Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Her temporary rule was going fine, all things considered; the ship was sailing without rats or leaks. Armed with her fearsome reputation of being someone to avoid messing with at all costs, Buku had ensured that most of the troublemakers were on their best behavior while Momonga was away.

If not for the constant stream of requests to make decisions, and paperwork she needed to go through, the job would be a breeze. On top of her current job of cultural and foreign management. No wonder Momonga was so eager to automate his workload when he could, taking on the manas in an instant, if what she got was just the dumbed-down version while Manas: Nazarick handled most of it.

It was the morning of the third day since Momonga had started his evolution, and she was in her office in the early morning hours with a steady supply of sugared-up coffee with unhealthy amounts of cream on top of it. The maids had been sure to put in extra caffeine at her insistence ever since she discovered that more caffeine meant more work done. Hinata was in her office and noting down all the locations she needed to deliver correspondences to post haste.

The former saint was practically connected to her at the hip, using every opportunity to be useful in any way she could. It was easy to see she was doing everything to avoid being put back in the chains or sent to the void, with even a mere reference to the fearsome beast sending her into a quasi-hyperventilation anxiety attack.

Buku had noted that Hinata's mental health had been declining rapidly, and there was almost nothing left of the once proud woman with pride and principles, known throughout the human lands. She knew she could send Hinata on a murder spree through countless orphanages, and in the end, the only question asked would be if she needed to bring back the corpses.

'Maybe I should ease up on her a bit,' Her Shizue part wanted to be caring and merciful, but it wasn't enough yet to break through the hatred of what the woman had tried to do.

"Mistress, I should be back within an hour with replies. Do you have any other orders?" The woman spoke in a quiet, submissive tone with her head lowered, putting down her pen.

Buku didn't reply instantly, instead choosing to finish up her cup and nodding at the maid to fill it up again. An action all her staff knew too well. Most had a habit of carrying all the necessary ingredients in their inventories, and if they didn't have them, they had a person nearby with them on-call via Thought Communication.

She almost spit out the last gulp of coffee when Hinata collapsed to her knees and clutched her head, hyperventilating. Papers spilled all over the floor, knocked from their orderly piles that she had been writing out just earlier.

"What are you doing?" Buku asked with slight concern.

"That voice! It is back! No! No! I was good. I did as was told!" Hinata cried, her voice cracking as her aura flared out.

"What voice?" Buku dropped the mug and stood up, leaning over the table.

"Mistress, stop it! Please stop it! I have been good. I do as told! Please!" She began to shake as her cries became weak whimpers, her aura retracting and instead forming barriers around herself.

{ Nazarick, what the hell is going on?! } Buku contacted the ever-present manas, knowing she was watching.

{ The only data I have on Hinata's current state is that she is going through the same evolution which was stopped when Lord Momonga added her to me as a thrall, likely associating the Voice of the World with the trauma. Additional note, it seems Kagali has collapsed on the floor and her energy levels are spiking. Ramiris notes she might be going through a demon lord awakening. } Nazarick reported.

{ Both at the same time. That cannot be a coincidence. We need to get through to Momonga. He probably knows what is going on. }

{ Understand. Lord Momonga is still undergoing evolution, and I could not reach his consciousness. }

{ Try again! } Buku ordered. { Momo, I need your input. Respond to me! }

{ I must advise you to not try to interrupt the master's evolution. } Nazarick's tone grew stern.

{ I am not ordering you to pull him out of that damn cocoon! But we have a situation here that needs to be addressed and Momonga likely is the only one who knows what the fuck is going on! } Buku started to lose her patience.

{ Understood. I will attempt to contact Lord Momonga in a non-invasive manner. }

{ Good. }

There was no response for several minutes as Hinata's whimpers grew more frantic, finally breaking through Buku's desire to see her suffer and letting her softer side take over. Shizu did care for her students, deeply so, and it pained her to see them suffering.

She approached Hinata, kneeling in front of her and speaking softly, "It will be alright. Hang in there, OK?"

Hinata embraced her in a hug as a response, crying into her ear, "Help me! Make it stop! I've been good. I do as I was told. Please, Sensei, help me. I'm sorry. I am sorry. I've been good."

As much as she tried not to dwell on those memories, Hinata once again was like how she was back then. A scared teenage girl, starved of familiar affection so badly she broke down after the first heartfelt hug and gentle assurances by a fellow person. Back then, things got awkward for a while as the girl didn't want to be seen as weak and vulnerable, but eventually, she let herself be embraced again, her teacher becoming her rock until she moved on to become Ruberio's strongest fighter.

Buku knew why Hinata was so torn on her feelings and how much Shizue meant to her, after all, she had Shizu's memories. It was in her darkest moments she called out for the only person who had shown her parental love, caring parental love without strings attached. And now there was one such moment again. Despite conflicting emotions, Buku returned the embrace, letting the woman cry on her shoulder.

Finally, Momonga came through their mental connection, quickly assuring her that Hinata probably would be fine and should just go through the evolution into a divine human. He also gave instructions to make sure all of Kagali's subordinates were accounted for and not left lying somewhere unconscious, given how valuable they were for Tempest.

"Listen to me. Everything is fine, your evolution won't kill you. Nothing will stop it this time. Momonga is letting it happen and is ensuring that it will perform perfectly. Just take deep breaths and relax," Buku spoke softly, stroking Hinata's back. Tomorrow she could return to treating her like she was a disposable tool, but today she couldn't stop herself from showing this moment of weakness. A sobbing teenager was, in the end, a sobbing teenager who needed emotional support.

"Thank you, sensei," Hinata mumbled while trembling, her tears finally drying.

The evolution rapidly progressed, with her entire being entering a purely spiritual existence. She would now be completely immortal and ageless, capable of living as long as time itself. As a side-effect, her mind and soul were almost completely healed from the terrible scars left by the void and the previous evolutions that had torn her soul to shreds and only patchwork fixed. The fear and panic she felt faded away, leaving only understanding behind of what had happened.

She had achieved what she so deeply desired; an immortal life. The fear of the void would never fade, nor need to fade, given how traumatic it had been. It was better to have this constant reminder of where she could end up, should she let arrogance dominate her actions ever again under her new masters. Hinata knew she was but a servant and always would be. But with that came the assurance that for once she was valued for what and who she was, valued for her capabilities and battle experience.

Lady Buku could have ignored her or tossed her out of the office and let the terror consume her whole, but her Mistress chose not to. Her warm embrace let her persevere through and come out of the evolution healed, better prepared to serve than ever.

"I am better now. Thank you for not abandoning me." Hinata let go of Buku and assumed a proper kneeling position, knowing her time of emotional collapse was done. "I am ready to carry out your will, Lady Buku."

"Good. We need to go to Jistav. Go to Demiurge and report that Kagali will soon enter the Harvest festival phase, and we need to make sure Jistav doesn't collapse on itself." Buku ordered her to get back on her feet, sharply turning away.

"As you command, Mistress," Hinata responded with dedication.

"And Hinata… I don't want to be angry at you anymore, but you have to know your place." Buku's tone once again grew softer.

"Mistress, I know my place. It is to serve you and Lord Momonga. I truly appreciate your kindness even knowing that I am undeserving of it," Today, her final metamorphosis had ended. She knew with all her heart she was in the right place and that she was a useful tool in capable hands, and this time, she wouldn't be betrayed again.

'Shizue if this bites us in the ass, I will be very angry at that part of us. Giving her a second chance isn't smart,' Buku warned her other half, who only responded with a warm feeling.

With one evolution out of the way, now was the time to deal with the other one, so when Momonga woke up, she could proudly report that she didn't mess up a single thing.


It took only a few minutes for Demiurge to prepare a proper stealth team and notify Buku that they were ready to move on her command. Laplace, Tear, and Footman were also recalled home and sent to their private rooms to prepare for the inevitable sleep period, their missions postponed to a later date. None of them had their missions held against them, and they would continue where they left off once they gained their harvest festival gifts.

With Hinata, Demiurge, and his unit in tow, Buku arrived at Clayman's castle, where the Demon Lord had already gathered all his servants who would be affected by the harvest festival. Luckily, his inner circle was relatively small and most of his nation wouldn't be affected, save for a short period where exclusive orders stopped being issued. Jistav would come out of this period relatively fine in terms of manpower.

"Lady Buku, Lord Demiurge, I have made all the preparations," Clayman reported as he and his five fingers, save for the three-tailed fox, got on their knees, kneeling before his two superiors.

The small animal for whatever reason decided to approach Buku and sat down right in front of her, raising one paw in a cute gesture as it glanced up right at her.

"Looks like this one wants to get my attention," Buku remarked. "What's her name?"

"I haven't named her, Lady Buku. The beast's power level is too high for me to do so safely, and I wouldn't dream of diminishing my power in such a manner without a direct order from my superiors." Clayman glanced at the fox, fully understanding what the clever creature was doing. The magical fox kit was gifted to him long ago, and he was well aware the creature hated him, and her grim fate of being a property, after being enslaved by the Eastern Empire operatives who slaughtered her people and killed her parents.

It was attempting to break free of him, and Lady Buku was his immediate superior, so of course she was the ideal owner. It would become on par with him in terms of authority, and perhaps even eventually exceed him in power by bathing in her magicules like how the direwolf Ranga grew under Lord Momonga.

"So, this little one is looking for an upgrade? What makes you think I'll be a better owner, huh?" Buku spoke in a cute tone while accepting the fox paw as she kneeled to be on level with the small magical animal, staring at it straight in the eyes.

The fox slightly trembled and lowered her head with a quiet whine. { I'm sorry. I hoped to be freed from him. } A message came from the fox, slightly surprising her.

{ He and everyone, including you, serve me and my friends. Why should I take you in personally? } Buku responded in kind.

{ You are strong. Stronger than him. You can name me. I can guard you as an unassuming pet. } The fox pleaded.

{ You're a clever little thing. Tell you what, you can become my daughter's pet, but make no mistake, if you think you will be able to manipulate us with your cuteness, we will make a very adorable plush toy out of you. } Buku smiled down at the fox pup, who had begun to realize she might have traded one bad master for one even worse.

{ I will be on my best behavior, Mistress. } The fox gulped, glancing downward as it pawed at the floor.

"I'll be taking this one. Aura will send something better in return for you," Buku announced, picking up the fox with both hands.

"As you wish, Lady Buku." Clayman didn't even attempt to protest. He would just have to use whatever was sent as the new Finger, or perhaps recruit that old Finger before it.

"Now then, to transfer ownership, I should name you." Buku lifted the animal to her eye level. "How about…" A name formed in her mind as if the fox had a predestined name assigned to her. "Kumara."

At first, the fox grew six more tails, practically becoming a beast from Japanese folklore, but a moment later, instead of a fox pup, Buku was holding a small human girl, with large fox ears, in her arms. She looked about six years old with a brown bob cut and dressed in a kimono, despite having been supplied no clothes. The magicule output required for the naming was higher than expected, but still well within healthy ranges for Buku.

{ What did I tell you? } Buku warned the magical beast, cocking an eye.

{ I-I'm sorry, I thought it would be weird if I turned into my adult form in your arms, Lady Buku, so I stopped my full transformation halfway. I can return to my fox form if you'd like! } Kumara hastily responded, shivering.

{ It will be fine. Stay as is for now. } Buku put the child down and patted her between the large fox ears. She couldn't blame the child for being cute, that was how children were, and it would've most certainly been… unusual if she suddenly held a whole grown woman in a princess carry.

"Demiurge, make sure all their upgrades happen without any problems. If anything unforeseen happens, notify me. As for the rest of you, get comfortable. Once the Harvest Festival has ended, all of you will be added to the Nazarick servant list directly. Clayman, you are getting an upgrade as well." Buku announced and departed with Kumara in tow, leaving the demon to handle the rest.

Both appeared in front of Aura's and Mare's dwelling on the forest floor. Kumara glanced around timidly, unsure how to act. Her decision to upgrade masters had already almost backfired and it was best not to mess up even more.

"How old are you? I mean in terms of physical and mental development." Buku asked her.

"I'm not sure how to answer that. I was enslaved as a small child and was used however my owners saw fit since then. My species matures with increased power, so naming me will enable me to use an adult body." She explained.

"Since you are meant for my daughter, you can take the appearance of a girl in your early teens and use a few years to be a child and grow up alongside her, so long as you do not forget your place," Buku stated, waving for her to follow as she walked onwards.

Kumara switched her appearance to an age Buku had ordered and the next thing she knew, she was presented to a group of children of approximately the same age.

"Aura, I brought you a gift. At first, I wanted to get you a fox pet, but as you can see, naming her has turned her more human-like. This is Kumara, and she is yours now," Buku explained to an energetic elven girl.

"Wait, Mom, what do you mean by mine? I already have my hands full with werewolves. You want me to train her as well?" Aura asked, eyeing the girl critically.

"No, I mean… look, she is quite smart, so she likely can help you. Just don't go overboard. I estimate that she's in the upper S tier, and could at least act as an enforcer."

"Sure. Well, come on then, we're having a manga club meeting for about two hours, you can read with us and then we need to train my worshipers," Aura grabbed her by the hand and dragged her deeper inside the tree house while explaining the plan for the day, leaving behind a solo Buku.

'Why do I get the feeling I tricked myself into having another kid?' Buku couldn't shake off the feeling that she was tricked, and she was unsure if it was she herself or Kumara who managed to do that.

Pero would tease her for weeks if he found out, that was for sure.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by aidan_lo, FantasyTroll, clagan, Cay, shynavyseal, Nuggetlover, KieraKieraARTS, Milk, CakeEight, IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO and Nervy.

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