Harbingers of Change

Volume 5 – Chapter 13

Chapter 13

King Edmaris Falmuth had long been the linchpin in his nation's prosperity, with his government and the majority of his nobles placing unwavering confidence in him. His strategic positioning as the intermediary between the East and the West had yielded an era of unprecedented wealth, with his kingdom's coffers always brimming with the gold of a thousand suns and accruing vast amounts more annually. This resulted in the securing of a level of opulence that many Western monarchs could scarcely fathom.

In addition to his economic acumen, he donated large sums to the church of Luminism, garnering their backing in all cultural affairs and simultaneously pacifying the populace and ensuring their general contentment. Indeed, he was the apple of their eye in the eastern segment of the Western Nations, his influence all but indisputable.

Bolstered by this steadfast support, he endorsed the church's crusade wholeheartedly, committing the bulk of his nation's might to cleansing the forest of Jura of its monstrous denizens. The untapped resources that would come from the acquired lands would pay back the investment in months at worst, and within weeks at best. The raw materials gathered from harvesting nearby segments alone had already augmented his treasury by a substantial margin, sent back by the marching armies.

With that, he had sent his most trusted men, Razen and Folgen, to join the crusade and act as advisors to the church's esteemed leaders and valiant warriors. Their expertise was invaluable, and their counsel was heeded by the highest echelons of the holy order. The only negative was that without his court magician, he now lacked a way to get up-to-date news from the far-flung provinces of his realm. These provinces, their wealth burgeoned by the heavy tariffs and taxes levied upon the common folk, now seemed distant and silent, their usual stream of reports and missives reduced to a trickle.

The temporary replacement, a young mage of promising talent, had complained about some sort of interference the moment the army crossed the border, but feeling confident that the novice would soon overcome this obstacle, he chose not to dwell too much on the news delay. Magicians, after all, had their tricks in the arcane arts, and he had his tricks in the arts of accumulating money; both cases were no doubt bound to be successful.

Like every other day, he shared breakfast with his closest confidants in the main dining hall, decorated with countless pieces of gold and gems. To his right sat his ten-year-old son, Crown Prince Edgar, and to his left, the archbishop Rayhiem. The ministers and nobles settled into their designated seats, arrayed along the elongated table that groaned under the weight of an extravagant spread. Each dish was a masterpiece, a testament to the skills of the chefs, with the ingredients imported from abroad.

The acting magician was relegated to the fringes of the grand hall, a consequence of his incompetence. Despite the distance, he still got plenty of luxuries, a reminder of the status his role commanded. But the absence of Razen left an unspoken question hanging in the air, drawing the eyes of the assembly from the vacant seat to the young magician. Under their collective gaze, he could do little but shrink back, the weight of expectations and silent judgments pressing down upon him.

Today, the King mostly ate in silence, listening to the conversations that filled the hall. The discussions related to the monster materials that would soon be in the hands of Falmuth were the ones filled with the most buzz. Rare woods and direwolf hides were good for constructing decorative mansions, while the succulent meat of knight spiders was lauded as a delicacy fit for the most distinguished of guests, among other things.

Alas, this peace wasn't meant to last, not for long. Just as Edmaris reached for his favorite dessert, his fork already moving to pierce it, a ragged courier burst into the hall and collapsed before reaching the table.

One of the nearby ministers rushed over and pried out the scroll from the extended arm of the unconscious man, delivering it right into the king's hands. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Edmaris glanced over the text and paled, "The entire western border is overrun with monsters. Cities are falling one after another!"

"That shouldn't be possible! The church's presence was-" Rayhiem stammered.

"You, you useless magician! Get your grip back and contact Marquis Muller's wizard!" The King shouted over the archbishop, indignant at the news.

"I have tried to contact him and our other colleagues for days, Your Majesty. However, the interference has only gotten stronger," The man replied as politely as possible, slightly shivering as he did so.

"Come to think of it, no one has used the church's transportation network for a while. Could it be that the monsters are using some sort of interference field on us?" Rayhiem mused.

"Rayhiem, is such a thing possible?"

"I wouldn't put it past the monster nation to send out forces to exact revenge before they are crushed, Your Majesty. I will investigate personally and request a team of inquisitors from Ruberious."

"Do that. Marquis Halhim, I would like to hear your opinion on the matter." Edmaris addressed the highest-ranking military official present.

"I have not heard any news from my home as well, but I do not see a reason to worry. The local militias, with help from the Free Guild, should be more than enough to deal with monster intruders. Assuming the monster nation is using human tactics, I would consider this as an attempt to scare us into thinking they pose a real threat and thereby get us to recall our forces to defend the borders, which would result in a successful defense for them. I wouldn't put it past the nobles guarding the border to exaggerate their losses to get free assistance from the crown either, considering they will have plenty of commoner casualties…" Halhim, a thin man with dark rings under his eyes, voiced his reassurances.

"Call for mobilization of the local forces just in case. Who knows what sort of vile acts the monsters are planning before they take their last breath," the King ordered, resuming his meal.

The passed-out courier was removed from the dining hall by a cleric and the breakfast continued. Another courier was sent out with the orders from the king, along with several minor messengers from each of the ministers. The magician also sent out a messenger of his own to notify his companions.

The topic of conversation had now shifted, centering on Falmuth's tactical response to the monster nations' unexpected counteroffensive. Rather than mounting a proper defense, the creatures had chosen to embark on a desperate campaign of revenge, launching last-ditch attacks that were ultimately deemed futile.

The optimism, however, wasn't meant to last. Later in the day, Franz, the guild master of the Free Guild branch in Falmuth, sought an audience.

Given the guild's formidable sway over commerce and politics, King Edmaris was in no position to refuse such a request. This was further compounded by the substantial donations he had discreetly funneled to the guild's uppermost echelons - an investment to ensure that Falmuth's interests remained at the forefront, even above those of the guild itself.

In solemn grandeur did Edmaris await the arrival of his visitor. As the man approached, a palpable sense of panic was etched across his features - a harbinger of dire news. That alone was an ill omen, but what came out of the man's mouth utterly shocked him.

"Your Majesty, the Free Guild headquarters has issued non-interference orders directly to all local branch managers, going around my authority."

"What?!" The king's response was immediate, his body lurching forward with such force that his crown nearly tumbled from his head. With a hasty gesture, he righted the symbol of his rule, his mind racing with the implications of this unforeseen decree.

"The guild headquarters was warned that Tempest is staging a full invasion on Falmuth's soil, and grandmaster Yuuki Kagurazaka has agreed to keep the guild out of the conflict to spare the lives of its members. As of now, Tempest has sent most of its monster armies into Falmuth, and guild members are not allowed to participate in the war," Franz frantically explained.

"That can't possibly be true! Is there any proof?!" The King roared, slamming his fist into the armrest before wincing in annoyance at his now throbbing hand.

"All internal communication got disabled an hour ago, and our transportation network has been turned off. I-In my humble opinion, I think the monsters are cutting us off from the rest of the human nations through unknown, yet effective means," Franz uttered his terrible premonition.

The man's warning became a most frightening reality the next day when Reyhiem returned with the alarming news of the church's transportation pad in the cathedral being sabotaged, with its guards killed and its magic circles all but blown to smithereens.

The next crushing news came from Dwargon, sealed with the personal crest of King Gazel. The missive was unequivocal: The Armed Nation was sealing its borders with Falmuth, denying passage to all human travelers. This decree effectively rendered over half of Falmuth's borders impassable, casting a shadow of deep-seated anxiety over the capital. The implications were clear - the kingdom of Falmuth was now encircled by an air of hostility, the regional stability hanging in the balance.

The final nail in the coffin was the spymaster's report of the total annihilation of the Falmuth-Ruberios crusade at the hands of the monsters, with only about forty souls miraculously surviving. Those forty people were promptly hit with a gag order under threat of death, not that they harbored any desire to recount the horrors they had witnessed. The silence that enveloped their ordeal was as telling as any tale of terror could be.

After hearing the devastating news, he only had one option left, one he had hoped to never invoke thanks to the political ramifications it held. Yet, with the kingdom itself at risk of perishing, this once-unthinkable option had become his only recourse. It was a decision that could alter the course of Falmuth's history - no - the world's history, for better or worse.

"Send whoever you can towards Ingrassia and relay my distress call. I want to invoke the mutual protection agreement."


The Western Council meetings were always invariably cacophonous, a symphony of discord as numerous nations vied for their interests amidst a scarcity of resources.

Today, however, the usual clamor escalated into a full-blown uproar. The council was in disarray over the latest major developments; the monster nation of Tempest had initiated an all-out invasion of Falmuth as direct retaliation for assisting the Church of Luminism in its crusade to completely exterminate its inhabitants. And, it seemed, Tempest's ambitions extended far beyond mere retribution.

While the five Falmuth representatives insisted upon immediate aid from other nations, most delegates demanded clarity on the events that had unfolded, questioning how the besieged monster nation could have possibly orchestrated an invasion.

As the chancellor fought a losing battle in trying to establish any sort of order, a commotion at the entrance cut through all the raised voices. A courier came in, hollering without any sense of decorum or protocol. It was their most important messenger, used only when powerful influences like the Ruberios church wanted to send information. He bellowed an announcement that captured everyone's attention.

"A letter and observation orb addressed to the Council of the West from the Tempest Hegemony!"

As a hush descended upon them, the chancellor used the opportunity to take the items from the messenger and read aloud the most important excerpts after a few minutes of nervous skimming, not that there weren't many unimportant excerpts, considering its contents.

"The Tempest Hegemony has declared total war on the Kingdom of Falmuth and the Ruberios Holy Empire in retaliation for their unprovoked assault on Tempest's lands. Any nation found to be aiding either will be considered an enemy and will face the full brunt of Tempest's military might. Tempest's ruler, Supreme Overlord Momonga Tempest, states his intention to keep peaceful relations with human nations and will continue trade with anyone who is not involved in hostilities towards his subjects. The letter is also signed by King Gazel Dwargo, with an announcement that the Armed Nation of Dwargon will cease trade with any human nation that shows hostility towards their ally, the Tempest Hegemony."

The moment the chancellor finished announcing its contents, the hall erupted into chaos with the noise of delegates screaming over one another. Only a few approached the speaking booth to see the contents of the observation orb for themselves, mostly those close to the Ruberios Empire or Falmuth.

After the most prominent figures had scrutinized the letter's contents, a mage was summoned to the center of the hall. With a flourish of his hands and an incantation, he conjured the images contained within the orb. They materialized grandly upon the ornate ceiling, transforming it into a canvas that displayed the events for all to witness. The delegates craned their necks, eyes wide as the vivid projections brought the gravity of the situation into a deathly outlook.

What was shown defied all logic known to mankind, as the scene that unfolded before the council was one of unimaginable power, horror, and most of all bafflement. Tempest's enigmatic ruler had unleashed a cataclysmic spell, a spell that killed tens of thousands if not over a hundred thousand humans in one fell swoop. Amidst this display of might, humanity's vaunted champion, Hinata, was like a helpless ragdoll, grasped by the hair and dangled like a mere plaything by the one known as Bukubukuchagama. Many watched, aghast, as their preconceived notions of strength and order were shattered in mere moments.

"This is a fabrication!"

"It cannot be true!"

"We demand an investigation!"

The display of unrivaled strength left no room for doubt, and with the potential to lose out on Dwargon-crafted armaments and healing potions, not one nation openly supported Falmuth's plea, leaving the kingdom to its fate. Those who had previously promised Falmuth support swiftly retracted their statements, hastily citing the new information, which only further crushed the morale of Falmuth's representatives.

In the days that followed, the authenticity of the astonishing recording was confirmed by the numerous spies who returned from the battlefield, shocking the nations to their cores.

Tempest had revealed its cards and its message was unambiguous and chilling: Provoke us at your peril, for if you dare pick a fight with us, we will end you.

Editing by aidan_lo

Proofreading by Zprotu, Sluethen, Cakeeight, Malguis, FantasyTroll, Thea, LightFlan and NuggetLover

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