Handing Women’s Clothes To the Escape Game BOSS

chapter 76.1 - Summary and first

I read a lot of information about the company.

She found that the production company of Fearless Survival and many other holographic game companies are part of a large conglomerate.

Jiang Xiuxiu focused on this company and remembered their chairman, Xu Zhiguo.

A well-known entrepreneur, some time ago, the news about the awakening of their vegetative young son has been in the newspapers for many days.

It’s just that because the youngest son of the Xu family is still in the rehabilitation period and his physical condition is poor, very few people can get his true condition.

Jiang Xiuxiu was not keen on this kind of news, and he just glanced at it before.

However, looking at the photos of Xu Zhiguo and his wife, for some reason, she somehow felt that the two of them looked familiar.

It’s not the sense of sight “as if I’ve seen it somewhere”, but an indescribable familiarity, just like she’s been with them for a while.

She also called the customer service of the “Fear Survival” game company, revealed her previous employment experience, and accused an insider of harassing her.

But the customer service told her that the team that developed the BOSS before left the game company collectively as early as half a year ago.

Moreover, according to national laws, all the energy of citizens in holographic games is not allowed to be mastered or understood by game companies.

This is related to the privacy rights of citizens, so most of the staff have no way to know Jiang Xiuxiu’s experience in the game.

Even when she complained before, the staff only knew that she was hurt by the boss, and they didn’t know the specific story between them.

And the very few executives who have the authority to call out her game experience are very busy, and they probably don’t have the time and energy to harass Jiang Xiuxiu.

“So, people who usually know your experience so well should not be people inside us,” the customer service said. “Miss Jiang, do you want to ask other people who were there at the time?”

Although the customer service was very euphemistic, Jiang Xiuxiu understood what she meant.

Others present… Besides Xu Bai, who else could it be?

Jiang Xiuxiu felt ridiculous, but other than that, she couldn’t get any other explanation.

That mysterious “.” is either a powerful group boss, a business elite, or Xu Bai.

For some reason, Jiang Xiuxiu suddenly thought of the faces of Xu Zhiguo and his wife.

Who do they look like?

The truth seemed to be right in front of her eyes, but it was covered with a shallow, lingering veil that made it impossible for her to see through it.

Jiang Xiuxiu lowered his head and looked at “.” in the WeChat friend list.

His avatar, as always, is a very low-key gray-black.

Quiet and mysterious, just like him.

She lowered her eyes, hiding the look in her eyes.

She turned around and threw all the information she had previously collected on the computer into the recycling bin.

After that, Jiang Xiuxiu’s life went on like this indifferently.

However, unlike before, she did not spend any more energy to investigate “.”, as if she was no longer interested in his origins.

Not only that, but she also reconnected with “.”.

This time, Jiang Xiuxiu took the initiative to talk to him.

It was a very ordinary afternoon, and she casually sent a message to the other party and said a few words of homework.

The other party responded very quickly, and talked to her in a kind and fluent manner, as if the month-long indifference did not exist.

The subtle game between them seemed to dissipate, but it seemed to be hidden in a deeper place.

When not asking about the other party’s purpose and identity, “.” is a pretty good chat object.

Jiang Xiuxiu continued to chat with “.” one sentence after another, and slowly showed a process of gradually letting go of his guards over time.

At first, for every three sentences she said, she would hide two sentences of temptation.

Later, her tempting words gradually became less and less.

In the end, she even occasionally said a few words to him.

At the same time, she also learned some news about the other party from the mouth of “.”.

For example, he seems to have someone he likes, but he has been reluctant to show up to see her.

“Why don’t you go to her?” Jiang Xiuxiu once asked him this question.

And after a long, long time, she received a reply from “.”:

“Because I dare not.”

dare not? What’s wrong with that?

The cunning and clever “.”, is there a time when you dare not do certain things?

Jiang Xiuxiu was very curious, and she wanted to ask more, but “.” That’s all that can be revealed.

This process, which seems slow, is fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, autumn passed, winter arrived, and a heavy snow fell outside, which quickly melted away.

Two months have passed.

New Year is coming.

Due to the holiday during the Chinese New Year, there are more opportunities for family, friends and friends to gather together, and we talk about some short things among parents.

Seeing that she was still single and slept at home every day, she ate and ate the sleeping Jiang Xiuxiu. Mother Jiang couldn’t help contacting her good sisters again, and was going to continue to make arrangements and give her a blind date.

It has been a long time since the last failed blind date. Whether it was Jiang’s father, Jiang’s mother, or Jiang Xiuxiu, all those unpleasant things were almost forgotten.

On the day Jiang Xiuxiu received the blind date arrangement, she proposed to “.” that she was going to enter the game cabin to meet Xu Bai.

For the question of “.”, Jiang Xiuxiu answered very straightforwardly.

[Jiang Xiuxiu]: I’m not too young anymore, and I can no longer delay things in the virtual world. I have to come out on my own.

[Jiang Xiuxiu]: The last time I saw Xu Bai, I walked too hastily, I didn’t finish the game, and I didn’t take a good look at him. This time, let me say goodbye to the past.

【. 】: I remember you were very resistant to blind dates before.

[Jiang Xiuxiu]: That’s not because the person I met last time was ugly, but the person my mother wants to introduce to me this time has a gentle and good-looking smile, which is the type I like!

[Jiang Xiuxiu]: Presumably if Xu Bai knew about it, he would also bless me.

【. 】:Is it?

[Jiang Xiuxiu]: Yes.

Actually not.

She just… simply wanted to see Xu Bai.

This was the answer that her heart finally told her after so long of thinking and hesitation.

This is her decision, and no matter what consequences she encounters, she will not regret it.

After that, she tilted her head slightly and looked at the game cabin lying quietly on the ground beside her.

As early as a few days ago, she moved it out of the grocery room and placed it next to the bedroom.

Without waiting for the news of “.”, she stood up and connected the game cabin to the power supply.

Then, she lay in.

What should come is coming, let her come and see what secrets are hidden behind him.

Jiang Xiuxiu lay down in the game cabin and pressed the start button of the game cabin.

All the light spots disappeared before her eyes, and a new scene emerged.

With a familiar dizziness, Jiang Xiuxiu only felt that he had fallen into a boundless darkness.

At the same time, a soft mechanical sound came from her ear——

[Hello, player “Jiang Xiuxiu”, welcome to the special setting game. 】

[This game is a “holographic reality simulation game”. All scenes and NPCs in the game world where the player is located will be shaped according to the player’s real world situation. 】

Isn’t it a horror escape game?

Hearing these words, Jiang Xiuxiu was slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, she asked, “The holographic reality simulation game…will it be exactly the same as reality?”

She had never heard of this game.

[Of course,] Mechanical Voice replied, [All the scenes in the game will be indistinguishable from reality. 】

“Any other players?”

[You are the designated sole owner of the game cabin, so this game can only be played by you. 】

Jiang Xiuxiu immediately understood.

This is a game made just for her.

A game that is exactly the same as reality, but there will be Xu Bai.

True and false, false and true, just like her absurd life.

【Do you want to start the game? 】

Jiang Xiuxiu closed his eyes and replied, “Yes.”

As her voice fell, the blackness in front of her quickly faded.

The light returned to her eyes, and she could clearly see the glass cover in front of her, the inside of the game cabin, and the ceiling of the bedroom outside.

It’s exactly the same as in reality.

[Players please open the game cabin. 】

Jiang Xiuxiu took a deep breath and pushed away the transparent glass cover in front of him.

She slowly came out of the game cabin, her eyes fixed on everything around her.

From the dress, to the bed, to the accessories she randomly placed, and the messy quilt.

She could also clearly hear her shallow breathing and feel the ups and downs of her heart beating in her chest.

There will really be games, can they be real to this extent?


At this moment, she suddenly heard a few clear bells ringing from outside the house.

Someone rang the doorbell of her yard’s gate.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Xiuxiu’s heart suddenly moved.

She ran quickly to the door on the first floor, then held her breath and pushed open the door.

Across the flowers and fences, the bright winter sun fell on it. The branches and leaves of the tree swayed in the wind, casting shadows on the ground.

Everything became extremely bright, and countless scenes flashed before her eyes, but they blurred in an instant.

And the person she was thinking about stood outside the yard, in the shade of a swaying tree.

He leaned against a black car and slowly raised the corner of his mouth towards Jiang Xiuxiu.

“Long time no see, Xiu Xiu,” Xu Bai said, “Welcome to the world with me.”

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