Chapter 20 -athena-

Hey,so what would you do if you had to save people you cared for by sacrificing yourself ? Would you do it ? Give away the one life you have to save people who might not even be grateful for it.Problem with me is,I love the one I'm giving my life for so if I die,I don't want to curse her name.I did this because I love her and not cause...she loves me.She actually said it...she loved me back,she's given so much from day one so I have to meet her half way everytime.To that regard,I had fixed up and said goodbye to iris,right now I was on my way to meet the demon lord.Escorting me was one of his generals and his servant,she was annoying as fuck but law kept her in check.We've been traveling for almost half the day now and right now I'm able to fly cause of law's ability.His ability let's him create an area in which he can control reality and existence,only down side to it is that it consumes his life force but for something that's supposed to be immortal to some extent that's not such a problem now is it.Anyway we were even out of the Rosalie nation of iris's family.We were flying over a dead forest with black trees and crazy monsters eating other dead monsters from the insides and out.I saw giant bugs and horrid wild life from back home.The was even a crazy silver back killing the other monsters by itself,it was tearing apart a group of other monsters that were ganging up on it.

Law:this place is where the war started centuries ago.

Tylor:...why are you demons fighting against the humans ?

Law:due to how the demon curse works all of us kind of have a hive mind and we only follow one will and one way.I honestly don't know why the demon lord hates humanity so much,honestly I don't care either.I've just been doing what I'm told to do.

Tylor:so you've never thought to ask why the demon lord hates humanity or thought maybe your kind might be dying for a cause that's unjust for your kind ?

Law:(giggles)even if that were true,we couldn't do anything about it,we're bound to follow the will of our lord.

Tylor:so you guys don't have free will ? 

Law:well kind of...it's like we can't do anything we want to do unless we've completed a mission we've been given.

Tylor:so when we get there you'll be free to do as you please ?

Law:pretty much but I doubt my lord will let me wrip your head of your body...that's what you said to me,right ?

Tylor: we'll see if you can.

He laughed and we continued on flying over a snowy mountain.It was covered it fog and it was purely white and sparkling.It was honestly beautiful,we flew over the mountains and flew over a jungle and I saw an snakes body reaching through the jungle damn think was huuuuuuuge ! I didn't want to be dropped there or visit ! EVER ! After a while I saw a huge towering black mountain covered with black fog and you could see something was slithering in there.We flew in the fog and just to be safe I covered myself a barrier that would protect me from physical attacks,I didn't want law's barrier to be cancelled out and for my ass to sky diving.We landed on a landing bad apparently,I stared at a taaaaaalllllll palace towering high up built Ridgid from a mountain.It was beautiful but rough.two guards walked up to us and they both bowed Infront of us.

Guard no.1:lord law,the demon lord has been waiting for you.

Law:and did he say where he might be right now ?

Guard no.1:no sir,we last him when he was going to his study and that's before we started our shift.

Law:okay,this is Tylor,the man our master is obsessed with.

Obsessed with ? What the hell is he talking about ? I hope he's not on no Didi mindset.

Guard no.1:wow ! He looks --wow ! For a human.

What the fuck ?! What the hell is wrong with these creatures ?! 

Law:anyway, we're going then, we'll try to find him ourselves inside.

Guard no.1:yes sir.

The 3 of us went inside and the place was crazy.I mean in a good way.I didn't expect it but it was given a regal mid-evil times castle designs inside.everything from the floors to the roofs to the furniture.it was all made of some weird Christel thing and it had the place looking heavenly.You wouldn't think the inside looked like this from the outside.A girl wearing hella revealing clothing ran up to us,she was blonde and she had these beautiful ocean blue eyes.She literally looked human on the outside and came up to us and watched law and Tika go down to they're knee's.

Nana:(happily)Hey you guys ! Long time no see !

Law:miss night,it's lovely to see you again and I'm sorry but the demon lord had sent us on a little trip.

Nana:oh,so this must be the human Athena sent you to get then ?

Law:yes ma'am.

Nana: he's ballsy,I like him(teasing)maybe him and I can play later.anyway I was on my way to destroy a village,atty doesn't want us to destroy any nations just yet for some reason.Im bored though ! I want to see these inferior creatures run for their lives.

Athena ? W--why do I feel like I've heard that name before and on top of that,I feel like I've met this annoying bitch before too.What the hell is going on ?!

Nana:you know...somehow your aura feels familiar.I had deemed it honestly a bother that you weren't bowing down but your aura reminds of someone close to me.

Law:you feel it too my lady ?

I felt a strong gust of wind just pass me and I heard a huge explosion behind me.It kept going and the more booms ! I heard the more I didn't want to turn around,I saw the girl standing across from me annoyed.she started walking up to me.

Nana:(playfully)hi,I'm nana nighttime,I'm one the primordials.I'm sister to our demon lord.

Tylor:Oh uh,hi I'm Tylor,Tylor hype.I guess I'm the human your demon lord is obsessed with.

Nana:good,I'm sure sh--he's excited to have you come here(chuckles)

That wasn't very reassuring.and was she gonna say she ? Or am I hearing things ?

Nana:anyway I'll be seeing you.Athena is in her study,okay ?

I turned around and I was stunned at the sight.The demon that I struggled to beat was laid out flat.I walked up to him and I tried to get him up,I carried him on my back.Tika looked at me shocked and she walked up she took him from me.she carried him on her back without saying a word about it.

Tika:follow me,I'll show you to where the study is.

Tylor:what happened to law ?

Tika:miss nana is the fastest of the primordials,aside from our demon lord she's the only one who can't throw punches at the speed of light.No one and I mean no one,has ever dodged her punch.

Tylor:so you mean to tell me her punches are fast as light itself ? 

Tika:and that's her base form,once she releases her true form,we honestly don't know what happens but since nobody knows,it means nobody as ever seen it and survived it.

How strong is that pervert lady ?! She was basically only wrapped a rag around her big boobs and a very short skirt to cover only her front.She's really kind of skanky.

Tylor:whatever,so what's your demon lord like ?

Tika:demon lord void.he's been the strongest demon in history since birth.he's one of the primordials of this world.There are about seven primordial devils and demon lord Athena stands above them all.He's defined by his presence without even being there and he is the pinochle of power in our demon race.Only one who has hope against him are nana and ivy but one is lazy and the other is blood lustful so both don't care about power while our demon lord practices everyday.

Tylor:so do you have any idea why he'd want to see me ?

Tika:no clue,our orders were to simply bring you to him alive,nothing more nothing less

Tylor:why do you hate me ? Or do you hate something else ? Humanity as a whole ?

Tika:I don't hate you but I don't like you either.Anyway the demon lord's study is coming up ahead.


Everything started to sink in right now.i've been calm this whole time but it just dawned on me that I'm really actually going to stand Infront of the lord of the demons.It turns out there are even stronger people serving under the demon lord.Im pretty sure only the kings can handle these guys at best too,am I even close to being that strong ? I mean I realize what my stats say but it didn't work like that when I was fighting law.It felt like I was growing at a fast rate and I kept improving,my body just couldn't keep up with the power I was gaining.I knew eventually I'd break so I didn't want to risk it,I think i know how my ability works here I guess.Me and Tika stood Infront of the demon lord's study.

Tika:beyond this door is our great leader and overlord,demon lord Athena.

Tylor:alright so are you coming in with me ?

Tika:no,that's not happening,you can go in and I'll be keeping guard out here.

Tylor:what ?! Aren't you supposed to inform the demon lord that--

Tika:he already knows,he has a barrier around the palace at all times and he See's who goes in and out.

He's seeming more and more unbeatable by the second,what the fuck is going on.

Tylor:alright,so I'm not gonna die right ?


Tylor:fine then,I'll be going in...

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