Chapter 22 -past vs present-

Last thing I remember happening was me talking to Athena,I don't know when it happened but I somehow passed out.I woke up in this dark room,you could see the Christel's shining because of the light coming from the moon.The room was dark but the Christel's glowed with a deem light from the moon.I sat up holding my head,I was trying to gather my thoughts to be honest.I watched as somebody's arm wrap around me.i looked beside me on the bed and Athena was asleep next to me completely topless.I quickly jumped out of the bed and stood away from her,my heart was racing and I was scared a bit.Did...did we do anything while I was out cold ? Hopefully not,I really don't want to hurt iris like that.i doubt she'd even believe I had passed out so I'm praying I didn't do anything stupid.

Tylor:what the hell happened while I was out ?

Athena:...I just brought you to my room.

I looked up and Athena was awake,she was seating on the bed with her breasts fully showing.I quickly covered my eyes and I looked away.

Tylor:I can't be in here,I'll wait for you outside so you can get dressed--

Athena:what for ? Everything I have isn't something you haven't seen before.

She's still on about that ? To honest she could still be lying but....I can't get over the thoughts and feelings I've had since I got here.I don't know if it's me or this place but I'm reacting strongly to it.

Tylor:even so,that was my past body self,right ? This me has a girl and....I'm not willing to cheat on her.I shouldn't even be in a room alone with a naked woman.

Athena:jeez this girl of yours won't even let you have other women ? I thought polygamy wasn't frowned upon in human society.What changed ?

Tylor:...I did I guess,i don't want to have multiple partners,I mean I couldn't keep one girl happy.Imagine multiple women(giggles weakly).

Athena:(deadly serious)what do you mean ? Did a girl hurt you ?!

Woah ! her gaze suddenly got intense.like what the fuck ?! 

Tylor:no--well yes but...I don't blame her.Feelings change and emotions fade,it's just how the world works.you can't make anyone act a certain way,it's either they follow of they own free will or they leave.

Athena:you humans live very short lives stressing about things that won't bring your life meaning.Love,admiration,wealth,status,power....all of those things will disappear as soon as you die you know.

Tylor:yeah but while I'm still alive....it holds more value than life,doesn't it ? Actually how does that all relate to cheating ?

Athena:well betrayal is the same in any shape or form Is it not,some choosing something else other than you.Only painful thing about that is that it can't happen unless it's done by people you trust.

Tylor:and no matter how painful it is, It's always hard to get over some scars.

Athena:we can both agree on that but...are you really not gonna look at me ?

Tylor:of cause not,I only have eyes for one woman and that won't change.

Athena:so what's she like ? This girl you're obsessed with then ?

Tylor:why would I tell you about her ? Matter a fact I don't even know why you brought me here specifically !

Athena:to my room ?

Tylor:--well yes but also why did you call me to come here ? To your kingdom.Did you just want me to recall my past or something ?

Athena:(giggles)I guess it was a little too optimistic of me,it's been centuries so I understand if you wouldn't feel the same at this point.

Wait she--she waited centuries for this ? Meeting me here ? Or the day I came back ? I do remember the memory I saw yesterday of us kissing,does that mean her and I use to date ? 

Tylor:I....I'm sorry but....she's really the only one I want in my life.She helped me get back something I'd lost,something I'd say I need in life to some extent.

Athena:which is ?

Tylor:my trust in people....something happened and...I was betrayed by someone dear to me,It hurt and for a bit,although I kept it at the back of my mind.I knew I wouldn't be able to trust people and at the start it was kind of hard to let people get close to me or to even stay long around them.from the day I got here,she's been nothing but good to me and...I ended up falling for her so...I can't repay her love and care with unfaithfulness.

Athena:alright then.i've decided.

Tylor:on what ?

Athena:since you don't want me to be yours willingly,I'll have to ask your wife directly.

Tylor:What ?! No ! Don't even think about that !!!

Athena:why ?

Tylor:what if she thinks I was here flirting with you or something worse than that.

Athena:then she didn't trust you to begin with,I mean you're rejecting me even though I'm offering myself up to you.i mean if you aren't loyal I don't know what is.

That's not reason enough for you to stay naked Infront of me.We've been conversing like this while I'm looking away from her.I heard her move from the bed and I assumed she was getting dressed.one minute later she was standing Infront of me,she then sat Infront of me.I tried to turn around but she held my wrist and pulled in to face her.I quickly covered my eyes.

Athena:fine then,rulers hand help me please.

All of a sudden my hands moved on their own,they came of my face and were placed beside me and my face focused on her.I couldn't even close my eyes,somehow she was controlling my body.

Tylor:what are you doing !!!? Please ! Please let me go !!! I'm sorry okay !!!

Athena:....so after all of these years....thinking,agonizing over you,hoping,praying and begging whatever exists in our lord to bring you back in whatever shape or form that I could love again and...he choosing you to bring you back only for you to be In love with another woman...life is a bitch...isn't it ?


What she just said cut deep for some reason.I don't know why but my heart was pushing me to console her,I had to fight that feeling off hard.I didn't even know what to say when if I was gonna respond to what she just said.

Athena:...I still love you and dearly you know...Tyra

--tyra,wait...I remember that name,while thinking about another memory hit my mind.It was so long ago,me and Athena were standing in that same black forest I saw yesterday.It wasn't reduced to ashes and dead trees back then,it was filled with flowers as far as the eye could see and a river flowing from the palace down to here,it formed a little dam where the fairies and other animals would gather.we spent our last night here and we were camping beside the Dan that use to be there.

[Conversation that happened in the past]

Athena:you know we can't defeat the heavily white dragon.Its the strongest thing we know of that can beat us.Its the strongest out the five great dragons too.

Tyra:I know but...I can't watch people I care about die without putting up a fight,you guys are all in this because of me.You followed a cause of a failure of a leader.

Athena:hey ! Hey ! Look at me,don't you dare say that about yourself ever again ! Do you hear me !?

Tyra:yeah but do you realize I won't be able to defeat them,why won't you retreat with the others ?

Athena:cause I'm your woman,it's my duty as your loyal partner to stand and die by your side.Infact it's my honor and I'll willingly do it for you.

Tyra:....(Giggles)after every single battle through these years....you've been there one constant thing in my life besides bloodshed.I love you Athena.

Athena:I love you too Tyra,I hope this isn't our last fight.....I want this to last forever....I want you by my side always.

Tyra:so do I....but life may have other plans,huh


Tyra:...no matter what happens,I'll die before I'll let that happen to you guys.

[End of flashback conversation]

Athena:Tylor ?....what's wrong ?...you're crying...

What ? I put my hand on my face,tears were running down my cheeks.Why ?....what's wrong with me ?! Who the hell am I even ?! Am I this Tyra guy ? Am I Tylor ?! Or am I the Tylor iris knows ?!

Athena:Tylor come on,talk to me

I wiped my tears off...

Tylor:I'm fine I just...remembered something I....shouldn't have.

Damnit....why that ?! And why now ?! My heart was racing and not cause of the right reasons.I felt dizzy and It was getting harder to breathe.I was gasping for air in a minute,I started panicking and I closed my eyes to focus on breathing.

Athena:Tylor,I'm here you know...

She grabbed me by my face and softly laid my face on her chest.


She glowed while I laid on her.This weird light that was coming off of her help me feel calmer some how,I managed to catch my breath.I could think clearly again,I raised my head and moved her back slowly.

Tylor:....thanks but....please refrain from touching me if you aren't dressed okay ?

Athena:uh--oh,well okay then.We have to prepare anyway

Tylor:prepare ? For what ?

Athena: we're going on a trip,well I'm going on a trip you're going back home.

Wait--doesn't that mean she'll be heading to the Rosalie kingdom ?!wait !!! The demon lord coming to the Rosalie kingdom ?! Doesn't that mean they'll think I've sided with the demons or something ?! Come on !!! I've worked way too fucking hard to have my image ruined just like that again !!! 

Tylor:wait ! Why do you even want to go there ?!

Athena:well like I said,I want to ask your wife for her approval then.maybe she'll say yes.

Tylor:WHAT ?! HELL NO !!!

Athena:I wasn't asking,it's not like you can stop me,you're not as strong as you use to be.


I don't even know how I strong that use to be so I guess she's right.I mean I don't even know how strong I actually am right now.Lust explained it enough for me to grasp the whole idea of how those titles and skills work but...she's crazy for thinking about doing this.

Tylor:can you reconsider,please,you don't have to go that far,right ?

Athena:so does that mean you'll say yes to my proposal ?

Tylor:Nooo but...that doesn't mean you should--

Athena:then I'm going...

She got up and walked off.She picked her dress up and I got a full view of her bent over.She stretched afterwards before putting her dress on.She looked at me and smirked while standing near the door.

Athena:(playfully)do you want to know what kind of demon I am ?

Tylor:uh...are you a...

Athena:yes...I'm a succubus,we'll see how freaky you get later,daddy🥵


She walked out,leaving me speechless in her room.

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