Hardy Empire

Hardy Empire 1945 Chapter 1: : Tom Hardy

The Battle of Iwo Jima, known as the most tragic battle on the Pacific battlefield, lasted from February 19 to March 26, 1945.


   The entire island was almost blasted to scorched earth.


   A total of 6,821 people were killed and 21,865 were injured in this battle.


   22,703 Japanese were killed and 1,083 surrendered.


   During the battle, Sergeant Tom Hardy, who belonged to the Marine Division, was very brave and shot a dozen Japanese soldiers.


   When charging with his team, unfortunately, a bullet passed through his chest.


   When he woke up, he had been moved to the medical ship for treatment, but no one knew. At this time, Tom Hardy had a soul from China in his body.


  Tom Hardy was born in 1921 and is 24 years old this year. He has no father and no mother in his family. He has only a middle school education level. He has participated in many battles as a soldier for five years and has developed a strong personality.



   And the soul of China comes from modern times, named An Yi.


  The two souls are separated by a hundred years.


   The female nurse in charge of Hardy is called Catherine. There are dozens of nurses on the ship. Catherine is the youngest and beautiful one.


   Catherine changed the dressing of An Yi, disinfected the front and back wounds with iodophor, poured sulfa powder, wrapped it in gauze, and supported An Yi to lie down.


   "Sergeant Hardy, I believe you will get better soon." Catherine smiled and comforted.


   "Thank you Miss Nurse."


   A few days later, the medical ship was filled with the wounded, set sail and returned to Hawaii Harbor, and found one thing in ease. His injuries were originally considered to be serious, but his recovery was different from ordinary people's speed.


   There is no inflammation.


   The wound scabs for two days.


   Only one scar is left in ten days.


   Healed completely after half a month.


   The recovery speed is almost 10 times that of ordinary people.


   Anyi didn't dare to tell others that he was afraid of being treated as a monster, but he guessed that he suspected that this was his own crossing welfare.


   Now that the two souls have not been fully integrated, the two memories are constantly interacting, which makes An Yi sometimes trance and very uncomfortable.


   He went to see a doctor. Of course, he couldn’t say anything about the journey. He just asked how the trance condition should be relieved.


   There are all surgeons on the ship, and they are not good at ease of illness. The analysis may be a mental illness.


   Many soldiers have suffered war trauma from the battlefield.


   The doctor gave him a few tablets of sedatives, and then prescribed an examination strip, so that he could go to the psychiatric department for a good check after An Yi arrived in Hawaii.



   The ship was full of wounded people, and the nurses were very busy every day, which made them very tired and comfortable and basically healed. Catherine expressed her willingness to help, and Catherine readily agreed.


   With Anyi's help, Catherine's workload was reduced by half, which greatly relieved her exhaustion. While Anyi was also taking care of patients, she made many friends.


   Half a month later, the ship crossed the Pacific Ocean and arrived at the Port of Hawaii. All the wounded landed ashore, including the nurses on board.


   There will be another wave of nurses to replace them.


   Anyi received a physical examination in the hospital. The doctor found that he was healed, but he didn't care too much. There were too many wounded and the doctor didn't have the energy to pay special attention to him.


   Anyi took the note issued by the doctor on the ship to the psychiatric department. After a brief questioning, the doctor here diagnosed him as having post-war trauma syndrome.


in conclusion,


   was hospitalized for one month for psychotherapy.


   In the inpatient department, An Yi saw Catherine again. The two were already very familiar. An Yi was very fond of the girl who had two dimples when she laughed, and invited Catherine to have dinner at a downtown restaurant in Honolulu.


   After dinner, the two took a walk on the gentle beach, enjoying the gentle sea breeze and the beautiful night.


   It was a bit late, they didn't return to the hospital, they walked into the hotel as a matter of course, and had a pleasant and beautiful exchange on the bed.


   Afterwards, Catherine lay in the man's arms, stroking the gun scars on the solid chest muscles. She told An Yi that she thought Hardy was the most handsome on the boat.


   In the morning, Catherine went to work in the hospital and lay in bed comfortably. After the little nurse devoted himself to treatment overnight, he felt that his trance symptoms were much better.


   An Yi once saw someone on the Internet saying that love is the best medicine for heart trauma. Now Thaksin believes.

went into the hotel bathroom naked.


   In the mirror,


   The man has a strong body, six-pack abs, mermaid line, strong thighs, short black hair, small but deep eyes, naturally with a strong smell.


   grinned slightly, and there was a sneer in his smile.


   No wonder women like it.


   During the next month of treatment, half a month of ease was spent at the hotel with Catherine.


   Catherine is a nurse, so she must be a nurse.


   white hat,




   silk stockings,


   Vacuum nurse clothes,


   These are really a perfect match.


   But the good times are always short, this day a second lieutenant officer finds ease.


   "Sergeant Hardy, your injury has healed, and the military is ready to arrange for you to return to the army and continue to serve."


   An Yi immediately shook his head.


   He is now a Chinese soul in his body, and he is absolutely unwilling to sacrifice his life for the Americans.


   Besides, the battlefield is ruthless. Although he is recovering from injuries much faster than others, he is not dead.


   The bullet still bleeds when it hits the body, and it will definitely be fatal if the head is blown.


   He has made up his mind to retire.


   ran to the psychiatrist and said that he was still in a trance. The doctor gave him a post-war trauma syndrome certificate, and he left the army with ease.


   A few days later, he received a poor retirement allowance of several hundred dollars and a battle medal, said goodbye to Catherine in the hotel, and boarded the cruise back to Los Angeles the next day.


   Where should I go from now on, in fact, I am a bit at a loss now.


  Because of observing these two months, he found that this world is a bit paradoxical, and many places are different from the world in his memory.


   In his past life, the president of the United States should be Harris Truman, but now he is an old guy named Johnson.


   There are many things he knows in this world, and there are also many companies and celebrities he has never heard of.



   In the newspaper, he also saw some reports. For example, the newspaper reported a few days ago that the Mafia Corleone family leader and godfather Vito Corleone had a grand wedding for his youngest daughter Connie.


   Seeing this report, An Yi felt a little dazed at the time.


   Godfather Vito Corleone married his daughter. Isn’t this the plot in the movie "The Godfather"? How would it appear here.


   "The FBI filed a lawsuit against Chicago gang leader Al Capone again. This is the seventh accusation that Capone has faced in his lifetime. I don't know if the Chicago underground emperor will survive this time again."


   He also read a news report not long ago.


   The Federal Court sued Nucky Thompson for tax evasion and sentenced him to ten years in jail. Nucky Thompson was imprisoned, which caused several major forces in Atlantic City to fall apart and the future direction is unknown.


   He didn't care at the time,


   Now that I think about it, isn’t this the plot of "Empire of Atlantic City"? !


   An Yi seriously suspects that he has crossed into the world of film and television.


   He is going to settle down first and talk about it after he understands the world.


   The cruise ship arrived in Los Angeles, then took a bus back to his hometown in Orange County, rented a small apartment room to settle down, and a few days later found a job as a waiter in a pub.


   His working hours are from 3 pm to 11 pm, which gives Anyi a lot of time during the day.


   Get up in the morning for a run and exercise.


   There is a boxing gym near his home, and he reported his name and went to the gym to practice boxing in the morning.


   Through this time and space, An Yi also looked forward to whether there is a system mentioned in the novel at the beginning, but it was a pity that it did not appear after waiting for a long time.


   But he also found that he was different from ordinary people.


   For example, his physical recovery ability is ten times stronger than that of a normal person.

   I was aware of this when I was born again.


  Practicing boxing in the boxing gym will inevitably lead to injuries, muscle strains, swollen eye sockets, fist bruises and so on. These minor injuries can be fully recovered after just a nap the next day.


   even worked as a sparring partner once, accidentally broken a rib by Garcia, the strongest fighter in the gym, but he basically recovered in just three days.


   Also, he is much more sensitive to crisis than others, and he doubts whether it is because of the fusion of the two souls.


   After more than two months of training, the ease of physical fitness, endurance, fighting ability, and fighting awareness have been greatly strengthened. 


   Yesterday, when he was playing against Garcia, he couldn't get the guy up in three minutes, his eyes were black and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.


   Anyi has become the strongest boxer in the gym. The coach advises Anyi to concentrate on boxing. In the future, he may become the best fighter in the United States, and he can also make a lot of money.


   An Yi thought for a while and finally refused.


   He has a greater pursuit of the future, but he doesn't want to be just a boxer.


   In addition to practicing boxing,


   also occasionally practice guns.


   His marksmanship is good, and he has developed a very strong fighting quality on the battlefield. His main practice is to draw a spear.


   When he was in the army, he met a guy from Texas, and An Yi said that he had won the fast gun competition organized by the county. After the two became friends, he taught Hardy his best gun drawing skills.


   Anyi bought a second-hand Colt revolver for $45. The boss included a holster, and occasionally went to the field to practice the gun. If he was lucky, he could get back a game or two.


   I live very peacefully, but the world does not stop, moving forward vigorously, and countless major events happen every day.


   On August 6, 1945, the little boy exploded in Hiroshima, and on August 9, the fat man exploded in Nagasaki.


   On August 15, Japan announced its unconditional surrender.


   The letter of surrender was signed on September 2, and the Second World War ended.


   But these have nothing to do with ease.


   Now he is just an ordinary American, a tavern worker.



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