Half of Me

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

<18 and 1/2>

When a new semester began and Minjae went to meet a new class and new friends, he had no special expectations. His only interest was sports. He couldn't sleep until 4 a.m. yesterday too, rather than watching his favorite team's game. If I see a play I like, I watch it over and over again. In this game, there was one particularly amazing strategy that made me scream “Wow” in my voice. He meticulously wrote down the players' skills, movements, and strategies in his notebook, substituting them in his head. The more he imagined, the more his body itched. I wanted to quickly go out to the practice cup and try it out myself. I don't have the ability to use those techniques yet, but I wanted to practice something similar. So in Minjae's mind right now, it didn't matter who was in his new class or who he should become friends with. He was sleepy because he had stayed up all night, so as soon as he got to his new class, he lay down on the desk behind him. I heard a mumbling sound in my sleep. A guy who went to the same academy recognized me and pretended to know me by patting my back and saying, ‘Are you Woo Min-jae?’ Other guys I knew took their places around him. Murmur. Despite the chaotic atmosphere at the beginning of the semester, Minjae took a nap. At first glance, they are saying someone's name quietly, right? Right? I think I heard something like that, but sleep took precedence over curiosity. He was sleeping, not even knowing his homeroom teacher came in, and when he was pointed out, he barely raised his head.

“You two sleeping behind there, wake up now.”

Is there anyone else sleeping besides me? Minjae raised his upper body and turned his head, wondering who it was. But he wasn't the only one who turned his head. Most of the kids in the class looked at the person at the far end of the window who woke up with a half-asleep look on his face. And the entire class fell into a brief silence for a few seconds. Minjae was also part of them. He felt as if this situation was a scene from a cartoon. In fact, the dinner that left everyone in silence seemed like something out of a cartoon.

He is very handsome. Minjae has actually seen celebrities a few times. He had never seen anyone catch his eye like this guy. He woke up at home, slightly frowning and running his hands through his hair. His jet-black hair fell between his long fingers and covered his forehead again. Everyone couldn't take their eyes off the action. And when he noticed the eyes of his classmates focused on him, he looked away. He opened his mouth to the onlookers.


I was sleepy. He was very sleepy. At the end of the short spring break, Heechan hung out with his friends until dawn and went home late. Her mom nagged her son a few words for coming into the wee hours of the morning, but that was all she did. After her father left home, her mother, who had been in a daze for a while, found her a job before the new semester started, and she started going to the supermarket to work. She hated having a mother at home, but she hated having a mother who went to work at the supermarket even more. Even though she made money, it seemed like she was having a hard time going around. I really hate my father for making this situation happen, but on the other hand, I also thought that if only I had caught up with my father, who was good at making money, I would have lived as richly as before. no. It's not that I can't endure living alone without money. She just hated it all. She hated how her life had changed from before. He also hated the disappearance of his father, who was considered a pillar of the family even though he rarely came home. A father like everyone else. He hated not having a father who worked hard to earn money for his children. He hated his mother who worked at the supermarket. As she began to hate having a large part of her life, other things didn't look good either.

In first grade, he felt like he was walking a tightrope because he felt that his situation at home was not good, but when he entered second grade, the tightrope was broken. He found out that his parents were divorced and his father was no longer coming home. It was a hellish winter for my father to start a new family with another woman and her child. Even though the dark and cold world became warmer, it was still dry and terrible for Heechan. The two Sarahs sleeping behind there, wake up now. She forced herself to stand up at the sound of her teacher's voice. But before she could raise her head, she felt eyes focused on her. He raised his eyes and sure enough, everyone was looking at him.

why? He must have told the two sleeping people to wake up. Why are you looking at me like a monkey at the zoo? Did I snore in my sleep? Why am I the only one who... this.


The guy who showed hostility to everyone by swearing from the first day of the semester was famous for being good-looking at school. It was Minjae's first time seeing him, but his friends knew.

'They say he has a really nasty temperament.'

'They say that if you touch it wrongly, your fist will come flying right away.'

'xx The guy from Information High School is my best friend. All my friends are there.'

Perhaps because of the rumor that he was acquainted with a gangster, no one approached him easily. Even if that wasn't the case, it had thorns that even people seeing for the first time could feel, so no one touched it. Minjae didn't pay attention to him either. He was aware that he was gay, but even though he was good-looking, the prickly guy wasn't Min-jae's type. But, this didn't matter now either. Because the only thing that matters is the exercise he does. So no matter how handsome he was, he couldn't even remember his name. Then, it was during a gym class that he started to stand out.

My physical education teacher liked badminton, so I only played badminton at the beginning of the semester, but then I ended up taking another class before the midterm exam. The sport was high jump. High jump equipment was installed and the teacher sat the children down and explained how to jump. There are scissor jumps, back jumps, rollovers, etc.

“But it wouldn’t be clear if I explained it in words, right? It would be better to see it and try it yourself, Kwon Hee-chan.”

The physical education teacher nominated one person to demonstrate. Heechan, whose name was called, looked at the physical education teacher for a moment with an annoyed expression and then had no choice but to get up. No matter what kind of expression he made, the teacher gave orders without any regard.

“Try the scissors jump first.”

“How do you do it?”

“I explained it to you. You open your legs like scissors and jump over the bar like this.”

The gym teacher explained, swinging his arms up and down as if they were legs. Heechan still wonders what that is. He had an expression on his face, but the teacher pushed him on the back.

“Go ahead and run.”

Heechan slowly walked to the point where he was going to start jumping, stared at the high jump pole for a moment, and then took his step. He jumped over the high jump bar, slowly at first and then quickly increasing his speed. It was exactly as the teacher explained.

“Okay. That’s the scissors jump. This time, try the back jump.”

Heechan, who was about to return to his seat, looked at the teacher with dissatisfaction, but when the other person did not budge, he had no choice but to run again. His back curved in a U shape as he crossed a place where the sunset was much brighter than the bar. Minjae was more surprised by his clean posture than by how high he jumped. He looked like he was a player. I wasn't the only one who felt that way.

“Kwon Hee-chan. Have you ever jumped backwards before?”

“I don’t know. This is the first time since I did it in PE class in elementary school.”


The teacher quietly looked at Heechan and then gave an order to another student.

“Try raising the bar height by 10cm. Kwon Hee-chan. Try jumping again.”


“Or go around the playground.”

“.......I will run.”

Heechan ran seven more times that day. And I knew that the height he jumped was enough for him to participate in youth competitions right away. Of course, there was one more person in the class who recorded the same height. It’s Minjae. However, Minjae was more than 10cm taller than Heechan. He was good at sports and had never lost to anyone, but he lost to the troublemaker in his class. Even if his record was the same, his physical condition was the same as losing. It was only then that Minjae became a little concerned about him. The fact that he is good at sports makes him an object of envy, at least among men. When Heechan left during the next recess after gym class, the children looked at the empty seat and whispered. He was really good at it. It was totally cool. You were also very good at badminton. Everyone looked at him with a slightly different perspective than before. I thought it wasn't a problem with him not taking classes, but it felt like he was an expert who was hiding some ability. Then, the voices of the children in the class suddenly stopped because Heechan, who had returned to the classroom before class, stood at the back door and glared at the children with cold eyes. Did you hear us talking about ourselves? Even though it wasn't much of a baby, everyone turned around and avoided eye contact as if they were a bit stung. However, Heechan glared at the class with a cold face and went to his seat only after the teacher came in. All of the children who talked to Heechan were of one mind. Wow... it's so bloody.

I felt dirty. Heechan felt really bad. His back was sore from the damn teacher making him jump all the time during gym class. Maybe it was because he worked too hard because he didn't want to run around the playground. When gym class ended, I was so hungry that I was going crazy. But he didn't have time to go to the canteen. Heechan couldn't sleep and was tormented by hunger for the next hour, but as soon as the bell rang, he ran to the cafeteria. The whole time he was hungry, there was no thought in his mind about eating his favorite pizza bread and banana with milk. There was still pizza bread left for the third period, of course, but there wasn't any. Heechan couldn't believe it, so he checked the bread several times, but there really wasn't any pizza bread.

Does this make sense? Why is there no pizza bread today that I can usually buy for lunch?! Let’s go, they also have the popular sausage bread!! He wanted to scream. But satisfying my hunger came first. Even as I munched on the sausage bread, my anger did not subside. Normally, I would be amazed at the Sosija bread, but on this day, I couldn't savor its taste. That made me even more angry. Seeba. What kind of bastards ate all the pizza bread? As I returned to class, my anger did not subside. All the students wearing school uniforms in front of me looked like criminals. Then he entered the classroom and stopped. Yes, there must be someone in your state who ate pizza bread, right? I became even more angry at the thought that there might be a culprit among the children in my class. Hee-chan gripped the door frame tightly and looked around at her classmates, rolling her eyes. Why pizza bread!!

“They say there is no exercise you can’t do.”

“He played baseball in middle school. He was really good on the team.”

After school, Minjae listened to Heechan talk at the academy. The kid who talked about baseball was from another class.

“How do you know that?”

"I went to the same middle school as Kwon Hee-chan. He was famous for being good-looking even back then. He was also good at baseball. He was so popular. It was no joke for women's college students to come to his class to see the dog every day and give him gifts like he was chasing Adir around. “Even if I quit baseball, I was still popular.”

“Why did you quit?”

“Because of my temper.”

My middle school classmate shook his head.

"The sports team is really tough. The coach didn't even give the kids time to eat and it seemed like they were being really rude. He rebelled against that and hit the coach and Hanchan. But as far as I know, he wasn't that rebellious to begin with, but maybe it was puberty or something. “It got a little dirty.”

“How can puberty last this long? What started in middle school continues to this day?”

My classmate was dumbfounded. Minjae presented an opposing opinion.

“Maybe it’s not puberty.”


“Maybe your personality has changed. Or maybe you just don’t have fun.”

The friends looked at Minjae as if he had nothing to say in response, and then one of them opened his mouth.

“Still, hitting the wall like that alone is a bit...”

“What do you think? It’s not like I’m avoiding you. And to be honest, I don’t even know that dogs have bad tempers. They haven’t had any accidents, and even when the teacher punishes them, they just obey without saying a word. It seems like they’re holding it in well.”

is it? When my friends heard it, they nodded, saying yes. And then one person opened his mouth.

“But I’ll never forget what I did on the first day.”

Well, that was impressive. Minjae also thought the same thing. Still, he didn't believe that he had a bad temper like he said. Rather, wouldn't it take a lot of patience and mental strength to go through school alone like that without talking to anyone? Then, around the middle of the first semester, I had a chance to see Heechan's bad temper. On weekends when there was no practice, I went to a club with friends I knew. Thanks to his height of over 185cm and his body built with great effort, no one saw Minjae as a minor. His brothers were going to meet women, but Minjae followed just to have a drink and enjoy the atmosphere. He went home anyway. If he even came face to face with his father, he would definitely yell. His father still disapproved of Minjae working out. Since he can't study, he uses it as an excuse to go to college to play sports, but it seems like he has an ulterior motive to have people learn a job under him when he graduates from college. Of course, Minje had no intention of doing so. He had a dream. He wanted to be part of a team that watched videos every day. The people's cheers, the tremendous excitement of the match. He wanted to stand in the field of rough play that cannot be seen here. So, even if I didn’t know anything else, I made sure to study for Yeong-o.

Other than that, he kept his grades at a reasonable level because his father might have different expectations if he studied well. The approach to my dream was very slow and tedious, but at the same time, it was fun. He grew up without any shortcomings, is good at sports and has a good mind. He never disappoints his parents unless he does something he likes. From a young age, he always had a smile on his face. He was kind to people, and when he met his younger relatives, he was patient and played with them. Most people thought he had a good personality.

Of course that's true. However, if you get to know him a little more, you will be surprised by his stubbornness and harshness, and if you get to know him completely, you will perceive him as a fearful being. Minjae has always been the leader of the group since he was young.

Even though a driven and well-spoken friend led the group at first, as time went by, everyone followed Minjae's opinion. Even though I just smiled and didn't say anything out loud, I eventually noticed him. He had a charisma that couldn't be expressed in words. He had insight into people and was intelligent. There was also a guy who ignored Minjae because he thought he was just a big guy who smiled and worked out, but was left in tears by Minjae. Being the leader of the pack was an advantage for him as a team athlete. No matter how good his skills are, if his teammates are not good enough, he loses the match. So he never laughed at anything related to competition. He revealed his true personality to his teammates. Minjae's influence is largely responsible for his team's remarkable performance. He was already being looked at by college teams. Because the training ground was small, the college guys he saw often recognized Minjae's skills and treated him as the same as them. It was these older brothers that I brought to the club. Most of them had gone to catch women, and only Minjae was talking about summer training with his older brother.

“I’m going to Vancouver. I’m going to have a practice match with the Canics 2nd team. Do you want to come along?”

Nod. Minjae nodded loudly.

“I want to at least watch from the side.”

“I heard you’ve been there before?”

“I’ve been to Rogers Arena. I swept up all the items from the player shop, but that wasn’t enough, so I kept going for a few days and the staff told me a lot about various things. But playing in person and watching are different.”

It's different. He nodded and smiled at Minjae.

“If you’re that envious, follow me. If you pay your money to chase me, I’m sure you’ll just turn a blind eye to it, right?”

“Is it okay?”

“What’s not to like? The director likes you too…”

As he spoke, he suddenly frowned while looking somewhere else.

“Does that bastard walk around here? I came here for no reason.”

Who are you? As I asked, I saw a tall but slender man swinging around among the women in the club with a very stylish look.

“I just know this guy. He’s a complete brat. He’s famous for giving women sex pills and then fucking them. He comes out because he wants to look strong, but in reality, he’s a total dick. I heard he treats high school students like subordinates because he has money, but you can see behind him that he’s a high school student.”

Minjae saw the two following Jjakbab behind him and agreed to his brother's prediction. It was obvious that it was their first time at the club and they decorated it in their own way, but it was written that they were high school students.

“That’s why I don’t want to catch any more women... Huh?”

My brother was surprised again and stopped talking. Did you come here this time? Minjae also looks away and says, “Like your brother.” I wanted to. Behind the excited high school students, this was a familiar face. The guy in my class who just stood in the corner drinking beer as if he didn't care about everything was the guy in my class. Is your name Kwon Hee-chan?

“I brought the right bait to catch the girl.”

As he said, the bait caught the women's attention.

“Is he an idol? An actor? This is my first time seeing him.”

“I’m just a student.”


“How do you know that?”

Because we are in the same class. Minjae just shrugged his shoulders. And I observed that the bait was moving randomly. A woman approached him, but Hee-chan said something without even looking. Even if she couldn't hear it, she seemed to know what she was saying. Judging from the fact that the woman immediately turned around with an embarrassed expression, he seemed to have no interest in the club. He just drinks and he looks at the floor and builds a wall around himself. The high school students who came with him tried to say something to him, but he raised his cold eyes and moved his mouth. Minjae guessed his pronunciation by looking at the shape of his mouth.


Hana frowned after being scolded, but the guy who came with her stopped her. Aren’t the two high school students and Hee-chan friends? They didn't seem like close friends.

“Were you forced to follow me?”

As his brother said, Hee-chan was squinting as if he didn't know it was a place like this. He then turned as if to leave, but two high school students caught him and stopped him. As if they were annoyed by what they said, he threw away his hand and went back to the corner to drink. In Minjae’s eyes, he looked like something was in danger. Since he usually only sleeps at school, he never got into trouble. At the beginning of the semester, he was scolded and punished a lot by his teachers for sleeping, but he didn't even blink and continued to sleep. Now the teacher was tired and the homeroom teacher treated him like a child who gave him up. If it weren't for his handsome face, he would probably have become a non-existent guy that no one would remember. But with that face, no one can forget him. Minjae looked there for a moment and then went back to talking to his brother. Even though he met a guy from his class at the club, he didn't even bother to say hello, so he didn't seem to care and hung out for another hour or so. He stopped by the bathroom to quickly go, but inside was a high school student, frowning and talking. He glanced at Minjae, but he didn't care and continued talking.

“Hey. Just let it go. What if that bastard explodes if I wait any longer?”

“Do you want to keep saying that? Is that bastard a bomb? What kind of explosion is that? That bastard can’t go yet. He told me to send it to the girl my brother filmed after I start working on it. Stick to those big fucking guys and shake your body. “I heard that Hee-chan needs to be there to at least show our face. Did you see it? She was shaking her breasts, and the tassels on her clothes were shaking together, so it was really killer.”

“Miss. And if Kwon Hee-chan notices, we’ll all die? I went to work at a convenience store for a few days and lured him here….”

“You idiot. If you’re scared, you can just keep your mouth shut and pretend not to notice. And what’s a dog to be angry about? You don’t even know the woman you’re working with, right?”

Are you frustrated with your friend’s words? The high school student who was stopping him sighed.

“That’s not the important thing. What Heechan hates the most is people talking about his appearance. But notice that he took advantage of that. Would you be ok with that personality? Besides, Heechan’s friends…”

“Fuck, so you pretend not to notice!”

One shouted loudly and left. The remaining guy bit his lip, but when he made eye contact with Minjae, who was begging him, he frowned and followed him. Minjae thought for a moment as he washed his hands in the sink, then went outside and looked for his employee. And he handed him a check, asking him for something. The employee put the money in his pocket and immediately followed his request. Minjae moved to the second floor railing where he could clearly see Heechan and his group. At their table just below them, a staff member delivered the message Minjae had requested along with the drinks. With her finger she also pointed to a woman wearing a dress with tassels on her chest. I couldn't hear what the employee was saying, but I could guess it.


'The woman is asking if she can come alone.'

When the employee pointed out Heechan, everyone else's expressions hardened. It seemed like the idiot who had brought along a high school student as his subordinate was saying something to the employee. It's probably a negotiation like I'll go, or tell her to come, etc. The employee waved firmly and pointed only at Heechan. She shook her head as well as Heechan. 'No,' she said, one word clearly in his mouth.

Then she winked at the two guys she had seen in the bathroom. Convince Hee-chan to bring her woman here. It may mean that. One person hesitated and did not follow his instructions. Instead, the other one said something to Heechan. Minjae looked closely at his expression. Is his temper really as bad as rumored?

How good is she at fighting?

It was simple curiosity. That was the only reason why this was manipulated. So, I was disappointed that Heechan just listened to the baby with an expressionless expression. Isn’t it an exaggerated rumor that he has a dirty temper?

It was then. Jjongbab shouted loudly with an annoyed expression. Some of those words could even be heard by Minjae, who was watching right above his head. Fuck, woman, trying to catch, smooth face. At this rate, it was as if I had heard everything.

-Fuck, you're the one brought here to catch women. If I didn't have a smooth face, I wouldn't have been able to wear it.

But this time, Heechan just stared at the other person quietly. Then he stretched out his free hand, picked up the beer bottle, and took a sip. It seemed like the bastard was getting irritated again. And at that moment, Heechan hit the table with the beer bottle he was holding.

bang! Clink!

Everyone was surprised, but there was still an even bigger surprise. Heechan grabbed a broken beer bottle and attacked Jjakbap right away. Minjae was also surprised and stood up.


Jjongbab was startled and dodged the broken beer bottle, but since he was close to Heechan, he couldn't help but get stabbed in the shoulder. It was only after he was rolling on the floor that he realized his shoulder was bleeding and swore.

“Mr.... Wow!”

I couldn't get all the swear words out. Heechan climbed up the table and jumped down towards Jongbob, who was sitting on the floor. And then he rammed the broken beer bottle into the bastard.

“Ugh, ugh!!!!!!!”

A scream burst from Jjongbab’s mouth. Isn’t the beer bottle stuck in your body? The sudden fight was accompanied by women's screams, but fortunately no broken beer bottles hit Jjakbap's body. The Mac unit that Heechan had hit barely grazed the side of his head and broke on the floor. Jjongbab was pushed down by Heechan, who attacked him from above, and was lying on the floor covered in broken glass. His face had already turned white and he no longer looked like a living person. Heechan kneeled on his body, looked down, and moved his hand again. The beer bottle that hit the floor still had its tip left. Heechan raised his arm high, still with a saw blade-sharp cross section. The women screamed all at once. The two high school students in the group finally came to their senses and jumped in with the staff to stop Hee-chan. After that it was a mess. Minjae, who was watching from the second floor, could not take his eyes off the process. He didn't even know what his expression was until his older brother came next to him and asked.

“Is watching a fight that much fun?”

fun? His older brother pointed his hand over his mouth to Minjae, who turned around.

“Your mouth is curved like this.”

“I usually laugh a lot.”

He responded, but barely managed to hide his smile as he looked down again. He had clearly seen it a moment ago. Heechan's face as he lifted the last bottle of beer was truly lifelike. Heechan Kwon That bastard is really funny. He wanted to look a little longer, but his brother pulled him back.

“Now is not the time to laugh. Let’s get out quickly. The police will come, so we can’t afford to get in trouble.”

Ah, police. Minjae thought for a moment and asked his brother for a favor.

“I said you know what to do, right? Please let me meet you now.”

“Now? Why?”

“I don’t want you to sue the other party for getting hurt.”

Why are you doing that? My brother asked with an incomprehensible expression on his face.

“And will he listen to what you say? I see his shoulder bleeding profusely.”

“You have to make them listen.”

“How? Can you give me money? To cover up an injury like that, hundreds won’t do. It could be more than a thousand...”

While he was talking, he stumbled upon something and laughed helplessly.

“Well, it’s no big deal to you.”

“It’s not a big deal. It’s a lot of money for me.”

But it's not important. There is no problem with paying for a moment of laughter. It confirmed that Kwon Hee-chan's temperament could really be dirty. He got away from the people trying to stop him and was gritting his teeth and glaring at the other person as if he were going to kill them. But he didn't fight anymore. Jjongbab belatedly screamed and cried from the wound and flinched when he made eye contact with Heechan. Minjae was attracted to that appearance for a moment. Even though he wasn't into it, he thought he might date her, but he quickly turned away. His mind was already full of thoughts of going to Canada during vacation.

Heechan originally had no intention of working part-time. One of the friends I hang out with runs a convenience store, but he couldn't find a part-time job early in the morning, so his father worked there. However, due to his father getting injured, there was no one to work early in the morning, so Hee-chan had to help out for about a week. Anyway, I was tired of spending time in PC rooms or bars every day. But there he met a friend who was on the same baseball team in middle school. They say he was banned from playing baseball when he was in high school, but just looking at his clothes, I could tell what he was doing. You too are having a lot of fun. He was very happy to see Hee-chan and came to the convenience store every morning with another friend. It was annoying because he always talked to me and stayed next to me. go away. I said it a few times, but he just looked at his other friends and just laughed. I guess there is something you want? As if to confirm my suspicions, he asked on the third day.

‘Would you like to go to the club together? You're just free. The money is okay, and all you have to do is go hang out with girls and drink.'


'hey. You said you don’t work at a convenience store on the weekends? If you go, you can really have fun. 'It's not a place where anyone can go in.'

'I don't like it.'

'Opportunities like this aren't common...'

'I fucking hate it.'

Heechan spoke in a low voice, and only then did his friend close his mouth. But I didn't forget to say something as I left.

‘If you change your mind, please contact me’

He forgot about the friend, thinking he would have no contact with him. But on a weekend night. I had another fight with my mom who came back from the supermarket late at night. Most of the time, it's her mother who gets hit unilaterally. The more it happened, the more Heechan felt like he had fallen into the mud. Even though he knew he did something wrong, he couldn't let go of his frustration and anger. I was in a precarious state, like I was carrying a bomb that was about to explode, so I left the house and was walking when I got a phone call. He was the friend who came to the convenience store and bothered me.

'what are you doing right now? When I have time, I'll go to the club I was talking about before...'


Ignoring the surprised opponent, I found out the location of the club and went there. I don't know what was going on the whole time. Before he knew it, he was introduced to a man named Hyung, the owner of the water, and went into the noisy, eye-scaring room to drink beer. I thought she would forget the mean things she said to her mother when the surroundings were noisy and hectic, but that wasn't the case at all. She didn't feel better. Music and people's laughter did not enter the sphere. Even though there were mesmerizingly pretty women everywhere, I didn't notice them. The only thing that remained as punishment was the terrible words the Reaper had said to her mother: her guilt and self-loathing. At the same time, her hatred for her mother was also mixed in. The air suddenly felt stuffy. I turned to leave, but my friend came and stopped me. Wait a little longer. Do you know how much money you spent getting here? I kept saying annoying things like this, so I had no choice but to follow him to the table. Women came to the table a few times. Heechan was just sitting there drinking, not even paying attention, when something happened. Her employee came and passed around her drink, pointing out Hee-chan. She said the woman told her to come only for Hee-chan, but of course she had no intention of going. Because of that, there were a few arguments, and the problematic word came out from his older brother, who asked him to give him water.

'Fuck. What do you leave out? If you're here to catch a woman, you've got to do what you have to do, right? I brought him in with just one look at his smooth face, and he frowned and started drinking?'

Well, is it true that I just frowned and drank alcohol? Heechan acknowledged and looked back at her friend. Perhaps because of her good looks, girls were attracted to her easily, and sometimes there were kids who tried to become friends with Heechan because of that. Of course, I filtered it all out. They started punching and yelling at me to the point where I was taken to the teacher's office, but after that no one approached me for that purpose.

The reason I like my friends now is because of this. They completely ignored Heechan’s appearance. They were all the guys who had seen her Hee-chan give a damn to people who were obsessed with her appearance. And that friend in front of her knows it too. And yet she brought me here to use me? She looked back at her friend, seeing her friend's eyes turn scared. Since I only saw a smooth face, I should tell you that there is something else. Heechan’s hand was already holding the beer bottle. And without even realizing what he was doing, he broke a bottle, stabbed his opponent and jumped across the table to threaten him. When he came to his senses, people had separated him from his water supply. And I saw blood flowing from Mulju's shoulder. Fuck you. I'm not scared of going to the police station or going to juvenile detention center. It was scary because I knew what my mom would do during that process. She will be crying and begging at the police station again. Maybe she will kneel to the water owner to ask for forgiveness. Fuck.Fuck.

Heechan cursed and glared at the water owner. Don't sue me. I will make money somehow to pay for your treatment, so if you sue me and let my mother find out, I will really kill you. And Heechan became an official part-time worker at the convenience store the next day. He had to collect the settlement as soon as possible. He had already put away all of his second-hand items to sell and had a tearful farewell ceremony. But he didn't contact me for one day, two days, three days, four days,,,,, a week. As Hee-chan worked at the convenience store non-stop, even on weekends, he began to have doubts. Why? Why don't you sue? And why can't these bastards even see their noses removed? The friends who came to the convenience store to chat after a long day didn't come even though it was Saturday. Are you playing without me? Mr. A.

On Saturday, Minjae had somewhere to go after training. A week ago, he made an agreement with Kwon Hee-chan to look after Kwon Hee-chan at the club, and they decided to meet him today and deliver the item he wanted. Of course, the notarized documents delivered by Jjongbab through his family lawyer have been received in advance. He could change his mind after receiving the goods, so it was better for him to leave evidence. Jjongbab was dumbfounded that Minjae, a high school student, was doing something like this, but he obeyed obediently.

'Do you know that guy with the smooth face?'

‘Didn’t you agree to never speak out about this matter and the perpetrator?’

'hey. What are you talking about? Okay. Instead, pick up the items yourself and come to my school and wait. You come and tell it yourself. okay?'


Minjae waited for a meal in front of a university in the city. He came right after practice and was wearing sportswear and a large bag. Perhaps because he was over 185cm tall, everyone glanced at him as he stood with his earphones plugged in. Still, he must have waited about 20 minutes. Minjae checked his watch and tried to make a call. It seemed like he came out late, probably on purpose as a sign to wait. But he could have waited this long. If he didn't come out, he was going to go in and drag him out. He took off his earphones and picked up his phone. But the words of the boys huddled next to me caught my attention.

“Shiba, are you sure this is your school? Why aren’t you coming?”

“It’s this school. I checked with the guy who took Heechan there because he was tricked. He even called me right in front of me and got the information that he had an appointment in front of the school at this time today.”

Heechan? Only then did Minjae see them. Three boys who appear to be high school students. One of them was of good size, and the rest were of average build, but they all looked strong. But there seemed to be nothing else.

“But do you know the face of the victim who might file a complaint against Heechan?”

someone asked And the other two answered at the same time.

"I don't know"

"I don't know"

At that moment, a cold wind flowed between the three of us. The three looked at each other.

“What? You guys don’t know?”

“Of course you don’t know. Don’t you know that?”

“Siba. How do I know?”

There was silence again. And as if they had made a promise, the three uttered one word at the same time. Oh shit! The three were anxious to find out the face of the person they were waiting for, whether anyone passing by looked at them or not.

“Hey, Heechan, call your middle school classmate.”

“I’m doing it. ..........I’m not taking it. Shiba.”

“Aww! Then why on earth did we come here!”

Minjae wanted to ask. The three idiot brothers of legend existed in reality. He probably came here to talk to the victim or threaten him for his friend Hee-chan, but I don't even know his face. If you don't know the face, you can just find the person with the injured shoulder. She wanted to give advice, but she decided to just watch. The three of them racked their brains and finally decided to ask someone they knew. One person called, and the three put their heads together and put their ears close to the phone. It seems that the use of mobile phone speakers was too far-future technology for them. As if the person on the other end had just answered the phone, a large man holding a cell phone called out his name.

“Uh, Hee-chan...huh? Us? Isn’t it? I’m not with the kids?”

My voice went up an octave. It was a lie no matter who heard it. But the other person seems to believe it.

“Yeah. We’re not gathering today, but that water bottle you stabbed with a beer bottle. What does it look like? Why are you asking? I’m just curious. Unlucky. “We need to know his face so we can avoid him too. What if he sees our faces and asks us to go to a club together to chase women?”

That will never happen. Minjae was convinced as he looked at the three heads gathered together. Unless the bastard suddenly went blind. However, it seems that the big man's excuse for thinking it was funny worked.

“......Yes. Yes. You think so too, right? Especially since I look the most sophisticated among us. I have to be really careful.”

My friends who were listening next to me simultaneously lifted their heads and frowned. One of them swore softly, ‘Namsu, you fucking bastard.’ But then I put my head close again to hear Heechan’s words coming from the phone. Turn on the speaker phone. Speaker phone. Minjae shouted inwardly, and it seemed like the three of them had finally gotten some information.

“He has a flat face, is about 177cm tall, and weighs about 60kg. His hair is parted to the left. His eyebrows are blurry, so half of them appear to be missing, and he has a protruding mouth, a long chin, and three small dots under his right crown?”


Dengchi recited exactly what Heechan said, as if telling his friends to listen. Minjae thought it was surprising. That’s a pretty detailed explanation, right? Moreover, he obtained the most important information.

“.......You hurt your right shoulder so badly? Then you must have at least wrapped it with a bandage? Ah! That’s it! ..........Huh? No. Okay. Stop it. Ah, it’s a bandage. Bandage! All you have to do is find someone with a bandage on their shoulder!”

The three were very happy. Minjae had to turn her head to barely hold back the laughter that was about to burst out. Then, he spotted the hero of the day coming towards him from afar. Minjae thought for a moment, then glanced behind him and quickly walked towards him. The three in the back were still looking at the school gate and muttering about bandages, bandages, so they didn't seem to have seen the bullshit approaching from the back gate. Minjae grabbed Jjakbap's arm and dragged him to a far away place from the three idiots.

“Huh? Hey. What are you doing…”

“Shut up.”

“What?! No, this high school kid... Ugh!”


Minjae pushed his left shoulder hard against the wall of a nearby building. And he looked down expressionlessly from above while holding his collar. gulp. He closed his mouth as if he was scared. Minjae looked at him and spoke lowly.

“Take what you get and get out. As I said, if you say even one word about Kwon Hee-chan or what happened at the club, a knife will be stuck in your body. Since I’m a minor, I won’t go to jail unless I kill you anyway.”

Suddenly, I pushed his body and let go of his hand. Then, he took out the item he wanted from the bag and kindly placed it in his hand.

“Write well.”

Heechan worked part-time at a convenience store for another month, but no complaints were sent home. He later called a baseball teammate out of curiosity, but he also gave a vague answer.

'I don't know either. 'You just don't seem to care.'

Wasn't he hurt a lot? The hard work I had done to prepare the settlement money was in vain. Thanks to this, I made a lot of money. He spent about half of it playing with his friends, but half remained. Until the end of the first semester, Heechan still visited the PC room, billiard room, bar, and convenience store, trying not to go home at night when his mother was there. Fortunately, he didn't get into an accident. At school, he still doesn't study, he just sleeps all day, and when he wakes up, all he does is carry his bag and go out the school gate. During this time, there were fewer conflicts with his mother. Hee-chan knew that her mother was afraid of her. She felt like a dog that would bar its teeth and lunge at anyone who touched her. Should I just leave the house like this? I was worried. After earning money by working at a convenience store, he felt like he could live on his own even if he left home. Rather, he felt like coming out was for his mother's benefit. If her mother was afraid of her child and only looked at her, wouldn't she be better off disappearing herself? He remembered his mother's plea to him to just graduate from school, but once she decided to leave her house, all he could think about was this. This seemed like the only right way. During these times, there was a guy in my class who particularly caught my eye. One day, as he opened his eyes and looked around the classroom, he saw a guy in the back at the other end cleaning a long stick. It was a scene that was nothing special. He said he was playing some kind of sport, and since the beginning of the semester he had been carrying equipment like that to clean it.

But that day, strangely, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He carefully applied wax to the stick and rubbed it. The curved side of his top was reflected in the light, making him look closely. To him, it wasn't a hassle or a hassle at all. How do you know? His eyes were filled with joy. In the past, which feels like a very long time ago, there was a time when Heechan was like that. It was a few years ago, but in the past which felt like a very long time ago, Heechan also had fun managing cumbersome tools like that. He cleans the baseball one by one and oils the glove. When the oil soaks in, it becomes heavy, so he quickly wipes it off with enthusiasm. The dirt on his playground was also well prepared. When baseball was at its peak of fun, I would be sad to go home even if I was exhausted from training. Life was full back then. There is also a cool and proud image. There was also a pretty and kind mother. It was like that back then. Heechan stared blankly at the guy cleaning the sticks until the class bell rang and then fell down again. That evening, without telling his friend, he checked out the goshiwon on his own and checked for his part-time job. Fortunately, there was still money left over from the settlement. Besides, he was going to start working as soon as he got out, so money didn't seem to be an issue.

okay. If you work all day, how much do you earn in a month? Even if you pay for your room and live off the rest, you still have money left over. It's really easy. He said he was proud that it was a thorough plan. The day designated as d-day is the school vacation.

However, a few days before the big event, something happened that ruined all the plans. That day, after school, Heechan did not go to the PC room to meet her friends like she was used to, but headed somewhere else. He took the subway and went to the department store. It was funny, but the thought of her leaving home made her want to leave at least a small gift for her mother. When I thought about not seeing her anymore, the high and high feelings I had built up towards her mother came down more easily than I thought. He looked around the first floor of the department store and saw a headdress for sale on the shelf. Come to think of it, her mother's hair was always short, reaching her shoulders. She wore her braids, tied them up half-way, put pretty pins on them, and dyed them brown, but at some point she started cutting them shorter and just tying them up. She hasn't seen her mom with her hair down in a year. And now I can see her gray hair through it. Heechan picked up one of her headbands. It was gorgeous and pretty with sparkling cubics.

'Are you going to give me a girlfriend?'

'no. 'Mom.'

‘Oh my, you are such a good son. 'He's really nice.'

I felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable with the salesperson's praise, so I quickly paid the bill and left. He came out of the department store, running and pushing through people. In his hands was an item he had bought to give to his mother, but he was not in a good mood. I was embarrassed. I just wondered what I would do if I did something like this. He's like a brat who's going to leave the house anyway, so what difference does leaving a headband like this make? shit. Fuck. I bought it for no reason. Heechan was standing outside the department store, biting his lip, and looked around him. I saw a trash can in the distance. He walked quickly to the trash can, with the intention of throwing the headband in his hand away. However, when he was about 10 meters away from the trash can, he stopped walking. Heechan instantly forgot about the headband in his hand, the trash can in front of him, and the praise from the thorn-like sales employee. Heechan looked at the smiling man talking to someone in front of the front door. The man slowly turned around with the person he was talking with and started walking in the opposite direction. After a while, Heechan followed him. He was the first father I saw in almost a year.

Four days before the vacation ceremony, there was a truant in the class. But everyone just thought it didn't show up. He wasn't particularly interested. It's strange that Kwon Hee-chan has been going to school all the time, because he never went to class. He didn't come the next day, but why didn't everyone come? Just think about it like this. But also the next day. He didn't come the next day either. The homeroom teacher found people who were close to Heechan. Of course, no one came forward. Has anyone even spoken to him properly? The students who were sitting around Heechan and exchanging a few words were called away.

When they returned to class, their mouths opened.

'Kwon Hee-chan ran away from home.'

‘I guess they found it at home and there was a fuss.’

'I heard that my close friends from other schools don't know that Kwon Hee-chan ran away from home. 'What do you think our homeroom teacher will ask us?'

‘Don’t you know that the wife of a rich family took him there? Because he is such a good person...'


All kinds of stories came out. I joined an entertainment agency. He will debut as an idol soon. He said he went abroad because he asked a rich woman, etc. The rumor grew like a snowball during the four days Kwon Hee-chan missed school. He mostly believed one of the rumors, but Minjae was different. He saw it at the club. Kwon Hee-chan, felt through his friends, was not a guy who wanted to do something with his appearance. He really hated having his looks taken advantage of. So it seemed unlikely that he would have run away from home for that reason. You seem to be close with your friends, but what's going on if you leave the house without even telling your friends?

He was curious for a moment, but soon turned his attention off. The long-awaited vacation has finally begun. He was scheduled to leave for Canada tomorrow morning. Although it was nominally a language training program, in reality he was following the university team's training camp. The college team had already been there a few weeks ago, so I was anxious. He was so anxious that he wondered if he would be able to hold out until he boarded the plane tomorrow morning. I already packed my bags a few days ago. I also said hello to his friends. So, in the evening, he wanted to recap the things he had to do and places to visit in Canada, when suddenly he got a call from his father. Although Minjae was bothered, he dressed up in his clothes and went to the meeting place. He thought it would be a hotel or a luxury restaurant, but the store the driver dropped him off was a Japanese restaurant that didn't look that expensive.

‘This is my father’s favorite store. Sometimes you come and eat alone. I've known the store owner well for a long time.'

The driver who came to pick up Minjae explained. Maybe he wanted to let you know that your father cares about you that much. Manjae says that’s right. I just answered and got out of the car. He knows very well that his father cares about him. Of course, Minjae also cares about his father. However, the love these two people had for each other was different from the affection shared by a father and son in an ordinary family. My father was busy with work and enjoyed it. From the time Minjae can remember, work has always been his father’s priority. He never felt sad about his father's absence because he grew up thinking that was normal. Anyway, it was difficult to see my mother often. However, he respected and loved his parents. In return for his father's choice of work, he received dozens of times the enormous wealth he had inherited from his parents. His efforts were a stimulus to Minjae and served as an example. As long as it wasn't for Minjae's sports, there was no problem between them. However, Minjae has already decided to follow the path of activism that his father opposes for the rest of his life. So, the meal that day was not pleasant. The only thing the baby could do during meals was exercise. Don't get caught up in exercise and dream about it. I felt like I was hearing something that I hadn't heard yet. Minjae drank the cool iced tea provided by the staff in the room he was shown to. While he drank three cups of tea, no one came into the room. It wasn't until more than an hour after the appointment time that his father had mentioned that Minjae received a call on his cell phone. It was my father’s secretary’s phone number. I'm sure they're telling me that something has come up and they won't be able to come again. He made the prediction and answered the phone.

[Minjae. Are you still going? Just wait 20 more minutes. Father, work is finished now and he will leave right away.]

It was completely unexpected. When Minjae was speechless, the secretary quickly asked.

[really. Is your mother here?]

“My mother went to the foundation’s meeting today.”

[huh. But she contacted me and said that she would only show her face there. She said she woke up 30 minutes ago and she called. You will arrive soon.]


Minjae hung up the phone and looked down at his phone. He was dazed. It's been a long time since I remember eating dinner together with my family. Also, the family that doesn't get together for birthdays, school entrance, or graduation is gathering for Minjae, but they are gathering today. Simply for my son, who is going on a language course for a few weeks. I felt strange. Minjae forcibly suppressed his excited heart. He doesn't know yet. I'm sure I'll be calling again soon. You will receive a call saying that neither of you can come. As she was staring at her phone, the door to the room opened and her mother came in. And exactly 20 minutes later, his father also came. A narrow store. The food came out slowly, one by one, and my parents, who were hungry, ate it more deliciously than usual. Especially for Minjae, it was a more delicious meal than ever before. Without nagging Minjae as he expected, his father just encouraged him to have a good trip to Canada. The meal, which lasted about an hour, seemed very long to Minjae and at the same time very short. After finishing the meal and leaving the store, my father went back to work because he had some work left to do. As Minjae watched his car take off, he realized that he had been smiling the entire time. Minjae’s mother called him. My mother walked first to the car that the driver had parked on the road in front of the store. Minjae slowly turned and walked. It was a shame he had to go so quickly. If his mother didn't call, he would want to stay in front of the store a little longer. However, he really had no intention of stopping his steps. Unless you saw the person sitting on the floor near the store. He couldn't see properly at first because it was dark. But soon he realized why that person had caught his attention. He was someone I knew. An empty gaze aimed at one place. The school uniform looked as if it had been worn for several days. It was Kwon Hee-chan who ran away from home. Why is he here? Minjae looked back and forth between the window of the store he was staring at and at him. Through the window, I could see the bright interior and see several customers drinking and eating inside. Heechan was so busy looking at them that he didn't seem to notice that he was outside the store. Who are you? Minjae looked at the guests inside the window, but there was no one who looked special. I don't know why they were waiting there like a watchdog, but it certainly seemed different from the rumors. Well, it's none of my business. With that, he turned his head and headed to the car where his mother was waiting. But was it because I was in a good mood that day? He didn't get into her car, but he told her mother to wait a moment and then he turned around again. Then he went to a nearby convenience store and bought a cool drink. After the tropical night began, the sun set and the ground and air were so hot that it was suffocating. He threw a drink on Kwon Hee-chan's lap, who was unaware that he was approaching. When the cold plastic bottle touched his body, he raised his eyes in surprise. However, he did not notice Minjae standing with his back to the debt and frowned at him.

“What are you?”

Well, whatever. I'm in the same class as you. Minjae answered in his mind and impulsively stretched out his hand without realizing it. It was truly uncharacteristic of me to meddle with someone, but on this day, this behavior came out naturally. Minjae placed his hand on Heechan’s sweaty head. And he stroked his hair, just like his father used to do to him when he was young.

“Mom must be worried. Go home.”

He gave advice and turned away. I thought I might hear someone swearing behind me and asking, “What are you doing?”, but there was no sound. Since it was an impulsive action anyway, there was no hope for Kwon Hee-chan to end his wandering. As he got into his mother's car, he had already forgotten Kwon Hee-chan and his mind was filled with thoughts of Canada, where he would go tomorrow. It seemed like it would be a fun vacation.

Hee-chan couldn't understand why he had been chasing his father for several days. He even spent the money he had put in his bank account to run away from home. The cell phone's battery ran out on the first day and stayed off. You probably won't be able to get any calls from your mom, school, or friends. You can charge your cell phone at a convenience store, but I intentionally didn't do that. I didn't need a phone to chase after my father. All I needed was the patience to wait outside in the hot summer and the courage to stand in front of him. As he followed his father without realizing it, Hee-chan saw a completely different side of his father. He was a salesman. Thanks to his various club activities, good looks, and humorous speaking skills, his performance was very good. As far as Heechan knew, he received an award from the company every year and was one of the top 5 salespeople in the country. Because of that, he drank a lot and only slept at home, but he was a proud father to Hee-chan. The working father he first saw four days ago was exactly as Heechan imagined. He was a customer I met for business purposes, and he smiled and continued talking. He went into a coffee shop near a department store, took out several catalogs, and explained for a while. The other person listens carefully to what his father says. He even smiled at his father's handsome smile. But Hee-chan was no longer proud of his father. He was disappointed and angry.

My mother and I were in pain because our lives had all been crushed, but my father seemed to be carrying on with his daily life without any problems. I wanted to check more. Probably not. I'm sure it's painful for my father to be away from us. I regret it so much that I want to come back home, but I'm afraid I can't. Hee-chan continued to follow his father along that path.


My father returned to work after finishing his business and came out only after dusk. I was most curious about where he lived. However, on the first day, he caught a taxi late and missed his father's car, so he spent the night in front of the company again. After eating at a convenience store, I dozed off in a flower bed across the street overlooking the company entrance and greeted the dawn. And he followed me around all day. I saw where he ate lunch, who he talked to, and when he smoked. Always smiling while talking to people. On this day, I took a taxi early and waited so as not to miss my father coming home from work. Fortunately, my father's car was parked on the first floor where it was clearly visible and I was able to follow him. The two days of waiting seemed in vain, as my father lived close to the company. It was a large apartment building only 10 minutes away by car. Perhaps because it was a new apartment built only a few years ago, it was taller than other apartments around it and there was traffic control from the entrance. Heechan had no choice but to get off in front of the apartment complex and remember the spot where his father's car disappeared. Then I went inside the complex and searched the entire underground parking lot. My father’s car was in the parking lot of Building 107. Luckily, there was an identification card attached to the inside of the windshield of the car that passed through the apartment complex, and the apartment number was written on it. After confirming the address, he sat down on a bench near building 107 and waited idly. Heechan sat for hours, not knowing what he was waiting for. Was he going to barge in and find out that his father, who he thought lived in a narrow and stuffy studio apartment, was living in a better place than before? Are you trying to see if someone else lives in that house, not just your father? Although he didn't want his father, who abandoned him and his mother, to fail, he did hope that his life would at least be difficult enough for him to regret it. But the reality was different. My father lived high up in an expensive brand apartment and was working as hard as before. And Hee-chan followed his father for two more days, and on the last day, he saw a woman coming out of the apartment with his father. A woman in her late 30's wearing a blue sleeveless dress with a pretty face with short brown hair that goes past her shoulders, she walks side by side with her father, sleeping on her hand and waving her arms like her child. went. It was after 7 PM, but the longer summer sun still remained in the sky.

Heechan walked after them. He hasn't been able to wash properly for several days. His clothes were wet and dry with sweat over and over again, and he smelled as bad as a homeless person. The bag that I slept on on the bare floor or bench was covered in dust and became worn out in just a few days. The two walked from their apartment for about 10 minutes to a small Japanese restaurant. The two people took a seat inside the large window of a Japanese restaurant and ordered something. The two people looked at each other and laughed and talked until the food came out. Every time I touched the other person's arms and facial hair. Anyone could see that they were in love. Unlike the day before, Hee-chan had forgotten her anger and just watched her in a daze. There was always an affair, chasing after her father. At some point, I hope that my father will notice that I am being followed and will be surprised and call my name, ‘Heechan.’ She thought she would definitely turn around and notice that she was there. However, sitting in front of a Japanese restaurant, Heechan gave up everything for the first time. My father seemed happy. He was smiling at the person in front of him so much that he didn't even have time to look around. What am I doing? In the past four days, I only paid a few hundred thousand won for a taxi. For the first time in my life, I slept on the street, couldn't wash properly, and had to eat cup ramen from a convenience store for four days. Even though I felt like I was going to die from the heat exceeding 33.5 degrees in the middle of summer, I didn't stop doing this. What on earth are you going to do? Why did I do this?



Suddenly, a cold drink bottle fell on my lap. She raised her eyes in surprise. There was someone standing next to me. However, her face was hard to see because she had her back against the light. However, I could tell that his opponent was a very tall and young man. What are you? I asked a question, but the answer I received was a large hand. His hand gently stroked his hair, which was dirty and smelly because he hadn't washed it properly for several days.

‘Mom, you must be worried. 'Go home.'

He spoke and turned around. For the first time in four days, Hee-chan looked at someone other than his father. I couldn't take my eyes off him until he got in the car and left. Something hotter than the summer weather flowed from my blinking eyes. After a while, Heechan left the restaurant, leaving his father behind. He wanted to go home. Missed her mom.

After summer vacation, the classroom was filled with students again. I wasn't happy about it since I had mostly seen it during supplementary classes during vacation. However, there were a few people who didn't show up for the make-up class, so when they entered the class, everyone looked at them. One was Woo Min-jae, who had been to Canada, and the other was Kwon Hee-chan, who had been absent without notice for a few days before vacation. Woo Min-jae grew 5cm taller during the vacation and his shoulders became wider, which made the kids in his class nervous. And Kwon Hee-chan also discouraged the kids in his class. Surprisingly, he had shaved his head half-shaven. What was shocking was that it matched very well. A guy's prediction before that Kwon Hee-chan would look good even if he was bald turned out to be true. Slightly tanned skin. The body became somehow stronger, and it was completely harsh. Some people were worried while looking at him. Should I shave it too? Later, it will be the sound of crying and hitting the ground. He became so cool that the countless rumors about him were completely forgotten. Perhaps because there were two good guys in the class, the mood of the kids in the class, who were depressed because vacation was already over, plummeted to the bottom. Moreover, Hakju, who had always been bullying Kwon Hee-chan, praised him for the first time and compared him to the kids in his class.

“Kwon Hee-chan. Stand up.”

Hee-chan, Hak-ju’s enemy, stood up with frowning eyes. What kind of punishment are you going to give me again? Hakju said to him who was doubting.

“The hair style is very nice. Look at it, too. That’s the neat hair a student should have. How neat and nice is it?”

A few people's hearts were shaken again. Should I really polish it? So they walked into hell themselves. On the other hand, Hee-chan sat down receiving a lot of compliments, but her expression looked very disapproving. Because of the praise, Hakju's English class ended a little late, and Heechan seemed to be in a bad mood and left her seat. Among the children who remembered his expression, further useless speculations arose.

“Kwon Hee-chan, wasn’t he caught running away from home and pushed to the bar?”

“As expected. That’s why you had such a disapproving face.”

“What on earth did you do to run away from home to have your head shaved like that?”

I guess he hosted it. Did he go to an entertainment agency and get caught? When people were talking about Kwon Hee-chan, the children suddenly stopped talking. Before I knew it, Kwon Hee-chan was standing at the front door, glaring at his classmates. He must have heard us talking about him. Everyone avoided eye contact and pretended to say something else. Kwon Hee-chan glared at his class for a while and then returned to his seat with a grim expression. Minjae looked at him and briefly remembered seeing him on the school vacation day. He didn't know what happened, but he seemed to be back to normal now. That's why he makes the kids in his class tremble with fear like that.


Heechan wasn't so sad that vacation ended like other students. After unintentionally running away from home and returning home, he was beaten by his half-crazy mother who thought her son had been kidnapped, and was beaten by his maternal uncle. Even his uncle came and scolded him for hearing the news. I think her mother eventually contacted her father as well after he didn't come for several days. There was a time when Hee-chan missed his father's car, so he didn't know everything about his actions, but he didn't seem to be trying to find him. He himself was not important to him. What really dawned on me was when I happened to see her older mom coming to her house and being upset with her mom.

She said, ‘How can you be so calm when your son leaves home? He's old enough to take care of his own business and doesn't want to worry about it? Heu-chan is not an adult. What on earth is that irresponsible? What would he have done if Heechan hadn't come in on his own feet? 'What would he have done if something had happened outside?'

Her older mother poured out her anger, as if venting her anger on her behalf, which her mother could not do. Heechan listened to the baby for a while more through the open kitchen window and then turned around. Well, that didn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter whether his father admired his son's abilities or didn't want to care about them. What was important to Heechan right now was something else. The uncle, whom I hadn't seen in a while, seemed to have made a big decision and immediately took Hee-chan to the market and made him do some work. He experienced death for several days. The work at the market was awesome. Even if you do this for just one day, a person with insomnia can sleep for 10 hours, which feels like 5 minutes. People who were bothered by random thoughts were able to transform into positive people who are grateful for just breathing and being alive. He ran away a few times, but was caught by his uncle and was unable to see his friends often because he worked throughout the vacation.

I saw these guys every day during the semester, but I was wondering if I should see them once a week during vacation. And one Saturday, not long before the start of school, it was a long-awaited day off from work. Heechan also made a plan. Be sure to tease me like a dog today. And on the call of his friends, Namsu went to the convenience store where he had worked part-time before. During vacation, most of us would gather there until Namsu worked at the convenience store until the afternoon, and then when Namsu finished work, we would all move to the PC room together. But on this day, we gathered a little early. Moreover, the text message from Heechan seemed urgent.

[It’s an emergency! Namsu is in big trouble!]

What big deal? Namsoo is the most exemplary guy out of the bunch, right? If he had an accident, the other three would get hit. It was definitely not Namsu. The guy was secretly thorough in self-management. He was uncharacteristically neat, sensitive to fashion, and pursued beauty. Of course, no one laughs at such a man. Namsu is a muscular fitness enthusiast with a height of 177cm. So Heechan opened the door to the convenience store and went in to see what was going on, but then he froze.



The moment I saw Namsu, shock came out. That's because the hair that always boasted a perfect hairstyle without a single hair out of place 365 days a year has disappeared. Instead, there was one tough guy.

“Namsu, your hair...”

“Uh-huh Kwon Hee-chan.”

The two friends who arrived first stopped talking, as if they had anticipated Heechan's reaction. Even when Hee-chan came, Nam-soo just sat blankly behind the convenience store counter, like a person who had lost his mind. Heechan confirmed that his condition was not good and approached his other friends. What happened? When I asked a question in a small voice, a friend with a long face named Jihong explained in a small way as well.

“Namsu didn’t know about the hair wax sold at the convenience store and used it, but his father caught it.”

Heechan thought of his father, who was shorter than Namsoo but similar in size. He was usually easy-going, but once he got angry, he was a very scary person. Still.

“You mean you shaved your son’s head like that with just hair wax?”

“That’s because it’s not one.”

“If not one?”

“They say I pooped once a week. That was for a year.”

“......What? Then how many times did you say you were kissed?”

Heechan screamed in surprise, but there was no one to answer. The two friends already tried to calculate it, but couldn't find the answer. Arithmetic was a very difficult subject for them. Instead, another friend, Cheol-hwan, intervened and pointed out something important.

“The point is not how many bottles of hair wax Namsu uses a year. One a week. How can a human being apply one can of hair wax a week?! How long is that bastard’s hair 100 meters long? Princess Aurora “I can’t even use more than one container a week!”

The remaining two looked at Namsu at his loud voice. But he was still so dazed, as if he didn't even notice the thunder crashing next to him. Heechan shook his head at his friend's condition and asked Cheolhwan.

“But who is Princess Aurora?”

“It’s the owner of a fairy tale with long hair. It’s a baby with extremely long hair that hangs down from the tower and people climb on it. You don’t know that?”

“It’s like I’ve heard it before.”

“Such an ignorant bastard. How can you not know Princess Aurora? Do you know Jihong?”

Jihong rolled his eyes around for a moment and then nodded his head.

“Yes, I know. Long-haired Princess Aurora.”

“Look. Even Jihong knows.”

“You may not know. I don’t like books. Shim Cheol-hwan, I guess you’ve read some fairy tales?”

“Hey. I was studious until I was 5 years old.”

“Why is it limited to 5 years old?”

In response to Hee-chan's question, Cheol-hwan looked into space for a moment and was lost in reminiscence.

“I hit puberty when I was 5 years old.”

“What? This is crazy! Where can someone go through puberty at the age of five?!”

“Why not? It could come early or it could come late. Bye. My maternal uncle went through puberty after turning 40 and my grandmother had a hard time.”

is it? Can I come early or late? Heechan and Jihong thought seriously and then agreed. Well, there were more than a few older relatives around me who were immature and rebellious. And then the two saw Cheol-hwan with new eyes. Puberty at 5 years old, does it seem like there's something to it?

“Then, Shim Cheol-hwan, who is past puberty, you can eat cup ramen today.”

“Siba. Don’t make it a souvenir just to get rich. And I ate ramen yesterday. I want to eat something else.”

“What do you want to eat?”

What should I eat? Pork cutlets? Pork rice bowl? The three of them were contemplating between the two and suddenly felt empty. what? The three looked at each other and realized at the same time. omg! Namsu! All three turn their heads to Namsu at the same time. He was still in the same condition. right. We gathered here to comfort this guy. However, I had no idea how to cheer up this guy who looked like a living corpse. There was silence inside the convenience store for a long time. After a while, Heechan went to the sales counter, picked up a piece of gum, scanned the barcode, and paid for it. Then he took out two pieces of gum and started chewing them. What are you doing? I held out the gum to the two people who were looking at me.

"Want some?"

There is no one who refuses to eat. If one piece of gum was the same, you could chew it for a year. For a moment, the only sound that could be heard inside was the three of them chewing gum. After chewing for some time, Heechan took out the gum he was eating with his hand and stuck it to his hair.

“Hey! There’s gum stuck to your head!”

The two people who were chewing gum looked at each other as if he was crazy, but soon realized what their friend meant. Heechan got nervous, went to the counter, found scissors, and cut off his own hair without anyone saying anything.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Only then did Namsu, who was like a doll, scream in surprise. However, Hee-chan showed him the severed head and asked.

“Is all the gum gone?”

“You, your hair... you have a ponytail on your head!”

“See if the gum doesn’t stick anymore.”

".......doesn't exist."

“Ah. Damn gum.”

“What are you going to do with your hair now?”

Anyway. Heechan answered easily, touching his cut hair with his hand.

“I have to push it all away.”

And a few seconds later. The same sound was heard again.

“Shiba! What’s wrong with the gum here!!”

Cheol-hwan ran for a long time, putting gum on his head.

“Ac. I’m going to push you too!”

Then he looked at the one remaining Jihong. Jihong had a stern expression and then slowly took a step back. Cheolhwan said, ‘Don’t you?’ He raised one eyebrow threateningly. Jihong’s facial muscles twitched. After a while, gulp. Jihong swallowed the gum.



“Kwon Hee-chan. Catch that bastard.”

Inside a quiet convenience store on a weekday afternoon, the sounds of pigs being ripped and screaming were heard. The deep friendship of friends came together to create four people. That's how Heechan became a stickler. However, he wasn't particularly sensitive to hairstyles, so it didn't matter if it was tight. But the problem was at school. Going to school after a long time was, as expected, boring and uninteresting. The only joy I had was being able to eat the sausage bread sold only at the school cafeteria, which I couldn't eat because it was vacation. However, because it is such a popular product, it cannot be purchased after the second period. So I only aimed for the second period. I planned to jump out as soon as the bell rang. While I was just staring at the clock, my name was suddenly called. Kwon Hee-chan. Wake up. Hakju called him out of nowhere.

Oh, what is it? I didn’t even fall asleep thinking about eating sausage bread, so why are you punishing me? But it wasn't a punishment. I stopped him and praised him. Do you have neat hair? Normally, I would have listened to it without even thinking about it. Not now.

It was soon time to ring the bell. Please stop praising me and finish class quickly. I was grieving inside, but my ominous predictions had come true. As Hakju continued to nag, the bell rang. Heechan couldn't hide his annoyance. Could it be that Hakju is doing this on purpose to sabotage him? He even had doubts. He was originally Hee-chan's biggest enemy in life, not allowing him to sleep during class. Hakju paused like that and then left. Heechan roughly got up from his seat and ran out of the classroom. are you okay. It's still second period. Even if I don't have time to eat. There is time to live!

I ran to the store with hope. The classroom was already the farthest from the cafeteria, so I had to run as hard as I could until I vomited. However, reality cruelly trampled Heechan's dreams. There was no sausage bread. There was only sausage bread. I had everything else, but this wasn't there.

“What about the sausage bread, ma’am?”

I couldn't believe it, so I looked through the bread shelves several times and asked the store lady. She answered as if the lady was annoying.

“It’s all sold.”

Her words echoed in her ears several times. It's all sold out. It's all sold out. It's all sold......

The way back to class was too long. I wanted to grab each student passing by and inspect their mouths, but I had to quickly return to the classroom. However, when I saw my classmates at the entrance to the classroom, I got angry again. Some of you have eaten sausage bread, right? What kind of person ate bread all morning!

If Kwon Hee-chan changed in the second semester, it was that he slept more diligently. In the first semester, I would lie down and get up after class, but in the second semester, I just slept all the time without any breaks. During the first semester, I was called to the teacher's office a few times because of him sleeping in class, but it seemed like all the teachers had given up on Kwon Hee-chan, probably because he ran away from home before vacation. Besides, he had a reason for sleeping like this. One by one, witnesses appeared who saw him in the market. As soon as I finish school, I go to the market and work. The child sitting in front of whom Heechan and Heechan occasionally chatted asked directly.

'Do you work at night at the market?'


The rumor was confirmed to be true. Among the children in the class, most of them did not understand Heechan. Why on earth do you work at the market with that face? Isn’t that the same as hard work? If you join any agency right now, you can debut as an idol right away, so why ruin your looks? It appears that students were not the only ones with this question. During one class, a teacher asked Heechan.

'You're handsome, why don't you become a celebrity?'


‘Why? 'Because he's handsome.'

'Am I a person with no value other than my appearance?'

The teacher was embarrassed and explained that he didn't mean it that way. Looks, like talent, are a special gift you were given from birth, so it's good to use them. etc. But Hee-chan closed his mouth and just gave the writing teacher a cold look. It was an anecdote that helped me understand Heechan's thoughts, but I still didn't understand most of it. Why live like that when you can make a lot more money with your face than working in the market? Only Minjae understood Heechan's thoughts a little. Everyone didn't really understand that Minjae was into sports and was going down that path. It's not that he's not a bad person, but he could just study a little and inherit his parents' money and live a rich life. Exercise is a hobby. Minjae's father once made a threat. If you don't come to your senses even after going to college, you won't get any money. Minjae has already chosen sports over money in his mind. Everyone has an innate talent. He does not choose the property he inherits. There are people who choose to do what they like, like Minjae, and there are people who are not interested in what they were born with, like Heechan. This is something different in the eyes of others. I was annoyed at being seen as an idiot who couldn't calculate. So he didn't think it was a bad idea for Hee-chan to work at the market. And something happened to further solidify this promise. Two days before going on a school field trip. His grandfather passed away. Minjae headed straight to the funeral home. His future was completed safely. However, a family fight began over his grandfather's inheritance. Minjae was disgusted by his adults' fights and wanted to avoid them, but as a child, he was the center of the fights. Among his grandchildren, his grandfather especially favored Minhae. Minjae didn't particularly think about his grandfather's affection. The reason we visited and talked often was because Minjae wanted to do so. However, his grandfather was more opposed to Minjae exercising than anyone else. He always said this.

'You're going to be big. 'I can't trap you with that kind of exercise.'

However, a problem arose when the lawyer disclosed the will. His grandfather left most of his wealth to Minjae. However, it was stated that Minjae's father would manage the property and that if Minjae only exercised until he turned 30, he would not receive any money. All my relatives were angry. The anger poured out on Minjae and Minjae's father. Two people criticized an old man who was about to die by tricking him into making a will. In fact, the will had been changed a few days before his grandfather died. Minjae honestly doubted his father. Maybe his father said something to his grandfather? Receive all of his grandfather's inheritance. He wants to control Minjae's future according to his will. The father Minjae knew was a man capable of such a thing. It was bitter. He felt like he was going to fly out of his ears, so he couldn't stop exercising. He also seemed to understand why the time of thirty was designated. The calculation is that by then, he will have grown tired of sports and become an ordinary adult for whom money is the most important thing. Minjae's father never rushes things. What was scary about him was that he took his time and achieved what he wanted without giving up. However, his son, Woo Min-jae, resembles his father in this way more closely than anyone else. He didn't want to stay home after the hellish funeral, so he headed to school. He heard that because everyone had already gone on a field trip, only the students who did not go were gathered into a separate classroom to study independently. If I go there, it will be an empty classroom anyway, but anything is better than home. I couldn't even exercise because I was in a depressed mood. However, there were two other students in the classroom who did not go on the field trip. One is a student from another class whose face I don't know. The rest were in the same class.

He was an ordinary second grade student attending xx high school. He had middle-of-the-road grades, loved games like any other high school student, and played soccer and basketball on the playground with his friends during lunch. His school trip in the second semester was something he looked forward to just like the rest of his friends. Shall I bring a drink? What if I get caught? Siba, just hide it in another bottle and go! We gathered together, formed a team, and waited patiently, but misfortune came. I injured my arm while exercising. He tried to go with a cast on, but his parents and teachers were against it, saying he should not go with his injured body. He was depressed. He couldn't go on a school trip that everyone else went on. Moreover, those who do not go on field trips should come to school. AC. After seeing my classmates board the bus and leave school, I felt depressed and headed to my temporary classroom. I'm sure I'm the only one who doesn't go on school trips. I opened the classroom door and there was one person. A person who immediately turns his or her head when he enters. Startle. It was Kwon Hee-chan, a second-year student in class 5. He was famous for being handsome and scary, so he knew his name. He even saw me at the canteen a few times. Even if other people don't know, it's a face you can never forget once you see it. He was eating pizza bread with his handsome face. I thought he was filming a pizza bread commercial. Eating bread was also really cool. However, he was not happy about hanging out with celebrities. There was a rumor that that guy was best friends with a group from another school and that he was very good at fighting. I felt nervous for no reason, so I sat a little further away from Heechan. And he glanced. He was already sleeping on his stomach. Ah... I must be so fucking bored while others are having fun on school trips.


As he expected, he went home without saying a word all day. The next day, he went to school fully prepared to play alone. And the next day, on the third day, Hee-chan got used to it and wasn't that scared. Moreover, I became curious. Although he slept all morning. He also had brief periods of waking. At times like that, he put earphones in his ears and looked out the window. He looked at him and he felt it again. and. So fucking handsome. As I was looking at it in fascination, I suddenly became curious. What music should I listen to? Rock? metal? no. Maybe listen to a sad ballad. As expected, his expression looked somewhat gloomy. The eyes looking out the window looked sad. What's going on? However, contrary to his worries, he smiled faintly after a while.

  1. It looks like there will be a fun song this time. As I was staring at him for a while, the door opened and a new student came in. There was one more student who did not go on the field trip. Even though we weren't in the same class this time, I knew their names. This student was also secretly famous on campus. Tall, approaching 190cm. His name was probably Woo Min-jae, as he had broad shoulders and a muscular body that were unusual for a high school student, and there were rumors that he was extremely wealthy. I have to spend time with people like Kwon Hee-chan and Woo Min-jae who look scary the moment I see them. Moreover, contrary to the rumor that Woo Min-jae smiles a lot, he sat down with an expressionless face, as if something bad had happened. Like Kwon Hee-chan, he didn't even say hello. He was cold. Although the number of people increased to three, he came home without even saying a word. But the last day was a little different. On this day, Kwon Hee-chan woke up at the same time and looked out the window while listening to music, while Woo Min-jae was watching a sports game on his phone screen and writing something on his paper. While everyone was doing their own thing, Kwon Hee-chan suddenly spoke to Woo Min-jae. To the student who injured his arm, this sounded like an argument.

“Hey, just do that sport until you’re 100.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to go? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime trip. You might not like it now, but it will become a good memory later.”

The homeroom teacher persuaded Heechan. However, Heechan’s will was very strong. I will never go on a school trip. Why should I go through that troublesome thing?

“I have to go to work early in the morning.”

“You don’t have to do that work, right? I spoke to your mother on the phone and she said you might have to skip it because it’s your uncle’s store? And your mother is also against you working...”

“But I will do it. If I don’t, I will probably end up in jail after drinking and fighting.”


“I’m not even late. Except for a few days before vacation, I’ve never missed school. But I can only do this much. I really don’t want to go on a field trip.”

The teacher looked at Heechan for a moment and then nodded her head.

“Yes, but you have to go to school instead. Just because you don’t go on a field trip doesn’t mean you can rest at home. You will come to school at the same time as usual and study on your own. Okay?”



Heechan answered and stood up. aBut before he turned around, the teacher called him.

“Hee-chan, if working at the market is difficult, please let the teacher know. Even if you don’t work at the market, there will be a way to prevent you from falling into a bad direction. Let’s find out together, okay?”

yes. He answered, but Heechan's thoughts were firm as he left the teacher's office. He had to work at the market. Only this hard work could keep me from going astray. Her mother still hated Hee-chan working at the market. I also heard her calling her uncle and fighting. However, her mother could not say anything to Hee-chan.

'It's better than running away from home, right?'

Hee-chan's running away from home seems to have been a real shock to her mother. It must have been a terrible experience for her mother as he even reported it to the police and searched from morning to night every day. However, Hee-chan did not have time to comfort her mother yet. And soon after, numerous buses lined up in front of the school and all the second grade children left on a field trip. Heechan entered the empty classroom. He was lonely because he was alone in a place with no one around. He was very comfortable. If school was like this every day, it would be fun to go to. But freedom did not last long. The door opened and another student came in. shit. Is there anyone who didn't go on a school trip? He looked at his body and saw that his arm was in a cast, as if he had been injured. it's a shame. He could have spent it alone. Heechan rolled over and tried to sleep. The next day, as was his habit, he went to sleep as soon as he came. However, he usually dozed off while watching the teacher, but now he slept very soundly, perhaps because he felt at ease. When he came to his senses and opened his eyes, two hours had passed. But he felt refreshed, as if he had slept for six hours. The problem is that when I wake up, there is nothing to do. I was bored. Heechan puts his earphones in his ears and listens to the radio. He flipped through the channels and stopped on a program he liked. At that moment, a logo song announcing the program appeared on the air.

‘Women’s era xxx. It's xxx~'

As soon as it started, there was an exciting trot song. okay. As expected, trot singers have the best singing skills. She listened with admiration. And then the story corner began.

'yes. This is empathy story time. This is the time to tell you the stories you want to tell the most. Complaining is also good. Please post something you want to be comforted about or something that makes you feel good. Today's story is...'

A female DJ began reading her story in a warm voice. Heechan looked out her window and listened to her story from a woman in her 60s. At the age of 18, her aunt married a man who had only seen her face once. And while she was giving birth to her three children, her husband did not bring a penny to the house and mistreated her. Her aunt did nothing for her children. Then, around the time her first child graduated from elementary school, she found out that her husband had started another life.

'It felt like the sky was falling,' she said. Still, even the part of me that I believed was mine has disappeared. But she couldn't tell her children. How can I tell you that my father never brought home a single penny, but he even sold and gave the inheritance that was inherited from her parents to Saerongnu? I smiled in front of my children and cried tears of blood alone at night. Afterwards, no tears came out. 'I was so resentful of my miserable life that I thought about dying alone and leaving my children behind.'

I'm crying. Heechan swallowed something hot rising up his throat. Fuck my husband. You bitch! They have three kids and their wife makes all the money, but she fell for a new woman and even sold her Zen job to make money? What is prenatal care? No, this didn't matter. I felt like crying at the sight of her aunt's miserable life. Her aunt said she was not divorced at the time. However, like her husband, her husband, whom she had not slept with for over ten years, came to visit one day. He had cancer. Such a killer! He doesn't come to me until it's time for him to die. He also came because he had no one to take care of him. Her aunt feels sorry for him. However, due to her children's opposition, she did not accept her husband. of course! Fortunately, the story had a happy ending. It was touching. Yes, you will be punished in the end. If you do something bad, you will be punished. An uncontrollable smile appeared on my lips. After the story was finished, the applicant's favorite song played on the radio.

'I got drunk~ I fell in love with the scent of your love~'

It was a famous song. It was a very informative broadcast. I'll listen to it again tomorrow. I had such a useful school trip. But the next day, another person came to the class. Heechan also knew someone. uh? It's our class. And it turned out that the boy had not been to school because his grandfather had passed away before the field trip. Looking at his dark expression, I thought he was very sad. Too bad. I slept again thinking about it. And the last day. I was sleepy that day, but I forced myself to get up and listen to the radio. I was looking forward to seeing what other story would come out today, but the applicant was a woman in her 30s. She said she was introducing her own grandmother on her radio. They lived together since she was born and her mother went out to work so her grandmother raised her. She said she and her grandmother fought a lot while sharing a room with her. When she was young, she cried because she hated not having her own room and sharing a room with her grandmother, but now that she lives alone in Seoul, she misses her grandmother and thinks of her a lot. And the DJ continued like this.

She said, ‘Her grandmother always supported everything I did. She was my biggest supporter. My grandmother passed away two years ago. She still brings tears to her eyes when she sees the food her grandmother cooked or her favorite show. Her grandmother also loved this radio program.'

Oh my goodness, my grandmother passed away! Again, she cries out her heart. Seeba. How could you not like a program this touching and full of lessons?! My grandmother lives to be 100 years old. Why did she die so early and make her granddaughter sad? Heuchan was also sad. I felt like crying again, so I looked away and saw Woo Min-jae with an expressionless expression. That guy, too, her grandfather passed away. For a moment, she seemed like the granddaughter in the radio story. How sad will it be? He was watching something on the small screen of his phone. At first glance, it seemed like a sports competition. Her grandfather passed away and she is doing this to forget her sorrow. It was a pity. Her grandfather would have been rooting for that guy too. But now, there will be no grandfather who will be happy about this in the game. Hehehe.

At that time, Woo Min-jae raised his eyes as if he felt attention. He looks at Heechan clearly and takes the earphones out of his ears. It's like, what are you looking at? Heechan opened his mouth at this attitude. I wanted to support her on behalf of her grandfather. Dude, exercise hard.

“Hey, just do that sport until you’re 100.”

I can't wait to do this exercise until I'm 100. Woo Min-jae was angry. I'm annoyed that my grandfather left such a will and was scolded by his enemies because of Fullna's exercise. What do you say? I thought the bastard was going to start a fight, so I clenched my fist with the intention of getting into a fight. However, Kwon Hee-chan only said those words and turned his body over and fell asleep. He wanted to wake the sleeping creature and fight, but he soon became helpless and sat back down. He didn't want to take out his anger on others. However, after this moment, Kwon Hee-chan was imprinted on him as an unlucky child. Unless I break my limbs, I will definitely have to do this exercise even after I turn 30. While making a firm promise.

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