Harem Overlord System

13. Lilith Feelings



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


(POV Lilith)

My name is Lilith Asami, as long as I remember I have been taken care of by headmaster Biblia in his academy Royal Biblia Academy and to pay my gratitude, I started to teach as a teacher after becoming one of the seven trinities.

I am a little shy around people so not to show my weakness I started to act cold towards everyone.

I did have friends and they are other six who has the same attainment as me but because of special regards and positions we have been put into, other students hardly approach us and most of the time I have to spend my time alone as other six have their duties to attend.


Today was the same and I was supervising students to do their physical class.

I heard someone calling me from behind so I turn around then I saw a handsome student approaching with a mysterious vibe around him so I got interested in knowing him.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask as to make sure he was calling me or someone else.

" Ahh. Yes, my name is Kosei Hesperia but you can call me Kosei," First he look at me blankly After I called him then he introduced himself with politeness and look at me as saying Introduce yourself.

"I'm Lilith Asami but you can call me Teacher Lilith, as you see I act in the role of a teacher in the academy so feel free to ask for any advice". I gave him head ups so if he needs any help at the least he can talk to a teacher.

"You are beautiful, teacher Lilith and here's the note, headmaster asks me to pass it to you," First part I didn't hear clearly as I was about to ask he pass me the note, apparently the headmaster was the one given him.

" So you are the new student here, Ok let me show you around then take you to your dorm room," After seeing what was written in a note I thought about observing him a bit more so I started to lead him around to show him, different faculties. After walking around it was getting late so I led him to his room and told him the location of the boy's bathroom as the female and male bath is little distance so as not to confuse it.


After that, I was about to leave but he called me out, apparently he needed help in his studies. So I agreed to help him.

But only after I observe him enough to make sure he is what he truly shows.

"First you have to train in stamina to last long in combat training. Hmm, how about 10 days, you do stamina training and after you have enough stamina, come find me. I introduce you to someone who will train you in combat," I thought about giving him time to train in stamina as he is new so he also can get used to academy life.

"Yes, I'll do that Teacher Lilith and once again thank you for the help," He thanked me then I thought it's about time I get going.

"Okey then If nothing else I'll be doing and good night," I departed from there as it's already evening and I felt the need to bath.


After that day I have been monitoring him and I'm pleased as he's a hard-working student. So I left him to his devices.

After seven days...

In these seven days, I have been meeting him from time to time and whenever we meet I ended up lecturing him about magic and studies.

But these days have been fun to me as I have someone talk to and willing to listen to my rambling which make me relax from a stressful day.


Today I'm sitting in the grass as this spot was found by him two days ago and I quite like here.

The chirping of birds, wind whistling against my ear and sitting on smooth grasses made me feel relaxed and peaceful.

As I was sitting there lazily, then I heard the noise of the footsteps coming from behind.

"Hey, there Lilith how is going," seeing him again today who has brought change to my dull life and making it bright, I feel something in my heart as this is the first time I'm feeling So I don't know what it is but I don't hate the feeling.

"Hi Kosei, It's alright. So did you finish with your training," I ask as changing the topic?

" Ahh yes, I just finished not long ago. So when are you going to introduce me to your friend of yours who's going to be helping me in my combat training," he ask me about the person I intended to introduce him to about training.

"Soon, as she is busy at the moment but when she returns I will introduce you two, also don't piss her off otherwise she might crush you as she is, mmnn well short-tempered," As the one I wanted to ask about it not here at the moment, but I warn him about the possible beating he will get If he pisses her off. She is a little short-tempered but a kind girl.

After some time we talk about some unimportant stuff, I laugh at the funny jokes he tells. Like that time pass by without knowing when it's time we parted as I still have something to do.



After that we met in the dining hall I was eating alone so he came to see me and sat in front of me.

" Good evening Lilith," He greeted me with the usual smile adorned on his handsome face.

"Good evening Kosei" I greeted back and try to ignore the heat coming out cause if distracting imaginations.

Past few days talking and spending time with him I started to take him as a friend so I let him call me by name directly without honorific as it feels weird when we are the same age and talks informal tone.

"By the way, are you free after dinner," he asks me as I don't particularly have anything to do today.

" Ahh Yes, Why" I don't know what he wants as I was thinking about it.

"You see I need your help to study the magical theories on various magics and I also wanted to explore the library to see I can find any solution to my current problems," he replied, which made me break out of my unhealthy thoughts.

" Hmm...Ok, I will help you if it's about that to the best of my abilities. You sure work hard as I see you sometimes running or exercising in the morning and now you even want to study the magic theories," I agreed as seeing how hard working he is so I subconsciously said out loud.

"Well, you know how dangerous the outside world can be, if you are not strong enough you can only endure the suffering from harsh reality and hope it passes away soon," he said with the melancholic face which also reminded me of my childhood.

"I don't like the powerless feeling as I want to become strong enough to protect myself and my loved ones," Seeing how serious and determined he looks I thought he might have experienced something and he didn't explain so I didn't ask but I decided to help him.

"You have a good heart and I'm sure with how much determination you showed me sooner or letter you will accomplish whatever you decided to do in the future," I thought giving him motivation by praising him would lift his mood.

"Cough..cough.Ok.ok.how about we go to the library now," I don't know what happened but he suddenly wants to go to the library.

Poor innocent Lilith doesn't know that by praising someone who likes you will become embarrassed.

" Hmm" I dumbly nodded my head and lead his library.

After reaching the library I started telling him which book to take for reference after he was done taking books we sat down at the table beside the balcony as I like to see outside or gaze at the stars and admire them. Whenever I have something in my mind I start to gaze at night.


A few hours After...

I departed from him after saying good night to him.

Now that I think about it I never spend so much time with anyone and we became close friends in just a week, well it is not like I hate it instead it feels a little different, like I feel spirited nowadays or may call it happiness, with spending time talking, having fun. Maybe this is the first time I feel like a normal girl.

I can't wait to see their reaction when I introduce him and I hope we can again become close friends with seven of us or now eight of us.

Thinking like that She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

As she didn't know in near future It will become reality, where she will have a large family and home.




A/N: Hey guys, don't forget to leave a review and if you don't have any words just use one of these "Bad" or "Not bad" or "Good" or "Great",

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Enjoy the chapter ...




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