Chapter 32 -my opponents-

[elsewhere in the Galaxy kingdom one of Tylor's opponents is "training for the tournament]

Naomi: AAAAAAAaaah ! J you're being too rough ! Aaaah !

Jūryuku:you said could take it though.

Naomi pushed jūryuku off of her and she laid on the bed with her legs closed.Jūryuku got off of the bed and got dressed pissed.

Naomi:where are you going ?

Jūryuku:I'm going to take a walk,got a problem with that ?!

Naomi:(uneasy)I...no,no I don't.

Jūryuku:then don't ask me stupid questions.

Naomi:(sadly)...sorry j

Jūryuku left Naomi in the room and he strolled down the passageway of his mansion while talking to himself.

Jūryuku:that bloody king thinks he can just order me around ! When I win that bloody thing I'll show him who's boss ! I'll shove that bloody trophy so far up his ass he'll feel it up to his chest !

J ended outside in his training grounds in the back of his estate.He prepared himself taking his stance,He had both arm's stretched forward and he firmly balanced himself with his feet.J's fighting style involved him casting fire spell while dancing around his opponents,overwhelming them with hand to hand combat and powerful fire spells at the same time.

Jūryuku:Gods of flame,those who call hell home,those above that shine down on those below and those who burn for eternity.Give the black flames that eat in its way.'amatarasu'

Jūryuku's upper body was covered with an black flaming x.He took a deep breath and he exhaled.He opened his eyes and his pupils had a blue flaming aura to them.J quickly used burst as 13 dolls appeared out of the ground shooting earth bullets at him.J appeared in the sky,the doll's focused their aim at him again,J used his flames to propel himself downwards faster.He dodged the bullets being fired at him in while falling in the air,he laughed while helping himself with his flames to dodge the bullets he couldn't dodge.He blasted the doll's that were close to him apart with his flames when he landed creating a small crater.J quickly burst forward and he did a triple front flip while dodging the bullets being shot at him,the doll's switched from earth to fire and shot one huge combined fire ball as big as drake's mansion😏and they launched it at jūryuku.J decided to respond with a black and blue flaming version of the same attack but he didn't launch it.The doll's flame hit his and he lifted up both flaming orbs and shot both into the sky,with them creating a small nuclear level explosion.The clouds spread apart creating a massive gaping hole in the sky.J appeared behind the last few remaining dolls and blind sided them with a huge huge black flaming fire blast destroying them from the smoke screen created from the two fire spells colliding.J cancelled out his black flames spells and he starts steaming as he breathe heavily.

Jūryuku:I still need to improve,I heard the leader of that Rosalie kingdom team is the one that tamed the demon lord.He's the one I want to wrip apart the most ! I'm sure he thinks he's hot stuff,huh !

[And not so far away from the Galaxy kingdom was the fury kingdom,land of the honorable and powerful people of their king]

Aura was seating at his favourite spot in the whole kingdom,a hill atop a river side and he enjoyed being here because it was quiet and peaceful.Most of the animals that lived in the forest would use this river as a water source.It had a beautiful and rare flower that followed the river on its sides,it glowed blue at night of its own and it only existed in this world and only bloomed once every 3 years,aura was here to see the flowers bloom before the tournament.He was well regarded as a genius within his peers when it came to physical combat skills as a human he was demon lord level but his magic although good left something to be desired.

Aura:trying to find a way to fight with spells and my fighting is kinda hard but I guess the trick I have up my sleeve will help...probably,I heard there's a dude who tamed the demon lord,I'm sure there's nothing I can do against him.oh well there's no matter stressing about it,I'm still inline to be king after my father.

Aura got up and dusted himself off.He torched a cigar and started walking back to the kingdom.

Aura:you two can die now...

Aura opened his eyes while they had a green glow to them.He nonchalantly blew smoke as he carried on walking.A little distance away within the forest,3 assassin's were wrapped up in vines and they were dragged into the ground while they cried,begged and screamed for mercy.The ground sealed itself off with their screams disappearing with them.

[The last important member on the list of opponents Tylor will have to face is Kim of the Florian kingdom]

Kim is known as the wielder of word to reality magic,he is one of the few user's of said ability that get born every few century.Kim doesn't like violence and would rather be home following his artistic passion.Kim was in his village right now,taking care of his sick mother.She had an illness that he couldn't even heal,a curse placed on her by one of the higher up's within the demon lord's army.The boy hated Athena with all his soul and anyone who was affiliated with her too.Kim's one goal in life was to kill the demon lord and avenge what the demons had done to his mother.Kim was going to sign to be apart of the kingdom's army but he didn't get the chance to do anything because of the truce and now for the past one year and a half he's been training himself to the bone to better his abilities and increase his mana pool.Today Kim helped an elderly couple finish up moving into their new home in the village with their grandchild.

Elderly man:thank you very much for your help young man,my wife and I are grateful for you assistance.

Kim bowed his head and he happily smiled at the couple.

Kim:(happily)you're welcome,it was no trouble at all and I wish you all the best in life.

Elderly woman:here dear,my grandchild likes these sweets but I'm sure he won't mind me sharing a few with you.

Kim took the sweets with both hands from the old lady and he thanked her.Later Kim was walking through his village,watching the kids play around with weak magic and some running around and falling with beautiful laugher and smiles running through the village.Kim went to his house and as soon as he walked in his clone vanished.Kim sighed as he walked up to his mother,when he sat next to her she opened her eyes though weak she smiled at her son.

Nina:you're always working so hard for me Nina...I'm sorry I can't be...the mother you deserve...I'm sorry I'm a burden to you...

Kim held her hand and he smiled reassuringly.

Kim:ma you'll never be a burden to me,it's just a little extra work.I promise it's nothing I can't handle okay.

When Kim was younger,he figured out that he was poor and his family wasn't important in the whole scope of the kingdom it was the same with his village.Kim literally made his small broken down home into a huge mansion with just speaking into existence before he was even ten,he passed out after doing so,thus he found out there was a limit to what he could create with his magic alone.Over the years he made his village into shining and beautiful town that weirdly enough was similar to modern day earth without all of the tech but the houses had a modern design to them.They were all fully furnished and fully stocked up on food and all though the little town was small the people wanted to call it a town cause it was developing now,they decided to keep the name because Kim liked the original name of the village and they stuck with it and kept calling their small town a village.By now Kim was almost 20 years old and his town was fully developed and the king had recognized his talents long ago,giving him the title of duke and giving him his own domain which is that same village he came from,the village chief at the time protested against this because Kim was just 15 years old.

Chief guy:but my lord,the boy is still too young to rule a domain and to top it off he is inexperienced,naive and he has too much to improve on before he can take on that role.

King valentine:SILENCE !!!(Firmly)since you are questioning my decision then,chief guy why not prove your resolve to me by battle the child you deem too weak to lead your little town.

Chief guy:(uneasy)what ?! But--i--

Chief guy bowed his head and agreed to the duel with Kim,the winner getting the title of duke and will have ownership of Kim's hometown.

Chief guy:I'm sorry Kim....I know you've done a lot for our village but....I can't have you taking this away from me.

Kim:it's no problem at all sir,human greed is something I understand too well.

Kim looked calm and nonchalant facially but inside he was thinking of only destroying this bastard that stood Infront of him.chief guy and Kim were at the battle field of the kingdom,a huge round battle ground.The only people present were king valentine,chief guy and Kim.King valentine signal both chief guy and Kim to begin.Chief started strong,surrounding himself and Kim in a wall of fire and covering the top with a sphere made of water.Kim watched him calmly without reacting a bit,chief guy launched Kim up into the water.

Kim:'i can't get hurt no matter what guy does'.

Kim was sent inside the water,guy made the water inside spin two directions at once hoping Kim would drown or be crushed by the pressure made by the water inside the sphere.Kim was bored inside thinking to himself how he could embarrass chief guy.He suddenly had an idea.The water sphere bursted apart as Kim landed on the ground.

Kim:'did you know that I could control every element that exists' ?

Chief guy:what ?! Damn it !

King valentine:don't tell me you're going to be bested by a meer child guy !

Chief guy:i--my lord--i !

Kim:'yes you,you can't breathe can you' ?

And suddenly guy was gasping for air as he freezed up and he couldn't move.His eyes went blank in an instant as he fell to the ground.Kim sighed as he walked up to king valentine.

Kim:I'm allowing you to breathe now !

King valentine:that was a nice and dominant showing of your strength,very impressive.

Kim bowed his head.

Kim:thank you you're grace,though it was wrong of you to have me humiliate mr guy like that.

King valentine:it's not wrong,he had two choices and he knew it.It was either die by me or be humiliated by you.

Kim:I see,then if you will excuse me my lord.

King valentine:no boy,I still want to talk to you.

Kim:may I ask about what you're grace ?

King valentine:I have 5 daughters and no sons,it's kind of a bother for me but all of these nobles in this kingdom with their weak offsprings want their kids to marry each of my daughters.

Kim:I....I fail to see where I could be of use in that political stuff though you're highness.

King valentine:(giggles deviously)I want you to marry my daughters boy.

Kim:......daughters ?

It took a minute for Kim to process everything that king valentine had just said and it was indeed shocking.

Kim:I'm sorry sir did you just say daughters ? As in all five ?!

King valentine:did I stutter ?!

Kim:I--i--no,no you didn't you're grace.

King valentine:so what do you say ?

Kim:(in shock)Are you asking for an answer now ?!!!

King valentine:it doesn't mean when you reply or if you say no,give me your honest answer once you've met them,okay ?

Kim bowed his head again.

Kim:yes sir,I'll do as you say you're majesty.Thank you for the honour of even considering a commoner like me.

King valentine:did you know you don't have to be a noble or a great king to ascend the throne.A person just needs bad luck like me and has to have daughters born to them.

Kim:(chuckles)so you're annoyed by your circumstances ?

King valentine:they aren't ideal but I've been working through them,for one I've found you so it show's I'm moving in the right direction.

Kim:in what way ?

King valentine:well I don't want my girls to marry a weak man,thus I came to you.

Kim:oh....I get it now,so if they're married to me you're hoping to solve the problem of the nobles nagging about marrying off your daughter's ? But don't those people have a strong standing financially ?

King valentine laughed till he teared up.

King valentine:you have much to learn about our world boy,only thing that matters in this world isn't even the fact that you can use magic but how much of it and how well you can use.It is the greatest and strongest form of political power in all the nations.Right now the Rosalie kingdom probably has the most influence and power in discussions because they have tamed something unique.

Kim:(angry)that bloody demon lord !!! 

King valentine:so you're hate her too,huh ?

Kim:her ?! She's a girl ?!

King valentine:not a girl,at best she's probably centuries old.Nobody knows her age exactly though everybody knows she existed in the second magic clash.

Kim:she's been around since the days of the 2nd great war,that much I know sir.What I want is a chance to try my luck at killing her.

King valentine:(chuckles)as much as you would want to,she's the strongest thing walking this earth aside from the legendary dragons and it would take every single king of every single nation to even slow her down in any way.She is a beast and she has abilities to match that depiction of her character.

Kim:you say you hate her but you seem to have a lot of respect for her.

King valentine lifted up his suit he was wearing,showing a scar going from his chest down to his abs and he traced it with his hands before covering it.

Kim:(trying to control his rage)so she left with a scar too ?

King valentine:(perplexed)so you e fought her before !!!?

Kim:no sir my...my mother was in battle while I was still growing up as a baby and when my father died she had to come back.My dad couldn't use magic see and our village was attacked by a pack of monster wolves.They managed to drive them away but not before my dad had been killed.my mom fought for this bloody kingdom and she came sick too.i've had to take care of her since I can remember.

King valentine:so take the offer boy,one day you will be king on top of it will not ?

Kim:yes sir but....I don't want to accept the crown if I'm not gonna be able to make to that wedding of mine.

King valentine:what do you mean ?

Kim:(deadly serious)I'm planning to challenge the demon lord to a duel ! And I'm going to kill her !!!

[Back in the Rosalie kingdom Tylor was laying in bed naked with the girls]

Athena sneezed and Tylor,iris giggled.

Princess iris:bless you bookie😘

Athena:thanks love,this jerk just laughed at me

Tylor:who's a jerk ?!

Athena:you !

Tylor:yeah then I'm definitely not sorry

Athena:(playfully shocked)you asshole

Iris laughed while Athena tickled Tylor and they all played together while laughing.Tylors opponents were either training for the tournament,thinking up strategies to win or finding new ways to improve how they use or increase their magical power.

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