Harpia Harpyja

Food and Bath

I updated the summary of the story! Please read it if you have been here from the start.


When I accepted my new life, I felt some bits of my life on Earth fading. I remembered a little, but my mind was more focused on my new life. My mind began to drift more toward that of a child.


As my mother held me, I began to grow hungry. I mostly ignored it, but eventually, my stomach made a loud grumbling noise.


"Oh, she's hungry," My mother said. "Hand me a bit of her shell, will you?" My father did something before passing an object to my mother. She held it in front of my mouth.


I sniffed the strange thing. It looked like a shard of some pottery but it smelled delicious. I opened my mouth and my mother placed the thing inside. I bit down, surprised to find that I already had teeth. Then my eyes widened as an explosion of flavor filled my mouth.


I quickly finished eating the delicious thing. My mother chuckled and handed me a larger piece. I ate that one too.


The next one, I looked at a little closer. It looked like a larger version of an eggshell.


Hold on. Both me and my parents looked a lot like bird people. And I'm pretty sure I had just hatched from an egg. So was I being fed bits of my egg? That was weird.


But it smelled so good. . . And it tasted good. . .


Whatever. It was the only food I had, so I ate it. I was confused about how my teeth could bite through the half-inch thick shell. Wait, how did I kick through it? I had the strength of a newborn!


Although this body seemed more like a two or three-year-old's. I was decently coordinated and I could see quite well.


Soon, though, I had my fill. When my mother put another piece of the shell in front of my mouth. I turned away from it.


"She ate more than I expected," My father said. "And she seems a little extra developed."


"She does," My mother said. "I will have Leonne look into it. Bring the rest of her shells, will you?" Then my mother set me down in her lap and reached to her side. She picked up a strange thing of fabric and began wrapping straps around her waist and arms. Then I was picked up and put in a pocket for me. My arms and legs stuck out of holes on the side.


I could now see what my father looked like. He had a smooth, angled face and sea-green hair. His arm-wings were the same color. I also noticed that he had a tail made of several extremely long feathers. Instead of normal feet, his feet ended in green-colored bird talons. I looked down and saw that both me and my mother had the same, only blue. That was probably how I had kicked my way through my egg- my claws looked sharp.


He was picking up the half of my eggshell that I hadn't eaten and putting it in a bag that went onto his back. Then both my parents lifted their wings and launched into the sky.


I cried out in surprise as the ground fell away. I hadn't even realized we were in the open.


When I looked down, I saw a flat rocky outcrop on a mountain. Now we were a few hundred feet in the air. And while I had been frightened at first, now it was fun. I flapped my tiny arms, the wind fluttering through my feathers. It felt nice.


"She's eager," My father said, looking at my wide smile. I giggled a little bit.


My parents flew down from the mountain toward a large building that looked like a mansion. There was a large opening in the wall that we flew through before landing on wooden flooring. A woman with orange hair, slightly differently shaped wings, and a maid outfit walked up to us.


"My lady, the rooms for your child have been prepared," She said, bowing to my mother. "May I ask their name?"


"Thank you, Leonne," My mother said. "Her name is Evelyn." She lifted me out of the pocket I had been in and was about to hand me to the maid, presumably Leonne, when I grabbed onto her arms.


"It seems she does not want to leave you," Leonne said.


"Fine," My mother said, holding me close again. "Where are the rooms?"


"This way," Leonne said.


"Evan, I'm leaving you in charge until I get back," My mother said to my father before she followed Leonne through a doorway.


I was brought to a small room with a small, circular bed covered in what looked like fluffy pillows. Then Leonne opened a side door and I was set down in a bowl inside. I looked up at my mother curiously.


Then warm water began to fill the bowl. It was comforting and I nearly fell backward into the water. Leonne caught me.


"My lady, you said that she is a she, correct?" The maid asked.


"Yes, she has nipples," My mother answered. "Why do you ask?" What did that mean? Maybe only females of whatever I was had nipples.


"Well, she. . . appears to have both sets of reproductive organs," Leonne said.


What!? I looked down in between my legs and saw that the maid was right. Despite being in the body of a girl, I had a small penis right above a line that was probably a vagina.


"What?" My mother asked. She leaned in and I reached out for her, liking her presence. She smiled a little and kissed me on my forehead before examining me. "Hmm. That is interesting."


"I agree," Leonne said.


"I will have to ask someone about this," My mother said. "In the meantime, finish washing her and then bring her to me." She stood up and left. I cried out, reaching for the door.


"Don't worry," Leonne said softly. "Once you're done being washed, I'll bring you to her." I calmed down a little and let her finish. I wanted to see my mother as soon as possible.


Wow, I wrote a lot. It's not often my stories have chapters with more than 1000 words.

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