's bloody hopeless on his own" Harry said as he ducked Adrian's slap

"One day I will be able to hit you" Adrian promised

"And on that day I will likely be injured or very, very drunk" Harry replied

"Well, I wish you both the best of luck" Dumbledore said as he sent a brief mind probe into Adrian's mind, he was incredibly surprised when Adrian blocked it, he quickly composed himself "good day to you" He said as he left

"He sent you a mind probe, didn't he?" Harry whispered into Adrian's ear. Adrian, who couldn't help but feel anger, shock and betrayal at the way Dumbledore casually tried to read his mind, could only nod.


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