Haikyuu - I Am A Different Hinata!

Chapter 99: Chapter 99- Little Run

"I think it's a good plan, but I believe we need to improve our teamwork and not just our individual skills," Ukai thought out loud while staring at everything Hinata had written on the board in front of him.

"What about that synchronized attack from Shinzen? It seems like something we could pull off if we train for it," Kageyama observed.

"True, when we played against them the first few times, it wasn't easy to get used to that kind of attack, especially when trying to read their blocks," Daichi said, recalling the matches Karasuno had against Shinzen.

"To be honest, I don't think they have anyone particularly skilled individually when it comes to attacking, but when they use their synchronized attacks, their level clearly goes up, and they shouldn't be underestimated," Hinata said while fiddling with the marker still in his hand.

"Well, if that's the case and we all agree, then starting today, the development plan is set. Each of you will focus on improving your own skills during training, and as a team, we'll work on developing synchronized attacks. I don't think we'll come close to mastering all of this before we return to Tokyo in two weeks, but the goal is to be ready by the next tournament!" Ukai declared.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!" Tanaka said, grinning as he thought about improving his own skills.

"I was thinking about having a 6v6 practice match among ourselves, but now I think the best approach would be to divide the court so each of you can start prototyping your new techniques to use in the next practice. So, stretch and get started!" Ukai announced, turning his attention back to the board while the Karasuno players split up. Kageyama helped Hinata with sets to refine his new arm swing, Tanaka was with Nishinoya practicing some sets for Tanaka, who was trying to put into practice the ideas Hinata had shared with him. Sugawara was trying to assist Asahi with his timed attacks, giving him some insights even though he didn't have as much knowledge about it.

"Tsukishima, I need to talk to you about blocking... and remember to rotate on the court so Yamaguchi can serve, and the rest of you can work on defense and receiving!" Ukai shouted.

As time passed, each player focused on their own training throughout the entire practice until nightfall, when the session finally ended.

"It was a very productive day, everyone! Now, get some rest!" Ukai said as the Karasuno players finished picking up the balls and water bottles scattered on the floor. Hinata's eyes fell on Kiyoko, who looked as beautiful as ever.

"Since we went to Tokyo, I've been focused only on volleyball and haven't done anything about Kiyoko-san. I'd like to get closer to her, but I'm not sure what to say..." Hinata thought.

"You idiot! The way you're staring at her already shows all your intentions!" Tanaka whispered into Hinata's ear.

"I was thinking of asking her to run with me before practice tomorrow..." Hinata commented.

"Run? What kind of date is that? Are you crazy?" Tanaka said, laughing louder than he should have, drawing the attention of the other club members for a few seconds.

"And what about you, idiot? Have you talked to Kanoka-san since that day?" Hinata asked accusingly.

"No, because girls like mysterious guys, not clingy ones. I don't need to talk to her all the time. That's something you don't understand about women!" Tanaka replied with an air of confidence.

"Right... right... I'll try!" Hinata said, gaining confidence as he approached Kiyoko, who was still helping to pick up some balls.

"Hey... how are you?" Hinata asked, getting closer to her and helping her collect the water bottles.

"I'm fine..." Kiyoko replied, slightly surprised by Hinata's sudden approach.

"So, I was thinking, tomorrow before practice, would you be interested in going for a run? It doesn't have to be long, just around the block," Hinata asked, hesitating a bit but gaining confidence as he spoke.

"A run?" Kiyoko murmured, seeming thoughtful.

"Was Tanaka right? Was this a bad idea? I remember she was in the track and field club in middle school and focused on hurdles, so I assumed she liked running..." Hinata thought, his expression tense.

"It's a bit sudden, but I think it could be good. Since I became the volleyball club's manager, I haven't been exercising much..." Kiyoko commented, stretching her shoulders slightly.

"Oh, really? Well, no turning back now! See you tomorrow!" Hinata said with a smile as he turned to leave, thinking there was a chance Kiyoko might change her mind if he waited too long.

The next day, Hinata was wearing his usual white shirt and black shorts for volleyball practice when he met Kiyoko, who was wearing her classic tracksuit. Just as Hinata had expected, given her track and field background, she had some marks on her legs.

"Ready?" Hinata asked as he stretched at the starting point they had agreed on, near the volleyball gym.

"Yes, let's go," Kiyoko said, starting to run at an impressive pace. If Hinata didn't focus, there was a chance he wouldn't be able to keep up with her. They ran until they stopped in front of a convenience store, which was about halfway through their route.

"Kiyoko-san, you said you hadn't been running recently! Your pace was amazing! Did you compete or something?" Hinata commented, catching his breath and using the stop to ask about her past, which he already had some idea about.

"Actually, when I was in middle school, I was in the track and field club and did hurdles. That's why I'm still used to this kind of running," Kiyoko explained.

"That makes sense. And later, you were asked to be the volleyball club's manager, right?" Hinata guessed.

"Yes," Kiyoko replied, warming up with a few small jumps, seeming eager to start running again.

"Got it!" Hinata said with a smile. He didn't ask why she left the track and field club, as he didn't feel the need to press her on the subject, and he wasn't that curious about it.

"Let's go!" Kiyoko said, starting to run again with Hinata close behind. After a few more minutes of running, they completed the entire route just a few minutes before practice was set to begin.

"That was intense, but it was fun!" Hinata commented as he drank some water.

"Yes, running is fun," Kiyoko agreed after taking a sip of water, seeming satisfied.

"Well, spending time with you is fun..." Hinata said, looking at her to gauge her reaction.

"Going out... going out every now and then is nice..." Kiyoko whispered as she headed into the gym.

"Going out... going out... I didn't say anything about going out... Did she mean something by that?" Hinata reflected, lost in thought until he was snapped out of it by the arrival of the other volleyball club members for practice.

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